Planning register

Planning Application - 18/00003/SCOP

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Application Number
Application Type
Scoping Opinion
Decision Level
Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury
Scoping opinion for proposed development of up to 400 dwellings
Banbury Hardwick
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Amber Developments
Applicant's Address
C/o Agent
Agents's Address
Peter Bateman 42 North Bar Banbury OX16 OTH

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameArboriculture (CDC) Address Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due05/09/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameBBO Wildlife Trust AddressThe Lodge 1 Armstrong Road Littlemore OXFORD OX4 4XT Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due12/09/2018 Reply Received17/09/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due05/09/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due12/09/2018 Reply Received18/09/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) Address Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due05/09/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due05/09/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameNatural England AddressConsultation Services Hornbeam House Electra Way CREWE CW1 6GJ Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due12/09/2018 Reply Received05/09/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due12/09/2018 Reply Received17/09/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NamePlanning Policy (CDC) Address Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due05/09/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameThames Water AddressDevelopment Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way RICKMANSWORTH WD3 9SQ Consult Date21/08/2018 Reply Due12/09/2018 Reply Received22/08/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 21/08/2018 Publicity (15kb) -
Application Document 15/08/2018 Info/Species Map (197kb) -
Application Document 15/08/2018 Neighbour Map (370kb) -
Application Document 15/08/2018 Checklist (156kb) -
Application Document 19/09/2018 site visit (25kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 7 (3050kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 6 (9865kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 5 (3424kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 4 (574kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 3 (771kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 2B (635kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA App 2A (576kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA app 1 (707kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/08/2018 EIA report (553kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 17/09/2018 Oxfordshire County Council comments 12/09/18 (245kb) -
Consultation Response 10/09/2018 Natural England 05.09.18 (167kb) -
Consultation Response 18/09/2018 Environment Agency comments 10/09/18 (33kb) -
Consultation Response 22/08/2018 Thames Water comments 22/08/18 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 19/09/2018 Landscape Planner 29/8/18 (26kb) -
Consultation Response 19/09/2018 Planning Policy 21/8/18 (25kb) -
Consultation Response 17/09/2018 BBOWT comments 11/09/18 (15kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 10/09/2018 10.08.18 (147kb) -
Tree Preservation Orders 15/08/2018 (449kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (15kb) - Publicity
Application Document (197kb) - Info/Species Map
Application Document (370kb) - Neighbour Map
Application Document (156kb) - Checklist
Application Document (25kb) - site visit
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (3050kb) - EIA App 7
Supporting Documents (9865kb) - EIA App 6
Supporting Documents (3424kb) - EIA App 5
Supporting Documents (574kb) - EIA App 4
Supporting Documents (771kb) - EIA App 3
Supporting Documents (635kb) - EIA App 2B
Supporting Documents (576kb) - EIA App 2A
Supporting Documents (707kb) - EIA app 1
Supporting Documents (553kb) - EIA report
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (245kb) - Oxfordshire County Council comments 12/09/18
Consultation Response (167kb) - Natural England 05.09.18
Consultation Response (33kb) - Environment Agency comments 10/09/18
Consultation Response (14kb) - Thames Water comments 22/08/18
Consultation Response (26kb) - Landscape Planner 29/8/18
Consultation Response (25kb) - Planning Policy 21/8/18
Consultation Response (15kb) - BBOWT comments 11/09/18
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (147kb) - 10.08.18
Tree Preservation Orders (449kb) -
Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
18/00003/SCOP 08/08/2018 Scoping Opinion Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Scoping opinion for proposed development of up to 400 dwellings Adopted 10/09/2018
18/00062/SO 08/08/2018 Screening Opinion Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Screening Opinion - Development of up to 400 dwellings Screening Opinion requesting EIA 22/08/2018
21/03426/OUT 06/10/2021 Outline Application Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Outline planning application for up to 78 dwellings and associated open space with all matters reserved other than access Permitted 03/05/2024
21/03484/SO 06/10/2021 Screening Opinion Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Screnning opinion to 21/03426/OUT - Outline planning application for up to 78 dwellings and associated open space with all matters reserved other than access Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 22/10/2021
22/03064/OUT 06/10/2022 Outline Application Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Outline planning application for up to 176 dwellings and associated open space with all matters reserved other than access Application Withdrawn 14/06/2023
23/03366/OUT 30/11/2023 Outline Application Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Outline planning application for up to 114 dwellings and associated open space with all matters reserved other than access Refused 12/08/2024
24/01462/NMA 29/05/2024 Non Material Amendments Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive Banbury Widening of footway from 2m to 3m (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03426/OUT) Permitted 24/06/2024

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