Planning register

Building Control Application: 22/00122/IN

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Reference Number
Application Type
Initial Notice
Initial Notice Accepted
Heyford Park
Building Surveyor
David Tite
07511 047527
Site Address
Phase 7b Heyford Park Camp Road Heyford Park
Description of Works
Construction of of 6, two-bedroom and 3, three-bedroom affordable dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking, infrastructure and external works.
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Heyford Park Developments Ltd
Applicant's Address
Heyford Park House Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford, Bicester OX25 5HD
Agent's Address
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
08/00716/OUT 04/03/2008 Outline Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD OUTLINE application for new settlement of 1075 dwellings, together with associated works and facilities including employment uses, community uses, school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure (as amended by plans and information received 26.06.08). Non-Determination 11/01/2010
10/00220/DISC 09/07/2010 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Discharge of conditions 15 (Control of Noise), 25 (i) and (v) (Parking and Fencing Strategies), 31 (Information Boards) & 55 (Commercial Noise Assessment)of 08/00716/OUT Application Withdrawn 11/04/2013
10/00221/DISC 09/07/2010 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Discharge of condition 33 & 34 of 08/00716/OUT (Contamination-Flying Field and Petrol, Oil and Lubrication Syatem (POL)) Permitted 03/10/2012
10/01619/CAC 27/10/2010 Conservation Area Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Demolition of existing structures (as per Conservation Area Consent Schedule and Drawing No. D.0291 38-1) Permitted 14/02/2011
10/01642/OUT 27/10/2010 Outline Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Outline - Proposed new settlement of 1075 dwellings including the retention and change of use of 267 existing military dwellings to residential use Class C3 and the change of use of other specified buildings, together with associated works and facilities, including employment uses, a school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure Permitted 22/12/2011
12/00038/DISC 28/02/2012 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Discharge of condition 38 of 10/01642/OUT - Signage strategy Permitted 04/11/2021
16/00028/DISC 05/02/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of condition 45 (floor levels) in respect of Dorchester Phases 4 and 5b only of 10/01642/OUT Permitted 16/02/2016
16/00387/DISC 24/08/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of Conditions 51 (compounds and access) and 52 (wheel washing) of 10/01642/OUT Permitted 18/10/2016
17/00046/SO 19/05/2017 Screening Opinion Phase 7 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Screening Opinion to Reserved Matters 17/01119/REM to 10/01642/OUT - Dorchester Phase 7B, comprising the provision of nine, two bedroom affordable dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking, infrastructure and external works. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 06/03/2018
17/00043/NMA 31/03/2017 Non Material Amendments Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Non-Material amendment to 10/01642/OUT - Alterations to the construction of the estate road along the western side of the residential phase 2 (Parcel D5a) Permitted 15/07/2022
17/01119/REM 19/05/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Phase 7 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Reserved Matters to 10/01642/OUT - Dorchester Phase 7B, comprising the provision of 6, two-bedroom and 3, three-bedroom affordable dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking, infrastructure and external works. Permitted 06/03/2018
18/00422/DISC 24/10/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Village Centre North Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of condition 33 (noise assessment) of 10/01642/OUT-Village Centre North Permitted 15/11/2018
16/00549/DISC 02/12/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of Condition 53 (building use) of 10/01642/OUT Permitted 23/01/2017
17/00067/DISC 07/02/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of Condition 55 (parking strategy for Building 151) of 10/01642/OUT Permitted 04/04/2017
18/00182/DISC 27/04/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 7 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Discharge of condition 6 (Landscaping) of 17/01119/REM Permitted 31/05/2018
18/00073/NMA 19/06/2018 Non Material Amendments Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Amended front door design (Plot 181); Fenestration amendments to front elevation to provide consistent window opening size (Plot 181); Deletion of velux window from front elevation (Plot 181); Provision of glazed balcony on top of single storey element with associated first floor fenestration amendments (Plot 181); Insertion of first floor window (Plot 173) (proposed as non-material amendment to 10/01642/OUT) Permitted 09/06/2023
18/00479/DISC 05/12/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of Condition 25 (verification report) of 10/01642/OUT (Village Centre (North) only) Permitted 30/05/2023
17/00311/DISC 22/06/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of conditions 51 (location of compounds and areas for plant storage and access) and 52 (wheel washing facilities) of 10/01642/OUT Permitted 17/08/2017
18/00466/DISC 23/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 8 (Trident) Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of condition 42 (fire hydrants) of 10/01642/OUT-Phase 8-Trident Permitted 18/01/2019
18/00467/DISC 23/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 8b-Trident Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of conditions 45 (levels) of 10/01642/OUT-Phase 8b-Trident Permitted 17/01/2019
19/00439/REM 12/03/2019 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Reserved matters to 10/01642/OUT - Dorchester Phase 7A, comprising the provision of eleven, two bed affordable dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking, infrastructure and external works. Permitted 07/10/2019
19/00024/DISC 18/01/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Village Centre North Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial Discharge of Condition 12 of 10/01642/OUT (scheme of landscaping-Village Centre North) Permitted 18/03/2019
22/00594/DISC 23/02/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 7 Heyford Park Camp Road Heyford Park Duplicate application - arrange refund.... Discharge of condition 9 (access road details) of 17/01119/REM Not proceeded with 08/03/2022
22/00596/DISC 23/02/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 7 Heyford Park Camp Road Heyford Park Discharge of condition 9 (access details) of 17/01119/REM Permitted 19/04/2022
22/00593/DISC 23/02/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 7a Heyford Park Camp Road Heyford Park Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of conditions 5 (full details of accesses, driveways and turning areas) 6 (covered cycle parking facilities) & 11 (vision splays) of 19/00439/REM Permitted 19/04/2022

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
22/00122/IN 04/02/2022 Initial Notice Phase 7b Heyford Park Camp Road Heyford Park Construction of of 6, two-bedroom and 3, three-bedroom affordable dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking, infrastructure and external works.

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