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Application Number 24/01261/M106 |
Application Type Application to Modify a Section 106 |
Status Under Consultation |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester
Middleton Stoney Road
Bicester |
Proposal Discharge/discussion of Schedule 3 (Sports Pitches); Schedule 4 (Community Buildings); Schedule 6 (Community Development); Schedule 7 (Non-Residential Uses including location of health facility site); Schedule 8 (Training and Employment Plan), Schedule 14 (Open Space, Allotments and Drainage); Schedule 17 (County Council Contributions); and Schedule 20 (Strategic Infrastructure) of the S106 Agreement attached to the outline permission 14/02121/OUT |
Parish Bucknell |
Ward Fringford And Heyfords |
Received Date 07/05/2024 |
Valid Date 07/05/2024 |
Weekly List Date 13/05/2024 |
Comments Due Date |
Target Decision Date 02/07/2024 |
Committee Date |
Decision |
Decision Issued Date |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Cala Homes (Cotswolds) Limited |
Applicant's Address c/o Agent |
RCA Regeneration
Agents's Address
Unit 6 De Salis Court
Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate
Droitwich Spa Worcestershire
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
No associated neighbours |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameRecreation & Leisure (CDC) - | AddressRecreation & Leisure Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date29/05/2024 | Reply Due19/06/2024 | Reply Received19/06/2024 | TypeStandard Consultee |
Name(BOBICS) Clinical Commissioning Group - | AddressBerkshire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Integrated Care System (BOBICS) | Consult Date29/05/2024 | Reply Due19/06/2024 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer | AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date29/05/2024 | Reply Due19/06/2024 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team | AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date29/05/2024 | Reply Due19/06/2024 | Reply Received05/07/2024 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEconomic Growth (CDC) - Steven Newman (Senior Economic Growth Officer) | AddressEconomic Development Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date06/06/2024 | Reply Due27/06/2024 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
Name(BOBICS) Clinical Commissioning Group - | AddressBerkshire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Integrated Care System (BOBICS) | Consult Date06/01/2025 | Reply Due27/01/2025 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameRecreation & Leisure (CDC) - | AddressRecreation & Leisure Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date06/01/2025 | Reply Due27/01/2025 | Reply Received27/01/2025 | TypeRe-consult |
No Public Notices |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents | 08/05/2024 | Cover Letter | (92kb) | - | |
Application Documents | 20/12/2024 | Updated Cover Letter.pdf | (250kb) | - | |
Application Documents | 20/12/2024 | Draft deed of variation of s106 - Himley Bicester 18.12.24.docx | (222kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents | 08/05/2024 | Planning Statement | (840kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 05/06/2024 | Training and Employment Plan (TEMP) | (401kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Green Space Framework Plan | (1892kb) | P22 4321 EN 002 06 - | |
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Landscape - Parameter Plan 3 | (741kb) | 592-PL-106 - H | |
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Open Space Provision Plan | (1775kb) | P22 4321 EN 002 05 - | |
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Framework Plan - Cala Homes Ownership | (1881kb) | P22-3093_DE_003__16 - | |
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Phasing Plan | (185kb) | P22-3093_DE_05_D_01 - | |
Plans – Details | 08/05/2024 | Framework Plan | (7704kb) | P22 3093 DE 003 01 - | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 15/05/2024 | Economic Growth comments | (750kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 19/06/2024 | Rec and Leisure response | (76kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 05/07/2024 | Oxfordshire County Council | (81kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 27/01/2025 | Recreation & Leisure | (77kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents (92kb) - Cover Letter | |||||
Application Documents (250kb) - Updated Cover Letter.pdf | |||||
Application Documents (222kb) - Draft deed of variation of s106 - Himley Bicester 18.12.24.docx | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents (840kb) - Planning Statement | |||||
Supporting Documents (401kb) - Training and Employment Plan (TEMP) | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (1892kb) P22 4321 EN 002 06 - Green Space Framework Plan | |||||
Plans – Details (741kb) 592-PL-106 - H Landscape - Parameter Plan 3 | |||||
Plans – Details (1775kb) P22 4321 EN 002 05 - Open Space Provision Plan | |||||
Plans – Details (1881kb) P22-3093_DE_003__16 - Framework Plan - Cala Homes Ownership | |||||
Plans – Details (185kb) P22-3093_DE_05_D_01 - Phasing Plan | |||||
Plans – Details (7704kb) P22 3093 DE 003 01 - Framework Plan | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (750kb) - Economic Growth comments | |||||
Consultation Response (76kb) - Rec and Leisure response | |||||
Consultation Response (81kb) - Oxfordshire County Council | |||||
Consultation Response (77kb) - Recreation & Leisure |
Addresses |
Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
14/02121/OUT | 31/12/2014 | Outline Application | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire | OUTLINE - Development to provide up to 1,700 residential dwellings (Class C3), a retirement village (Class C2), flexible commercial floorspace (Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C1 and D1), social and community facilities (Class D1), land to accommodate one energy centre and land to accommodate one new primary school (up to 2FE) (Class D1). Such development to include provision of strategic landscape, provision of new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access routes, infrastructure and other operations (including demolition of farm buildings on Middleton Stoney Road) | Permitted | 30/01/2020 |
14/00102/SO | 31/12/2014 | Screening Opinion | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire | Development to provide up to 1,700 residential dwellings (Class C3), a retirement village (Class C2), flexible commercial floorspace (Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 and C1), social and community facilities (Class D1), land to accommodate one energy centre and land to accommodate one new primary school (up to 2FE) (Class D1). Such development to include provision of strategic landscape, provision of new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access routes, infrastructure and other operations (including demolition of farm buildings on Middleton Stoney Road) | Screening Opinion requesting EIA | 31/12/2014 |
21/02229/OBL | 23/06/2021 | Obligation | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Schedule 3 Clause 1.1 (exact location and boundaries for Pitch Area 1), Schedule 7 Clause 8.1 (location of the Health Facility Site), Schedule 9 Clause 1.1 and 1.3 (Framework Affordable Housing Scheme and Phase Affordable Housing Scheme), Schedule 11 Clauses 1.1 and 1.3 (Zero Carbon Implementation Strategy), Schedule 12 Clause 1.1 (cultural wellbeing strategy) and Schedule 14 clause 3.1 (location of the allotment land and the phases of the development this fits within), 3.8 (Green Space Framework), 3.10 (Phase Green Space Scheme) and 3.14 (Phase Play Area Scheme) of the S106 Agreement attached to the outline permission 14/02121/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 03/11/2022 |
21/02337/DISC | 05/07/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire | Discharge of condition 7 (phasing plan) 8 (site wide Masterplan and Design Code) 10 (Bio Diversity Strategy) 11 (full surface water drainage scheme) 12 (Built for Life scheme) 13 (future climate impacts statement) 14 (elevated levels of noise) 16 (means of vehicular accesses) 17 (means of footway and cycleway links) 18 (Travel Plan) 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) 20 (carbon emissions report) 21 (potential contaminative uses) 22 (comprehensive intrusive investigation) 24 (pollution prevention scheme) 25 (ecological survey) 26 (hedgerows) 27 (Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)) 28 (Great Crested Newt mitigation strategy) 29 (Landscape & Habitat Management Plan) 30 (Construction Method Statement) 31 (Soil Resources Plan) 32 (archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) 33 (programme of archaeological evaluation) 34 (foul drainage strategy) 36 (water neutrality strategy) and 37 (Site Waste Management Plan) of 14/02121/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 03/11/2022 |
21/02339/REM | 22/07/2021 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters application for 14/02121/OUT, Phase 1 Development of 500 dwellings, landscaping, new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access routes and other operations | Application Withdrawn | 03/11/2022 |
21/02387/M106 | 09/07/2021 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Modification of Section 106 (14/02121/OUT) to amend the mortgagee exclusion clause in Schedule 9, deletion of definition of chargee and to exclude the RP's Lender and the RP itself from liability for the estate wide contributions and obligations | Application Withdrawn | 03/11/2022 |
22/01990/CCE | 04/07/2022 | Compliance with Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Confirmation of Compliance of discharge conditions 2 (expiration date) of 14/02121/OUT | Agreed | 02/09/2022 |
22/02375/NMA | 05/08/2022 | Non Material Amendments | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | To change the wording of Conditions 7-11 of application reference 14/02121/OUT to include 'Prior to or alongside the submission of the first application for approval of reserved matters' in place of the words 'Prior to the submission of the first reserved matters' on each of the noted conditions and update to the relevant condition title. (Proposed as non-material amendment to 14/02121/OUT) | Permitted | 02/09/2022 |
22/03492/NMA | 21/11/2022 | Non Material Amendments | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | To change the wording of Conditions 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 36 :- - Remove the requirement for the first phase RM application to be a "Residential" RM (Condition 2) - To tie commencement of development to the first phase of the development rather than the first "Residential" phase (condition 4) - Change the timing of the submission of details required to discharge conditions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 36 - To allow subsequent variations to any approved Phasing Plan to be submitted to and approved by the LPA (Condition 7) (proposed as non-material amendment to 14/02121/OUT) | Permitted | 19/12/2022 |
23/00170/REM | 23/01/2023 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application pursuant to outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for Phase 1A (infrastructure comprising two junctions to provide vehicular and pedestrian access into the site from Middleton Stoney Road and two initial sections of internal road) along with the partial compliance of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links) and 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) for Phase 1A. | Permitted | 27/02/2024 |
23/00214/REM | 24/01/2023 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application pursuant to outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for Phase 1A (infrastructure comprising two junctions to provide vehicular and pedestrian access into the site from Middleton Stoney Road and two initial sections of internal road) along with the partial compliance of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links) and 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) for Phase 1A. | Permitted | 27/02/2024 |
23/00183/DISC | 23/01/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 20 (Carbon Emissions) and Condition 30 (CEMP) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 1 only (accesses from Middleton Stoney Road) | Application Withdrawn | 18/06/2024 |
23/00207/DISC | 24/01/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Conditions 7 (site wide Phasing Plan), 11 (full surface Water Drainage Scheme) and 10 (Site Wide Biodiversity Strategy) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) | Permitted | 21/02/2024 |
23/00781/DISC | 22/03/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 32 (Written Scheme of Investigation) of 14/02121/OUT for Phases 1, 2 and a small part of Phase 3 as per Phasing Plan P22-3093_DE_5_B_1 | Permitted | 19/05/2023 |
23/01493/REM | 07/06/2023 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application including access, layout, landscaping and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for internal primary and secondary streets along with the partial discharge of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links) and 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) for Phase 1B | Permitted | 08/07/2024 |
23/01496/DISC | 02/06/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 8 (Site Wide Masterplan and Design Code) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) | Permitted | 14/11/2024 |
23/01502/DISC | 02/06/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 20 (Carbon Emissions) of 14/02121/OUT - for Phases 1A, 1B and 2A | Permitted | 25/07/2024 |
23/01558/DISC | 08/06/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 9 (other uses area masterplan) of 14/02121/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 17/12/2024 |
23/01586/REM | 16/06/2023 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for the erection of 123 dwellings (including 37 affordable dwellings), parking, landscaping and other associated infrastructure including the part compliance of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 14 (noise assessment), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links) and 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) at Phase 2A | Permitted | 20/11/2024 |
23/01608/DISC | 13/06/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Conditions 13 (Future Climate Change Risks Statement) and 36 (Water Neutrality Statement) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) for Phase 2A | Permitted | 25/07/2024 |
23/02029/DISC | 24/07/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL Discharge of Condition 27 (Arboricultural Method Statement) for Phase 1A (accesses) of 14/02121/OUT | Permitted | 26/10/2023 |
23/02786/OBL | 09/10/2023 | Obligation | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Submission of a Zero Carbon Strategy in accordance with paragraph 1.1 of Schedule 11 of the Section 106 agreement dated 30th January 2020 relating to planning permission 14/02121/OUT | ||
23/03546/DISC | 19/12/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL Discharge of Condition 29 (Landscape and Habitat Management Plan) of 14/02121/OUT (Phase 2A Only) | Permitted | 14/06/2024 |
24/00615/DISC | 05/03/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL Discharge of Condition 30 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of 14/02121/OUT (Phase 2 only) | Permitted | 02/08/2024 |
24/01036/DISC | 17/04/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 21 (Contamination Desk Study) of 14/02121/OUT (PART of Phases 1 and 2 only) | Permitted | 12/06/2024 |
24/01041/DISC | 17/04/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 22 (Contamination - Intrusive Investigation) of 14/02121/OUT (PART Phases 1 and 2 only) | Permitted | 12/06/2024 |
24/01214/DISC | 02/05/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Partial Discharge of Condition 31 (Soil Resources Plan) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 2 only | Permitted | 25/07/2024 |
24/01241/DISC | 07/05/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Partial discharge of Condition 24 (Pollution Prevention Plan) of 14/02121/OUT - for Phases 1 and 2 only | Permitted | 16/08/2024 |
24/01261/M106 | 07/05/2024 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge/discussion of Schedule 3 (Sports Pitches); Schedule 4 (Community Buildings); Schedule 6 (Community Development); Schedule 7 (Non-Residential Uses including location of health facility site); Schedule 8 (Training and Employment Plan), Schedule 14 (Open Space, Allotments and Drainage); Schedule 17 (County Council Contributions); and Schedule 20 (Strategic Infrastructure) of the S106 Agreement attached to the outline permission 14/02121/OUT | ||
24/01426/DISC | 24/05/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Phases 1A, 1B and 2A Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 37 (Site Waste Management Plan) for Phases 1A, 1B and 2A only of 14/02121/OUT | Permitted | 16/08/2024 |
24/01603/DISC | 13/06/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 25 (Phase Ecological Survey Update) of 14/02121/OUT for Phases 1A, 1B and 2A | Permitted | 25/11/2024 |
24/01604/DISC | 13/06/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 26 (Hedgerow Removal Details) of 14/02121/OUT | Permitted | 24/01/2025 |
24/01605/DISC | 13/06/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 34 (Foul Drainage Strategy) of 14/02121/OUT for Phases 1A & 1B | Permitted | 06/09/2024 |
24/01671/NMA | 20/06/2024 | Non Material Amendments | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 1RT | Non-material amendment to 14/02121/OUT - Alterations to the description of development to remove references to former use classes and replace these with the appropriate current use classes. Alterations to the approved Land Use Parameter Plan to remove references to former use classes and replace these with the appropriate current use classes. Alterations to Condition 5 to update the reference to the latest revision of the 'Land Use - Parameter Plan 4'. Alterations to Condition 8 to update the reference to the latest revision of the 'Land Use - Parameter Plan 4'. Alterations to Condition 9 to update the reference to the latest revision of the 'Land Use - Parameter Plan 4'. Alterations to Condition 44 to remove references to former use classes and replace these with the appropriate current use classes and to update the reference to the latest revision of the 'Land Use - Parameter Plan 4'. Alterations to Condition 45 to remove references to former use classes and replace these with the appropriate current use classes | ||
24/01670/OUT | 22/01/2025 | Outline Application | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Variation of Condition 44 (Land Uses and maximum floor areas of buildings in 'Other Uses' parcels) and Removal of Condition 45 (restriction on maximum floor areas for retail uses in 'Other Uses' parcels) of 14/02121/OUT to allow provision of a discount foodstore of up to 2,500sqm, a larger pub/community use (additional 500sqm) and nursery use (additional 500sqm) and reduced floorspace for a veterinary surgery, hotel, other retail uses and health facility. Floor areas for all other uses would remain as approved (e.g. retirement village, offices, energy centre and water treatment plant). | ||
24/01668/DISC | 20/06/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 29 (Landscape and Habitat Management Plan) of 14/02121/OUT for Phases 1A and 1B only | Permitted | 20/12/2024 |
24/01669/DISC | 20/06/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 28 (Great Crested Newt Strategy) of 14/02121/OUT | Permitted | 12/08/2024 |
24/01801/DISC | 04/07/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of condition 27 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 1B only | Permitted | 24/01/2025 |
24/01967/MISC | 22/07/2024 | Miscellaneous Enquiries | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Proposal to grant a variation of appointment to Advanced Water Infrastructure Networks Limited, to allow it to supply Water and Sewerage services | No Further Action | 27/11/2024 |
24/02249/NMA | 16/08/2024 | Non Material Amendments | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Non-material amendment to 23/01493/REM - rewording of condition 3 (Great Crested Newt Licence) | Permitted | 13/09/2024 |
24/02273/DISC | 19/08/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 27 (Phase Arboricultural Method Statement) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 2A | Permitted | 24/01/2025 |
24/02981/DISC | 05/11/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 6 (Foul Water Pumping Station Details) of 23/01493/REM | Permitted | 29/01/2025 |
24/03010/M106 | 07/11/2024 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Modification of Section 106 (14/02121/OUT): To amend the Mortgagee in Possession clause to ensure the Affordable Housing Units can be charged at MVST; to insert an enforceability clause which removes liability from the RP and RP Mortgagee in respect of the non-AH obligations; amend the exclusions clause so that the Affordable housing provisions will not apply to mortgagees, successors in title (and their mortgagees and successors in title) of the protected parties; to insert a provision which would allow the rents on Affordable Rented Units to be increased by CPI + 1% per annum; to insert a provision which would allow the rents on Shared Ownership Units to be increased by RPI + 0.5% per annum | ||
24/03016/REM | 03/12/2024 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/02121/OUT for the installation of an electrical substation at Himley Village, Bicester | ||
24/03062/DISC | 14/11/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 34 (foul drainage strategy) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 2A | Permitted | 29/01/2025 |
24/03110/DISC | 19/11/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 18 (Travel Plan) of 14/02121/OUT for Phase 2A | ||
24/03156/NMA | 22/11/2024 | Non Material Amendments | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Non-material amendment to 23/01586/REM - Plot 1 – gate location moved to other side of house and a path has been added to the front garden for access to the rear gate. Plot 4 – gate location moved to other side of house and the path that was in the front garden has now been removed and put back to grass as the gate opens on to the driveway meaning there is now no need for this path. Plot 81 – gate location is now shown as was not shown on previous revisions. Plots 82 and 83 – parking space and twin garage label has been swapped. | Permitted | 18/12/2024 |
24/03189/DISC | 28/11/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 2 (facing and roofing materials) of 23/01586/REM - roofing materials only | Permitted | 19/12/2024 |
24/03309/DISC | 11/12/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 2 (facing and roofing materials) of 23/01586/REM (bricks, render, cladding and substation roof only) | Permitted | 29/01/2025 |
24/03328/SCOP | 13/12/2024 | Scoping Opinion | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire | EIA Scoping Request to support a Section 73 application to vary conditions attached to the extant planning permission for the Himley Development (ref 14/02121/OUT) | Scoping Opinion Issued | 17/01/2025 |
24/03351/DISC | 17/12/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 4 (air source heat pump details) of 23/01586/REM | Permitted | 10/02/2025 |
24/03364/DISC | 19/12/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 9 (EV Charging Points) of 23/01586/REM | ||
24/03369/DISC | 19/12/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 3 (doors, windows, eaves and verge treatments only) of 23/01586/REM | ||
24/03379/DISC | 20/12/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 33 (Programme of Archaeological Investigation) (For first 500 dwellings only) of 14/02121/OUT | ||
24/03392/M106 | 20/12/2024 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Modification of Section 106 (14/02121/OUT): modification to Schedule 9 of the signed Section 106 Agreement relating to affordable housing, specifically the various clauses and definitions that require a 30% provision to a reduced level to be agreed under this application | ||
25/00005/MISC | 02/01/2025 | Miscellaneous Enquiries | *Various locations* Cherwell | Application by East West Railway Company Limited for an order granting Development Consent under the Planning Act 2008 relating to the East West Rail project. Request for Cherwell District Council, as a 'consultation body' to input into the Scoping Opinion requested from the Planning Inspectorate | Not proceeded with | 03/01/2025 |
25/00095/DISC | 16/01/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 5 (Landscape Edge Treatments) of 23/01586/REM | ||
25/00107/DISC | 17/01/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Phases 1A and 1B Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 10 part 2 (Phased Biodiversity Strategy Statement and Net Biodiversity Gain) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) | ||
25/00108/DISC | 17/01/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Phase 2A Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 10 (Phased Biodiversity Strategy Statement and Net Biodiversity Gain) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) | ||
25/00149/DISC | 21/01/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Discharge of Condition 6 (Laying out of Roads) of 23/01586/REM | ||
25/00155/M106 | 21/01/2025 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Modification of Section 106 (14/02121/OUT): Modification to vary Schedule 7 (Non Residential Uses) relating to Planning Obligation dated 20th January 2020 pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/02121/OUT | ||
25/00271/REM | 10/02/2025 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Himley Village Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/02121/OUT for the erection of 44 dwellings (including 13 affordable dwellings), parking, landscaping and other associated infrastructure including the part discharge of Conditions 12 (Building for Life), 14 (Noise Assessment), 16 (Vehicular Access Details), 17 (Footway and Cycle Link Details) and 19 (Phase Surface Water Drainage Strategy) at Phase 2B Part 1, Himley Village, Bicester | ||
25/00278/DISC | 04/02/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 13 (Future Climate Change Risks Statement) of 14/02121/OUT (as amended by 22/03492/NMA) - Phase 2B Part 1 only | ||
25/00277/DISC | 04/02/2025 | Discharge Of Conditions | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | PARTIAL DISCHARGE of Condition 20 (carbon emissions) of 14/02121/OUT - Phase 2B Part 1 only |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
22/00291/IN | 09/03/2022 | Initial Notice | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | 950 residential unit(s) | ||
24/00725/IN | 19/07/2024 | Initial Notice | Proposed Himley Village North West Bicester Middleton Stoney Road Bicester | 500 residential units. |