Planning register

Planning Application - 12/00116/REM

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Application Number
Application Type
Matters Arising From Outline Approval
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Land South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Oxfordshire
Reserved Matters (Outline Application 06/00967/OUT) - Landscaping scheme for Foxey Leys Copse and habitat links
Ambrosden And Chesterton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Countryside Properties (Bicester) Ltd
Applicant's Address
Mr Steve Price Countryside House The Drive Brentwood Essex CM13 3AT
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressSpeedwell House Speedwell Street Oxford OX1 1NE Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received10/02/2012 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/02/2012

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameBicester Town Council - AddressTown Clerk To Bicester Town Council The Garth Launton Road Bicester Oxon OX26 6PS Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due23/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameAmbrosden Parish Council AddressKelly Jordan-Mann Wishing Well Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due23/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameAppropriate Parish Council Address Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due23/02/2012 Reply Received09/02/2012 TypeStandard Consultee
NameRebecca Dyson - Recreation & Leisure (CDC) AddressPublic Art/Community Halls/Community Dev./Indoor Sports/Outdoor Sports Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due16/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameRights Of Way (OCC) AddressOxfordshire County Council Signal Court Old Station Way Eynsham OXFORD OX29 4TL Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due23/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban & Rural Services AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due16/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban & Rural Services AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due16/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban & Rural Services AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due16/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban Design (CDC) Address Consult Date02/02/2012 Reply Due16/02/2012 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionMAJOR DEVELOPMENT UNDER GDO Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionBicester Advertiser Display Date09/02/2012 Expiry Date01/03/2012 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 24/10/2012 site visit (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Rights of Way Map (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Info/Species/Flood Map (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Neighbour Map (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Property History (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Checklist/Constraints/Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 01/02/2012 Application Form (0kb) -
Application Document 02/02/2012 Site Notice (0kb) -
Application Document 22/07/2015 Con 11 - app form (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous 17/12/2014 Monitoring report ecological Aug 12 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 14/02/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Woodland management plan pt 2 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 14/02/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Woodland management plan pt 1 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 14/02/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultural method statement pt 2 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 14/02/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultural method statement pt 1 (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 23/02/2018 Play Safety Inspection Report (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/02/2012 Design & Access Statement (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 01/02/2012 Equipment Details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 23/02/2018 Proposed Play Area (0kb) -
Plans – Details 18/10/2012 LEAp play area Rev D (0kb) -
Plans – Details 22/07/2015 Con 11 - Dog bin details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/08/2012 AMENDED 13/7/12 - LEAP details SL23 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 27/08/2015 NMA - AMD 10/8/15 - 027 Foxy leys copse play area (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 14/02/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - landscaping details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 28/10/2015 Con 11 - AMD 24/9/15 - Landsscape details rev R (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 18/10/2012 Landscape Drawing Rev L (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 15/08/2012 AMENDED 13/7/12 - Landscaping details rev L (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 24/10/2012 Arboricultural 16/8/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/10/2012 Landscape Architect 14/8/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/10/2012 Arboricultural 20/3/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/10/2012 Arboricultural 20/3/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 17/12/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Landscape Architecdt 4/4/14 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 17/12/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultrual 20/3/14 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 27/02/2012 Parish Council 22/12/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 10/02/2012 Town Council 9/2/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 15/09/2015 NMA - Landscape Architect 31/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 18/10/2012 Highways/Officer/Agent 15/10/12 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 10/02/2012 OCC Drainage -10.02.12 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 24/10/2012 (0kb) -
Officer Report 17/12/2014 Cons 2/4/5/9 - (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 14/05/2014 Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - 14.05.2014 (0kb) -
Decision 25/09/2015 Condition 11 - 25/09/15 (0kb) -
Decision 22/10/2012 19.10.2012 (0kb) -
Decision 25/08/2015 NMA - 25/08/15 (0kb) -
Planning Application Documents
8181017.docx 27/08/2015 NMA - Agent/Officer 10/8/15 (0kb) -
7822646.tif 17/12/2014 Applicant 2/8/13 (0kb) -
7822643.tif 17/12/2014 Applicant 2/8/13 (0kb) -
8197594.pdf 15/09/2015 NMA - app form (0kb) -
7822641.tif 17/12/2014 Officer to Applicant 13/6/13 (0kb) -
7822640.tif 17/12/2014 Applicant/OCC 23/4/13 (0kb) -
7822637.tif 17/12/2014 Applicant plan 18/4/13 (0kb) -
7822636.tif 17/12/2014 Applicant 18/4/13 (0kb) -
7822634.tif 17/12/2014 OCC Senior surveyor 12/4/13 (0kb) -
7822633.tif 17/12/2014 Officer to Applicant 3/4/13 (0kb) -
Superseded 01/02/2012 SUPP - Leap details (0kb) -
Superseded 01/02/2012 SUPP -Landscaping details (0kb) -
Superseded 22/07/2015 Con 11 -SUPP - landscaping (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - site visit
Application Document (0kb) - Rights of Way Map
Application Document (0kb) - Info/Species/Flood Map
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour Map
Application Document (0kb) - Property History
Application Document (0kb) - Checklist/Constraints/Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Application Form
Application Document (0kb) - Site Notice
Application Document (0kb) - Con 11 - app form
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Monitoring report ecological Aug 12
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Woodland management plan pt 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Woodland management plan pt 1
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultural method statement pt 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultural method statement pt 1
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Play Safety Inspection Report
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Design & Access Statement
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (0kb) - Equipment Details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Proposed Play Area
Plans – Details (0kb) - LEAp play area Rev D
Plans – Details (0kb) - Con 11 - Dog bin details
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMENDED 13/7/12 - LEAP details SL23
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - NMA - AMD 10/8/15 - 027 Foxy leys copse play area
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - landscaping details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 11 - AMD 24/9/15 - Landsscape details rev R
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Landscape Drawing Rev L
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMENDED 13/7/12 - Landscaping details rev L
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultural 16/8/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Architect 14/8/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultural 20/3/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultural 20/3/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Landscape Architecdt 4/4/14
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - Arboricultrual 20/3/14
Consultation Response (0kb) - Parish Council 22/12/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - Town Council 9/2/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - NMA - Landscape Architect 31/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Highways/Officer/Agent 15/10/12
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Drainage -10.02.12
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) -
Officer Report (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/9 -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Cons 2/4/5/7/9 - 14.05.2014
Decision (0kb) - Condition 11 - 25/09/15
Decision (0kb) - 19.10.2012
Decision (0kb) - NMA - 25/08/15
Planning Application Documents
8181017.docx (0kb) - NMA - Agent/Officer 10/8/15
7822646.tif (0kb) - Applicant 2/8/13
7822643.tif (0kb) - Applicant 2/8/13
8197594.pdf (0kb) - NMA - app form
7822641.tif (0kb) - Officer to Applicant 13/6/13
7822640.tif (0kb) - Applicant/OCC 23/4/13
7822637.tif (0kb) - Applicant plan 18/4/13
7822636.tif (0kb) - Applicant 18/4/13
7822634.tif (0kb) - OCC Senior surveyor 12/4/13
7822633.tif (0kb) - Officer to Applicant 3/4/13
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Leap details
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP -Landscaping details
Superseded (0kb) - Con 11 -SUPP - landscaping
OS Parcel 3175 Foxey Leys Copse South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
06/00967/OUT 15/05/2006 Outline Application Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Outline - Up to 1585 no. dwellings; health village to include health and employment uses and elderly persons nursing home; B1 and B2 employment uses; local centre comprising of shops, a pub/restaurant, children's day nursery, offices and a community centre; 2 no. primary schools and 1 no. secondary school; a hotel; a sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; a link road between A41 and Middleton Stoney Road/Howes Lane junction; associated new roads, junctions, parking, infrastructure, earthworks and new accesses to agricultural land (as amended by plans and documents received 24.10.06). Permitted 30/06/2008
06/02225/OUT 13/11/2006 Outline Application Land At Whitelands Farm South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Outline - Up to 1585 no. dwellings; health village to include health and employment uses and elderly persons nursing home; B1 and B2 employment uses; local centre comprising of shops, a pub/restaurant, children's day nursery, offices and a community centre; 2 no. primary schools and 1 no. secondary school; a hotel; a sports pavilion; formal and informal open space; a link road between A41 and Middleton Stoney Road/Howes Lane junction; associated new roads, junctions, parking, infrastructure, earthworks and new accesses to agricultural land. Non-Determination 04/09/2007
12/00116/REM 30/01/2012 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Oxfordshire Reserved Matters (Outline Application 06/00967/OUT) - Landscaping scheme for Foxey Leys Copse and habitat links Permitted 22/10/2012
12/01355/OUT 23/08/2012 Outline Application Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Variation of condition 16 of 06/00967/OUT to allow the construction of an additional 100 dwellings Application Withdrawn 25/04/2013
12/00216/DISC 03/09/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Partial clearance of condition 20 of 06/00967/OUT Application Withdrawn 13/09/2013
13/00227/DISC 20/08/2013 Discharge Of Conditions KM7 & KM9 SW Bicester Development Site Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Discharge of conditions 12, 25, 31, 32, 34, 44 and 49 of 06/00967/OUT. Permitted 21/01/2015
13/01019/REM 03/07/2013 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Area Land North East Of Whitelands Farm And Adj To KM3 Whitelands Way Chesterton Oxfordshire RESERVED MATTERS to Outline Planning Application 06/00967/OUT - Landscaping scheme and play areas for greenway Application Withdrawn 01/10/2013
13/00180/DISC 04/07/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Clearance of condition 45 of 06/00967/OUT Permitted 22/08/2013
15/00207/DISC 20/07/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Land South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Clearance of condition 11 of 12/00116/REM Permitted 25/09/2015
16/00068/NMA 05/09/2016 Non Material Amendments Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Non Material Amendment - Change from Render to Brickwork on the following three FOG plots: 108, 62 and 151 - Application 06/00967/OUT Permitted 27/09/2016
16/00069/NMA 05/09/2016 Non Material Amendments Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Non Material Amendment - Change of render to brickwork on the following five semi detached plots; 50/51, 93/94, 142/143, 149/150 and 162/163 -Application 06/00967/OUT Permitted 27/09/2016
14/00138/DISC 16/05/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of condition 35 of 06/00967/OUT. Refused 11/12/2014
14/00041/DISC 06/02/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Land South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Oxfordshire Discharge of conditions 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9 of 12/00116/REM. Permitted 14/05/2014
15/00074/NMA 20/07/2015 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 3175 Foxey Leys Copse South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Non Material Amendments to 12/00116/REM - Amendments to approved Locally Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) Permitted 25/08/2015
18/00055/DISC 07/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Land South West Of Bicester Adjoining Oxford Road And Middleton Stoney Road Bicester Discharge of condition 32 (existing and proposed levels) of 06/00967/OUT Permitted 06/03/2018
19/02743/OBL 05/12/2019 Obligation OS Parcel 3175 Foxey Leys Copse South East Of Whitelands Farm Oxford Road Bicester Discharge of clause 9 of 06/00967/OUT Foxey Leys Copse (SL23 of 12/00116/REM )- Site inspection prior to the Issue of a Certificate of Final Completion Permitted 16/06/2020

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