Planning register

Planning Application - 23/01521/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Application Permitted
Decision Level
OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote
Discharge of conditions 8 (proposed site and floor levels), 9 (statutorily protected species), 10 (site wide sustainable drainage strategy), 11 (foul and surface drainage), 17 (mitigation strategy for badgers), 18 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan), 20 (footpaths, bridleways and cycle tracks), 21 (energy statement), 22 (management, storage and/or disposal of spoil), 23 (soil management plan), 27 (Framework Travel Plan), 40 (measures controlling/restricting vehicular access) relating to Parcels 1 and 3 of 14/01932/OUT
Adderbury, Bloxham And Bodicote
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Harriet Jarvis
Applicant's Address
Persimmon Homes Ltd (South Midlands) Aspen House Birmingham Road Studley Warwickshire B80 7BG
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameWard Councillor - Adderbury, Bloxham And Bodicote Address Consult Date12/06/2023 Reply Due03/07/2023 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameWard Councillor - Banbury Calthorpe and Easington Address Consult Date12/06/2023 Reply Due03/07/2023 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameArboriculture (CDC) - AddressArboriculture Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due13/07/2023 Reply Received11/07/2023 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due13/07/2023 Reply Received23/09/2023 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) - AddressEnvironmental Health Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due13/07/2023 Reply Received19/06/2023 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due13/07/2023 Reply Received07/07/2023 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due13/07/2023 Reply Received09/01/2024 TypeStandard Consultee
NameFire Service (Oxfordshire) - Jacky Hughes AddressFire Service HQ Sterling Road Kidlington OX5 2DU Consult Date17/07/2023 Reply Due16/08/2023 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date24/07/2023 Reply Due03/08/2023 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameFire Service (Oxfordshire) - Jacky Hughes AddressFire Service HQ Sterling Road Kidlington OX5 2DU Consult Date24/07/2023 Reply Due03/08/2023 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date24/07/2023 Reply Due03/08/2023 Reply Received25/09/2023 TypeRe-consult
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date21/11/2023 Reply Due05/12/2023 Reply Received25/10/2023 TypeRe-consult
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date21/11/2023 Reply Due05/12/2023 Reply Received07/12/2023 TypeRe-consult
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date21/12/2023 Reply Due04/01/2024 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice Display Date20/06/2023 Expiry Date11/07/2023 Notice Type
DescriptionBanbury Guardian Display Date03/08/2023 Expiry Date24/08/2023 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 05/06/2023 Application Form (163kb) -
Application Documents 05/06/2023 Cover letter (429kb) -
Application Documents 10/10/2023 Travel Plan Comments (92kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 05/06/2023 Sustainability Statement (615kb) -
Supporting Documents 05/06/2023 Landscape & Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) (9636kb) -
Supporting Documents 05/06/2023 Environmental Noise Survey (2555kb) -
Supporting Documents 05/06/2023 Marlstone Rock Assessment 1 March 2023 (299kb) -
Supporting Documents 06/06/2023 Ecological Appraisal (3367kb) -
Supporting Documents 07/06/2023 Remeditation Method Statement (22009kb) -
Supporting Documents 07/06/2023 Site Investigation Report (50117kb) -
Supporting Documents 23/06/2023 Site Specific Construction Management Plan (842kb) -
Supporting Documents 21/11/2023 Residential Travel Plan (4371kb) -
Supporting Documents 20/12/2023 Travel Plan (16370kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 12/06/2023 Compound Layout (583kb) 385/COM/001 -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 1/7 (1045kb) 385 - Ext - 101 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 2/7 (1017kb) 385 - Ext - 102 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 3/7 (1008kb) 385 - Ext - 103 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 4/7 (942kb) 385 - Ext - 104 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 5/7 (994kb) 385 - Ext - 105 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 6/7 (955kb) 385 - Ext - 106 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 External Levels Sheet 7/7 (860kb) 385 - Ext - 107 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 1/7 (1351kb) 385 - Priv - 201 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 2/7 (1291kb) 385 - Priv - 202 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 3/7 (1246kb) 385 - Priv - 203 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 4/7 (1294kb) 385 - Priv - 204 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 5/7 (1444kb) 385 - Priv - 205 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 6/7 (1227kb) 385 - Priv - 206 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Private Drainage Sheet 7/7 (1025kb) 385 - Priv - 207 -
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Section 104 Agreement - Sheet 1 of 2 (2012kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0100 - P01
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Section 104 Agreement -Sheet 2 of 2 (1883kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0101 - P01
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 1 (1853kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0600 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 2 (1832kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0601 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 3 (1729kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-DR-C-0602 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 4 (2089kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0603 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 5 (1967kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XXDR-C-0604 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 6 (1983kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0605 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Drainage Layout Sheet 7 (1781kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-00606 - P03
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 General Arrangements Sheet 1 (1442kb) 04841-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-5011 - P05
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 S278 Works Roundabout - General Arrangement (1242kb) WPF-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D-0100 - P8
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Cut & Fill Model (3848kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-21-- - P01
Plans – Details 05/06/2023 Landscape Composite Plan (4411kb) P21-2662-108 - D
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 19/06/2023 Environmental Health (CDC) (80kb) -
Consultation Response 23/09/2023 Ecology (9kb) -
Consultation Response 25/09/2023 Oxfordshire County Council (58kb) -
Consultation Response 25/10/2023 OCC Highways (65kb) -
Consultation Response 07/12/2023 OCC Highways (80kb) -
Consultation Response 09/01/2024 Oxfordshire County Council (55kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (163kb) - Application Form
Application Documents (429kb) - Cover letter
Application Documents (92kb) - Travel Plan Comments
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (615kb) - Sustainability Statement
Supporting Documents (9636kb) - Landscape & Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)
Supporting Documents (2555kb) - Environmental Noise Survey
Supporting Documents (299kb) - Marlstone Rock Assessment 1 March 2023
Supporting Documents (3367kb) - Ecological Appraisal
Supporting Documents (22009kb) - Remeditation Method Statement
Supporting Documents (50117kb) - Site Investigation Report
Supporting Documents (842kb) - Site Specific Construction Management Plan
Supporting Documents (4371kb) - Residential Travel Plan
Supporting Documents (16370kb) - Travel Plan
Site Plans
Plans - Site (583kb) 385/COM/001 - Compound Layout
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (1045kb) 385 - Ext - 101 - External Levels Sheet 1/7
Plans – Details (1017kb) 385 - Ext - 102 - External Levels Sheet 2/7
Plans – Details (1008kb) 385 - Ext - 103 - External Levels Sheet 3/7
Plans – Details (942kb) 385 - Ext - 104 - External Levels Sheet 4/7
Plans – Details (994kb) 385 - Ext - 105 - External Levels Sheet 5/7
Plans – Details (955kb) 385 - Ext - 106 - External Levels Sheet 6/7
Plans – Details (860kb) 385 - Ext - 107 - External Levels Sheet 7/7
Plans – Details (1351kb) 385 - Priv - 201 - Private Drainage Sheet 1/7
Plans – Details (1291kb) 385 - Priv - 202 - Private Drainage Sheet 2/7
Plans – Details (1246kb) 385 - Priv - 203 - Private Drainage Sheet 3/7
Plans – Details (1294kb) 385 - Priv - 204 - Private Drainage Sheet 4/7
Plans – Details (1444kb) 385 - Priv - 205 - Private Drainage Sheet 5/7
Plans – Details (1227kb) 385 - Priv - 206 - Private Drainage Sheet 6/7
Plans – Details (1025kb) 385 - Priv - 207 - Private Drainage Sheet 7/7
Plans – Details (2012kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0100 - P01 Section 104 Agreement - Sheet 1 of 2
Plans – Details (1883kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0101 - P01 Section 104 Agreement -Sheet 2 of 2
Plans – Details (1853kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0600 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 1
Plans – Details (1832kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0601 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 2
Plans – Details (1729kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-DR-C-0602 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 3
Plans – Details (2089kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0603 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 4
Plans – Details (1967kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XXDR-C-0604 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 5
Plans – Details (1983kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-0605 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 6
Plans – Details (1781kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-00606 - P03 Drainage Layout Sheet 7
Plans – Details (1442kb) 04841-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-5011 - P05 General Arrangements Sheet 1
Plans – Details (1242kb) WPF-HYD-XX-XX-DR-D-0100 - P8 S278 Works Roundabout - General Arrangement
Plans – Details (3848kb) 22647-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-21-- - P01 Cut & Fill Model
Plans – Details (4411kb) P21-2662-108 - D Landscape Composite Plan
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (80kb) - Environmental Health (CDC)
Consultation Response (9kb) - Ecology
Consultation Response (58kb) - Oxfordshire County Council
Consultation Response (65kb) - OCC Highways
Consultation Response (80kb) - OCC Highways
Consultation Response (55kb) - Oxfordshire County Council
Os Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
05/00004/SO 05/11/2004 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Oxon Screening opinion Screening Opinion requesting EIA 22/11/2004
13/00321/OUT 04/03/2013 Outline Application Land Including OS7400, 5257, 4976, 2661, And 5257 South Of Salt Way Adj To Bloxham Road Banbury OUTLINE - 1000 dwellings together with a local centre including retail (A1), financial services (A2), restaurants (A3-A5), up to a combined total floorspace of 1000m2, employment space (B1) up to a total floorspace of 5000m2 with the B1(a) office component limited to a maximum of 2,500m2, associated car parking, a community primary school (including space for community uses (D1) and assembly and leisure uses (D2)), green infrastructure including formal and informal open space, amenity space, retained hedgerows, structural landscaping, supporting infrastructure (including gas, electricity, sewerage, water, telecommunications), sustainable urban drainage systems, new connection to the A361 Bloxham Road, pedestrian and cycling connections to the surrounding footpath and cycle network and any necessary demolition and ground remodelling Non-Determination 22/11/2013
13/00010/SO 04/03/2013 Screening Opinion Land Including OS7400, 5257, 4976, 2661, And 5257 South Of Salt Way Adj To Bloxham Road Banbury Screening Opinion to 13/00321/OUT - 1000 dwellings together with a local centre including retail (A1), financial services (A2), restaurants (A3-A5), up to a combined total floorspace of 1000m2, employment space (B1) up to a total floorspace of 5000m2 with the B1(a) office component limited to a maximum of 2,500m2, associated car parking, a community primary school (including space for community uses (D1) and assembly and leisure uses (D2)), green infrastructure including formal and informal open space, amenity space, retained hedgerows, structural landscaping, supporting infrastructure (including gas, electricity, sewerage, water, telecommunications), sustainable urban drainage systems, new connection to the A361 Bloxham Road, pedestrian and cycling connections to the surrounding footpath and cycle network and any necessary demolition and ground remodelling Screening Opinion requesting EIA 06/03/2013
14/00094/SO 18/11/2014 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Screening Opinion - Development of up to 1,000 dwellings together with a mixed use local centre. [including A1 retail up to 1,000 m2, financial services (A2), restaurants, pubs and takeaways (A3, A4, A5), community uses (D1)]; primary school; green infrastructure including formal (including playing fields) and informal open space, landscape and amenity space; changing and sports facilities (including D2); sustainable drainage systems; highway, cycle and pedestrian routes; car parking; infrastructure (including utilities); engineering works including ground remodelling; demolition, site reclamation and removal of structures; and the formation of a new access from the A361, Bloxham Road. Screening Opinion requesting EIA 17/11/2014
14/01932/OUT 17/11/2014 Outline Application OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Outline - Development of up to 1,000 dwellings together with a mixed use local centre [including A1 retail up to 1,000 m2, financial services (A2), restaurants, pubs and takeaways (A3, A4, A5), community uses (D1)]; primary school and safeguarded additional primary school land; secondary school playing field land; green infrastructure including formal (including playing fields) and informal open space, landscape and amenity space; changing and sports facilities (including D2); sustainable drainage systems; highway, cycle and pedestrian routes; car parking; infrastructure (including utilities); engineering works including ground remodelling; demolition, site reclamation and removal of structures. Formation of a new roundabout access from the A361 together with associated alterations to alignment of Bloxham Road and provision of a section of link road through the site up to its eastern-most boundary. Permitted 19/12/2019
20/00277/DISC 31/01/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of conditions 43 (archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation), & 45 (method statement for the preservation and protection of the Neolithic Causewayed Enclosure) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 04/03/2020
20/01048/DISC 17/04/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of Condition 6 (Design Parameters Code) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 08/10/2021
20/01099/DISC 27/04/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 2 (phasing plan) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 17/12/2020
20/01164/DISC 04/05/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 10 (Drainage) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 15/03/2021
20/01162/DISC 04/05/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 50 (earthworks) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 15/03/2021
20/01163/DISC 04/05/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of Condition 13 (remediation) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 15/03/2021
20/02931/DISC 19/10/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 12 (water supply infastructure) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 24/11/2020
20/03674/DISC 22/12/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 17 (mitigation strategy for badgers) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 27/01/2021
20/03702/REM 24/12/2020 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Reserved Matters to 14/01932/OUT: Spine Road including landscaping and associated infrastructure Permitted 21/07/2021
20/03724/REM 24/12/2020 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Reserved Matters to 14/01932/OUT: Western Perimeter Road and Loop Road ancillary to the main Spine Road including landscaping and associated infrastructure Permitted 28/06/2022
21/00283/DISC 27/01/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of conditions 19 (public right of way), 22 (management, storage and/or disposal of spoil), 23 (soil management plan), 48 (vehicular traffic access), 49A (Framework Construction Management Plan) & 49B (Site Specific Construction Management Plan) of 14/01932/OUT relating to the site access works for the development. Permitted 22/06/2021
21/00302/DISC 28/01/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Partial Discharge of Conditions 8 (proposed site and floor levels), 11 (drainage scheme), 25 (street lighting) and 32 (trees or hedgerows) of 14/01932/OUT relating to the new Bloxham Road Access Permitted 13/05/2021
21/00653/M106 15/02/2021 Application to Modify a Section 106 OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Modification of Section 106 in connection with planning application ref 14/01932/OUT: To de-link Implementation (including S278 Works) from technical approval of the S38 so the S278 works can commence in June Permitted 26/03/2021
21/01245/DISC 09/04/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of condition 41 (right of way alternative route) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 24/06/2021
21/01389/DISC 19/04/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of conditions 8 (Levels), 11 (Drainage Phasing), 19 (Protection of PROW), 20 (Details of Footpath, bridleways & Tracks relevant to RM), 22 (Spoil Management), 23 (Soil Management), 25 (Street Lighting), 32 (Trees,) 42 (Protection of Bridleway), 48 (Access during Construction) & 49b (Site Specific CMP) of 14/01932/OUT relating to the construction of the spine road. Permitted 16/12/2021
21/01405/DISC 21/04/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of condition 8 (Levels) 11 (Drainage Phasing), 19 (Protection of PROW), 22 (Spoil Management), 23 (Soil Management), 25 (Street Lighting), 32 (Trees), 41 (Alternative PROW route), 48 (Access during Construction) and 49b (Site Specific CMP) of 14/01932/OUT relating to the western perimeter road and ancillary loop road Permitted 12/12/2022
21/02246/NMA 28/06/2021 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote To allow approved site access works (s278)to be undertaken prior to the approval of reserved matters for the link road (C7). See wording amendment below: Condition 7: "The first application for approval of reserved matters shall include full details of the link road (from its access off Bloxham Road to the eastern boundary of the application site) including its alignment, specification, main junctions (other than private drives), drainage, crossings, road markings, traffic calming, footways/cycle lanes, verges, street lighting, bus stop infrastructure and associated soft landscaping. No development (with the exception of works undertaken in respect to the construction of the site access in accordance with Condition 5 plan ref A_005 Rev. D and including any such preliminary earthworks (grading and mounding of land areas) that relate to the construction of the access as approved under condition 50) shall take place on the site until the hereby specified link road details have been approved through the grant of a reserved matters approval. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the link road details approved except where otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA. (Proposed as non-material amendment to 14/01932/OUT) Permitted 26/07/2021
21/02450/DISC 15/07/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of condition 6 (Design Parameters Code) of 14/01932/OUT Application Withdrawn 12/10/2021
21/02565/DISC 26/07/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of condition 18 (LEMP) OF 14/01932/OUT Permitted 27/01/2022
21/02591/DISC 09/08/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of condition 44 (programme of archaeological evaluation, investigation and recording) of 14/01932/OUT (resubmission of 20/00277/DISC) Permitted 16/11/2021
21/03680/REM 29/10/2021 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Approval of Reserved Matters for 14/01932/OUT: 4 no substations situated within parcels along the Spine Road Application Withdrawn 12/09/2022
21/03778/NMA 08/11/2021 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote To allow tree clearance works to be undertaken where directly necessary to facilitate the carrying out of the Earthworks Strategy as approved under condition 50 (C32) (proposed as non-material amendment to 14/01932/OUT) Permitted 02/12/2021
21/03843/DISC 16/11/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of condition 49 (Part B) (FCMP - Earthworks Phase) of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 14/12/2021
21/03950/REM 24/11/2021 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Os Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Reserved matters application for 14/01932/OUT - foul sewer pumping station along with associated landscaping and access Permitted 15/06/2022
22/02068/REM 11/07/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Reserved Matters to 14/01932/OUT: Parcels 1 and 3 for 237 dwellings - appearance, landscaping, layout and scale Permitted 20/04/2023
22/02568/NMA 22/08/2022 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Change the tree species along the spine road at Wykham Park Farm, Banbury. This amendment is being sought following comments from Oxfordshire County Highways, who would like to see a tree species with a smaller canopy to be planted (proposed as non-material amendment to 20/03702/REM) Permitted 15/09/2022
23/01521/DISC 12/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of conditions 8 (proposed site and floor levels), 9 (statutorily protected species), 10 (site wide sustainable drainage strategy), 11 (foul and surface drainage), 17 (mitigation strategy for badgers), 18 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan), 20 (footpaths, bridleways and cycle tracks), 21 (energy statement), 22 (management, storage and/or disposal of spoil), 23 (soil management plan), 27 (Framework Travel Plan), 40 (measures controlling/restricting vehicular access) relating to Parcels 1 and 3 of 14/01932/OUT Permitted 17/01/2024
23/01523/DISC 13/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of Conditions 2 (materials) 3 (approved sample panels), 13 (SuDS drainage proposals), 15 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 16 (Residential Travel Plan and Residential Travel Information Plan) of 22/02068/REM Permitted 12/01/2024
23/01622/OBL 14/06/2023 Obligation OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Application to discharge the obligation to provide an Affordable Housing Parcel Scheme in accordance with Paragraph 2.1 of the Third Schedule of the Section 106 Agreement relating to application 14/01932/OUT. Application relates solely to Parcels 1 and 3, granted reserved matters approval under planning permission 22/02068/REM Permitted 18/09/2023
23/01823/DISC 12/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of conditions 13 (comprehensive intrusive investigation), 14 (scheme of remediation), 39 (noise mitigation measures) & 49 (Framework Construction Management Plan/Site Specific Construction Management Plan) of 14/01932/OUT in relation to the construction of Parcels 1 and 3. Permitted 24/07/2023
23/01824/DISC 13/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of Conditions 2 (external walls, roofs and finished hard surfaces materials) & 5 (lighting details) of 22/02068/REM Permitted 14/07/2023
23/01899/DISC 10/07/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Discharge of Conditions 4 (Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy) and 10 (Tree Pit Details) of 22/02068/REM Permitted 13/11/2023
23/02001/OBL 20/07/2023 Obligation OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Submission of Play and Incidental Open Space Scheme in accordance with Paragraph 3.1.2 of the Fourth Schedule and Open Space Scheme in accordance with Paragraph 5.1.1 of the Fourth Schedule of the Section 106 Agreement dated 18th December 2019 relating to application 14/01932/OUT Permitted 25/10/2023
23/02835/DISC 11/10/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of Condition 25 (street lighting) of 14/01932/OUT relating to Land Parcels 1 and 3. Permitted 30/11/2023
23/03610/NMA 27/12/2023 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Non-Material Amendment to 22/02068/REM- Removal of parking bay from road adjacent to Plot 139. Change surface material of vehicle bays located within parking courts from block paving to tarmac (parking court itself remains as block paving) Permitted 10/01/2024
24/00281/DISC 02/02/2024 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of Conditions 13 (intrusive investigation), 26 (fire hydrants) and 49B (Site Specific Construction Management Plan) of 14/01932/OUT relating to land parcels 1 and 3. Permitted 03/04/2024
24/00461/M106 21/02/2024 Application to Modify a Section 106 OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Banbury Modification of Section 106 in connection with planning application ref 14/01932/OUT - update the wording of Clauses 2.5 and 2.6 so that they reflect the standard phrasing set out by the Property Finance Working Group and referred to by the National Housing Federation
24/00879/DISC 11/04/2024 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote Discharge of Condition 2 (external materials - changed from natural stone to brick for walls surrounding the parking courts belonging to Plots 89-93, 107-112 and 113-118) of 22/02068/REM Permitted 06/06/2024

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
21/01438/IN 20/12/2021 Initial Notice Wykham Park OS Parcel 7400 Adjoining And South Of Salt Way Bodicote 1000 residential unit(s)

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