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Application Number 17/00259/HPA |
Application Type Householder Prior Approval |
Status Prior Approval Not Required |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Muddle Barn Farm
Colony Road
Sibford Gower
OX15 5RY |
Proposal Single storey rear extension - height to eaves 2.4m, length 8m, overall height 3.8m |
Parish Sibford Gower |
Ward Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton |
Received Date 25/01/2017 |
Valid Date 25/01/2017 |
Weekly List Date |
Comments Due Date 24/02/2017 |
Target Decision Date 08/03/2017 |
Committee Date |
Decision Prior Approval Not Required |
Decision Issued Date 03/03/2017 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Mr Gregory Besterman |
Applicant's Address C/o Agent |
JPPC Chartered Town Planners
Agents's Address
Mr Nik Lyzba
Bagley Croft
Hinksey Hill
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressTemple Mill Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5DA | Consult Date03/02/2017 | Reply Due24/02/2017 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressNew Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Consult Date03/02/2017 | Reply Due24/02/2017 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressMr & Mrs A Finding Springfield Farm Rise Bosley Close Shipston On Stour CV36 4QA | Consult Date03/02/2017 | Reply Due24/02/2017 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Consultee List
No associated consultees |
No Public Notices |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | app form | (81kb) | - | |
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | Neighbour Map | (74kb) | - | |
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | Neighbour List | (50kb) | - | |
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | Property History | (79kb) | - | |
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | Info Map (Arc) | (96kb) | - | |
Application Document | 03/02/2017 | Checklist | (123kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan | 03/02/2017 | location plan | (366kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations | 03/02/2017 | proposed plans/elevations | (615kb) | - | |
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments | 13/02/2017 | Mr and Mrs Finding | (42kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 03/03/2017 | 03.03.17 | (598kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document (81kb) - app form | |||||
Application Document (74kb) - Neighbour Map | |||||
Application Document (50kb) - Neighbour List | |||||
Application Document (79kb) - Property History | |||||
Application Document (96kb) - Info Map (Arc) | |||||
Application Document (123kb) - Checklist | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan (366kb) - location plan | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (615kb) - proposed plans/elevations | |||||
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments (42kb) - Mr and Mrs Finding | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (598kb) - 03.03.17 |
Addresses |
Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
15/01693/F | 15/09/2015 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping (revised scheme of 14/02157/F) | Application Withdrawn | 25/02/2016 |
16/01563/F | 04/08/2016 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping ((revised scheme of 15/01693/F) | Refused | 01/11/2016 |
16/00064/SO | 04/08/2016 | Screening Opinion | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Screening Opinion to Application 16/01563/F - Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping (resubmission 15/01693/F) | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 25/08/2016 |
14/01100/CLUE | 03/07/2014 | Certificate of Lawful Use Existing | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - Use of dwelling in breach of Condition 5 (Agricultural Occupancy) CHN600/85 | Permitted | 27/08/2014 |
14/00107/SO | 05/01/2015 | Screening Opinion | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Screening Opinion - Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping | Not proceeded with | 12/09/2022 |
15/00089/SO | 15/09/2015 | Screening Opinion | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Screening Opinion to 15/01693/F - Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping (revised scheme of 14/02157/F) | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 05/10/2015 |
14/02157/F | 05/01/2015 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping | Application Withdrawn | 20/04/2015 |
18/00616/F | 10/04/2018 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Variation of Condition 2 (Plans) of 16/01563/F and Appeal ref: APP/C3105/W/17/3173098 | Permitted | 10/07/2018 |
17/00191/CLUP | 25/01/2017 | Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for extensions and alterations to the existing dwellinghouse and new ancillary building. | Permitted | 22/03/2017 |
18/00358/DISC | 03/09/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Discharge of Conditions 3 (dormers), 4 (materials), 5 (stone sample), 6 (doors and windows), 7 (FFLs), 10 (tree survey), 15 (badger check), 16 (Biodiversity enhancement) and 18 (access) of 18/00793/F | Permitted | 16/11/2018 |
17/00259/HPA | 25/01/2017 | Householder Prior Approval | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Single storey rear extension - height to eaves 2.4m, length 8m, overall height 3.8m | Prior Approval Not Required | 03/03/2017 |
18/00793/F | 09/05/2018 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Variation of Condition 2 (plans) of 16/01563/F (Appeal reference - APP/C3105/W/17/3173098) - minor material amendments involving alterations to the design of the replacement dwelling as well as the construction of a replacement outbuilding | Permitted | 08/08/2018 |
18/01167/F | 29/06/2018 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Creation of new driveway and part removal of existing driveway | Permitted | 09/11/2018 |
18/00037/SO | 09/05/2018 | Screening Opinion | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Variation of condition 2 (plans) of 16/01563/F (Appeal reference - APP/C3105/W/17/3173098) - minor material amendments involving alterations to the design of the replacement dwelling as well as the construction of a replacement outbuilding | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 22/05/2018 |
19/01387/F | 19/07/2019 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Variation of Condition 2 (plans) of 16/01563/F - alterations to the design of the replacement dwelling, the erection of a replacement outbuilding, provision of a new 2m high wall and demolition of two bays of a stable building | Permitted | 09/12/2019 |
19/02372/DISC | 11/11/2019 | Discharge Of Conditions | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY | Discharge of Condition 8 (hard and soft landscape works) of 19/01387/F | Permitted | 29/01/2020 |
20/01086/F | 05/05/2020 | Full Development | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY | Alterations and conversion of existing stable building to provide a gym and swimming pool and change of use of land to amenity land, providing tennis court associated with dwellinghouse replacing existing manège | Permitted | 30/06/2020 |
20/02176/DISC | 11/08/2020 | Discharge Of Conditions | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY | Discharge of Condition 9 (tree pits) of 19/01387/F | Permitted | 12/10/2020 |
22/00919/EL | 28/03/2022 | Electricity Notification | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Upgrading 4.6 kilometers of high voltage overhead line from single phase (2 wire) to three phase (3 wire). | Observations | 09/05/2022 |
22/03135/F | 17/10/2022 | Full Development | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | RETROSPECTIVE - Formation of an external swimming pool and erection of two associated plant outbuildings and associated landscaping works | Permitted | 14/02/2023 |
23/00727/F | 17/03/2023 | Full Development | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Change of use of land to amenity land associated with the use of the dwelling house, with associated treescape, arboreal trail and play equipment, together with the provision of a bocce court within the residential curtilage | Permitted | 12/05/2023 |
23/01542/EL | 07/06/2023 | Electricity Notification | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | (Muddle Farm Barn Sibford Gower - REF:1581U) Upgrade 4,600 metres of existing overhead line by adding a third wire and Replace existing poles on the current overhead line where required | No Further Action | 07/06/2023 |
24/01201/DISC | 01/05/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RY | Discharge of Condition 3 (Landscaping Scheme) of 23/00727/F | Permitted | 21/06/2024 |
24/02021/CLUP | 03/09/2024 | Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY | Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for the construction of compost bays | Application Withdrawn | 29/10/2024 |
24/03026/F | 11/11/2024 | Full Development | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RY | RETROSPECTIVE - construction of compost bays |
Appeal Applications | ||||||
Appeal number | Appeal Start Date | Appeal Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | |
17/00020/REFAPP | 04/05/2017 | Appeal against Refusal | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling including associated works and landscaping ((revised scheme of 15/01693/F) | Appeal Allowed |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
18/00957/DOMFP | 24/08/2018 | 06/09/2018 | Full Plans | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Building of a replacement dwelling and outbuilding | |
CP/OFTEC/00129/2017 | 14/09/2017 | 14/09/2017 | Oil Firing Technical Association | Muddle Barn Farm Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Install an oil storage tank | |
23/27709/CP | 19/02/2023 | 26/01/2023 | Competent Persons Scheme | Sibford Park Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY | Install one or more new circuits. |