Planning register

Planning Application - 21/03418/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Discharge of Condition 13 (landscaping scheme) of 19/01036/HYBRID
Bicester North And Caversfield
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Taylor French Ltd
Applicant's Address
Taylor French Barns Shipton Winslow MK18 3JL
Mr Mark Bell
Agents's Address
The Braid Little Street Sulgrave OX17 2SG

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/10/2021 Reply Due03/11/2021 Reply Received05/11/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date13/10/2021 Reply Due03/11/2021 Reply Received30/11/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 06/10/2021 App form (51kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 06/10/2021 Ald863 Dr 402 Soft Landscape Specifications (337kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Hard Landscape Design Key (386kb) Ald863 Dr 101 - P08
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Hard Landscape Detailed Design 1 of 2 (2222kb) Ald863 Dr 102 - P08
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Hard Landscape Detailed Design 2 of 2 (3954kb) Ald863 Dr 103 - P04
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Landscape General Arrangement (2532kb) Ald863 Dr 001 - P08
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Hard Landscape detailed design additional parking area (1382kb) Ald863 Dr 104 - P03
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Section And Detail Location Sheet (1752kb) Ald863 Dr 002 - P03
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Soft Landscape Plan Layout (1402kb) Ald863 Dr 401 - P07
Plans – Details 06/10/2021 Tree Pits In Hard Landscape (585kb) Ald863 Ld 824 - P03
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Elevation Of The Semi-Outdoor Sitting Area At East Side Of Building (973kb) ALD863-DR-622 - P03
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Section Through Cafe/Retail Area to Street (433kb) ALD863-ES-623 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Typical Paving Detail - Build Up Profiles (312kb) ALD863-LD-701 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Typical Paving Detail - Paving Type 4 - Linear Feature Paving (175kb) ALD863-LD-702 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Typical Walling Detail Brick Walls (190kb) ALD863-LD-722 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Step Detail Concrete Mass Steps Detail Plan (265kb) ALD863-LD-741 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Step Detail Concrete Mass Steps Detail Secttion (201kb) ALD863-LD-742 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Earthworks Details - Typical Soil Profiles (229kb) ALD863-LD-821 - P02
Plans – Details 12/08/2021 Earthworks Details - Typical Soil Profiles 4 Tree Pit In Soft Landscape (233kb) ALD863-LD-822 - P02
Plans – Details 12/10/2021 Sections along Western Façade (483kb) ALD863-ES611 - P03
Plans – Details 22/12/2021 Section Northern Boundary From Car Park To Residential Area (313kb) ALD863-DR-613 - P07
Plans – Details 22/12/2021 Typical Walling Detail - Concrete Retaining Wall (228kb) ALD863-LD-721 - P06
Plans – Details 22/12/2021 Typical Fencing Details (253kb) ALD863-LD-732 - P05
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 05/11/2021 CDC Landscaping (85kb) -
Consultation Response 30/11/2021 OCC Highways (13kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 22/12/2021 Delegated Officer Report (12kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 22/12/2021 Decision Notice (157kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (51kb) - App form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (337kb) - Ald863 Dr 402 Soft Landscape Specifications
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (386kb) Ald863 Dr 101 - P08 Hard Landscape Design Key
Plans – Details (2222kb) Ald863 Dr 102 - P08 Hard Landscape Detailed Design 1 of 2
Plans – Details (3954kb) Ald863 Dr 103 - P04 Hard Landscape Detailed Design 2 of 2
Plans – Details (2532kb) Ald863 Dr 001 - P08 Landscape General Arrangement
Plans – Details (1382kb) Ald863 Dr 104 - P03 Hard Landscape detailed design additional parking area
Plans – Details (1752kb) Ald863 Dr 002 - P03 Section And Detail Location Sheet
Plans – Details (1402kb) Ald863 Dr 401 - P07 Soft Landscape Plan Layout
Plans – Details (585kb) Ald863 Ld 824 - P03 Tree Pits In Hard Landscape
Plans – Details (973kb) ALD863-DR-622 - P03 Elevation Of The Semi-Outdoor Sitting Area At East Side Of Building
Plans – Details (433kb) ALD863-ES-623 - P02 Section Through Cafe/Retail Area to Street
Plans – Details (312kb) ALD863-LD-701 - P02 Typical Paving Detail - Build Up Profiles
Plans – Details (175kb) ALD863-LD-702 - P02 Typical Paving Detail - Paving Type 4 - Linear Feature Paving
Plans – Details (190kb) ALD863-LD-722 - P02 Typical Walling Detail Brick Walls
Plans – Details (265kb) ALD863-LD-741 - P02 Step Detail Concrete Mass Steps Detail Plan
Plans – Details (201kb) ALD863-LD-742 - P02 Step Detail Concrete Mass Steps Detail Secttion
Plans – Details (229kb) ALD863-LD-821 - P02 Earthworks Details - Typical Soil Profiles
Plans – Details (233kb) ALD863-LD-822 - P02 Earthworks Details - Typical Soil Profiles 4 Tree Pit In Soft Landscape
Plans – Details (483kb) ALD863-ES611 - P03 Sections along Western Façade
Plans – Details (313kb) ALD863-DR-613 - P07 Section Northern Boundary From Car Park To Residential Area
Plans – Details (228kb) ALD863-LD-721 - P06 Typical Walling Detail - Concrete Retaining Wall
Plans – Details (253kb) ALD863-LD-732 - P05 Typical Fencing Details
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (85kb) - CDC Landscaping
Consultation Response (13kb) - OCC Highways
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (12kb) - Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (157kb) - Decision Notice
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
18/00473/DISC 30/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 53 (existing and proposed site levels) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 24/01/2019
17/00135/NMA 11/12/2017 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to the wording of Condition 11 Permitted 08/01/2018
17/00223/DISC 08/05/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 31 (landscape design scheme) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 02/10/2017
18/00039/DISC 07/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 19 (materials and finishes), 23 (bus stops), 59 (Construction Management Travel Plan) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 25/04/2019
17/00600/DISC 08/01/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of conditions 8 (day lighting), 10 (overheating), 14 (boundary enclosures), 15 (fenestration, roof verge and eaves, cills, lintols and infill panels details), 16 (details of revised plans), 17 (parking scheme), 18 (streetscape details), 20 (construction and planting of green roofs and maintenance programme), 24 (access routes details), 25 (final surface treatment), 30 (rainwater harvesting), 31 (landscape design scheme), 33 (open space/play space), 63 (discharge of water onto highway), 65 (drainage strategy), 67 (scheme to avoid risk of ground water flooding), 69 (surface water drainage scheme) and 80 (tree pits and associated ground level surfacing materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 10/05/2019
17/00381/DISC 07/08/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 19 (external materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 21/09/2017
19/00035/NMA 26/04/2019 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amend the wording of Planning Conditions 13, 14, 18, 24, 25, 31, 33, 53, 68, 69, 80 and 84 to allow for the submission of information pursuant to these conditions where design has been revised. Application Withdrawn 07/06/2019
19/01036/HYBRID 04/06/2019 Hybrid/Mixed Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Full permission is sought for Local Centre Community Floorspace (Use Class D1), Cafe (Use Class A1/A3), with a total GIA of 542 sqm, and 16 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated access, servicing, landscaping and parking. Outline consent is sought for Local Centre Retail, Community or Commercial Floorspace (flexible Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1). Permitted 12/07/2021
19/00161/DISC 30/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 90 (fire hydrants) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 27/06/2019
19/00155/DISC 26/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of Conditions 31; 53 and 69 (infrastructure phase (specifically the river corridor)), 14 and 18 (residential phase two), 24 and 25 (infrastructure phase (specifically spine road running through residential phase 2)) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 04/05/2020
19/00011/SO 08/03/2019 Screening Opinion North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester Screening Opinion - Construction of a nursery; community hall; retail units; commercial units and approximately 40 residential dwellings. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 02/04/2019
19/00041/SO 04/06/2019 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Screening Opinion to 19/01036/F - Development of a new Local Centre comprising Retail, Commercial and Community floorspace (flexible Use Class A1/A2/A3/B1/D1), and 38 residential units (use class C3) with associated access, servicing, landscaping and parking Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 19/06/2019
19/00214/DISC 07/06/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial discharge of conditions 13 (positioning of bicycle and bin stores), 24 (design and construction details), 31 (landscape design), 53 (site levels) and 84 (ecological construction method statement) (Infrastructure Phase) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 01/05/2020
21/02418/DISC 14/07/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of Condition 10 (Drainage Scheme) of 19/01036/HYBRID - Full permission is sought for Local Centre Community Floorspace (Use Class D1), Cafe (Use Class A1/A3), with a total GIA of 542 sqm, and 16 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated access, servicing, landscaping and parking. Outline consent is sought for Local Centre Retail, Community or Commercial Floorspace (flexible Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1). Permitted 18/11/2021
21/02718/DISC 09/08/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of condition 12 (retaining features to the site boundary) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 22/12/2021
21/02778/DISC 12/08/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of conditions 15 (proposals to enhance biodiversity), 18 (covered cycle parking facilities & 19 (waste and recycling storage facilities) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 22/10/2021
21/03058/DISC 06/09/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of condition 16 (Crime Prevention and Security Statement), 21 (method of mechanical ventilation/ extraction), 23 (external lighting) and partial discharge of condition 24 (electric vehicle charging infrastructure North of Charlotte Avenue only) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 22/12/2021
21/03252/DISC 23/09/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of Condition 8 (change of materials - facing bricks) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 25/10/2021
21/03319/OBL 28/09/2021 Obligation Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of Schedule 5, Clause 1.1 (marketing strategy for non-residential uses) of the S106 Agreement for Elmsbrook Local Centre 19/01306/HYBRID Permitted 05/05/2022
21/03412/DISC 06/10/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Partial Discharge of Condition 11 (parking and turning) of 19/01036/HYBRID (North of Charlotte Avenue only) Permitted 22/12/2021
21/03418/DISC 06/10/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of Condition 13 (landscaping scheme) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 22/12/2021
21/03691/OBL 01/11/2021 Obligation Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Application to address Schedule 6, Clause 1.1 of the S106 Agreement for Elmsbrook Local Centre relating to 19/01306/F
21/03710/NMA 02/11/2021 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Changes to the retaining feature wall to the Northern boundary of the plot. Changes to the external levels design around the building (proposed as non-material amendments to 19/01036/HYBRID) Permitted 29/11/2021
21/04106/M106 07/12/2021 Application to Modify a Section 106 Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Modification of S106 (10/01780/HYBRID) – release of Schedule 8 in the event of commencement of development pursuant to application 19/01036/HYBRID relating to land included on title plan ON339195’ Permitted 07/12/2021
22/00084/DISC 12/01/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of condition 11 (parking & turning) of 19/01036/HYBRID (south of Charlotte Avenue) Permitted 09/03/2022
22/00525/DISC 03/03/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of condition 25 (BREEAM Report) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 26/04/2022
24/01389/DISC 21/05/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of Conditions 17 (zero carbon measures) and 20 (Framework Travel Plan) of 19/01036/HYBRID

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
21/00725/FP 09/06/2021 21/06/2021 Full Plans Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Construction of a 3 storey mixed use single building block. Commercial and community use to the ground floor and 2 floors consisting of 16 residential units above

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