Planning register

Planning Application - 24/00725/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Application Refused
Decision Level
Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AQ
Discharge of Conditions 3 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), 4 (site access scheme), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 6 (ecological enhancements), 8 (slate sample), 10 (architectural detailing), 11 (landscaping scheme) and 15 (covered cycle parking facilities) of 21/03947/F
Adderbury, Bloxham And Bodicote
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr Tariq Khuja
Applicant's Address
154, Cowley Road Oxford OX41UE
Agents's Address
Assetmax 154 Cowley Road Oxford OX41UE

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address20 Western Avenue Milton Park Abingdon OX14 4SH Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received15/04/2024 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date15/04/2024

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameArboriculture (CDC) - AddressArboriculture Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/04/2024 Reply Due25/04/2024 Reply Received05/04/2024 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/04/2024 Reply Due25/04/2024 Reply Received05/04/2024 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date04/04/2024 Reply Due25/04/2024 Reply Received28/03/2024 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/04/2024 Reply Due25/04/2024 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 04/04/2024 App form (770kb) -
Application Documents 15/03/2024 Slate sample (3504kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 15/03/2024 Arboricultural Method Statement (918kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/03/2024 Site Traffic Management Plan (4868kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 15/03/2024 Construction Traffic Management Plan (1049kb) A-30-COND 3 -
Plans – Details 15/03/2024 AMS, Landscaping & Parking (1114kb) A-30-COND 5 6 11 13 14 -
Plans – Details 15/03/2024 Access Route & Swept Path Analysis (344kb) P1095-01 - COND 3 4 -
Plans - Proposed 15/03/2024 Covered Cycle Parking (148kb) A-30-COND 15 -
Plans - Proposed 27/03/2024 Detail Sections (2091kb) A-30-COND 10 -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 05/04/2024 Arboricultural comments (60kb) -
Consultation Response 05/04/2024 Ecology Response (162kb) -
Consultation Response 01/05/2024 OCC Highways (17kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 15/04/2024 RPS objection letter (886kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 22/05/2024 Decision Notice (220kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (770kb) - App form
Application Documents (3504kb) - Slate sample
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (918kb) - Arboricultural Method Statement
Supporting Documents (4868kb) - Site Traffic Management Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (1049kb) A-30-COND 3 - Construction Traffic Management Plan
Plans – Details (1114kb) A-30-COND 5 6 11 13 14 - AMS, Landscaping & Parking
Plans – Details (344kb) P1095-01 - COND 3 4 - Access Route & Swept Path Analysis
Plans - Proposed (148kb) A-30-COND 15 - Covered Cycle Parking
Plans - Proposed (2091kb) A-30-COND 10 - Detail Sections
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (60kb) - Arboricultural comments
Consultation Response (162kb) - Ecology Response
Consultation Response (17kb) - OCC Highways
Public Comments
Public Comments (886kb) - RPS objection letter
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (220kb) - Decision Notice
Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
96/00562/F 12/04/1996 Full Development Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury Oxon OX15 4AQ Conversion of former hostel into 6 No. self contained flats. Permitted 01/07/1996
97/01445/CDC 08/08/1997 Deemed Regs 3 Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury Oxon OX15 4AQ Renewal of temporary planning permission CHN.408/92 to allow siting of 5 no. mobile homes for use by homeless persons. Permitted 05/09/1997
13/01466/F 09/12/2013 Full Development Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Conversion of 2 ground floor apartments into 6. Includes the renovation of existing ancillary buildings. Permitted 07/02/2014
13/00065/SO 09/12/2013 Screening Opinion Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Screening Opinion for app ref: 13/01466/F - Conversion of 2 ground floor apartments into 6. Includes the renovation of existing ancillary buildings. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 10/12/2013
16/00293/DISC 28/06/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Discharge of Conditions 4 (turning area and parking) and 5 (bin storage) of 13/01466/F Permitted 16/08/2016
16/01589/F 27/10/2016 Full Development Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Conversion of 2 No first floor apartments into 5 and creation of 6 No additional parking spaces Permitted 05/01/2017
17/00463/F 20/03/2017 Full Development Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote 2 No. Log cabins at Cotefield House site Refused 15/05/2017
21/03947/F 24/11/2021 Full Development Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote OX15 4AQ 5 attached two bedroom houses, parking and amenity spaces - re-submission of 21/01835/F Permitted 19/01/2022
23/01650/DISC 15/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Discharge of Condition 7 (stone sample panel) of 21/03947/F Refused 06/10/2023
24/00725/DISC 02/04/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AQ Discharge of Conditions 3 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), 4 (site access scheme), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 6 (ecological enhancements), 8 (slate sample), 10 (architectural detailing), 11 (landscaping scheme) and 15 (covered cycle parking facilities) of 21/03947/F Refused 22/05/2024
24/00830/F 03/04/2024 Full Development Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote OX15 4AQ Variation of Condition 4 (site access scheme) of 21/03947/F - change of wording
24/00936/DISC 08/04/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Discharge of Condition 7 (stone sample panel) of 21/03947/F (re-submission of 23/01650/DISC) Refused 03/06/2024
24/01158/DISC 29/04/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote OX15 4AQ Discharge of Condition 9 (windows, doors and rooflight details) of 21/03947/F Permitted 06/06/2024
24/01180/DISC 02/04/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Discharge of Condition 13 (parking provision) and 14 (vehicular electric charging points) of 21/03947/F Permitted 22/05/2024

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
16/00712/OTHFPD 28/06/2016 12/07/2016 Full Plans (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Conversion of flats A and B to 6 flats
17/00901/OTHRG 10/08/2017 10/08/2017 Regularisation (Other Works) Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Conversion from 2 flats to 5
96/10482/OTHFP 15/03/1996 18/03/1996 Full Plans (Other Works) Cotefield House Hostel Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury Oxon OX15 4AQ Cotefield House Oxford Road Bodicote Banbury Oxon Convert into 6 flats

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