Planning register

Planning Application - 16/01525/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Refused
Decision Level
The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ
Erection of a two storey cottage with 2 en-suite bedrooms, kitchen, dining and lounge facilities. Permission is also required for the siting of a garden shed
Sibford Gower
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Geoffrey Richard Noquet
Applicant's Address
Ivy Cottage Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RQ
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received14/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date14/09/2016
AddressDower House Main Street Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5RA Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received13/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date13/09/2016
AddressCollege Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received13/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date13/09/2016
AddressHideaways Backside Lane Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RS Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received24/08/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date24/08/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received12/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date12/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received22/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received13/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date13/09/2016
AddressBlenheim Farm Sibford Road Shutford Oxfordshire OX15 6HD Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received01/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date01/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received14/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date14/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received24/08/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date24/08/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received15/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date15/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received14/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date14/09/2016
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received14/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date14/09/2016
AddressEnock Cottage Street From Hawkes Lane To Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Gables Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RN Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBarn Close Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBarthrop Cottage Street From Hawkes Lane To Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBurdrop Green Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received20/09/2016 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date20/09/2016

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameArchaeology (OCC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received24/08/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameConservation (CDC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameContaminated Land (CDC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received27/09/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLicensing (CDC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameSibford Gower Parish Council Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury OX16 4FQ Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due07/09/2016 Reply Received30/08/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameIan Upstone (Waste And Recycling Manager) - Waste & Recycling (CDC) Address Consult Date17/08/2016 Reply Due31/08/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameAnti-social Behaviour (CDC) Address Consult Date19/09/2016 Reply Due03/10/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice General Display Date25/08/2016 Expiry Date15/09/2016 Notice Type
DescriptionBanbury Guardian Display Date25/08/2016 Expiry Date15/09/2016 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 19/09/2016 Publicity (116kb) -
Application Document 05/08/2016 Info map (209kb) -
Application Document 05/08/2016 Neighbour map (148kb) -
Application Document 05/08/2016 Neighbour consult (24kb) -
Application Document 05/08/2016 Checklist (164kb) -
Application Document 14/10/2016 site visit (23kb) -
Application Document 17/08/2016 Publicity (122kb) -
Application Document 05/08/2016 app form (73kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 12/08/2016 AMD Supporting statement (46kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 05/08/2016 block plan (231kb) -
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 05/08/2016 Site Plan (222kb) -
Site Location Plan 12/08/2016 AMD Location Plan (208kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 05/08/2016 south/west elevation (250kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 05/08/2016 north/east elevation (237kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 05/08/2016 proposed floor plans (128kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 05/08/2016 proposed elevations (137kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 27/09/2016 CDC Ecology - 27.09.16 (22kb) -
Consultation Response 08/09/2016 Environmental protection officer comments 07-09-16 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 24/08/2016 OCC Archaeology - 19.08.16 (24kb) -
Consultation Response 14/10/2016 Environmental Protection/Officer 3/10/16 (88kb) -
Consultation Response 14/10/2016 Conservation 30/9/16 (49kb) -
Consultation Response 02/09/2016 Sibford Ferris PC 01-09-16 (16kb) -
Consultation Response 13/09/2016 Sibford Gower PC 09-09-16 (61kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 12/09/2016 Checkley, D - 12.09.16 (36kb) -
Public Comments 15/09/2016 Haynes, T - 15.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 08/09/2016 Taylors 01.09.2016 (16kb) -
Public Comments 07/09/2016 Davies R - 03-09-16 (39kb) -
Public Comments 26/08/2016 Johnson MT - 25-08-16 (36kb) -
Public Comments 24/08/2016 Bishop Blaize Support Group - 22.08.16 (1031kb) -
Public Comments 20/09/2016 Pidgeon, H - 16.09.16 (20kb) -
Public Comments 06/09/2016 Butt R - BBSG - 17-08-16 (1031kb) -
Public Comments 15/09/2016 Butt, A - 15.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 18/11/2016 McAulay J 18/11-16 (25kb) -
Public Comments 30/08/2016 Mc Auley J - 26-08-16 (43kb) -
Public Comments 24/08/2016 BBSG comments - 23-08-16 (1031kb) -
Public Comments 14/09/2016 Butt, M - 14.09.16 (23kb) -
Public Comments 14/09/2016 Hopkins, S - 13.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 14/09/2016 Thomas, J - 13.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 14/09/2016 Woolgrove, TK and AM - 13.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 13/09/2016 O Hare, I - 13.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 13/09/2016 Butt, R - 13.09.16 (330kb) -
Public Comments 13/09/2016 Etherington-Smith, S - 13.09.16 (22kb) -
Public Comments 22/09/2016 Butt, H - 22.09.16 (29kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 06/10/2016 05.10.2016 (104kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 06/10/2016 06.10.2016 (118kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Superseded 05/08/2016 SUPP location (210kb) -
Superseded 05/08/2016 SUPP supporting statement (36kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (116kb) - Publicity
Application Document (209kb) - Info map
Application Document (148kb) - Neighbour map
Application Document (24kb) - Neighbour consult
Application Document (164kb) - Checklist
Application Document (23kb) - site visit
Application Document (122kb) - Publicity
Application Document (73kb) - app form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (46kb) - AMD Supporting statement
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (231kb) - block plan
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (222kb) - Site Plan
Site Location Plan (208kb) - AMD Location Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (250kb) - south/west elevation
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (237kb) - north/east elevation
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (128kb) - proposed floor plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (137kb) - proposed elevations
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (22kb) - CDC Ecology - 27.09.16
Consultation Response (14kb) - Environmental protection officer comments 07-09-16
Consultation Response (24kb) - OCC Archaeology - 19.08.16
Consultation Response (88kb) - Environmental Protection/Officer 3/10/16
Consultation Response (49kb) - Conservation 30/9/16
Consultation Response (16kb) - Sibford Ferris PC 01-09-16
Consultation Response (61kb) - Sibford Gower PC 09-09-16
Public Comments
Public Comments (36kb) - Checkley, D - 12.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - Haynes, T - 15.09.16
Public Comments (16kb) - Taylors 01.09.2016
Public Comments (39kb) - Davies R - 03-09-16
Public Comments (36kb) - Johnson MT - 25-08-16
Public Comments (1031kb) - Bishop Blaize Support Group - 22.08.16
Public Comments (20kb) - Pidgeon, H - 16.09.16
Public Comments (1031kb) - Butt R - BBSG - 17-08-16
Public Comments (22kb) - Butt, A - 15.09.16
Public Comments (25kb) - McAulay J 18/11-16
Public Comments (43kb) - Mc Auley J - 26-08-16
Public Comments (1031kb) - BBSG comments - 23-08-16
Public Comments (23kb) - Butt, M - 14.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - Hopkins, S - 13.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - Thomas, J - 13.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - Woolgrove, TK and AM - 13.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - O Hare, I - 13.09.16
Public Comments (330kb) - Butt, R - 13.09.16
Public Comments (22kb) - Etherington-Smith, S - 13.09.16
Public Comments (29kb) - Butt, H - 22.09.16
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (104kb) - 05.10.2016
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (118kb) - 06.10.2016
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (210kb) - SUPP location
Superseded (36kb) - SUPP supporting statement
The Pheasant Pluckers Inn The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
01/00716/ADV 05/04/2001 Advertisement The Bishops Blaize Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ 2 No. pre-destination directional signs to public house. (RETROSPECTIVE) Split Decision 10/08/2001
99/01783/F 27/09/1999 Full Development The Bishops Blaize Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Single storey extensions to bar area and to form a new freezer store and replacement garden store, as amended by plans received 5.11.99. Permitted 06/01/2000
06/00248/F 08/03/2006 Full Development The Bishops Blaize Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Single storey bar extension to provide non-smoking restaurant facility. Permitted 09/05/2006
06/01579/ADV 11/08/2006 Advertisement The Bishops Blaize Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Retrospective - 3 no. free standing signs (in accordance with drawing received on 09/11/06) Permitted 26/01/2007
06/01697/F 22/08/2006 Full Development The Bishops Blaize Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Change of use from licenced premises to dwelling house. Refused 06/10/2006
07/00630/F 29/03/2007 Full Development The Bishops Blaize Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Resubmission of 06/01697/F - Change of use from licenced premises into dwelling house Refused 29/06/2007
09/01275/F 18/09/2009 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Alterations and extension to barn to provide 4no. en-suite letting rooms. Application Withdrawn 29/10/2009
09/01557/F 17/11/2009 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Change of use from closed public house to dwelling Application Withdrawn 11/01/2010
12/00011/CLUE 25/01/2012 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - Use as a single dwelling house Refused 15/02/2012
12/00678/F 10/05/2012 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Change of use of a vacant public house to C3 residential (as amended by site location plan received 18/07/12) Refused 20/07/2012
12/00796/CLUE 11/06/2012 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - Use as a single dwelling house Refused 12/07/2012
13/00116/F 05/02/2013 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Retrospective - New roof to barn; 3 No rooflights and door installed to the upper floor Permitted 21/03/2013
13/00808/CLUE 30/05/2013 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - Change of use from A4 to A1. Refused 12/07/2013
13/00781/F 13/06/2013 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use of a redundant barn/store into a 1 bedroom self-contained holiday letting cottage Non-Determination 09/08/2013
16/01525/F 11/08/2016 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Erection of a two storey cottage with 2 en-suite bedrooms, kitchen, dining and lounge facilities. Permission is also required for the siting of a garden shed Refused 06/10/2016
15/01103/F 24/06/2015 Full Development Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Removal of conditions 3 and 4 of planning permission 13/00781/F to allow occupation of holiday let cottage as a separate dwelling Refused 19/08/2015
14/01383/CLUP 15/08/2014 Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed - Change of use from A4 to A1. Refused 14/10/2014
18/01501/F 26/09/2018 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use from Class A4 (ACV Listed) to Class C3 dwellinghouse Appeal Dismissed (Against Non Determination) 22/11/2018
17/01981/F 27/09/2017 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use from A4 to C3 (ACV Listed) Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 24/11/2017
17/00020/F 05/01/2017 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Erection of a Storage Shed Permitted 28/02/2017
16/02030/F 07/10/2016 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Erection of a single storey building providing 3 No en-suite letting rooms - re-submission of 16/01525/F Appeal Allowed (Against Refusal) 16/12/2016
20/03347/F 11/12/2020 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop OX15 5RQ Erection of an agricultural barn store Application Withdrawn 27/01/2021
21/00477/F 15/02/2021 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop OX15 5RQ Erection of an agricultural barn store (re-submission of 20/03347/F) Refused 12/04/2021
21/02460/MISC 19/07/2021 Miscellaneous Enquiries Blaze Inn Saddles Formerly The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Enquiry re. a prior approval application for change of use from A4 to A3 as outlined in the attached government planning protocols Observations 13/07/2021
21/04166/F 17/12/2021 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop OX15 5RQ Permission is sought to re-position and amend the structure of the previously allowed 3 bedroom building Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 21/02/2022
24/00613/F 19/03/2024 Full Development The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Amended design to 16/01525/F - Erection of a single storey building providing 3 no en-suite letting rooms amended to three bedroom cottage for holiday let.

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
12/00024/ENFAPP 03/04/2012 Appeal against enforcement notice served Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Appeal against Appeal Dismissed
13/00001/REFAPP 11/02/2013 Appeal against Refusal Bishops End Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Change of use of a vacant public house to C3 residential (as amended by site location plan received 18/07/12) Appeal Dismissed
13/00041/REFAPP 02/09/2013 Appeal against Refusal Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - Change of use from A4 to A1. Appeal Withdrawn
13/00042/NONDET 02/10/2013 Appeal against Non-determination Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use of a redundant barn/store into a 1 bedroom self-contained holiday letting cottage Appeal Allowed
14/00015/ENFAPP 24/03/2014 Appeal against enforcement notice served Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Appeal against Appeal Dismissed
13/00073/ENFAPP 28/10/2013 Appeal against enforcement notice served Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Appeal against Appeal Dismissed
14/00037/REFAPP 20/10/2014 Appeal against Refusal Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed - Change of use from A4 to A1. Appeal Dismissed
12/00068/ENFAPP 12/06/2012 Appeal against enforcement notice served Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Appeal against Appeal Dismissed
15/00046/COND 10/11/2015 Appeal against conditions imposed Bishops End Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Removal of conditions 3 and 4 of planning permission 13/00781/F to allow occupation of holiday let cottage as a separate dwelling Appeal Dismissed
16/00078/REFAPP 30/01/2017 Appeal against Refusal The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Erection of a single storey building providing 3 No en-suite letting rooms - re-submission of 16/01525/F Appeal Allowed
17/00078/REFAPP 28/03/2018 Appeal against Refusal The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use from A4 to C3 (ACV Listed) Appeal Dismissed
18/00048/NONDET 17/05/2019 Appeal against Non-determination The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Change of use from Class A4 (ACV Listed) to Class C3 dwellinghouse Appeal Dismissed
22/00035/REF 08/07/2022 Appeal against Refusal The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop OX15 5RQ Permission is sought to re-position and amend the structure of the previously allowed 3 bedroom building Appeal Dismissed
23/00092/NON 13/09/2023 Appeal against Non-determination The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ RETROSPECTIVE - Change of Use of public house (Sui Generis) to hotel/bed and breakfast (Class C1) Appeal Dismissed

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
00/00006/OTHFP 30/12/1999 05/01/2000 Full Plans (Other Works) Bishop Blaize Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Extensions to bar and kitchen store
CP/GASAFE/02279/2014 11/04/2014 11/04/2014 Gas Safe Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Installed a Gas Boiler
13/00302/OTHRGD 08/04/2013 17/04/2013 Regularisation (Domestic/Other Works) Bishops End Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Internal alterations, level floor, repair exterior walls and raise for new roof, new doorway and three roof lights
19/02580/FP 23/12/2019 17/01/2020 Full Plans The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Erection of a single storey building consisting of 3 No en-suite letting rooms

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