Planning register

Planning Application - 19/00011/SO

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Application Number
Application Type
Screening Opinion
Screening Opinion Not Requesting EIA
Decision Level
North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Screening Opinion - Construction of a nursery; community hall; retail units; commercial units and approximately 40 residential dwellings.
Bicester North And Caversfield
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Screening Opinion not requesting EIA
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
A2Dominion Developments Limited
Applicant's Address
C/o Agent
Barton Willmore
Agents's Address
Matt Wilby 1st Floor 14 King Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 2HL

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
No associated consultees
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 13/03/2019 Application letter 8/3/19 (731kb) -
Application Document 12/03/2019 Neighbour Map (151kb) -
Application Document 12/03/2019 Property History (100kb) -
Application Document 12/03/2019 Info Map (Arc) (158kb) -
Application Document 12/03/2019 Checklist (138kb) -
Supporting Documents
ES Documents 13/03/2019 EIA screening report (4780kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 02/04/2019 02.04.19 (176kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (731kb) - Application letter 8/3/19
Application Document (151kb) - Neighbour Map
Application Document (100kb) - Property History
Application Document (158kb) - Info Map (Arc)
Application Document (138kb) - Checklist
Supporting Documents
ES Documents (4780kb) - EIA screening report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (176kb) - 02.04.19
Retail 4 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Proposed Convenience Store A1 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 5 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 3 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Office 1 Grd Flr South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Office 2 First Flr South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Plot 292 Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Proposed Pub South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 2 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
10/00005/SO 02/08/2010 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Screening Opinion - Proposed mixed use ECO development Screening Opinion requesting EIA 23/08/2010
10/00004/SCOP 02/08/2010 Scoping Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Scoping Opinion - Proposed mixed use ECO development Scoping Opinion Issued 23/09/2010
10/01780/HYBRID 23/12/2010 Hybrid/Mixed Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Development of Exemplar phase of NW Bicester Eco Town to secure full planning permission for 393 residential units and an energy centre (up to 400 square metres), means of access, car parking, landscape, amenity space and service infrastructure and outline permission for a nursery of up to 350 square metres (use class D2), a community centre of up to 350 square metres (sui generis), 3 retail units of up to 770 square metres (including but not exclusively a convenience store, a post office and a pharmacy (use class A1)), an Eco-Business Centre of up to 1,800 square metres (use class B1), office accommodation of up to 1,100 square metres (use class B1), an Eco-Pub of up to 190 square metres (use class A4), and a primary school site measuring up to 1.34 hectares with access and layout to be determined. Permitted 10/07/2012
13/00017/SO 19/03/2013 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendments to 10/01780/HYBRID - Reduction in size of affordable units 301-304, 305-306, 334-336, 357-359, 360, 361, 365-366, 382-384 and 388-393, addition of garden rooms to units 309, 310, 314, 319 and 330, variation to internal plot layout to units 316, 327, 362-363 and 367-369 , variations to internal plot layout and revisions to elevations for units 337-339, 340-342, 385 and 387, change in house type and elevational material treatment to units 308, 309, 311, 314, 326-328, 329-330, 337-339, 377-381, 382-384, 385-387, 388-393 and change in roof orientation and form to negate the need for gables in units 314, 329 and 330 Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 05/04/2013
14/00023/SO 28/03/2014 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Plot 316 from 2-bed unit to 3-bed unit and Plot 318 from 3-bed unit to 2-bed unit. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 03/04/2014
15/00035/SO 05/05/2015 Screening Opinion North And South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester SCREENING OPINION - Development of a new Local Centre comprising a Convenience Store (use class A1), Retail Units (flexible use class A1/A3/A5), Pub (use class A4), Community Hall (use class D1), Nursery (use class D1), Commercial Units (flexible use class A2/B1/D1) with associated Access, Servicing, Landscaping and Parking with a total GEA of 3,617 sqm Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 26/05/2015
15/00229/DISC 10/06/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Clearance of condition 38 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 12/02/2016
15/00258/DISC 06/07/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial discharge 14, 15 & 19 of 10/01780/HYBRID - (Phase 1) Permitted 11/04/2016
15/00760/F 05/05/2015 Full Development North And South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester Development of a new Local Centre comprising a Convenience Store (use class A1), Retail Units (flexible use class A1/A3/A5), Pub (use class A4), Community Hall (use class D1), Nursery (use class D1), Commercial Units (flexible use class A2/B1/D1) with associated Access, Servicing, Landscaping and Parking with a total GEA of 3,617 sqm Permitted 28/07/2016
18/00473/DISC 30/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 53 (existing and proposed site levels) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 24/01/2019
17/00135/NMA 11/12/2017 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to the wording of Condition 11 Permitted 08/01/2018
17/00223/DISC 08/05/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 31 (landscape design scheme) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 02/10/2017
18/00039/DISC 07/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 19 (materials and finishes), 23 (bus stops), 59 (Construction Management Travel Plan) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 25/04/2019
17/00600/DISC 08/01/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of conditions 8 (day lighting), 10 (overheating), 14 (boundary enclosures), 15 (fenestration, roof verge and eaves, cills, lintols and infill panels details), 16 (details of revised plans), 17 (parking scheme), 18 (streetscape details), 20 (construction and planting of green roofs and maintenance programme), 24 (access routes details), 25 (final surface treatment), 30 (rainwater harvesting), 31 (landscape design scheme), 33 (open space/play space), 63 (discharge of water onto highway), 65 (drainage strategy), 67 (scheme to avoid risk of ground water flooding), 69 (surface water drainage scheme) and 80 (tree pits and associated ground level surfacing materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 10/05/2019
17/00381/DISC 07/08/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 19 (external materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 21/09/2017
19/00035/NMA 26/04/2019 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amend the wording of Planning Conditions 13, 14, 18, 24, 25, 31, 33, 53, 68, 69, 80 and 84 to allow for the submission of information pursuant to these conditions where design has been revised. Application Withdrawn 07/06/2019
19/01036/HYBRID 04/06/2019 Hybrid/Mixed Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Full permission is sought for Local Centre Community Floorspace (Use Class D1), Cafe (Use Class A1/A3), with a total GIA of 542 sqm, and 16 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated access, servicing, landscaping and parking. Outline consent is sought for Local Centre Retail, Community or Commercial Floorspace (flexible Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1). Permitted 12/07/2021
19/00161/DISC 30/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 90 (fire hydrants) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 27/06/2019
19/00155/DISC 26/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of Conditions 31; 53 and 69 (infrastructure phase (specifically the river corridor)), 14 and 18 (residential phase two), 24 and 25 (infrastructure phase (specifically spine road running through residential phase 2)) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 04/05/2020
19/00011/SO 08/03/2019 Screening Opinion North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester Screening Opinion - Construction of a nursery; community hall; retail units; commercial units and approximately 40 residential dwellings. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 02/04/2019
19/00214/DISC 07/06/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial discharge of conditions 13 (positioning of bicycle and bin stores), 24 (design and construction details), 31 (landscape design), 53 (site levels) and 84 (ecological construction method statement) (Infrastructure Phase) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 01/05/2020
22/00525/DISC 03/03/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Discharge of condition 25 (BREEAM Report) of 19/01036/HYBRID Permitted 26/04/2022

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