Planning register

Planning Application - 19/02952/ADV

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Application Number
Application Type
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Holiday Inn Express Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2BX
Various illuminated and non illuminated signage
Fringford And Heyfords
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
London and Regional Properties
Applicant's Address
Mrs Emma Lancaster
Agents's Address
Capitol House, First Floor East Russell Street Leeds LS1 5SP

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date10/01/2020 Reply Due31/01/2020 Reply Received20/01/2020 TypeStandard Consultee
NameClerk to Chesterton PC - Mr Brian Inglis AddressChesterton Community Centre 2 Geminus Road Chesterton Bicester OX26 1BJ Consult Date10/01/2020 Reply Due31/01/2020 Reply Received31/01/2020 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice Display Date10/01/2020 Expiry Date31/01/2020 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 20/12/2019 App form (64kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 Agent Cover letter 20/12/19 (696kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (109kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (117kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (111kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (341kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (757kb) -
Application Documents 20/12/2019 photo (1595kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 20/12/2019 Proposed Signage Site Plan (2713kb) BGH-NOR-SP-A-1012 - P01
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 20/12/2019 Building Letters drawing (229kb) p265 -
Plans – Details 20/12/2019 Building Monogram drawing (219kb) p267 -
Plans – Details 20/12/2019 External Signage Proposals Pack (1353kb) 135667 - B
Plans – Details 20/12/2019 External Signage Setting Out/Fixings 1 (2081kb) BGH-NOR-DE-A-6710 - C03
Plans – Details 20/12/2019 External Signage Setting Out/Fixings 2 (2297kb) BGH-NOR-DE-A-6711 - C03
Plans - Proposed 20/12/2019 North West And South East Elevation (5286kb) BGH-NOR-EL-A-5003 - C01
Plans - Proposed 20/12/2019 North East And South West Elevation (2358kb) BGH-NOR-EL-A-5004 - C01
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 20/01/2020 OCC Highways (20kb) -
Consultation Response 31/01/2020 Chesterton Parish Council (75kb) -
Consultation Response 12/02/2020 Environmental Protection (18kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 14/02/2020 Delegated Officer Report - FINAL (24kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 14/02/2020 Decision Notice - FINAL (220kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Publicity 09/01/2020 Site Notice (188kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (64kb) - App form
Application Documents (696kb) - Agent Cover letter 20/12/19
Application Documents (109kb) - photo
Application Documents (117kb) - photo
Application Documents (111kb) - photo
Application Documents (341kb) - photo
Application Documents (757kb) - photo
Application Documents (1595kb) - photo
Site Plans
Plans - Site (2713kb) BGH-NOR-SP-A-1012 - P01 Proposed Signage Site Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (229kb) p265 - Building Letters drawing
Plans – Details (219kb) p267 - Building Monogram drawing
Plans – Details (1353kb) 135667 - B External Signage Proposals Pack
Plans – Details (2081kb) BGH-NOR-DE-A-6710 - C03 External Signage Setting Out/Fixings 1
Plans – Details (2297kb) BGH-NOR-DE-A-6711 - C03 External Signage Setting Out/Fixings 2
Plans - Proposed (5286kb) BGH-NOR-EL-A-5003 - C01 North West And South East Elevation
Plans - Proposed (2358kb) BGH-NOR-EL-A-5004 - C01 North East And South West Elevation
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (20kb) - OCC Highways
Consultation Response (75kb) - Chesterton Parish Council
Consultation Response (18kb) - Environmental Protection
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (24kb) - Delegated Officer Report - FINAL
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (220kb) - Decision Notice - FINAL
Planning Application Documents
Publicity (188kb) - Site Notice
Holiday Inn Express Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2BX

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
16/00071/SO 19/08/2016 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 2200 Adjoining Oxford Road North Of Promised Land Farm Oxford Road Bicester Phase 1A of the Bicester Gateway development for the erection of 150 bed hotel. Phase 1B of the Bicester Gateway development for up to 180,000 sqft of B1 employment development. Permitted 01/09/2016
16/02586/OUT 11/01/2017 Outline Application OS Parcel 2200 Adjoining Oxford Road North Of Promised Land Farm Oxford Road Bicester Phase 1 of the proposed new business park ("Bicester Gateway") comprising up to 14,972 sq m (Gross External Area) of B1 employment based buildings, plus a hotel (up to 149 bedrooms), with associated infrastructure, car parking and marketing boards. Permitted 26/07/2017
17/02557/REM 19/12/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Reserved matters to 16/02586/OUT - Erection of hotel and associated works Permitted 28/03/2018
18/00389/DISC 17/09/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 11 (CMP) 15 (Surface water drainage scheme) 16 (Water supply impact studies) 17 (foul drainage strategy) 28 (Footway/cycle details) 29 (Bus stop layby) 31 (Details of pedestrian crossing) of 16/02586/OUT Split Decision 07/01/2019
17/00547/DISC 15/11/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 2200 Adjoining Oxford Road North Of Promised Land Farm Oxford Road Bicester Discharge of condition 2 (phasing plan) of 16/02586/OUT Permitted 29/11/2017
17/00096/SO 21/12/2017 Screening Opinion Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Screening opinion to 17/02557/REM - Reserved matters to 16/02586/OUT - Erection of hotel and associated works Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 26/03/2018
17/00426/DISC 21/08/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 2200 Adjoining Oxford Road North Of Promised Land Farm Oxford Road Bicester Partial discharge of Condition 18 (WSI) and 19 (Archaeological evaluation) of 16/02586/OUT Permitted 20/10/2017
17/00602/DISC 28/12/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 10 (reptile survey) of 16/02586/OUT Permitted 25/01/2018
18/00118/NMA 18/09/2018 Non Material Amendments Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Amendment to application 17/02557/REM - amendments to finished floor level Permitted 01/11/2018
19/00248/DISC 03/07/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Holiday Inn Express Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2BX Discharge conditions 2, 4 and 12 17/02557/REM Permitted 10/09/2019
19/00061/NMA 20/06/2019 Non Material Amendments Holiday Inn Express Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Non-Material Amendment to 17/02557/REM - 3 no. LPG tanks within the car park and updated hard and soft landscaping. Refused 18/07/2019
19/00143/DISC 12/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Partial Discharge of condition 16 (water supply impact studies) of 16/02586/OUT for Phase 1a Permitted 03/06/2019
19/02952/ADV 20/12/2019 Advertisement Holiday Inn Express Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2BX Various illuminated and non illuminated signage Permitted 14/02/2020
19/02958/F 20/12/2019 Full Development Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Foul water tank and pumping station compound and enclosure to serve approved hotel Permitted 31/03/2020

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
19/00184/INC 22/02/2019 22/02/2019 Initial Notice Commercial Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Construction of new four storey hotel
18/01333/INC 04/12/2018 04/12/2018 Initial Notice Commercial Hotel Bicester Gateway Business Park Wendlebury Road Chesterton Bicester OX25 2BX Proposed construction of a new Holiday Inn Express Hotel Cancellation Notice Received

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