Planning register

Building Control Application: 99/10305/OTHFP

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Reference Number
Application Type
Full Plans (Other Works)
Full Plans Conditional Approval
Building Surveyor
Wayne Rule
Site Address
Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF
Description of Works
Units 5,6,7 & Begbroke Business & Science Pk Sandy Lane Yarnton Oxon OX5 1PF General office and labratory refurbishment
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Full Plans Conditional Approval
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
University Chest Estates Office
Applicant's Address
Dartington House Little Clarendon Street Oxford Ox1 2hs
Agent's Address
8 Oxford Street Woodstock Oxon Ox20 1tp
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date
Work Commenced 21/06/1999

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
96/01590/F 25/09/1996 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Refurbishment of Building 10 including the demolition and replacement of internal walls and roof to enable laboratories and laboratory services to be installed. Permitted 23/01/1997
98/00773/F 27/04/1998 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Alteration to provide new entrance facilities and porch to Building No 3. Permitted 03/07/1998
99/00782/F 29/04/1999 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Proposed alterations to form new glazed entrance areas Application Withdrawn 29/06/1999
99/00542/ADV 19/03/1999 Advertisement Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Two free standing signs (Illuminated) with floodlights within overhead canopy Permitted 14/05/1999
00/00106/F 20/01/2000 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Installation of plant, including liquid nitrogen tank adjacent to existing building Permitted 18/05/2000
00/00117/F 21/01/2000 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Extension to provide clean room facilities to existing building Permitted 18/05/2000
00/02293/F 07/11/2000 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Two storey extension to existing building to provide microscope facilities Permitted 30/01/2001
00/02294/LB 07/11/2000 Listed Building Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Refurbishment of Begbroke Hill Farm to provide conference facilities, disabled facilities, kitchen and offices (as amended by revised plans received 23.01.01) Permitted 06/02/2001
01/00662/OUT 28/03/2001 Outline Application Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Proposed new research buildings (long term phase of site development). Permitted 30/04/2014
01/01872/OUT 10/09/2001 Outline Application Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Proposed new access road Permitted 22/08/2005
01/00664/OUT 28/03/2001 Outline Application Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Proposed new research buildings (Interim phase of site development) Permitted 22/08/2005
02/01265/F 11/06/2002 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF 2 single storey extensions to High Bay and Annexe (Building 318 and 319) Permitted 06/08/2002
00/01808/F 31/08/2000 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Proposed alterations to form new glazed entrance area Permitted 01/11/2000
03/00718/F 02/04/2003 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Construction of footpath and cycleway along Sandy Lane (including the erection of a 2.1m high fence to the front of Nos. 29 and 31 Sandy Lane). Permitted 18/06/2003
02/02573/LB 20/12/2002 Listed Building Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Refurbishment of building to provide conference facilities with kitchen and offices (amendment to LB approval 00/02294/LB) Permitted 13/02/2003
04/00951/F 11/05/2004 Telecommunications - Full Development Public Highway From Begbroke Business Park, Sandy Lane, Yarnton, Woodstock Road, Yarnton, Woodstock Road, Gosford And Water Eaton, Up To Peartree Roundabout. Installation of underground duct and associated access chambers in connection with the provision of a private telecommunications/data network for the University of Oxford (as amended by plans received 15.10.04). Permitted 05/07/2004
03/02468/REM 28/11/2003 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Demolish existing barn and erection of 2 No. new research buildings and sub station (as amended by revised plans received 24.11.04). (Reserved Matters pursuant to 01/00664/OUT). Permitted 12/10/2005
05/00845/F 28/04/2005 Full Development Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Erection of two storey building to provide advanced processing laboratory Permitted 12/10/2005
06/01662/F 18/09/2006 Full Development Centre For Innovation And Excellence Begbroke Business Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Installation of fume cupboard discharge stack Permitted 13/11/2006
08/00899/F 01/04/2008 Full Development Begroke Science Park Access Road And Land Including Part OS 0004 And OS 0028 Adjacent To Woodstock Road Yarnton Oxfordshire Widening and southern extension of access road, including public highway junctions alterations and associated work Refused 31/10/2008
16/00197/DISC 20/05/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Discharge of Condition 6 (Location of PVs on roof of building) - Application 15/01105/REM Permitted 27/05/2016
15/01105/REM 17/06/2015 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Reserved Matters to 15/00309/OUT - Proposed new research buildings. Permitted 01/10/2015
16/00312/DISC 11/07/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Discharge of Condition 9 - Application 15/00309/OUT Permitted 02/08/2016
15/00052/SO 17/06/2015 Screening Opinion Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Screening Opinion to 15/01105/REM - Proposed new research buildings. Scoping Opinion Issued 30/09/2015
15/00013/SO 09/02/2015 Screening Opinion Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Screening Opinion - Proposed Bio-Accelerator building. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 12/03/2015
15/00309/OUT 19/02/2015 Outline Application Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Variation of Condition 4 of 01/00662/OUT - Refer to drawing 2198/022C Permitted 20/05/2015
15/00017/SO 19/02/2015 Screening Opinion Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Screening Opinion - Variation of Condition 4 of 01/00662/OUT - Refer to drawing 2198/022C Not proceeded with 01/06/2022
15/00414/DISC 30/09/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Discharge of Conditions 11, 12, 13 and 14 of 15/00309/OUT Permitted 01/10/2015
18/00024/SO 02/03/2018 Screening Opinion Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Screening Opinion for an outline application (all matters reserved except access) for employment and commercial development comprising up to approximately 12,500sqm of floorspace (B1a/b/c) and ancillary D1 uses with related development Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 26/03/2018
18/00803/OUT 08/05/2018 Outline Application Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Outline planning permission, with all matters except for access reserved for subsequent approval, for up to 12,500m2 of B1a / b / c and ancillary D1 floor space, retention of and improvements to the existing vehicular, public transport, pedestrian and cycle access including internal circulation routes; associated car parking including re-disposition of existing car parking; associated hard and soft landscape works; any necessary demolition (unknown at this stage); and associated drainage, infrastructure and ground re-modelling works Permitted 17/09/2018
21/01699/NMA 12/05/2021 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Non-material amendment to 18/00803/OUT - change in maximum height of the development from 12.6 metres to 13.2 metres (at their highest point when measured from ground level, excluding point features and plant) Permitted 08/06/2021
21/03150/REM 13/09/2021 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Reserved Matters application for 18/00803/OUT - the design, layout, external appearance and landscaping (as required by OPP Condition 1). It also includes the information required by conditions 4, 5 and 21 of the OPP. Submitted scheme also accords with the requirements of conditions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14 of the OPP Permitted 27/01/2022
21/03146/NMA 13/09/2021 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Change to the wording of condition 18 (car parking spaces) (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/00803/OUT) Permitted 17/12/2021
21/03195/F 17/09/2021 Full Development Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Formation of surface car park and service building (including substation, sprinkler tanks and EV charging infrastructure) Permitted 04/02/2022
22/00217/DISC 21/01/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Discharge of Conditions 15 (lighting strategy), 16 (surface water drainage scheme) and 17 (permissive pedestrian and cycle route) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 27/07/2022
22/00638/DISC 02/03/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Discharge of Conditions 18 (turning area specification) and 20 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 19/07/2022
22/01411/DISC 12/05/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Discharge of condition 3 of 21/03195/F - (Protected species walkover survey (dated 28 April 2022)). Permitted 27/06/2022
22/01610/NMA 30/05/2022 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Change from one single central flue on the academic building to several which would be 300 mm higher than those previously approved plus changes to the design of the approved weed garden, including the addition of a ramp, relocation of the sink and events area and a material change of the main access path from Colas Fibredec to stone crazy paving (proposed as non-material amendments to 21/03150/REM) Permitted 28/06/2022
22/01789/NMA 16/06/2022 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Substitution of permeable block paving to parking bay surfacing with a porous bituminous macadam surface (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03195/F) Refused 14/07/2022
22/02071/NMA 12/07/2022 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Change to the wording of condition 4 (contamination) (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03150/REM) Permitted 11/08/2022
22/02372/NMA 05/08/2022 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Non-material amendment to 21/03195/F - The Non-Material Amendment proposes the substitution of permeable block paving to parking bay surfacing with a porous bituminous macadam surface. Permitted 02/09/2022
22/02452/DISC 12/08/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Discharge of Condition 15 (lighting strategy) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 19/10/2022
22/03327/MISC 02/11/2022 Miscellaneous Enquiries Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF 21/03150/REM - meeting required to discuss possible NMA application No Further Action 24/11/2022
22/03355/NMA 07/11/2022 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Updates to the chosen brick from grey blend to buff/ grey blend and an update to the shading fins from ‘brass’ colour to ‘champagne’ colour (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03150/REM) Permitted 17/11/2022
22/03576/DISC 28/11/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Discharge of Condition 4 (contamination remediation strategy) of 21/03150/REM Permitted 19/01/2023
22/03763/SCOP 09/12/2022 Scoping Opinion Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Scoping Opinion with respect to the scope and methodology of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in relation to re-development proposals of approximately 170 hectares (Ha) land at the existing Begbroke Science Park and surrounding land. The findings of the EIA will be reported in an Environmental Statement (ES) which will accompany the planning application Scoping Opinion Issued 27/01/2023
23/00651/DISC 10/03/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Discharge of Condition 19 (covered cycle parking facilities) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 16/05/2023
23/01168/NMA 28/04/2023 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Several design changes to the services building (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03195/F) Permitted 18/05/2023
23/01437/DISC 26/05/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Partial Discharge of Condition 12 (details of the provision of a bus stop with shelter) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 07/07/2023
23/01674/NMA 16/06/2023 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Roof cowls are proposed to be added to the Academic Building Services Building. Ventilation Grille cut-outs are to be removed from the perforated metal cladding panels and relocated to within the blockwork walls behind. One single door is to be moved from the west elevation to east elevation; enclosed roof plant and lift overrun massing on both buildings revised; in respect of the entrance curtain wall of the Commercial Building, horizontal louvres are to be removed from ground floor elevation but retained on upper floors; minor updates to the compound massing and roofscape of the gas compounds of the Commercial Building and minor updates to the landscaping finishes albeit the overall landscape strategy remains unchanged (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03150/REM) Permitted 07/07/2023
23/01963/NMA 18/07/2023 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Amended wording of condition 17 to allow very minor changes to the approved permissive pedestrian and cycle route (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/00803/OUT) Permitted 14/08/2023
23/02098/OUT 02/08/2023 Outline Application Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke OX5 1PF Outline application, with all matters reserved, for a multi-phased (severable), comprehensive residential-led mixed use development comprising: Up to 215,000 square metres gross external area of residential floorspace (or c.1,800 homes which depending on the housing mix could result in a higher or lower number of housing units) within Use Class C3/C4 and large houses of multiple occupation (Sui Generis); Supporting social infrastructure including secondary school/primary school(s) (Use Class F1); health, indoor sport and recreation, emergency and nursery facilities (Class E(d)-(f)). Supporting retail, leisure and community uses, including retail (Class E(a)), cafes and restaurants (Class E(b)), commercial and professional services (Class E(c)), a hotel (Use Class C1), local community uses (Class F2), and other local centre uses within a Sui Generis use including public houses, bars and drinking establishments (including with expanded food provision), hot food takeaways, venues for live music performance, theatre, and cinema. Up to 155,000 net additional square metres (gross external area) of flexible employment uses including research and development, office and workspace and associated uses (Use E(g)), industrial (Use Class B2) and storage (Use Class B8) in connection with the expansion of Begbroke Science Park; Highway works, including new vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian roads and paths, improvements to the existing Sandy Lane and Begbroke Hill road, a bridge over the Oxford Canal, safeguarded land for a rail halt, and car and cycle parking with associated electric vehicle charging infrastructure; Landscape and public realm, including areas for sustainable urban drainage systems, allotments, biodiversity areas, outdoor play and sports facilities (Use Class F2(c)); Utility, energy, water, and waste water facilities and infrastructure; together with enabling, site clearance, demolition and associated works, including temporary meanwhile uses. The Proposed Development affects the setting of a listed building and includes potential alterations to public rights of way. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement
23/02404/ADV 20/09/2023 Advertisement Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF 5 No temporary, moveable installations that provide canvasses for artistic and cultural works. Consent is sought for a maximum of 5 years Permitted 27/11/2023
23/02617/NMA 21/09/2023 Non Material Amendments Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Amended wording of condition 2 to allow changes to the approved plans regarding the location of the gas store (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03150/REM) Permitted 19/10/2023
23/02967/DISC 24/10/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Discharge of Conditions 11 (Framework Travel Plan), 12 (bus stop) and 13 (private minibus service) of 18/00803/OUT Permitted 31/01/2024

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
01/01039/OTHFP 13/11/2001 14/11/2001 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Refurbishment and alterations to north end of existing building
99/00466/OTHFP 13/09/1999 15/09/1999 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Decorations, additional electrics, new partition and new drain
99/10305/OTHFP 12/04/1999 16/04/1999 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Units 5,6,7 & Begbroke Business & Science Pk Sandy Lane Yarnton Oxon OX5 1PF General office and labratory refurbishment
03/02984/OTHFP 29/10/2003 30/10/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Refurbishment of reception area - installation of new stair and new external screen SECTION 32 ISSUED 29/12/06
04/00627/IN 02/06/2004 02/06/2004 Initial Notice Unit 2 Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Internal alterations and provision of disabled toilet facilities
05/00424/PARTFP 05/04/2005 13/04/2005 Partnership Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF The construction of two x 2 storey buildings on the existing Science Park. This is a shell and core contract and currently only the ground floor slab to the IU building is included. Fit out, including the IAT ground floor slab, will form part of a later fit-out contract.
05/01436/PARTFP 12/12/2005 14/12/2005 Partnership Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Two storey building to provide advanced processing laboratory
13/00649/BESCA 05/04/2011 05/04/2011 Building Engineering Services Competence Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF air conditioning system with associated controls
01/00047/OTHFP 12/01/2001 18/01/2001 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Infilling of existing covered entrances
03/01021/OTHFP 31/03/2003 03/04/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF 2 Single storey extensions to high bay and annexe (Buildings 318 and 319)
05/00671/PARTFP 07/06/2005 10/06/2005 Partnership Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Two 2 storey buildings
06/00256/IN 28/02/2006 28/02/2006 Initial Notice Begbroke Business And Science Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Kidlington Oxon OX5 1PF Internal fit out I.A.T building
06/00549/PARTFP 08/05/2006 08/05/2006 Partnership Begbroke Business Park Sandy Lane Yarnton Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Fit out works to two floors of the CIE building to provide lettable units.
CP/BESCA/00020/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 Building Engineering Services Competence Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Install an air conditioning system in a non-dwelling
15/01044/INC 18/09/2015 18/09/2015 Initial Notice Commercial Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF CIE Building Extension to provide labs and write up office space with ancillary meeting facilities.
20/00624/IN 15/07/2020 Initial Notice Oxford Room Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Internal alterations or refurbishment
21/00279/IN 21/06/2021 Initial Notice Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Erection of temporary building used as an overflow dining area.
22/00475/IN 22/04/2022 Initial Notice Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Construction of 2 3 storey flexible laboratory and research buildings. Building A to be taken to Shell and Core and Building B to be taken to a CAT A fit out
24/37078/CP 26/01/2024 11/01/2024 Competent Persons Scheme Begbroke Science Park Begbroke Hill Begbroke Kidlington OX5 1PF Install a photovoltaic system.

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