Planning register

Planning Application - 21/00360/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
11 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH
Proposed side extension and porch extension
Fringford And Heyfords
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr & Mrs Phillips
Applicant's Address
11, Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH
Walker Graham Architects
Agents's Address
Mr Richard Walker 44 Horton View Banbury OX16 9HP

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address8 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH Consult Date11/02/2021 Reply Due04/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address9 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH Consult Date11/02/2021 Reply Due04/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameBuilding Control (CDC) - AddressBuilding Control Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date12/02/2021 Reply Due05/03/2021 Reply Received18/03/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameClerk to Chesterton PC - Mr Brian Inglis AddressChesterton Community Centre 2 Geminus Road Chesterton Bicester OX26 1BJ Consult Date12/02/2021 Reply Due05/03/2021 Reply Received17/02/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice Display Date17/02/2021 Expiry Date10/03/2021 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 02/02/2021 App Form (66kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 02/02/2021 Proposed Block Plan (639kb) WG1028-002 -
Plans - Site 02/02/2021 Site Location Plan (735kb) WG1028-001 -
Existing Plans
Plans - Existing 02/02/2021 Existing SW & SE Elevations (580kb) WG1028-004 -
Plans - Existing 02/02/2021 Existing Floor Plans (621kb) WG1028-003 -
Plans - Existing 02/02/2021 Existing NW & NE Elevations (639kb) WG1028-005 -
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed 02/02/2021 Proposed NW & NE Elevations (642kb) WG1028-008 -
Plans - Proposed 02/02/2021 Proposed Floor Plans (738kb) WG1028-006 - A
Plans - Proposed 02/02/2021 Proposed SW & SE Elevations (584kb) WG1028-007 - A
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 17/02/2021 Chesterton PC (72kb) -
Consultation Response 18/03/2021 Building Control (73kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 26/03/2021 Delegated Officer Report - FINAL (1365kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 26/03/2021 Decision Notice - FINAL (222kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (66kb) - App Form
Site Plans
Plans - Site (639kb) WG1028-002 - Proposed Block Plan
Plans - Site (735kb) WG1028-001 - Site Location Plan
Existing Plans
Plans - Existing (580kb) WG1028-004 - Existing SW & SE Elevations
Plans - Existing (621kb) WG1028-003 - Existing Floor Plans
Plans - Existing (639kb) WG1028-005 - Existing NW & NE Elevations
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed (642kb) WG1028-008 - Proposed NW & NE Elevations
Plans - Proposed (738kb) WG1028-006 - A Proposed Floor Plans
Plans - Proposed (584kb) WG1028-007 - A Proposed SW & SE Elevations
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (72kb) - Chesterton PC
Consultation Response (73kb) - Building Control
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (1365kb) - Delegated Officer Report - FINAL
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (222kb) - Decision Notice - FINAL
11 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH
Springfield Cottage 4 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY
Miramar Cottage 5 The Colony Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY
Colony House Colony Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RY

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
97/01304/F 18/07/1997 Full Development The Paddocks Little Chesterton Lane Chesterton Bicester Oxon Extension to lambing shed/feed store Permitted 29/08/1997
03/01251/F 02/07/2003 Full Development The Paddocks Little Chesterton Lane Chesterton Bicester Oxon RETROSPECTIVE. Change of use of part of land for siting of caravan for non-residential use Permitted Development 04/11/2003
14/00072/SO 15/10/2014 Screening Opinion The Paddocks Street From Chesterton To Little Chesterton Chesterton OUTLINE - With means of access for consideration (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) for the erection of up to 45 dwellings served via a new vehicular and pedestrian access; public open space and associated earthworks to facilitate surface water drainage; and all other ancillary and enabling works Scoping Opinion Issued 23/10/2014
16/00219/REM 17/02/2016 Matters Arising From Outline Approval The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Reserved matters to 14/01737/OUT - Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 45 no. dwellings Permitted 09/12/2016
16/00034/DISC 05/02/2016 Discharge Of Conditions The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Discharge of conditions 8 (landscaping scheme), 10 (landscape maintenance), 14 (mitigation strategy) and 16 (translocation of reptiles) of 14/01737/OUT Permitted 29/04/2016
14/01737/OUT 15/10/2014 Outline Application The Paddocks Chesterton OUTLINE - With means of access for consideration (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) for the erection of up to 45 dwellings served via a new vehicular and pedestrian access; public open space and associated earthworks to facilitate surface water drainage; and all other ancillary and enabling works Permitted 02/02/2016
16/00017/SO 17/02/2016 Screening Opinion The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Screening Opinion to 16/00219/REM - Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 45 no. dwellings Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 29/03/2016
16/00041/DISC 16/02/2016 Discharge Of Conditions The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Discharge of conditions 13 (landscaping), 17 (lighting), 20 (means of access), 22 (parking), 23 (travel information), 24 (archaeological scheme), 26 (drainage) and 27 (water supply) of 14/01737/OUT Permitted 07/03/2017
18/00122/OBL 18/01/2018 Obligation The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Modification to section 106 on application 14/01737/OUT Completed 26/06/2018
18/00030/NMA 26/02/2018 Non Material Amendments The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Amend condition 8 of 16/00219/REM to allow the occupation of 30 dwellings prior to the provision of the footpath link in the south east corner of the site (proposed Non-Material Amendment to 14/01737/OUT and 16/00219/REM) Permitted 12/03/2018
17/00020/NMA 31/01/2017 Non Material Amendments The Paddocks Chesterton Non Material Amendment to 14/01737/OUT - Amendments to levels, walls and plot 2 roof Refused 24/02/2017
17/00573/DISC 04/12/2017 Discharge Of Conditions The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Discharge of Conditions 2 (stone panel), 3 (brick panel - plots 1-8 garages and splash courses only) and 4 (slate sample) of 16/00219/REM Permitted 26/04/2018
17/00360/DISC 12/07/2017 Discharge Of Conditions The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton Discharge of condition 4 (roof sample) of 16/00219/REM Permitted 04/09/2017
21/00360/F 02/02/2021 Full Development 11 Lander Close Chesterton OX26 1DH Proposed side extension and porch extension Permitted 26/03/2021

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
15/01106/INC 05/10/2015 05/10/2015 Initial Notice Commercial The Paddocks The Hale Chesterton 45 New build residential units and 13 detached ancillary buildings
CP/GASAFE/00742/2019 15/02/2019 15/02/2019 Gas Safe 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Install a gas-fired boiler
CP/GASAFE/00250/2019 15/02/2019 15/02/2019 Gas Safe 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Install a gas-fired boiler
21/00490/BN 21/04/2021 23/04/2021 Building Notice 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Single storey side extension
21/11954/CP 03/08/2021 01/08/2021 Competent Persons Scheme 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Circuit alteration or addition in a special location.
24/36761/CP 16/02/2019 15/02/2019 Competent Persons Scheme 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Install a gas-fired boiler.
24/39531/CP 10/05/2024 01/05/2024 Competent Persons Scheme 11 Lander Close Chesterton Bicester OX26 1DH Install replacement door in a dwelling.

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