Planning register

Planning Application - 20/00824/CDISC

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Application Number
Application Type
County discharge of conditions applications
Decision Level
Whitelands Secondary School Hexham Road Bicester OX26 1AY
Details pursuant to condition 7 (Scheme of Lighting) of planning permissions18/00154/OCC (R3.0003/18)
Bicester South And Ambrosden
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Oxfordshire County Council
Applicant's Address
County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND
Naomi Woodcock
Agents's Address
Communities County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) - AddressEnvironmental Health Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date22/04/2020 Reply Due13/05/2020 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 19/03/2020 FW_ Oxfordshire County Council Planning Ref R3_0034_20 - D P District Letter_321.pdf (45kb) -
Application Documents 21/04/2020 Lighting Site Plan (515kb) TLZ-H-01957183-EX-R2-251019 - 2
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 13/05/2020 Email to CC with Observations (78kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 19/05/2020 OCC decision letter (87kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (45kb) - FW_ Oxfordshire County Council Planning Ref R3_0034_20 - D P District Letter_321.pdf
Application Documents (515kb) TLZ-H-01957183-EX-R2-251019 - 2 Lighting Site Plan
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (78kb) - Email to CC with Observations
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (87kb) - OCC decision letter
Whitelands Secondary School Hexham Road Bicester OX26 1AY

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
06/00967/OUT 15/05/2006 Outline Application Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Outline - Up to 1585 no. dwellings; health village to include health and employment uses and elderly persons nursing home; B1 and B2 employment uses; local centre comprising of shops, a pub/restaurant, children's day nursery, offices and a community centre; 2 no. primary schools and 1 no. secondary school; a hotel; a sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; a link road between A41 and Middleton Stoney Road/Howes Lane junction; associated new roads, junctions, parking, infrastructure, earthworks and new accesses to agricultural land (as amended by plans and documents received 24.10.06). Permitted 30/06/2008
06/02225/OUT 13/11/2006 Outline Application Land At Whitelands Farm South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Outline - Up to 1585 no. dwellings; health village to include health and employment uses and elderly persons nursing home; B1 and B2 employment uses; local centre comprising of shops, a pub/restaurant, children's day nursery, offices and a community centre; 2 no. primary schools and 1 no. secondary school; a hotel; a sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; a link road between A41 and Middleton Stoney Road/Howes Lane junction; associated new roads, junctions, parking, infrastructure, earthworks and new accesses to agricultural land. Non-Determination 04/09/2007
12/00127/REM 31/01/2012 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land South Of Foxey Leys Copse Adjoining Oxford Road Bicester Oxfordshire Reserved Matters (Outline Application 06/00967/OUT) - Landscaping Scheme Permitted 02/04/2012
12/01355/OUT 23/08/2012 Outline Application Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Variation of condition 16 of 06/00967/OUT to allow the construction of an additional 100 dwellings Application Withdrawn 25/04/2013
12/00216/DISC 03/09/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial clearance of condition 20 of 06/00967/OUT Application Withdrawn 13/09/2013
13/00227/DISC 20/08/2013 Discharge Of Conditions KM7 & KM9 SW Bicester Development Site Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Discharge of conditions 12, 25, 31, 32, 34, 44 and 49 of 06/00967/OUT. Permitted 21/01/2015
13/01019/REM 03/07/2013 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Area Land North East Of Whitelands Farm And Adj To KM3 Whitelands Way Chesterton Oxfordshire RESERVED MATTERS to Outline Planning Application 06/00967/OUT - Landscaping scheme and play areas for greenway Application Withdrawn 01/10/2013
13/00180/DISC 04/07/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Clearance of condition 45 of 06/00967/OUT Permitted 22/08/2013
16/00068/NMA 05/09/2016 Non Material Amendments Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Non Material Amendment - Change from Render to Brickwork on the following three FOG plots: 108, 62 and 151 - Application 06/00967/OUT Permitted 27/09/2016
16/00069/NMA 05/09/2016 Non Material Amendments Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Non Material Amendment - Change of render to brickwork on the following five semi detached plots; 50/51, 93/94, 142/143, 149/150 and 162/163 -Application 06/00967/OUT Permitted 27/09/2016
14/00138/DISC 16/05/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of condition 35 of 06/00967/OUT. Refused 11/12/2014
18/00055/DISC 07/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Discharge of condition 32 (existing and proposed levels) of 06/00967/OUT Permitted 06/03/2018
18/02168/OCC 11/12/2018 Deemed Regs 3 - County Council Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Whitelands Way Bicester Section 73 application to: Update the landscape scheme and parking layout; Change the school access points; Provide parking for 300 cycles; Adjust location of gas meter housing, sprinkler tank and bin store; Adjust fencing layout; Amend tree planting; Extend pavement to the north of the access road; Amend external lighting layout to include lighting to cycle parking; and Changes to drainage layout at Land adjoining Whitelands Way, Kingsmere, Bicester, OX26 1AZ - 18/00154/OCC No Objections 08/01/2019
18/00154/OCC 23/01/2018 Deemed Regs 3 - County Council Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Oxford Road Bicester Planning application by Oxfordshire County Council for planning permission for the new secondary school (Alchester Academy) with associated hard and soft landscaping, car parking, playing fields and infrastructure on land in the Kingsmere Development in South West Bicester No Objections 19/02/2018
19/00554/OCC 27/03/2019 Deemed Regs 3 - County Council Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Whitelands Way Bicester Minor works to the existing vehicle entrance and adjacent footpaths/cycleways to the school site, in order to provide suitable vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access to the new secondary sch ool (R3.0032/19) No Objections 18/04/2019
20/00824/CDISC 18/03/2020 County discharge of conditions applications Whitelands Secondary School Hexham Road Bicester OX26 1AY Details pursuant to condition 7 (Scheme of Lighting) of planning permissions18/00154/OCC (R3.0003/18) Observations 13/05/2020
20/01353/CDISC 26/05/2020 County discharge of conditions applications Whitelands Secondary School Hexham Road Bicester OX26 1AY Details pursuant to condition 9 (bin store) of planning permission 18/00154/OCC (R3.0003/18) No Observations 21/07/2020
20/01556/CNMA 16/06/2020 County Non Material Amendments Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Oxford Road Bicester Non-material amendment to 18/00154/OCC - to allow for the inclusion of a boiler flue and guard rail (R3.0059/20) No Observations 07/07/2020
20/01588/CNMA 17/06/2020 County Non Material Amendments Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Whitelands Way Bicester Non-material amendment to 19/00554/OCC - the main site entrance (R3.0060/20) No Observations 08/07/2020
20/02110/CDISC 04/08/2020 County discharge of conditions applications Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Oxford Road Bicester Details pursuant to condition 3 (School Travel Plan) of planning permission 18/00154/OCC (RR3.0146/18) No Observations 30/09/2020

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
17/01080/INC 18/09/2017 18/09/2017 Initial Notice Commercial Proposed Secondary School Site SW Bicester Oxford Road Bicester New 600 place 11-16 Secondary School

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