Planning register

Planning Application - 17/00600/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester
Discharge of conditions 8 (day lighting), 10 (overheating), 14 (boundary enclosures), 15 (fenestration, roof verge and eaves, cills, lintols and infill panels details), 16 (details of revised plans), 17 (parking scheme), 18 (streetscape details), 20 (construction and planting of green roofs and maintenance programme), 24 (access routes details), 25 (final surface treatment), 30 (rainwater harvesting), 31 (landscape design scheme), 33 (open space/play space), 63 (discharge of water onto highway), 65 (drainage strategy), 67 (scheme to avoid risk of ground water flooding), 69 (surface water drainage scheme) and 80 (tree pits and associated ground level surfacing materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID
Bicester North And Caversfield
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Crest Nicholson Regeneration
Applicant's Address
Mr Andrew North Crest House Pyrcroft Road Chertsey KT16 9GN
Strutt & Parker
Agents's Address
Miss Georgina Hutchinson 269 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7LL

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received07/08/2018 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date07/08/2018
AddressDevelopment Planning, Thames Water, Maple Lodge STW, Denham Way, Rickmansworth, WD3 9SQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received07/05/2019 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date07/05/2019

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameArboriculture (CDC) Address Consult Date10/01/2018 Reply Due24/01/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameBicester Delivery Team (CDC) Address Consult Date10/01/2018 Reply Due24/01/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date10/01/2018 Reply Due31/01/2018 Reply Received28/02/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date10/01/2018 Reply Due24/01/2018 Reply Received02/02/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date10/01/2018 Reply Due31/01/2018 Reply Received07/08/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date12/07/2018 Reply Due26/07/2018 Reply Received24/07/2018 TypeRe-consult
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date12/07/2018 Reply Due26/07/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date07/11/2018 Reply Due17/11/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 03/12/2018 AMD Drg issue sheet (0kb) -
Application Document 12/07/2018 Amended Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 10/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/8 Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 app form (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Photographs 30/05/2018 cons 13/34/54/88 photo (0kb) -
Photographs 30/05/2018 cons 13/34/54/88 photo (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 03/12/2018 additional soakage testing report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 03/12/2018 Soakage testing report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/10/2018 Con 10 - Passive ventilation with heat summary (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/10/2018 Con 10 - Heating Summary (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 29/08/2018 con 67 Bicester exampler statement (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 29/08/2018 cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Bicester highway swale design (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 29/08/2018 cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 drainage maitenance schedule (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 29/08/2018 cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Statement (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 27/11/2018 Soakage testing report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 30/08/2018 con 8 Daylighting (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 07/11/2018 COns 65/97/69 - Soakaway Testing Report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 07/11/2018 Cons 65/67/69 - Soakaway Testing Report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 30/05/2018 Green roof seed (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 30/05/2018 Rain-director-install (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 22/01/2019 planting ecological benifits (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Overheating report (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Extensive biodiversity green roof maint (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Daylight Summary report (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 12/06/2018 Con 10 Non technical summary (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 30/05/2018 Con 15 Detail location refs (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 30/05/2018 Technical documentation (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 05/07/2018 Cons 8/14 AMD Daylight summary calcs (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 30/05/2018 Guidence for biodiversity impact assessment calculator (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 30/05/2018 Biodiversity impact assessment (0kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 11/04/2019 site layout 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 11/04/2019 site layout 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 07/11/2018 AMD 1/11/18 - 5000 P5 site location plan (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 location plan (0kb) -
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 drainage longitudinal sections 3 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage longitudinal sections 2 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage longitudinal sections 1 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 topographical survey (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 14/03/2019 con 18 bin store details plots 124-144 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road longitudinal sections 4 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road longitudinal sections 3 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road longitudinal sections 2 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road longitudinal sections 1 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 drainage construction details 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 Drainage construction details 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 main drainage layout 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 main drainage layout 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 swept path analysis parking access - large car (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 swept path analysis refuse vehicle (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road construction details 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 12/04/2019 road construction details 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD eastern open spaces (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 65/67 - 3/7/18 - 3256 C2 drainage construction details 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 63/69 - 3/7/18 - 3601 P1 design exceedance assessment layout 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 COns 63/39 - 3600 P1 design exceedance assessment layout 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5707 P2 surfacing proposals sheet 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5706 5706 P2 Surfacing proposals sheet 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 5604 P2 Bin store details plots 124-144 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5603 P2 Open space surface finishes and details 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34- 3/7/18 - 5602 P2 Open space surface finishes & details 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33 /34 - 3/7/18 - 5601 P2 open space surface finishes & details 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 surfacing proposals 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 surfacing proposals 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 boundary proposals 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 boundary proposals 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 western open spaces play equipment & furntiture (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 allotment shed details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 bin store area details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 close board fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 timber 5 rail fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 post & wire fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 Northern gateway bin store details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 berkstone wall details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 brick wall details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 open space surface finishes & details 2 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 open space surface finishes & details 1 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 14/03/2019 con 18 homezone proposals (0kb) -
Plans – Details 30/05/2018 Homezone proposal option 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 30/05/2018 Homzone proposal option 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 drainage construction details 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 swept path analysis - parking access large car (0kb) -
Plans – Details 16/01/2018 Con 18 brick wall details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 6 of 6 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 5 of 6 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 4 of 6 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 3 of 6 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/01/2019 Drainage layout 2 of 6 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 30/05/2018 boundary treatment mark up sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 30/05/2018 boundary treatment sheet 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 30/05/2018 Biodiversity (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Earthworks Strategy (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 detailed design (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Green roof details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 parking scheme sheet 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 parking scheme 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details of revised design (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 1 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 roof matireal (0kb) -
Plans – Details 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 manhole shedules (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 western open spaces (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 central open spaces (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 eastern open spaces (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 12 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 11 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 10 fo 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 9 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 8 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 7 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 6 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 5 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 landscape proposals 4 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 Con 18 landscape proposals 3 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 Con 18 landscape proposals 2 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 Con 18 landscape proposals 1 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 12 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 10 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 9 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 8 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 7 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD proposed landscape proposals 6 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 5 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 03/12/2018 cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 1 of 12 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 30/08/2018 Con 14 AMD Boundary proposals sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 30/08/2018 Con 14 AMD boundary proposals sheet 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5702P1 Western Open Spaces Play equiptment * furniture (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5701 P1 Central open spaces play equiptment & furniture (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5700 P1 Eastern Open spaces play equiptment & furniture (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Con 18 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5500 P1 typical tree planting details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Con 18 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5018 P4 Community gardens sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/07/2018 Con 18/33 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5016 P4 northern gateway (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 informal open space play equipment (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 central open spaces play equipment & furniture (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 eastern open spaces play equipment & furniture (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 open space surface finishes & details 3 of 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 typical tree planting details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 community gardens 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 community gardens sheet 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/03/2019 con 18 northern gateway (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 Cons 31/33 - 5015 P5 Western open space (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5014 P5 Central open spaces (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - landscape proposals sheet 11 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 Cons 31/33 - AMD 31/ 5004 P4 landscape proposals sheet 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5003 P6 landscape proposals sheet 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 07/11/2018 COns 31/33 -AMD 1/11/18 5002 Ph Landscaping proposals sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 Beckstone wall details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Boundary & Hard proposals sheet 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Boundary & Hard Proposals sheet 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 Bin store area details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 close board fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 Timber 5 rail fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 Post & wire fence details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 16/01/2018 Con 18 Northern gateway bin store details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 08/01/2018 Typical tree planting details (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 22/01/2019 drainage layout 1 of 6 (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 03/12/2018 OCC Drainage 03-09-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/12/2018 OCC Drainage 01-11-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/12/2018 OCC drainage 26-11-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 19/11/2018 Landscape Officer comments (0kb) -
Consultation Response 19/11/2018 Arboricultural officer comments 15-11-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/11/2018 Cons 65/67/69 - (0kb) -
Consultation Response 12/02/2018 Landscaping 02.02.18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/01/2018 OCC Highways 30-01-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 22/01/2019 OCC Highways 22-01-19 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/03/2018 Cons 31/33/67 - Environment Agency 28.02.18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/05/2018 Landscape comments 25-05-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/12/2018 landscape comments 03-12-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/08/2018 CDC Landscape Services - 03.08.18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/08/2018 CDC Landscape Services - 24.07.18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/08/2018 OCC Highways comments 26/07/18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 04/06/2019 Landscape Architect/officer 28/2/18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/05/2019 Thames Water comments 03/05/19 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 10/05/2019 Con 8, 10, 14-18, 20, 24-25, 30-31, 33, 63, 65, 67, 69, 80 report - 10.05.19 (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 10/05/2019 Con 8, 10, 14-18, 20, 24-25, 30-31, 33, 63, 65, 67, 69, 80 - 10.05.19 (0kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3265 T7 plot drainage layouts 6 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3264 T7 plot drainage layout 5 of 5 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 2363 T7 plot drainage playout 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3262 T7 plot drainage layout 3 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 3261 T9 drainage layout 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 3260 T7 plot drainage layout 1 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Cons 65/67 - 3/7/18 - SUPP - 3209 P1 swale location plan & construction detal (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5015 P4 Western Open Space (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5014 P4 Central open spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5013 P5 Eastern open spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5012 P4 landscape proposals sheet 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 -SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5011 P3 landscape proposals sheet 11 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5010 P4 landscape proposals sheet 10 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5009 P3 landscape proposals sheet 9 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5008 P4 landscape proposals sheet 8 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5007 P4 landscape proposals sheet 7 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 -SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5006 P3 landscape proposals sheet 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5005 P4 landscape proposals sheet 5 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5004 P3 landscape proposals sheet 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 COn 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5003 P5 landscape proposals sheet 3 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5002 P4 landscape proposals sheet 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5001 P3 landscape proposals 1 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/07/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 500 P4 drawing location plan (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5013 P6 Eastern Open Spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5012 P5 landscape paroposals sheet 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5010 P5 landscape proposals sheet 10 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5009 P5 landscape proposals sheet 9 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5008 P5 landscape proposals sheet 8 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5007 P5 landscape proposals sheet 7 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/15 - 5006 P4 landscape proposals 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5005 P5 landscape proposals sheet 5 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5001 P4 landscape proposals 1 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/11/2018 SUPP COns 31/33 - Drawing issue sheet (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Bin store details plots 124-144 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Open space surface treatment details (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Central open space surface treatments (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 East & West open space surface treatments (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Typical tree planting details (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Community Gardens & Allotments sheet 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 SUPP Con 18 Community gardens & Allotments sheet 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 SUPP - Northen Gateway (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP West open spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Central open spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Eastern open spaces (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 12 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 11 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 10 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 9 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - landscape proposals 8 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - Landscape proposals 7 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP - landscape proposals 6 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 SUPP - Landscape proposals 5 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 4 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 3 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 2 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 1 of 12 (0kb) -
Superseded 05/07/2018 Cons 8/14 - SUPP AMD Bin store details plots 124-144 (0kb) -
Superseded 05/07/2018 SUPP Cons 8/14 AMD Boundary proposals 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 05/07/2018 SUPP Cons 8/14 AMD Boundary proposals 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/07/2018 SUPP -- site layout 2 of 2 drg no 14790TA3201T8 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/07/2018 site layout 1 of 2 drg no 14790TA 3201 T8 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/07/2018 SUPP - AMD overall site layout plan (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Central open space play equipment & furniture (0kb) -
Superseded 16/01/2018 Con 18 - SUPP Eastern open spaces play equipment & furniture (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP overall site layout (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 6 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 5 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 4 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 3 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 2 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 1 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 6 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 5 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 4 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 3 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 2 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 1 of 6 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage construction details 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP - Drainage construction details 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 main drainage layout 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPPCons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 main drainage layout 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Swept path refuse (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Construction details 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 construction details 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 longitudinal sections 4 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 longitudinal sections 3 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Longitudinal section 2 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Longitudinal sections 1 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 - SUPP site layout 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 08/01/2018 Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 - SUPP Site layout 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - AMD Drg issue sheet
Application Document (0kb) - Amended Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/8 Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 app form
Supporting Documents
Photographs (0kb) - cons 13/34/54/88 photo
Photographs (0kb) - cons 13/34/54/88 photo
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - additional soakage testing report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Soakage testing report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 10 - Passive ventilation with heat summary
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 10 - Heating Summary
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - con 67 Bicester exampler statement
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Bicester highway swale design
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 drainage maitenance schedule
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Statement
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Soakage testing report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - con 8 Daylighting
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - COns 65/97/69 - Soakaway Testing Report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 65/67/69 - Soakaway Testing Report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Green roof seed
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Rain-director-install
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - planting ecological benifits
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Overheating report
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Extensive biodiversity green roof maint
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Daylight Summary report
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Con 10 Non technical summary
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Con 15 Detail location refs
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Technical documentation
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 8/14 AMD Daylight summary calcs
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Guidence for biodiversity impact assessment calculator
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Biodiversity impact assessment
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - site layout 2 of 2
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - site layout 1 of 2
Site Location Plan (0kb) - AMD 1/11/18 - 5000 P5 site location plan
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 location plan
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 drainage longitudinal sections 3 of 3
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage longitudinal sections 2 of 3
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage longitudinal sections 1 of 3
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 topographical survey
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (0kb) - con 18 bin store details plots 124-144
Plans – Details (0kb) - road longitudinal sections 4 of 4
Plans – Details (0kb) - road longitudinal sections 3 of 4
Plans – Details (0kb) - road longitudinal sections 2 of 4
Plans – Details (0kb) - road longitudinal sections 1 of 4
Plans – Details (0kb) - drainage construction details 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage construction details 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - main drainage layout 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - main drainage layout 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - swept path analysis parking access - large car
Plans – Details (0kb) - swept path analysis refuse vehicle
Plans – Details (0kb) - road construction details 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - road construction details 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD eastern open spaces
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - 3/7/18 - 3256 C2 drainage construction details 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 63/69 - 3/7/18 - 3601 P1 design exceedance assessment layout 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - COns 63/39 - 3600 P1 design exceedance assessment layout 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5707 P2 surfacing proposals sheet 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5706 5706 P2 Surfacing proposals sheet 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - 5604 P2 Bin store details plots 124-144
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5603 P2 Open space surface finishes and details 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34- 3/7/18 - 5602 P2 Open space surface finishes & details 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33 /34 - 3/7/18 - 5601 P2 open space surface finishes & details 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 surfacing proposals 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 surfacing proposals 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 boundary proposals 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 boundary proposals 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 western open spaces play equipment & furntiture
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 allotment shed details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 bin store area details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 close board fence details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 timber 5 rail fence details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 post & wire fence details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 Northern gateway bin store details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 berkstone wall details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 brick wall details
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 open space surface finishes & details 2 of 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 open space surface finishes & details 1 of 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - con 18 homezone proposals
Plans – Details (0kb) - Homezone proposal option 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Homzone proposal option 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - drainage construction details 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - swept path analysis - parking access large car
Plans – Details (0kb) - Con 18 brick wall details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 6 of 6
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 5 of 6
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 4 of 6
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 3 of 6
Plans – Details (0kb) - Drainage layout 2 of 6
Plans – Details (0kb) - boundary treatment mark up sheet 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - boundary treatment sheet 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - Biodiversity
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Earthworks Strategy
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 detailed design
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Green roof details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 parking scheme sheet 2 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 parking scheme 1 of 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details of revised design
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 details sheet 1
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 roof matireal
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 manhole shedules
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 western open spaces
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 central open spaces
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 eastern open spaces
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 12 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 11 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 10 fo 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 9 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 8 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 7 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 6 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 5 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 landscape proposals 4 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 landscape proposals 3 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 landscape proposals 2 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 landscape proposals 1 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 12 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 10 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 9 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 8 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 7 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD proposed landscape proposals 6 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 5 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - cons 31/33 AMD landscape proposals 1 of 12
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 14 AMD Boundary proposals sheet 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 14 AMD boundary proposals sheet 1 of 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5702P1 Western Open Spaces Play equiptment * furniture
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 - 5701 P1 Central open spaces play equiptment & furniture
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 18/31/33/34 - 3/7/18 5700 P1 Eastern Open spaces play equiptment & furniture
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5500 P1 typical tree planting details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5018 P4 Community gardens sheet 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18/33 - AMD 3/7/18 - 5016 P4 northern gateway
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 informal open space play equipment
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 central open spaces play equipment & furniture
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 eastern open spaces play equipment & furniture
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 open space surface finishes & details 3 of 3
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 typical tree planting details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 community gardens 2 of 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 community gardens sheet 1 of 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - con 18 northern gateway
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 31/33 - 5015 P5 Western open space
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5014 P5 Central open spaces
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - landscape proposals sheet 11
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 31/33 - AMD 31/ 5004 P4 landscape proposals sheet 4
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5003 P6 landscape proposals sheet 3
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - COns 31/33 -AMD 1/11/18 5002 Ph Landscaping proposals sheet 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 Beckstone wall details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Boundary & Hard proposals sheet 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Boundary & Hard Proposals sheet 1 of 2
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 Bin store area details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 close board fence details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 Timber 5 rail fence details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 Post & wire fence details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 18 Northern gateway bin store details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Typical tree planting details
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - drainage layout 1 of 6
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Drainage 03-09-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Drainage 01-11-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC drainage 26-11-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Officer comments
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultural officer comments 15-11-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 65/67/69 -
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscaping 02.02.18
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways 30-01-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways 22-01-19
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 31/33/67 - Environment Agency 28.02.18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape comments 25-05-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - landscape comments 03-12-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - CDC Landscape Services - 03.08.18
Consultation Response (0kb) - CDC Landscape Services - 24.07.18
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways comments 26/07/18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Architect/officer 28/2/18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Water comments 03/05/19
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) - Con 8, 10, 14-18, 20, 24-25, 30-31, 33, 63, 65, 67, 69, 80 report - 10.05.19
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Con 8, 10, 14-18, 20, 24-25, 30-31, 33, 63, 65, 67, 69, 80 - 10.05.19
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3265 T7 plot drainage layouts 6 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3264 T7 plot drainage layout 5 of 5
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 2363 T7 plot drainage playout 4
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 - 3262 T7 plot drainage layout 3
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 3261 T9 drainage layout 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 65/67 - AMD 3/7/18 3260 T7 plot drainage layout 1 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - 3/7/18 - SUPP - 3209 P1 swale location plan & construction detal
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5015 P4 Western Open Space
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5014 P4 Central open spaces
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18/33 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5013 P5 Eastern open spaces
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5012 P4 landscape proposals sheet 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 -SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5011 P3 landscape proposals sheet 11
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5010 P4 landscape proposals sheet 10
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5009 P3 landscape proposals sheet 9
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5008 P4 landscape proposals sheet 8
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5007 P4 landscape proposals sheet 7
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 -SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5006 P3 landscape proposals sheet 6
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5005 P4 landscape proposals sheet 5
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5004 P3 landscape proposals sheet 4
Superseded (0kb) - COn 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5003 P5 landscape proposals sheet 3
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 - 5002 P4 landscape proposals sheet 2
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 5001 P3 landscape proposals 1 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - AMD 3/7/18 500 P4 drawing location plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5013 P6 Eastern Open Spaces
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5012 P5 landscape paroposals sheet 12
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5010 P5 landscape proposals sheet 10
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5009 P5 landscape proposals sheet 9
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5008 P5 landscape proposals sheet 8
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP COns 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5007 P5 landscape proposals sheet 7
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/15 - 5006 P4 landscape proposals 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 - 5005 P5 landscape proposals sheet 5
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 31/33 - AMD 1/11/18 5001 P4 landscape proposals 1 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP COns 31/33 - Drawing issue sheet
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Bin store details plots 124-144
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Open space surface treatment details
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Central open space surface treatments
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 East & West open space surface treatments
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Typical tree planting details
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Community Gardens & Allotments sheet 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Community gardens & Allotments sheet 1 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 SUPP - Northen Gateway
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP West open spaces
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Central open spaces
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Eastern open spaces
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 12 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 11 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 10 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 9 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - landscape proposals 8 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - Landscape proposals 7 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP - landscape proposals 6 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 SUPP - Landscape proposals 5 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 4 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 3 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP landscape proposals 2 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Landscape proposals 1 of 12
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 8/14 - SUPP AMD Bin store details plots 124-144
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/14 AMD Boundary proposals 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/14 AMD Boundary proposals 1 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP -- site layout 2 of 2 drg no 14790TA3201T8
Superseded (0kb) - site layout 1 of 2 drg no 14790TA 3201 T8
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD overall site layout plan
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Central open space play equipment & furniture
Superseded (0kb) - Con 18 - SUPP Eastern open spaces play equipment & furniture
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP overall site layout
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 6 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 5 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 4 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 3 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 2 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 levels layout 1 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 6 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 5 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 4 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 3 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 2 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 65/67 - SUPP plot drainage layout 1 of 6
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Drainage construction details 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Drainage construction details 1 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 main drainage layout 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPPCons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 main drainage layout 1 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Swept path refuse
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Construction details 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 construction details 1 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 longitudinal sections 4 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 longitudinal sections 3 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Longitudinal section 2 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 Longitudinal sections 1 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 - SUPP site layout 2 of 2
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 8/10/14/15/16/17/18/20/24/25/30/31/33/63/65/67/69/80 - SUPP Site layout 1 of 2
Gagle Brook Primary School Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8BD
43 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
2 Cherry Lane Bicester OX27 8BF
53 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
50 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
7 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
3 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
46 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
63 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
86 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
3 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
2 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
1 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
7 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
3 Cherry Lane Bicester OX27 8BF
2 Rosemary Gardens Bicester OX27 8BF
Retail 4 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 1 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 3 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
15 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
Rmu Room Energy Centre Charlotte Avenue Bicester
5 Bramley Avenue Bicester OX27 8BA
3 Bramley Avenue Bicester OX27 8BA
8 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
34 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
69 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
Street Record Caraway Fields Bicester
82 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
1 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
18 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
13 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
6 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
Street Record Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield
1 Cranberry Avenue Bicester OX27 8BD
72 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Street Record Cranberry Avenue Bicester
Proposed Convenience Store A1 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 5 South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
27 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
2 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
44 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Street Record Portobello Close Bicester
61 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
78 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
10 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
2 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
Street Record Charlotte Avenue Bicester
7 Cranberry Avenue Bicester OX27 8BD
5 Cranberry Avenue Bicester OX27 8BD
3 Cranberry Avenue Bicester OX27 8BD
45 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
4 Cherry Lane Bicester OX27 8BF
70 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
21 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
3 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
7 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
2 Lovage View Bicester OX27 8BJ
108 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
1 Caraway Fields Bicester OX27 8BH
2 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
51 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
66 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Street Record Rosemary Gardens Bicester
37 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
36 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
65 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
5 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
4 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
5 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
6 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
5 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
15 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
49 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
40 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Roundabout At Junction With Banbury Road Southwold Lane Bicester
56 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
60 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
48 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
2 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
Office 1 Grd Flr South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Street Record Pippin Close Bicester
96 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
94 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
80 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
7 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
4 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
5 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
41 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
Office 2 First Flr South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
11 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
Cherwell District Council Eco Business Centre Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8BL
1 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
23 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
30 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
10 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
1 Lovage View Bicester OX27 8BJ
98 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 1 Banbury Road Bicester
1 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
8 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
3 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
Street Record Chantenay Close Bicester
5 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
Street Record Morello Close Bicester
3 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester
74 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Plot 292 Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Proposed Pub South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
Retail 2 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
29 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
4 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
22 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
16 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
4 Rosemary Gardens Bicester OX27 8BF
1 Bramley Avenue Bicester OX27 8BA
Street Record Bramley Avenue Bicester
1 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
26 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
67 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
100 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
59 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
57 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
55 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
90 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
3 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
Street Record Southwold Lane Bicester
1 Cherry Lane Bicester OX27 8BF
6 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
The Fibre Room Energy Centre Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
38 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
17 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
5 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
6 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
102 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
2 Caraway Fields Bicester OX27 8BH
13 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
20 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
4 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
8 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
1 Rosemary Gardens Bicester OX27 8BF
North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
13 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
42 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
15 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
84 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
7 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
7 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
8 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
1 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
Street Record Cherry Lane Bicester
54 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
58 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
62 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
8 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
Willmott Dixon House Ltd Energy Centre Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
35 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
4 Portobello Close Bicester OX27 8AZ
1 Portobello Close Bicester OX27 8AZ
28 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
106 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
92 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
11 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
6 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Street Record Orchard Walk Bicester
47 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
64 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
68 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
39 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
Nursery D1 North Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester
31 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
19 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
Street Record Tayberry Close Bicester
Sub Station Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
24 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
12 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
9 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
1 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
4 Morello Close Bicester OX27 8AT
9 Orchard Walk Bicester OX27 8BB
52 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester
25 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
33 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
2 Portobello Close Bicester OX27 8AZ
76 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
3 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
Street Record Wintergreen Fields Bicester
3 Rosemary Gardens Bicester OX27 8BF
4 Wintergreen Fields Bicester OX27 8BG
9 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
5 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
6 Pippin Close Bicester OX27 8AX
32 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Street Record Lovage View Bicester
104 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
88 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
2 Tayberry Close Bicester OX27 8AU
4 Chantenay Close Bicester OX27 8AY
9 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
11 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AS
14 Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN
Elmsbrook Sales And Marketing Suite Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8AN

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
10/00005/SO 02/08/2010 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Screening Opinion - Proposed mixed use ECO development Screening Opinion requesting EIA 23/08/2010
10/00004/SCOP 02/08/2010 Scoping Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Scoping Opinion - Proposed mixed use ECO development Scoping Opinion Issued 23/09/2010
10/01780/HYBRID 23/12/2010 Hybrid/Mixed Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Development of Exemplar phase of NW Bicester Eco Town to secure full planning permission for 393 residential units and an energy centre (up to 400 square metres), means of access, car parking, landscape, amenity space and service infrastructure and outline permission for a nursery of up to 350 square metres (use class D2), a community centre of up to 350 square metres (sui generis), 3 retail units of up to 770 square metres (including but not exclusively a convenience store, a post office and a pharmacy (use class A1)), an Eco-Business Centre of up to 1,800 square metres (use class B1), office accommodation of up to 1,100 square metres (use class B1), an Eco-Pub of up to 190 square metres (use class A4), and a primary school site measuring up to 1.34 hectares with access and layout to be determined. Permitted 10/07/2012
12/00399/HED 22/03/2012 Hedge Notice Bicester Eco Town Land At Northwest Bicester Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Removal of various sections of hedgerow Permitted 03/05/2012
12/00284/DISC 07/11/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Clearance of condition 54 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 07/11/2013
12/00287/DISC 08/11/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Discharge of Conditions 64, 67 and 68 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 18/11/2013
12/00272/DISC 26/10/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Discharge of condtions 2, 58, 75, 78 and 83 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 26/09/2013
13/00008/NMA 04/02/2013 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Non Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to Energy Centre to include increase in the number of flues from 3 to 6 (each serving a separate boiler) rising to a maximum of 17m. Change in internal plant from the proposed biomass boiler, 1-2 x gas CHP and back up gas boilers to a gas CHP and 4 x gas top up/back up boilers. Changes to elevations - removing the 3 double louvered doors on the east elevation, now to be located on the west and south elevations (facing the service yard area). Permitted 28/10/2013
12/00317/DISC 27/12/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Parital discharge of conditions 13, 14, 16 and 17 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 13/11/2013
12/00318/DISC 27/12/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Discharge of condition 4 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 09/09/2013
12/00294/DISC 16/11/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Discharge of Conditions 59 and 88 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 05/06/2013
12/00298/DISC 26/11/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Oxfordshire Discharge of Condition 65 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 17/04/2013
13/00054/DISC 26/02/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial clearance of conditions 19, 25, 26, 60 & 84 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 13/02/2014
13/00074/DISC 19/03/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Clearance of conditions 23, 27 & 82 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 14/06/2013
13/00022/NMA 19/03/2013 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendments to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to phase 1 comprise revisions to plot elevations including new windows, variations to internal plot layouts, amendments to plot roof orientation and form, changes to house types, addition of garden rooms and reduction in size of affordable units Permitted 08/01/2014
13/00058/DISC 05/03/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial clearance of conditions 8 & 10 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 11/03/2014
13/00017/SO 19/03/2013 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendments to 10/01780/HYBRID - Reduction in size of affordable units 301-304, 305-306, 334-336, 357-359, 360, 361, 365-366, 382-384 and 388-393, addition of garden rooms to units 309, 310, 314, 319 and 330, variation to internal plot layout to units 316, 327, 362-363 and 367-369 , variations to internal plot layout and revisions to elevations for units 337-339, 340-342, 385 and 387, change in house type and elevational material treatment to units 308, 309, 311, 314, 326-328, 329-330, 337-339, 377-381, 382-384, 385-387, 388-393 and change in roof orientation and form to negate the need for gables in units 314, 329 and 330 Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 05/04/2013
13/00147/DISC 22/05/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial clearance of condition 69 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 21/03/2016
13/00123/DISC 24/04/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Parital Discharge of Conditions 15 and 19 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 10/01/2014
13/00124/DISC 24/04/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Discharge of Condition 63 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 18/06/2013
13/00249/DISC 22/08/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Discharge of Conditions 18, 24, 29, 31 and 33 for Ref: 10/01780/HYBRID. Permitted 01/04/2016
13/00242/DISC 21/08/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Partial discharge of condition 20 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 18/11/2013
13/00243/DISC 21/08/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Clearance of condition 73 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 12/06/2014
13/00261/DISC 03/09/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial Discharge of Condition 80 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 08/09/2014
13/00267/DISC 10/09/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Discharge of Condition 86 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 20/01/2014
13/00333/DISC 15/11/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial Discharge of condition 53 of 10/01780/HYBRID related to residential phase 1 and the following specific parts of the infrastructure phase – spine road and energy centre Permitted 01/05/2020
14/00023/SO 28/03/2014 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Plot 316 from 2-bed unit to 3-bed unit and Plot 318 from 3-bed unit to 2-bed unit. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 03/04/2014
14/00024/NMA 12/03/2014 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Plot 316 from 2-bed unit to 3-bed unit and Plot 318 from 3-bed unit to 2-bed unit. Permitted 03/04/2014
15/00534/DISC 23/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial discharge of Conditions 31 (landscape design), 33 (landscaping and treatment of open space and play space) and 80 (tree pits) of 10/01780/HYBRID for Residential Phase 1 Permitted 14/04/2016
15/00621/ADV 18/05/2015 Advertisement Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Erection of four fascia signs at the marketing suite and erection of hoarding and flags at the South East entrance. Permitted 04/11/2015
15/00530/DISC 22/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of Condition 80 (specification and construction methods for all purpose built tree pits and associated ground level surfacing materials within that phase. Details must also include specifications for the installation of associated below ground, load-bearing root pits and trenches and soil type required to accommodate the planting and future development of the proposed trees.) of planning application 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 14/04/2016
15/00531/DISC 22/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of Condition 23 (Notwithstanding the details submitted, prior to the commencement of a phase, as identified in condition 2, details of the locations and facilities to be provided at each bus stop including Real Time Information and a programme of delivery, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning. The bus stops and facilities shall thereafter be provided in accordance with the approved details) of planning application 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 22/07/2016
14/00120/DISC 01/05/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Discharge of Conditions 24, 25, 26, 29 and 63 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 02/04/2015
15/00292/DISC 13/07/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of condition 35 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 22/10/2015
15/00229/DISC 10/06/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Clearance of condition 38 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 12/02/2016
14/00122/NMA 01/12/2014 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Non-material amendments to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to Phase 2 Permitted 29/02/2016
15/00258/DISC 06/07/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial discharge 14, 15 & 19 of 10/01780/HYBRID - (Phase 1) Permitted 11/04/2016
15/00069/NMA 26/06/2015 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Non Material Amendments to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to design of apartment blocks in residential phase 1 (plots 320-325 and 370-375) Permitted 07/07/2015
16/00300/DISC 04/07/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of Conditions 13 (bicycle and bin stores), 14 (boundary enclosures), 17 (parking scheme), 18 (streetscape), Condition 26 (lighting scheme), 31 (landscape design), 33 (open-play space), 34 (RW harvesting to allotment sites), 75 (tree protection), 80 (tree pits) and 81 (ecology checks) of 10/01780/HYBRID relating to Phase 2 Permitted 21/09/2017
15/00114/DISC 19/03/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial discharge of conditions 5 & 60 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 22/10/2015
14/00311/DISC 24/09/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Discharge of Condition 89 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 05/11/2014
15/01265/F 28/07/2015 Full Development 2 Morrello Close Bicester OX27 8AT Erection of one detached dwelling. Permitted 14/04/2016
16/00018/DISC 20/01/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of Condition 82 (bat, bird, owl and invertebrate boxes) - of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 01/04/2016
14/01466/F 19/09/2014 Full Development Eco Town Marketing Suite Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire The erection of a temporary marketing suite and associated temporary car-park and access, together with associated temporary landscaping and features Permitted 11/03/2015
15/00398/DISC 22/09/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of condition 25 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 15/03/2016
15/00535/DISC 23/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial discharge of Condition 60 (adoptable highways) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 07/03/2016
15/00536/DISC 23/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial discharge of Condition 20 (green roof details) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 11/04/2016
16/00148/DISC 31/03/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Conditions 8 (daylighting), 20 (green roofs), 63 (Surface Water Run-off into Highway) and 90 (Fire Hydrants) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 05/08/2016
16/00044/DISC 12/02/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of conditions 10 (overheating), 11 (thermal mass and natural ventilation), 15 (architectural details), 16 (final details of plots 276, 278, 288 and 289), 19 (external building materials), 24 (vision splays), 25 (road surface treatments), 53 (existing and proposed site levels), 60 (adoptable highways), 69 (surface water drainage) and 82 (bat, bird and invertebrate accommodation) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 08/08/2016
15/00075/DISC 20/02/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial discharge of condition 22 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 15/03/2016
15/00110/DISC 18/03/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Clearance of condition 18 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 13/07/2015
15/00111/DISC 18/03/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Partial discharge of conditions 9 & 90 of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 13/08/2015
15/00119/NMA 12/10/2015 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Non-material amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to the elevations of the energy centre, including the change to the size and positioning of louvres, the position of personnel doors, the reduction in the number of flues from 6 to 5 and the installation of PV panels and satellite dishes on the roof. Permitted 04/12/2015
15/00059/NMA 09/06/2015 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Non-material amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to the wording of Conditions 53 and 69 Permitted 29/03/2016
15/02286/F 15/12/2015 Full Development Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Erection of two external AMR Rooftop aerials on Flat Block 1 (Plots 320-325) and two external AMR rooftop aerials on Flat Block 3 (Plots 343-348) Permitted 09/02/2016
15/00134/NMA 09/11/2015 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Non Material Amendments to application 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 07/07/2017
15/00760/F 05/05/2015 Full Development North And South Arcade At Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Charlotte Avenue Bicester Development of a new Local Centre comprising a Convenience Store (use class A1), Retail Units (flexible use class A1/A3/A5), Pub (use class A4), Community Hall (use class D1), Nursery (use class D1), Commercial Units (flexible use class A2/B1/D1) with associated Access, Servicing, Landscaping and Parking with a total GEA of 3,617 sqm Permitted 28/07/2016
15/00138/DISC 07/04/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial Discharge of Conditions 31 & 72 of 10/01780/HYBRID – the area immediately to the north and south of the southern site access only Permitted 11/10/2019
14/01384/OUT 15/08/2014 Outline Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Development comprising redevelopment to provide up to 2600 residential dwellings (Class C3), commercial floorspace (Class A1 - A5, B1 and B2), social and community facilities (Class D1), land to accommodate one energy centre, land to accommodate one new primary school (Up to 2FE) (Class D1) and land to accommodate the extension of the primary school permitted pursuant to application (reference 10/01780/HYBRID). Such development to include provision of strategic landscape, provision of new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access routes, infrastructure, ancillary engineering and other operations Application Withdrawn 15/02/2022
18/00473/DISC 30/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 53 (existing and proposed site levels) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 24/01/2019
17/00116/NMA 23/10/2017 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Improvements to consented scheme Permitted 23/11/2017
17/00569/DISC 11/12/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Conditions 75 (scheme for the protection of retained trees), 78 (supervision for the arboricultural protection measures), 81 (ecology mitigation), 82 (bat, bird, owl and invertebrate boxes location) and 83 (ecological construction method statement) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 09/04/2018
17/01077/ADV 16/05/2017 Advertisement Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Display of 2 x non-illuminated display boards, 3 x non-illuminated monolith signs and 1 x non-illuminated parking display sign (Retrospective) Permitted 07/07/2017
17/00200/DISC 24/04/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge conditions 22 (vehicular accesses), 29 (parking and manoeuvring areas) and 35 (fruit trees) of 10/01780/HYBRID (Phase 2) Permitted 30/11/2017
17/00135/NMA 11/12/2017 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amendments to the wording of Condition 11 Permitted 08/01/2018
17/02522/M106 14/12/2017 Application to Modify a Section 106 Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Modification of Section 106 - Application 10/01780/HYBRID
17/00072/NMA 22/05/2017 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Adjustments to building plans, elevations and surrounding landscaping, as per enclosed mark-ups Permitted 14/06/2017
16/00465/DISC 15/11/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Conditions 84 (pedestrian and cycle water crossings) and 75 (tree protection plan) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 29/11/2017
17/00223/DISC 08/05/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 31 (landscape design scheme) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 02/10/2017
18/00039/DISC 07/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 19 (materials and finishes), 23 (bus stops), 59 (Construction Management Travel Plan) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 25/04/2019
17/00600/DISC 08/01/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of conditions 8 (day lighting), 10 (overheating), 14 (boundary enclosures), 15 (fenestration, roof verge and eaves, cills, lintols and infill panels details), 16 (details of revised plans), 17 (parking scheme), 18 (streetscape details), 20 (construction and planting of green roofs and maintenance programme), 24 (access routes details), 25 (final surface treatment), 30 (rainwater harvesting), 31 (landscape design scheme), 33 (open space/play space), 63 (discharge of water onto highway), 65 (drainage strategy), 67 (scheme to avoid risk of ground water flooding), 69 (surface water drainage scheme) and 80 (tree pits and associated ground level surfacing materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 10/05/2019
18/00080/DISC 08/03/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Conditions 13 (bicycle and bin stores), 34 (rainwater harvesting), 54 (construction environment management plan) and 88 (site waste management plan) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 07/02/2019
17/00381/DISC 07/08/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 19 (external materials) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 21/09/2017
19/00035/NMA 26/04/2019 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Caversfield Oxfordshire Non-Material Amendment to 10/01780/HYBRID - Amend the wording of Planning Conditions 13, 14, 18, 24, 25, 31, 33, 53, 68, 69, 80 and 84 to allow for the submission of information pursuant to these conditions where design has been revised. Application Withdrawn 07/06/2019
19/01036/HYBRID 04/06/2019 Hybrid/Mixed Application Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Phase 2 Charlotte Avenue Bicester Full permission is sought for Local Centre Community Floorspace (Use Class D1), Cafe (Use Class A1/A3), with a total GIA of 542 sqm, and 16 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated access, servicing, landscaping and parking. Outline consent is sought for Local Centre Retail, Community or Commercial Floorspace (flexible Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1). Permitted 12/07/2021
19/00191/DISC 22/05/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of Condition 24 (vision splays, bridge details, surfacing, planting, traffic calming of the roads, paths, bridges and other parts of the access routes) and 25 (final surface treatment of each road, lane, Community Street or public footpath) of 10/01780/HYBRID for residential Phase 1 and the defined area of the Infrastructure Phase (as shown on drawing number ICS-2024 59 Rev P02) for the purpose of the footway finish only Permitted 02/07/2019
19/00161/DISC 30/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge condition 90 (fire hydrants) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 27/06/2019
19/00162/DISC 30/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Condition 36 (allotments) of 10/01780/HYBRID for Phases 3 and 4 Permitted 16/10/2019
19/00155/DISC 26/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of Conditions 31; 53 and 69 (infrastructure phase (specifically the river corridor)), 14 and 18 (residential phase two), 24 and 25 (infrastructure phase (specifically spine road running through residential phase 2)) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 04/05/2020
19/00068/DISC 18/02/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 11 (Passive Ventilation) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 26/04/2019
19/00069/DISC 18/02/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 29 (Parking Areas) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 24/04/2019
19/00228/DISC 19/06/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial Discharge of condition 24 (access routes details), 25 (road surface treatment) and 31 (landscape design) of Phase 1 (to the front and side of plot 357) - 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 05/08/2019
19/00214/DISC 07/06/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial discharge of conditions 13 (positioning of bicycle and bin stores), 24 (design and construction details), 31 (landscape design), 53 (site levels) and 84 (ecological construction method statement) (Infrastructure Phase) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 01/05/2020
19/01335/DISC 16/07/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Partial discharge of condition 31 (details of landscape design) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 31/03/2020
19/01528/DISC 05/08/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 4 Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Re-discharge of Condition 19 (materials and finishes) of 10/01780/HYBRID – change to the brick for phase 4 Permitted 22/08/2019
20/03254/SCOP 16/11/2020 Scoping Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Scoping Opinion - Environmental Impact Assessment in accordance with Regulation 15 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 Adopted 22/12/2020
21/00889/DISC 08/03/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 31 (Landscaping Scheme) of 10/01780/HYBRID Permitted 23/04/2021
21/01200/SO 02/04/2021 Screening Opinion Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Screening opinion to 10/01780/HYBRID - request for a formal Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Screening Opinion in respect of an application to replan part of the Phase 4 Area of the North West Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site (Plots 1 to 54) Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 20/04/2021
21/01227/F 07/05/2021 Full Development Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester A full planning application for 57 dwellings and associated infrastructure Permitted 08/12/2021
22/00645/OBL 03/03/2022 Obligation Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Schedule 14 of the S106 for 10/01780/HYBRID dated 9 July 2012 Permitted 27/06/2024
22/01887/NMA 24/06/2022 Non Material Amendments Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Non-material amendment to 21/01227/F - for the updating of the External Materials Schedule and changes of the wording to condition 18 for plots to be constructed with passive ventilation and thermally massive floors Permitted 21/10/2022
22/02690/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 14 (zero carbon energy use) of 21/01227/F Permitted 28/02/2024
23/01886/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 16 (carbon emissions) of 21/01227/F Permitted 28/02/2024
23/01887/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 17 (overheating study) of 21/01227/F Permitted 27/10/2023
23/01888/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 31 (fire hydrants) of 21/01227/F Permitted 27/10/2023
23/01889/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 28 (rainwater harvesting system) of 21/01227/F
23/01890/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 24 (solar PV) of 21/01227/F Permitted 30/01/2024
23/01891/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 20 (green roofs) of 21/01227/F Permitted 30/01/2024
23/01892/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 19 (details of the fenestration, roof verge and eaves, cills and lintels) of 21/01227/F Permitted 27/10/2023
23/01893/DISC 01/09/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of condition 15 (day lighting) of 21/01227/F Permitted 30/01/2024
24/00925/OBL 05/04/2024 Obligation Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester Discharge of Schedule 14 of the S106 for 10/01780/HYBRID dated 9 July 2012 Permitted 27/06/2024

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
13/00296/DOMFP 03/04/2013 09/04/2013 Full Plans Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield 396 New Dwellings and 1 Energy Centre, split into 4 phases plus temporary community centre with offices above plot 359.
14/00331/INC 28/03/2014 28/03/2014 Initial Notice Commercial Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield Construction of a new build primary school
13/00296/DOMFP2 03/04/2013 09/04/2013 Full Plans Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Site Banbury Road Bicester 396 New Dwellings and 1 Energy Centre, phases 3 and 4 only.

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