Planning register

Planning Appeal - 21/00015/REF

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford OX27 8DD
Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with garage and access
Appeal Determined
Fringford And Heyfords
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
George Smith
01295 221899
Appeals Case Officer
Matthew Swinford
Venue (if applicable)
Appeal Dismissed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence 21/04/2021 Appellant statement of case (601kb) -
Appellants Evidence 21/04/2021 Appellant statement of case Appendix 1 - Statement by Mark Welby (Arboriculture) (1743kb) -
Appellants Evidence 21/04/2021 Appellant statement of case Appenidx 2 - Statement by Windrush Ecology (Ecology) (1174kb) -
Appellants Evidence 21/04/2021 Appellant statement of case Appendix 3- Statement by Abrams Archaeology (Archaeology) (7411kb) -
Appellants Evidence 21/04/2021 Document list (5kb) -
Appellants Evidence 28/06/2021 Appellants final comments (2708kb) -
Appellants Evidence 04/08/2021 Appellant comments regarding new NPPF (353kb) -
Council’s Evidence 10/08/2021 LPA response to NPPF comments (120kb) -
Council’s Evidence 26/05/2021 Council Statement of Case (233kb) -
Council’s Evidence 26/05/2021 Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 2 - CDC Arboriculture (127kb) -
Council’s Evidence 26/05/2021 Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 3 - OCC Archaeology (104kb) -
Council’s Evidence 26/05/2021 Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 4 - CDC Ecology (100kb) -
Forms and Certs 21/04/2021 Appellant appeal form (88kb) -
Forms and Certs 26/04/2021 LPA Questionnaire (108kb) -
Miscellaneous 21/04/2021 PINS notification of appeal start (41kb) -
Miscellaneous 27/08/2021 PINS notification of appeal decision (34kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Appeal Notification letter (192kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Appeal notification list and deadline for comments (67kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Neighbour list and comments (1854kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Consultee list and responses (524kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Local Plan 2011-2031 - PSD1 ESD1 ESD3 ESD7 ESD10 ESD15 VIL1 (634kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Local Plan 1996 - C28 C30 C33 (27kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Saved Policies 1996 (43kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Saved Policies Local Plan 2011-2031 (571kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Site Notice (109kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 Officer Report (42kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 26/04/2021 TPO trees plan (312kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 27/08/2021 Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed (104kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence (601kb) - Appellant statement of case
Appellants Evidence (1743kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix 1 - Statement by Mark Welby (Arboriculture)
Appellants Evidence (1174kb) - Appellant statement of case Appenidx 2 - Statement by Windrush Ecology (Ecology)
Appellants Evidence (7411kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix 3- Statement by Abrams Archaeology (Archaeology)
Appellants Evidence (5kb) - Document list
Appellants Evidence (2708kb) - Appellants final comments
Appellants Evidence (353kb) - Appellant comments regarding new NPPF
Council’s Evidence (120kb) - LPA response to NPPF comments
Council’s Evidence (233kb) - Council Statement of Case
Council’s Evidence (127kb) - Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 2 - CDC Arboriculture
Council’s Evidence (104kb) - Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 3 - OCC Archaeology
Council’s Evidence (100kb) - Council Statement of Case APPENDIX 4 - CDC Ecology
Forms and Certs (88kb) - Appellant appeal form
Forms and Certs (108kb) - LPA Questionnaire
Miscellaneous (41kb) - PINS notification of appeal start
Miscellaneous (34kb) - PINS notification of appeal decision
Questionnaire Documents (192kb) - Appeal Notification letter
Questionnaire Documents (67kb) - Appeal notification list and deadline for comments
Questionnaire Documents (1854kb) - Neighbour list and comments
Questionnaire Documents (524kb) - Consultee list and responses
Questionnaire Documents (634kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - PSD1 ESD1 ESD3 ESD7 ESD10 ESD15 VIL1
Questionnaire Documents (27kb) - Local Plan 1996 - C28 C30 C33
Questionnaire Documents (43kb) - Saved Policies 1996
Questionnaire Documents (571kb) - Saved Policies Local Plan 2011-2031
Questionnaire Documents (109kb) - Site Notice
Questionnaire Documents (42kb) - Officer Report
Questionnaire Documents (312kb) - TPO trees plan
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (104kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
10/01220/F 05/08/2010 Full Development Land Adjacent Old School House Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire 1 No. three bedroom dwelling. Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 23/09/2010
20/01891/F 15/07/2020 Full Development Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford OX27 8DD Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with garage and access Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 18/09/2020
22/00998/F 04/04/2022 Full Development Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with garage and access Appeal Allowed (Against Refusal) 12/08/2022
24/01477/DISC 31/05/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford Discharge of Condition 3 (Written Scheme of Investigation) of 22/00998/F

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
21/00015/REF 21/04/2021 Appeal against Refusal Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford OX27 8DD Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with garage and access Appeal Dismissed
23/00086/REF 27/06/2023 Appeal against Refusal Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with garage and access Appeal Allowed

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