Planning register

Planning Application - 15/00518/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Split Decision
Decision Level
Longford Park Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Bodicote
Discharge of Conditions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16 and 18 of 15/00344/REM
Banbury Calthorpe And Easington
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Split Decision
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
BDW Trading Ltd
Applicant's Address
Mr Ben Sandford 60 Whitehall Road Halesowen Please Select B63 3JS United Kingdom
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameArboriculture (CDC) Address Consult Date21/12/2015 Reply Due04/01/2016 Reply Received01/02/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date21/12/2015 Reply Due04/01/2016 Reply Received11/02/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date21/12/2015 Reply Due04/01/2016 Reply Received18/01/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date21/12/2015 Reply Due11/01/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 21/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - Publicity (110kb) -
Application Document 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 App Form (44kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Environmental Management Plan (672kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 14/04/2016 Con 2 - 162P materials plan (1386kb) -
Plans – Details 14/04/2016 Con 5 - 13/4/16 163N boundary plan (413kb) -
Plans – Details 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Highway Construction Details Sheet 2 (140kb) -
Plans – Details 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Highways Construction Sheet 1 (237kb) -
Plans – Details 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Section 38 Plan (1562kb) -
Plans – Details 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Drainage Layout (981kb) -
Plans – Details 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Typical Eaves & Verge Details (119kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/04/2016 Con 7 - 13/4/16 - Planting plans/tree pit layout (3973kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 01/02/2016 Con 2,3,5-7,9,11,12,16,18, Arboriculture - 29.01.16 (23kb) -
Consultation Response 18/01/2016 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18- Landscape Planning officer - 18-01-16 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 12/02/2016 Con 16 - Ecology officer - 11-02-16 (14kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 01/08/2016 Cons 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16 and 18 - 29.07.2016 (957kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Superseded 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Boundary Plan (433kb) -
Superseded 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Phase 3 Tree Pit Details (926kb) -
Superseded 16/12/2015 Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Phase 3 Planting Plan Overview 1 of 4 (5411kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (110kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - Publicity
Application Document (44kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 App Form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (672kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Environmental Management Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (1386kb) - Con 2 - 162P materials plan
Plans – Details (413kb) - Con 5 - 13/4/16 163N boundary plan
Plans – Details (140kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Highway Construction Details Sheet 2
Plans – Details (237kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Highways Construction Sheet 1
Plans – Details (1562kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Section 38 Plan
Plans – Details (981kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Drainage Layout
Plans – Details (119kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 Typical Eaves & Verge Details
Plans – Landscape (3973kb) - Con 7 - 13/4/16 - Planting plans/tree pit layout
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (23kb) - Con 2,3,5-7,9,11,12,16,18, Arboriculture - 29.01.16
Consultation Response (14kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18- Landscape Planning officer - 18-01-16
Consultation Response (14kb) - Con 16 - Ecology officer - 11-02-16
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (957kb) - Cons 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16 and 18 - 29.07.2016
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (433kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Boundary Plan
Superseded (926kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Phase 3 Tree Pit Details
Superseded (5411kb) - Cons 2/3/5/6/7/9/11/12/16/18 - SUPP Phase 3 Planting Plan Overview 1 of 4
112 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
138 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
7 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
37 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
39 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
130 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
3 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
35 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
16 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
70 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
124 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
9 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
2 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
100 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
33 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
51 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
36 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
128 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
116 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
106 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
2 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
4 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
94 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
90 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
84 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
61 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
134 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
17 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
12 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
12 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
65 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
82 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
74 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
55 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
126 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
110 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
31 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
80 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
29 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
8 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
88 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
20 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
26 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
30 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
Longford Park Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Banbury
114 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
13 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
21 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
1 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
4 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
57 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
122 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
132 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
136 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
7 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
25 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
27 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
5 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
6 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
10 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
86 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
20 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
43 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
63 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
59 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
34 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
15 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
108 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
96 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
14 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
22 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
28 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
23 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
3 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
1 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
26 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
78 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
45 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
22 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
24 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
120 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
118 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
11 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
19 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
5 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
6 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
10 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
24 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
104 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
102 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
8 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
18 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
14 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
18 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
30 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
47 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
49 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
28 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
32 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP
98 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
41 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
72 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
67 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
140 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
92 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
16 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN
76 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU
53 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
15/00213/DISC 09/06/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Clearance of condition 30 of 05/01337/OUT Permitted 21/07/2015
15/00518/DISC 14/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Longford Park Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Bodicote Discharge of Conditions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16 and 18 of 15/00344/REM Split Decision 01/08/2016
15/00024/DISC 22/01/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of Condition 43 of 05/01337/OUT Refused 17/02/2016
16/00042/DISC 08/02/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of Condition 24 of 05/01337/OUT Permitted 05/04/2016
15/00344/REM 23/03/2015 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Bodicote Reserved matters to 05/01337/OUT - 107 dwellings, associated parking and access arrangements, drainage, landscaping and materials. Permitted 18/11/2015
15/00174/DISC 05/05/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Partial discharge of conditions 27, 31, 36, 37 & 46 of 05/01337/OUT Permitted 01/11/2018
15/00027/DISC 23/01/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of Condition 24 of 05/01337/OUT Application Withdrawn 20/04/2016
18/00049/DISC 08/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of conditions 35 (canal footpath details) and 36 (tree/hedgerow protection) of 05/01337/OUT Refused 03/04/2018
18/00057/DISC 08/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of conditions 30 (noise) and 37 (fire hydrants) and partial discharge of condition 27 (levels) of 05/01337/OUT Split Decision 03/04/2018
18/00103/NMA 14/08/2018 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 6900 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining South Of Canal Lane Bodicote Amendment to the design of Plots 1 - 3 as approved under the Phase 1 reserved matters approval 13/00822/REM pursuant to outline planning permission 05/01337/OUT Permitted 11/10/2018
17/00549/DISC 15/11/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Discharge of condition 29 (Local Areas of Play (LAPs) of 05/01337/OUT Permitted 10/09/2018
19/00873/CCE 14/05/2019 Compliance with Conditions Longford Park Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Banbury Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 15/00344/REM Observations 15/07/2019

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