Track this application
Application Number 15/00174/DISC |
Application Type Discharge Of Conditions |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of
Banbury |
Proposal Partial discharge of conditions 27, 31, 36, 37 & 46 of 05/01337/OUT |
Parish Banbury |
Ward Banbury Calthorpe And Easington |
Received Date 05/05/2015 |
Valid Date 05/05/2015 |
Weekly List Date |
Comments Due Date |
Target Decision Date 30/06/2015 |
Committee Date |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 01/11/2018 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Barratt Homes West Midlands |
Applicant's Address 60 Whitehall Road
B60 3JS |
Agent |
Agents's Address |
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
No associated neighbours |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameArboriculture (CDC) | Address | Consult Date02/06/2015 | Reply Due16/06/2015 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEcology (CDC) | Address | Consult Date02/06/2015 | Reply Due16/06/2015 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameFire Officer | AddressFire Service HQ Sterling Road KIDLINGTON OX5 2DU | Consult Date02/06/2015 | Reply Due16/06/2015 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) | AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities | Consult Date02/06/2015 | Reply Due16/06/2015 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
No Public Notices |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document | 01/06/2015 | Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - app form | (44kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous | 01/06/2015 | Con 36 - Arboricultural Method Statement | (5564kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 01/06/2015 | Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - Constrruction Environmental Management Plan | (672kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 01/06/2015 | Con 31 - Ecology info | (88kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 01/06/2015 | Con 31 - Ecology info | (177kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout | 01/06/2015 | COns 27/29/31/36-37/46 - planning layourt | (2687kb) | - | |
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 01/06/2015 | Con 27 - topographical survey | (3639kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 01/06/2015 | Con 27 - external works layout | (2331kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 01/06/2015 | Con 27 - 104-12 - external works layout | (1499kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 01/06/2015 | Con 37 - fire hydrant position | (2132kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 01/06/2015 | Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - parcel B & C external works sheets 1-4 | (4583kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 01/06/2015 | Con 46 - principle contractor plan | (1431kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 01/06/2015 | Con 36 - tree protection plan | (1053kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 01/06/2015 | Con 29 - phase 2 play space | (2203kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 26/05/2016 | Con 29 Phase 2 Play space | (1537kb) | - | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 13/11/2018 | Cons 27/31/36/37/46 Ecology 20/7/15 | (11kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 13/11/2018 | Cons 27/31/36/37/46 Arboricultural 10/6/15 | (10kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 01/11/2018 | Cons 27/31/36/37/47 - 01.11.18 | (943kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document (44kb) - Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - app form | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (5564kb) - Con 36 - Arboricultural Method Statement | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (672kb) - Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - Constrruction Environmental Management Plan | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (88kb) - Con 31 - Ecology info | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (177kb) - Con 31 - Ecology info | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (2687kb) - COns 27/29/31/36-37/46 - planning layourt | |||||
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (3639kb) - Con 27 - topographical survey | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (2331kb) - Con 27 - external works layout | |||||
Plans – Details (1499kb) - Con 27 - 104-12 - external works layout | |||||
Plans – Details (2132kb) - Con 37 - fire hydrant position | |||||
Plans – Details (4583kb) - Cons 27/29/31/36-37/46 - parcel B & C external works sheets 1-4 | |||||
Plans – Details (1431kb) - Con 46 - principle contractor plan | |||||
Plans – Landscape (1053kb) - Con 36 - tree protection plan | |||||
Plans – Landscape (2203kb) - Con 29 - phase 2 play space | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (1537kb) - Con 29 Phase 2 Play space | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (11kb) - Cons 27/31/36/37/46 Ecology 20/7/15 | |||||
Consultation Response (10kb) - Cons 27/31/36/37/46 Arboricultural 10/6/15 | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (943kb) - Cons 27/31/36/37/47 - 01.11.18 |
Addresses |
110 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
116 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
106 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
2 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
90 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
94 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
100 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
12 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
8 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
9 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
29 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
130 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
17 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
134 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
84 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
88 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
82 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
70 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
80 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
74 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
61 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
2 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
138 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
3 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
7 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
4 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
33 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
31 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
39 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
37 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
35 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
55 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
51 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
20 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
12 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
16 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
65 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
36 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
126 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
128 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
26 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
30 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
124 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
112 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
8 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
36 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
38 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
60 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
74 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
55 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
Street Record Bramble Crescent Banbury |
39 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
57 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
27 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
10 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
3 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
Street Record Dunnock Road Banbury |
2 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
1 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
9 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
17 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
14 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
12 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
18 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
Street Record Field View Banbury |
20 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
3 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
Longford Park Phase 2 Parcel C Longford Park Road Banbury |
8 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
6 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
Elms End 53 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
28 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
67 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
30 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
79 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
81 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
46 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
2 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
7 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
99 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
65 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
17 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
87 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
23 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
37 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
40 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
13 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
27 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
29 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
3 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
62 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
47 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
51 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
7 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
10 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
8 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
19 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
26 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
12 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
7 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
3 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
11 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
8 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
7 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
4 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
27 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
15 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
10 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
19 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
18 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
12 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
18 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
27 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
49 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
44 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
93 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
48 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
52 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
73 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
Street Record Swift Drive Banbury |
58 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
103 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
13 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
24 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
52 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
41 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
Proposed Land For Commercial Units West Of College House Farm Longford Park Road Banbury |
32 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
76 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
3 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
21 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
19 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
6 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
48 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
40 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
4 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
6 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
OS Parcel 6900 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining South Of Canal Lane Bodicote |
22 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
33 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
35 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
20 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
24 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
30 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
51 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
55 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
73 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
46 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
42 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
67 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
107 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
41 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
17 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
31 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
30 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
Street Record Songthrush Road Banbury |
18 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
1 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
7 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
4 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
10 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
29 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
16 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
25 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
23 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
39 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
77 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
15 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
9 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
4 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
1 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
97 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
28 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
43 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
12 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
15 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
52 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
28 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
38 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
17 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
Street Record Wayfarings Banbury |
9 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
10 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
7 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
11 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
5 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
32 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
3 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
8 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
27 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
25 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
9 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
Street Record Chaffinch Way Banbury |
3 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
21 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
20 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
22 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
22 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
25 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
65 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
37 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
34 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
5 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
69 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
6 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
5 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
105 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
30 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
22 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
61 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
33 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
32 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
19 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
11 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
25 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
3 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
14 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
19 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
50 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
58 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
70 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
11 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
40 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
9 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
6 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
Taylor Wimpey Sales Office 2 Longford Park Phase 1 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4EG |
24 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
7 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
16 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
14 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
15 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
OS Parcel 6920 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining And South Of Canal Lane Bodicote |
1 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
5 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
9 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
5 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
2 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
35 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
19 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
39 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
27 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
25 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
53 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
34 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
63 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
8 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
83 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
10 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
85 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
19 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
56 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
51 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
50 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
43 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
Street Record Wren Crescent Banbury |
4 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
Longford Park Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Banbury |
34 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
24 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
66 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
45 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
6 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
12 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
29 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
29 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
23 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
25 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
3 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
13 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
26 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
2 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
1 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
13 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
19 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
6 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
17 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
16 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
20 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
35 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
Proposed Surgery Community Hall Nursery Residentail Longford Park Phase 2 Longford Park Road Banbury |
7 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
11 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
17 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
1 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
5 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
18 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
27 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
29 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
29 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
63 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
47 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
1 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
34 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
Cleeves 42 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
75 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
65 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
10 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
75 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
54 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
8 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
66 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
31 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
55 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
21 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
42 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
21 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
5 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
53 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
42 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
7 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
36 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
Barratt Homes Sales Office Longford Park Phase 1 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4EG |
Longford Park Phase 1 Stonechat Road Banbury |
6 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
21 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
25 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
7 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
1 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
15 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
10 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
12 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
33 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
25 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
16 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
14 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
14 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
17 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
20 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
51 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
67 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
91 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
95 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
56 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
68 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
12 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
81 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
Longford Park Phase 2 Parcel B Longford Park Road Banbury |
53 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
11 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
2 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
9 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
30 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
26 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
22 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
8 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
37 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
35 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
33 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
48 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
18 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
8 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
6 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
15 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
28 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
122 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
118 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
1 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
120 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
108 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
104 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
92 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
96 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
98 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
102 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
6 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
10 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
16 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
14 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
4 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
11 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
7 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
5 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
3 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
132 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
13 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
15 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
136 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
19 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
21 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
23 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
27 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
25 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
86 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
20 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
59 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
76 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
72 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
78 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
57 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
24 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
63 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
28 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
30 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
26 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
18 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
22 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
140 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
5 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
1 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
47 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
41 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
49 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
22 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
24 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
53 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
18 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
43 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
45 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
8 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
10 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
14 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
6 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
67 Yarrow Road Banbury OX15 4SN |
28 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
34 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
32 Foxtail Crescent Banbury OX15 4SP |
114 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
13 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
10 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
6 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
13 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
64 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
16 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
10 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
5 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
Street Record Stonechat Road Banbury |
27 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
4 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
5 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
30 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
17 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
15 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
20 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
9 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
4 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
31 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
27 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
29 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
3 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
23 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
11 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
15 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
32 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
59 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
Street Record Little Owl Drive Banbury |
43 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
38 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
36 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
38 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
9 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
17 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
101 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
14 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
62 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
64 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
62 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
58 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
44 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
38 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
45 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
46 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
47 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
23 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
54 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
14 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
59 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
13 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
22 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
20 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
44 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
4 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
Street Record Robins Way Banbury |
6 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
2 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
Street Record Skylark Road Banbury |
23 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
28 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
2 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
16 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
24 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
37 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
36 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
57 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
3 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
40 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
13 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
4 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
64 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
29 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
34 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
17 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
68 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
41 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
31 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
34 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
1 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
11 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
38 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
5 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
13 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
19 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
29 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
Street Record Ash Drive Banbury |
Street Record Hobby Road Banbury |
7 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
14 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
31 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
22 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
24 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
26 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
69 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
35 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
42 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
40 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
44 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
89 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
44 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
85 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
11 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
63 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
93 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
25 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
35 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury |
21 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
21 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
23 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
10 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
17 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
33 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
23 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
19 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
26 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
35 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
38 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
59 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
45 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
Land At South Bankside Banbury |
77 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
18 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
59 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
48 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
6 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
7 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
56 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
20 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
61 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
44 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
Street Record Rose Way Banbury |
4 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
46 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
5 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
9 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
30 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
24 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
2 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
16 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
2 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
21 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
OS Parcels 0042 8629 7000 6185 3200 1200 2600 1200 0107 8300 9708 0006 4449 6567 South Eas Chapel Lane Bodicote |
14 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
OS Parcel 9945 Canal Lane Bodicote |
1 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
16 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
6 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
13 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
21 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
33 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
32 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
57 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
49 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
36 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
32 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
11 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
3 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
109 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
89 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
27 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
1 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
9 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
4 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
Sport Pavillion Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
Longford Park Parcel D Phase 3 Longford Park Road Banbury |
18 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
72 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
23 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
21 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
Street Record Canal Lane Bodicote |
23 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
36 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
5 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
10 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
3 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
8 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
11 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
Longford Park Phase 2 Longford Park Road Banbury |
8 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
8 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
45 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
28 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
30 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
47 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
28 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
61 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
71 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
71 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
46 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
48 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
50 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
52 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
50 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
16 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
66 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
20 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
37 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
95 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
49 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
7 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
2 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
8 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
11 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
17 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
49 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
4 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
46 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
15 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
13 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
1 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
19 Field View Banbury OX15 4GZ |
22 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
5 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
25 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
14 Robins Way Banbury OX15 4GD |
23 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
26 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
10 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
13 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
12 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
15 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
9 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
21 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
83 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
26 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
55 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
40 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
7 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
87 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
15 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
79 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
60 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GN |
60 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
54 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
39 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
15 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
1 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
5 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
12 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
1 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
28 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
11 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
42 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
34 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
10 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
9 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
Street Record Linnet Road Banbury |
2 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
24 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
Community Centre Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
12 Wren Crescent Banbury OX15 4FZ |
12 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GJ |
13 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
4 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
31 Hobby Road Banbury OX15 4GH |
31 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
33 Chaffinch Way Banbury OX15 4GP |
41 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
61 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
2 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
6 Little Owl Drive Banbury OX15 4GW |
57 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
91 Songthrush Road Banbury OX15 4GL |
26 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
36 Swift Drive Banbury OX15 4GQ |
Telecommunications Mast Oxf7003 Chatsworth Drive Banbury OX16 9TS |
43 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
2 Stonechat Road Banbury OX15 4GE |
25 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
32 Linnet Road Banbury OX15 4FY |
2 Dunnock Road Banbury OX15 4FX |
8 Skylark Road Banbury OX15 4GF |
50 Longford Park Road Banbury OX15 4FU |
4 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
3 Ash Drive Banbury OX15 4GY |
18 Bramble Crescent Banbury OX15 4SF |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
05/01337/OUT | 05/07/2005 | Outline Application | Land North East Of Oxford Road, West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Oxon | OUTLINE. Residential development with associated facilities including primary school, playing fields, local shops and community facilities. 2200sq.m of employment provision (Use class B1 Business) (as amended by further information document received 10.11.05). | Permitted | 30/09/2009 |
10/00329/DISC | 19/10/2010 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Oxfordshire | Discharge of condition 22 of 05/01337/OUT | Application Disposed Of | 30/10/2018 |
10/00294/DISC | 24/09/2010 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Oxfordshire | Discharge of conditions No.11, No.12, No.13, No.14 and No.15 of 05/01337/OUT - Provision of Master Plan and Design Code | Permitted | 12/07/2012 |
12/00100/DISC | 04/05/2012 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road, West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury Oxfordshire | Discharge of Condition 21 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 31/05/2012 |
12/01056/REM | 31/07/2012 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land South Of Bankside East Of Oxford Road, West Of Oxford Canal Banbury Oxfordshire | Reserved Matters - (Outline Application 05/01337/OUT) - Provision for proposed highways infrastructure spine road and associated drainage | Application Withdrawn | 04/04/2013 |
13/00150/REM | 06/02/2013 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Reserved Matters Application - (Outline Application 05/01337/OUT) - Provision of access from Oxford Road with haul type turning area | Permitted | 27/03/2013 |
13/00024/DISC | 30/01/2013 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Clearance of condition 49 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 19/03/2013 |
13/00237/F | 20/02/2013 | Full Development | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Provision of drainage channel under canal & construction of headwall to facilitate discharge of water into tributary channel. Drainage required to facilitate development at Bankside | Permitted | 17/04/2013 |
13/00971/F | 26/06/2013 | Full Development | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Variation of conditions 34 and 43 of 05/01337/OUT - OUTLINE - Residential development with associated facilities; 2200 sq m of employment provision | Application Withdrawn | 31/07/2015 |
13/00822/REM | 06/06/2013 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | OS Parcel 6900 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining South Of Canal Lane Bodicote | Reserved Matters Application - (05/01337/OUT) - 215 Units | Permitted | 20/09/2013 |
13/00203/DISC | 02/08/2013 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Clearance of conditions 3 & 4 of 13/00150/REM | Permitted | 05/08/2019 |
13/00206/DISC | 26/07/2013 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Clearance of conditions 16, 19 & partial clearance of condition 31 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 06/05/2014 |
13/00311/DISC | 28/10/2013 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Clearance of condition 18 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 12/12/2013 |
13/00276/DISC | 20/09/2013 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Partial Discharge of Condition 17 of 05/01337/OUT relating specifically to the Plateau area of the site (Residential Parcels A-E and the Local Centre area) | Permitted | 01/11/2018 |
14/00027/DISC | 24/02/2014 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Partial Discharge of Condition 46 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 15/05/2014 |
15/00213/DISC | 09/06/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Clearance of condition 30 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 21/07/2015 |
14/00089/SO | 30/10/2014 | Screening Opinion | Proposed Sport Pavilion Land Of Bankside Adj Longford Park Road Bodicote | Screening Opinion to 14/01830/REM - Details of the proposed sports changing pavilion adjacent to the sports pitches, including 29 associated car parking spaces and 2 coach bays | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 17/11/2014 |
15/00063/SO | 01/07/2015 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening Opinion to 15/01213/REM - Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - Amendment to 14/00917/REM to increase the red line site area and to replan plots 300-325 within Parcel B. | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 13/07/2015 |
14/00702/REM | 16/06/2014 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Approval of reserved matters pursuant to Outline permission 05/01337/OUT - Proposed spine road. | Permitted | 31/07/2015 |
15/00018/SO | 23/03/2015 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening Opinion to 15/00344/REM - 108 dwellings, associated parking and access arrangements, drainage, landscaping and materials. | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 26/03/2015 |
14/00081/SO | 05/11/2014 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening opinion to 14/01833/REM - Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - Details of the proposed community park adjacent to Bankside, including play, recreation, education and biodiversity features, a footpath and cycle network and other public amenities. | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 17/11/2014 |
14/01830/REM | 29/10/2014 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Sport Pavilion Land Of Bankside Adj Longford Park Road Bodicote | Reserved Matters - (Outline Application 05/01337/OUT) - Details of the proposed sports changing pavilion and associated car parking (26 car parking spaces including 3 disabled spaces) and landscaping | Permitted | 23/03/2016 |
14/01832/REM | 18/11/2014 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Longford Park Proposed Marina Adj To Canal Lane Bodicote | Reserved Matters to Outline Application 05/01337/OUT - Details of the proposed canal basin adjacent to Oxford Canal. | Application Withdrawn | 04/06/2015 |
14/01833/REM | 05/11/2014 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - Details of the proposed community park adjacent to Bankside, including play, recreation, education and biodiversity features, a footpath and cycle network and other public amenities. | Permitted | 01/08/2018 |
14/01835/REM | 18/11/2014 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Proposed Surgery - Community Hall - Nursery Residentail Longford Park Phase 2 Longford Park Road Bodicote | Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - Details of the proposed village square including 44 public parking spaces and landscaped public open space | Permitted | 08/09/2016 |
15/00047/REM | 05/03/2015 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - Proposed Public House and 45 associated parking spaces | Permitted | 12/01/2016 |
14/00414/DISC | 21/11/2014 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of condition 20 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 15/02/2016 |
15/00839/REM | 03/06/2015 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Longford Park Parcel D And E Phase 3 Longford Park Road Bodicote | Reserved Matters to 05/01337/OUT - 125 residential units on Parcels D and E | Refused | 18/01/2016 |
16/00012/NMA | 11/03/2016 | Non Material Amendments | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Non-material amendment to 05/01337/OUT with respect to land on Parcels D/E (15/00344/REM) - removal and repositioning of garage to plot 6 from rear parking court and subsequent adjustment of adjacent house types and garages. Alteration of house type at Plots 603 and 605. Minor adjustments to setting out and positioning of garages to plots to allow 6m frontages. Minor adjustments to footway between spine road and side streets. Addition of double garage between Plots 666 and 667. Consequential alterations to plot boundaries for Plots 606, 607, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666 and 667. | Permitted | 12/04/2016 |
16/00043/NMA | 06/06/2016 | Non Material Amendments | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Non Material Amendment to 05/01337/OUT - amendment to spine road layout as approved under 15/00344/REM | Permitted | 17/06/2016 |
15/00417/DISC | 08/10/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of conditions 3 (specification details), 4 (landscaping scheme), 6 (tree pits) and 9 (gate enclosure) of 14/00702/REM. | Permitted | 23/08/2020 |
15/00024/DISC | 22/01/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 43 of 05/01337/OUT | Refused | 17/02/2016 |
14/00168/DISC | 16/06/2014 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Partial Discharge of conditions 27, 30 and 37 of 05/01337/OUT and full discharge of condition 34 of 05/01337/OUT. | Permitted | 17/05/2016 |
14/00419/DISC | 12/12/2014 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 29 of 05/01337/OUT for Parcel A | Permitted | 15/09/2015 |
14/00420/DISC | 12/12/2014 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 25 of 05/01337/OUT | Refused | 17/02/2016 |
16/00042/DISC | 08/02/2016 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 24 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 05/04/2016 |
15/00344/REM | 23/03/2015 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Parcel E Phase 4 Longford Park Road Bodicote | Reserved matters to 05/01337/OUT - 107 dwellings, associated parking and access arrangements, drainage, landscaping and materials. | Permitted | 18/11/2015 |
14/00087/SO | 18/11/2014 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening Opinion of 14/01835/REM - Details of the proposed village square including 44 public parking spaces and landscaped public open space | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 21/11/2014 |
15/00174/DISC | 05/05/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Partial discharge of conditions 27, 31, 36, 37 & 46 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 01/11/2018 |
14/00088/SO | 18/11/2014 | Screening Opinion | Longford Park Proposed Marina Adj To Canal Lane Bodicote | Screening opinion to 14/01832/REM- Reserved Matters to Outline Application 05/01337/OUT - Details of the proposed canal basin adjacent to Oxford Canal. | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 27/11/2014 |
14/00080/SO | 30/10/2014 | Screening Opinion | Proposed Land For Commercial Units West Of College House Farm Longford Park Road Bodicote | Screening Opinion to 14/01841/REM - Proposed commercial units for B1 use adjacent to the Oxford Road, including 65 associated parking spaces. | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 05/11/2014 |
15/00026/DISC | 23/01/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 23 of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 24/02/2017 |
15/00027/DISC | 23/01/2015 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 24 of 05/01337/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 20/04/2016 |
15/00005/SO | 05/03/2015 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening Opinion to 15/00047/REM - Proposed Public House and 45 associated parking spaces | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 10/03/2015 |
18/00049/DISC | 08/02/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of conditions 35 (canal footpath details) and 36 (tree/hedgerow protection) of 05/01337/OUT | Refused | 03/04/2018 |
18/00426/DISC | 26/10/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 27 (floor levels) of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 07/11/2018 |
18/00171/CCE | 31/01/2018 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 05/01337/OUT | Observations | 23/02/2018 |
17/02532/CCE | 15/12/2017 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions 17,22,27,29,31,36,37 and 46 of 05/01337/OUT | Observations | 21/12/2017 |
18/00160/DISC | 04/04/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 22 (contamination) of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 23/04/2018 |
18/00482/DISC | 04/01/2019 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Conditions 4 (landscape management plan) and 9 (sports pitches barrier) of 14/01833/REM | Permitted | 23/08/2020 |
18/00057/DISC | 08/02/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of conditions 30 (noise) and 37 (fire hydrants) and partial discharge of condition 27 (levels) of 05/01337/OUT | Split Decision | 03/04/2018 |
18/00103/NMA | 14/08/2018 | Non Material Amendments | OS Parcel 6900 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining South Of Canal Lane Bodicote | Amendment to the design of Plots 1 - 3 as approved under the Phase 1 reserved matters approval 13/00822/REM pursuant to outline planning permission 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 11/10/2018 |
17/00549/DISC | 15/11/2017 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of condition 29 (Local Areas of Play (LAPs) of 05/01337/OUT | Permitted | 10/09/2018 |
18/02061/M106 | 28/11/2018 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Modification of Section 106 - Application 05/01337/OUT | Not proceeded with | 16/01/2020 |
19/00076/DISC | 21/02/2019 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 9 (barrier netting along Bankside) of 14/01833/REM | Permitted | 30/04/2019 |
19/00738/CCE | 23/04/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 05/01337/OUT | Observations | 02/07/2019 |
19/00260/CCE | 20/02/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions 17, 22, 27, 29, 31, 36, 37 & 46 of 05/01337/OUT. | Observations | 05/07/2019 |
19/00759/CCE | 23/05/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 14/00702/REM | Observations | 15/07/2019 |
19/00760/CCE | 23/05/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | OS Parcel 6900 East Of Oxford Road And Adjoining South Of Canal Lane Bodicote | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 13/00822/REM | Observations | 10/07/2019 |
19/00871/CCE | 14/05/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 05/01337/OUT | Observations | 15/07/2019 |
19/00872/CCE | 14/05/2019 | Compliance with Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Confirmation of compliance of conditions for 14/00702/REM | Observations | 15/07/2019 |
19/01047/OUT | 25/03/2021 | Outline Application | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 820 dwellings; green infrastructure including formal (playing fields with changing rooms, allotments) and informal open space; landscaping and associated infrastructure including a balancing pond; on land off the A4260, with access off the existing Longford Park access off the A4260 (Oxford Road), and a new access off the A4260 (Banbury Road). All matters of detail reserved, save for access. | ||
19/00038/SO | 10/06/2019 | Screening Opinion | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Screening Opinion to 19/01047/OUT - Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 850 dwellings; green infrastructure including formal (playing fields with changing rooms, allotments) and informal open space, landscaping; and associated infrastructure including a balancing pond; on land off the A4260, with access off the existing Longford Park access off the A4260 (Oxford Road), and a new access off the A4260 (Banbury Road). All matters of detail reserved, save for access. | Observations | 01/07/2019 |
19/00016/NMA | 20/02/2019 | Non Material Amendments | Longford Park Country Park Bankside Banbury | Non-material amendment to condition 1 of 14/01833/REM - Alterations to proposed species within landscape specification. | Permitted | 23/08/2020 |
19/01498/DISC | 02/08/2019 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Conditions 2 (lighting), 3 (parking), 7 (cycle parking) and 8 (landscape strip) of 14/01833/REM | Permitted | 23/08/2020 |
19/02122/NMA | 30/09/2019 | Non Material Amendments | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Non-material amendment for 14/01833/REM - Amendments sought for slight variations of the MUGA and NEAP design along with the associated landscaping | Permitted | 25/10/2019 |
21/00382/DISC | 01/04/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Conditions 7 (finished floor levels), 8 (enclosures along boundaries), 15 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 16 (badger mitigation), 17 (LEMP) of 13/00822/REM | Permitted | 09/12/2022 |
21/00996/NMA | 22/03/2021 | Non Material Amendments | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Non-material amendment to 14/01833/REM - amendment to Country Park Surfacing from tarmac to hoggin | Not proceeded with | 28/04/2022 |
21/02646/NMA | 02/08/2021 | Non Material Amendments | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Non-material amendment to 14/01833/REM - Amendment to landscaping proposal | Not proceeded with | 28/04/2022 |
22/01031/M106 | 06/04/2022 | Application to Modify a Section 106 | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | To vary the S106 Agreement in regards to the obligations regarding healthcare in connection with application 19/01047/OUT | ||
22/01916/DISC | 01/04/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of Condition 25 (Drainage Strategy) of 13/00822/REM | Permitted | 07/12/2022 |
22/01998/DISC | 04/07/2022 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | Discharge of condition 8 (revised landscaping scheme) of 14/01833/REM | Permitted | 29/11/2022 |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
13/00471/IND | 30/05/2013 | 30/05/2013 | Initial Notice Domestic | Land North East Of Oxford Road West Of Oxford Canal And East Of Bankside Banbury | 1063 residential plots. Taylor Wimpey Plots 1-48, 118-136 inclusive. Bovis Homes Plots 49-117. Barrett West Midlands - Plots 118-1160 16 NRs. |