Planning register

Planning Application - 18/01498/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY
Demolition of lean-to extension of the existing building and extension to existing building to form single dwelling house, new stores building and demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation area (revised scheme of 17/02192/F)
Sibford Gower
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Ms Carrie Tucker
Applicant's Address
C/O Agent
Agents's Address
Mr Peter Frampton Oriel House 42 North Bar Banbury OX16 0TH

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressMeadow Brook House Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due15/10/2018 Reply Received Re-Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due Reply Date
AddressSpringfield Cottage 4 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due15/10/2018 Reply Received Re-Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due Reply Date
AddressMiramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due05/11/2018 Reply Received Re-Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due Reply Date
AddressMeadow Cottage 6 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Consult Date16/10/2018 Reply Due06/11/2018 Reply Received30/10/2018 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date30/10/2018

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameBuilding Control (CDC) Address Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due08/10/2018 Reply Received11/10/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due08/10/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) Address Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due08/10/2018 Reply Received03/10/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHousing Standards (CDC) Address Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due08/10/2018 Reply Received19/10/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due08/10/2018 Reply Received11/10/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameSibford Ferris Parish Council AddressGrounds Farm Sibford Ferris BANBURY OX15 5EZ Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due15/10/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameSibford Gower Parish Council Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury OX16 4FQ Consult Date24/09/2018 Reply Due15/10/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameBuilding Control (CDC) Address Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due29/10/2018 Reply Received16/10/2018 TypeRe-consult
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due29/10/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) Address Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due29/10/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameHousing Standards (CDC) Address Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due29/10/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due29/10/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameSibford Ferris Parish Council AddressGrounds Farm Sibford Ferris BANBURY OX15 5EZ Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due05/11/2018 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameSibford Gower Parish Council Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury OX16 4FQ Consult Date15/10/2018 Reply Due05/11/2018 Reply Received22/10/2018 TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice General Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionBanbury Guardian Display Date04/10/2018 Expiry Date25/10/2018 Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice General Display Date15/10/2018 Expiry Date05/11/2018 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 22/10/2018 Amended Publicity (16kb) -
Application Document 15/10/2018 AMD - Neighbour consult (51kb) -
Application Document 15/10/2018 AMD - Neighbour map (46kb) -
Application Document 11/10/2018 Publicity (15kb) -
Application Document 24/09/2018 Publicity (16kb) -
Application Document 20/09/2018 app form (115kb) -
Application Document 20/09/2018 Info map (171kb) -
Application Document 20/09/2018 SUPP - Neighbour map (104kb) -
Application Document 20/09/2018 Checklist (116kb) -
Application Document 20/09/2018 Supp - Neighbour consults (18kb) -
Application Document 21/11/2018 site visit (19kb) -
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous 20/09/2018 Bat report (2252kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 20/09/2018 structural report (1426kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 20/09/2018 contamination desk study report part 3 (4032kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 20/09/2018 contamination desk study report part 2 (1607kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 20/09/2018 contamination desk study report part 1 (2212kb) -
Supporting Documents 20/09/2018 design & access statement (23kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 20/09/2018 existing & proposed site plans (103kb) -
Site Location Plan 20/09/2018 location plan (221kb) -
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys 20/09/2018 section/elevations (532kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 20/09/2018 topographical survey (1185kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 20/09/2018 stores plans & elevations (198kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 20/09/2018 proposed elevations (289kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 20/09/2018 proposed plans & sections (201kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 20/09/2018 GF plans (607kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 19/10/2018 Environmental Health Housing comments 17/10/18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 19/10/2018 Building Control comments 16/10/18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 16/10/2018 Building Control comments 11/10/18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 11/10/2018 Sibford Gower PC 08/10/18 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 03/10/2018 Environmental Protection comments 27/09/18 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 11/10/2018 OCC Highways comments 09/10/18 (16kb) -
Consultation Response 23/10/2018 Sibford Gower Parish Council - 22.10.18 (17kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 31/10/2018 Irons, R - 30.10.18 (16kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 16/11/2018 Report - 15.11.18 (94kb) -
Officer Report 11/03/2019 Con 3, 5, 7, 9 report - 11.03.19 (50kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 15/11/2018 15.11.18 (1679kb) -
Decision 11/03/2019 Con 3, 5, 7, 9 - 11.03.19 (2217kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (16kb) - Amended Publicity
Application Document (51kb) - AMD - Neighbour consult
Application Document (46kb) - AMD - Neighbour map
Application Document (15kb) - Publicity
Application Document (16kb) - Publicity
Application Document (115kb) - app form
Application Document (171kb) - Info map
Application Document (104kb) - SUPP - Neighbour map
Application Document (116kb) - Checklist
Application Document (18kb) - Supp - Neighbour consults
Application Document (19kb) - site visit
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous (2252kb) - Bat report
Reports – Miscellaneous (1426kb) - structural report
Reports – Miscellaneous (4032kb) - contamination desk study report part 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (1607kb) - contamination desk study report part 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (2212kb) - contamination desk study report part 1
Supporting Documents (23kb) - design & access statement
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (103kb) - existing & proposed site plans
Site Location Plan (221kb) - location plan
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys (532kb) - section/elevations
Plans – Sections/Surveys (1185kb) - topographical survey
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (198kb) - stores plans & elevations
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (289kb) - proposed elevations
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (201kb) - proposed plans & sections
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (607kb) - GF plans
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (15kb) - Environmental Health Housing comments 17/10/18
Consultation Response (15kb) - Building Control comments 16/10/18
Consultation Response (15kb) - Building Control comments 11/10/18
Consultation Response (14kb) - Sibford Gower PC 08/10/18
Consultation Response (14kb) - Environmental Protection comments 27/09/18
Consultation Response (16kb) - OCC Highways comments 09/10/18
Consultation Response (17kb) - Sibford Gower Parish Council - 22.10.18
Public Comments
Public Comments (16kb) - Irons, R - 30.10.18
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (94kb) - Report - 15.11.18
Officer Report (50kb) - Con 3, 5, 7, 9 report - 11.03.19
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (1679kb) - 15.11.18
Decision (2217kb) - Con 3, 5, 7, 9 - 11.03.19
Sibford Surgery Colony Road Sibford Gower
The Piggery Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY
Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
08/00380/F 22/02/2008 Full Development 5 The Colony Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RY Demolition of existing garage. New garage with store over. Single storey and first floor extension. (As amended by revised plans received 12.05.08.) Permitted 18/06/2008
18/01498/F 20/09/2018 Full Development Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Demolition of lean-to extension of the existing building and extension to existing building to form single dwelling house, new stores building and demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation area (revised scheme of 17/02192/F) Permitted 15/11/2018
17/02192/F 08/11/2017 Full Development Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Alterations to existing building to form single dwelling house; demolition of unlisted buildings in the Conservation Area Permitted 29/12/2017
18/00868/F 15/05/2018 Full Development Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Rear ground floor extension and flat roof dormers Permitted 10/07/2018
19/00031/DISC 28/01/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Discharge of Conditions 3 (stone sample), 5 (landscaping scheme), 7 (enclosures) and 9 (turning area and two parking spaces) of 18/01498/F Permitted 11/03/2019
21/00360/F 02/02/2021 Full Development 11 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH Proposed side extension and porch extension Permitted 26/03/2021

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
08/00534/OTHBND 22/05/2008 23/05/2008 Building Notice (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RY Garage with store over
18/00754/MULBND 10/07/2018 11/07/2018 Building Notice (Domestic/Multiple Types) Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Demolition and rebuild of existing side extension together with rear single storey extension and internal alterations
CP/HETAS/00097/2019 09/01/2019 09/01/2019 Heating Equip Testing and Approval Schem Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Installed COAL BROCKDALE: LITTLE WENLOCK Installed Liner: LINER
CP/OFTEC/00157/2007 23/10/2007 23/10/2007 Oil Firing Technical Association Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RY Installation of Heating Appliance
CP/OFTEC/00045/2019 15/01/2019 15/01/2019 Oil Firing Technical Association Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Installation of an oil fired boiler Install a heating system
19/00240/IND 06/03/2019 06/03/2019 Initial Notice Domestic The Piggery Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY Replacement of dwelling
20/00736/CP 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 Competent Persons Scheme Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Install one or more new circuits.
20/03394/CP 15/05/2020 07/05/2020 Competent Persons Scheme Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RY Circuit alteration or addition in a special location. Install a replacement consumer unit. Rewire of all circuits.

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