Planning register

Planning Application - 10/01220/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal)
Decision Level
Land Adjacent Old School House Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire
1 No. three bedroom dwelling.
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal)
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Dismissed
Appeal Decision Date
Brandon Gate Homes Ltd
Applicant's Address
Sorbon Aylesbury End Beaconsfield Bucks HP9 1LW
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Studio The Old Bakehouse Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DU Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received01/09/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date01/09/2010
AddressFringford House Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxfordshire OX27 8DX Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received21/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date21/08/2010
AddressCandleford Cottage Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxfordshire OX27 8DX Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received15/09/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date15/09/2010
AddressThe Old School House Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxfordshire OX27 8DT Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received30/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date30/08/2010
AddressRichmond House Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxfordshire OX27 8DX Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressRose Cottage Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxon OX27 8DX Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Old School Rectory Lane Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DT Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received20/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date20/08/2010
AddressThe Old School Rectory Lane Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DT Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received06/09/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date06/09/2010
Address3 Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DD Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received24/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date24/08/2010
Address2 Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DD Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received19/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date19/08/2010
Address1 Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DD Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received14/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date14/08/2010
Address4 Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire OX27 8DD Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received25/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date25/08/2010
AddressPringle Cottage Rectory Lane Fringford Bicester Oxfordshire OX27 8DX Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received19/08/2010 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date19/08/2010

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameAnglian Water Services Ltd AddressDeveloper Services PO Box 495 HUNTINGDON PE29 6YY Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameAppropriate Parish Council Address Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received01/09/2010 TypeStandard Consultee
NameContaminated Land Address Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due26/08/2010 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due02/09/2010 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban & Rural Services AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date12/08/2010 Reply Due26/08/2010 Reply Received08/09/2010 TypeStandard Consultee
NameCounty Archaeological Services AddressOxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE Consult Date13/09/2010 Reply Due04/10/2010 Reply Received14/09/2010 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionNOW CHOOSE 1 to 5 Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionGENERAL APPLN Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
Description Display Date20/08/2010 Expiry Date10/09/2010 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 02/09/2010 Site Notice - 03.09.10 (0kb) -
Application Document 22/02/2011 site visit (0kb) -
Application Document 12/08/2010 Site Notice (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 constraints map (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 neighbour map (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 neighbour consultee list (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 property history (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 checklist/constraints/publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 11/08/2010 application forms (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Photographs 27/09/2010 photos (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 11/08/2010 arboricultural implication assessment (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 11/08/2010 design & access statement (0kb) -
Site Plans
Site Location Plan 11/08/2010 Site/block/plans & elevations dg 1043_PL_01 (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 15/09/2010 OCC Planning Archaeologist 14/9/10 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/09/2010 Parish Council 01 09 10 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 22/02/2011 OCc Transport 23/9/10 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 09/09/2010 arboricultural comments 9/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 15/09/2010 Thomson 15/9/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/08/2010 Ruggles 24 August 2010 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/08/2010 Reader 218/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/08/2010 Stephens 20/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 20/08/2010 Stirrat 19/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/09/2010 Ruggles 24/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/09/2010 Greenwood 23/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 06/09/2010 Stephens A - 06.09.2010 (0kb) -
Public Comments 25/08/2010 Crooks 24/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 16/08/2010 Gorden Hewett - 16.08.2010 (0kb) -
Public Comments 20/08/2010 Heathfield 18/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 01/09/2010 Burn 31/8/10 (0kb) -
Public Comments 01/09/2010 Barrett Julie - 30.08.2010 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/08/2010 Barrett 20/8/10 (0kb) -
Third Party Correspondance 11/01/2011 Heathfield 25/11/10 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents 16/11/2010 Additional notifications for appeal 15.11.10 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 11/01/2011 Planning Inspectorate 6/1/11 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 Local Plan Direction re Saved Policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 Cherwell Local Plan Policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 12/11/2010 Appeal start date 11 Nov 2010 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 neighbour consultee list for appeal (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 TPO 11/97 map (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 TPO 11/97 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/11/2010 Appeal letter of notification (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 11/01/2011 planning statement pt 4 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 11/01/2011 planning statement pt 3 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 11/01/2011 planning statement pt 2 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 11/01/2011 planning statement pt 1 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 26/01/2011 Appellant's final comments (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 08/11/2010 Appeal Forms and grounds of appeal (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix C (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix C (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix B (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix B (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix A (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 01/12/2010 Appendix A (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/12/2010 Statement of Case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/12/2010 Statement of Case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 15/11/2010 Appeal questionnaire (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 15/02/2011 Appeal decision 14.02.2011 (0kb) -
Decision 23/09/2010 23.09.2010 (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - Site Notice - 03.09.10
Application Document (0kb) - site visit
Application Document (0kb) - Site Notice
Application Document (0kb) - constraints map
Application Document (0kb) - neighbour map
Application Document (0kb) - neighbour consultee list
Application Document (0kb) - property history
Application Document (0kb) - checklist/constraints/publicity
Application Document (0kb) - application forms
Supporting Documents
Photographs (0kb) - photos
Supporting Documents (0kb) - arboricultural implication assessment
Supporting Documents (0kb) - design & access statement
Site Plans
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Site/block/plans & elevations dg 1043_PL_01
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Planning Archaeologist 14/9/10
Consultation Response (0kb) - Parish Council 01 09 10
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCc Transport 23/9/10
Consultation Response (0kb) - arboricultural comments 9/10
Public Comments
Public Comments (0kb) - Thomson 15/9/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Ruggles 24 August 2010
Public Comments (0kb) - Reader 218/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Stephens 20/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Stirrat 19/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Ruggles 24/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Greenwood 23/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Stephens A - 06.09.2010
Public Comments (0kb) - Crooks 24/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Gorden Hewett - 16.08.2010
Public Comments (0kb) - Heathfield 18/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Burn 31/8/10
Public Comments (0kb) - Barrett Julie - 30.08.2010
Public Comments (0kb) - Barrett 20/8/10
Third Party Correspondance (0kb) - Heathfield 25/11/10
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Additional notifications for appeal 15.11.10
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Planning Inspectorate 6/1/11
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Local Plan Direction re Saved Policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Cherwell Local Plan Policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Appeal start date 11 Nov 2010
Appeal Documents (0kb) - neighbour consultee list for appeal
Appeal Documents (0kb) - TPO 11/97 map
Appeal Documents (0kb) - TPO 11/97
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Appeal letter of notification
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - planning statement pt 4
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - planning statement pt 3
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - planning statement pt 2
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - planning statement pt 1
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant's final comments
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appeal Forms and grounds of appeal
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix C
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix C
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix B
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix B
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix A
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix A
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Statement of Case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Statement of Case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appeal questionnaire
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Appeal decision 14.02.2011
Decision (0kb) - 23.09.2010
Land Adjacent Old School House Rectory Lane Fringford
Land North East Of Fringford Study Centre Adjoining Rectory Lane Fringford
The Paddock West Of The Old School House Rectory Lane Fringford

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
10/01220/F 05/08/2010 Full Development Land Adjacent Old School House Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire 1 No. three bedroom dwelling. Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 23/09/2010

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
10/00026/REFAPP 16/11/2010 Appeal against Refusal Land Adjacent Old School House Farriers Close Fringford Oxfordshire 1 No. three bedroom dwelling. Appeal Dismissed

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
24/00663/IN 05/07/2024 Initial Notice Land Adjacent 4 Farriers Close Fringford OX27 8DD Detached dwelling.

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