Planning register

Planning Application - 22/03730/DISC

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Application Number
Application Type
Discharge Of Conditions
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton
Discharge of Condition 28 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) of 19/01746/OUT
Fringford And Heyfords
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Albion Land Limited (c/o Quod)
Applicant's Address
The Stables Holdenby House Holdenby Northampton NN6 8DJ
Mr Lucas Fallon
Agents's Address
Capitol House Bond Court Leeds LS1 5SP

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameWard Councillor - Fringford And Heyfords Address Consult Date14/12/2022 Reply Due04/01/2023 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date19/12/2022 Reply Due09/01/2023 Reply Received02/02/2023 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date19/12/2022 Reply Due09/01/2023 Reply Received21/12/2022 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date15/05/2023 Reply Due29/05/2023 Reply Received20/06/2023 TypeRe-consult
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due21/06/2023 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date13/06/2023 Reply Due21/06/2023 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 12/12/2022 app form (101kb) -
Application Documents 12/12/2022 Cover Letter (472kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 13/06/2023 LB291_R04e.pdf AMENDED (3178kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 21/12/2022 Landscape (23kb) -
Consultation Response 06/02/2023 Ecology response (10kb) -
Consultation Response 06/02/2023 Ecology response (same as 22/03729/DISC) (13kb) -
Consultation Response 20/06/2023 Ecology (9kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 22/06/2023 Delegated Officer Report FINAL (13kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 22/06/2023 Decision Notice FINAL (154kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Superseded 12/12/2022 LEMP SUPERSEDED (5916kb) -
Superseded 25/01/2023 LEMP 19_017 - LB291_R04d.pdf *SUPERSEDED* (5924kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (101kb) - app form
Application Documents (472kb) - Cover Letter
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (3178kb) - LB291_R04e.pdf AMENDED
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (23kb) - Landscape
Consultation Response (10kb) - Ecology response
Consultation Response (13kb) - Ecology response (same as 22/03729/DISC)
Consultation Response (9kb) - Ecology
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (13kb) - Delegated Officer Report FINAL
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (154kb) - Decision Notice FINAL
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (5916kb) - LEMP SUPERSEDED
Superseded (5924kb) - LEMP 19_017 - LB291_R04d.pdf *SUPERSEDED*
Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
19/01740/HYBRID 22/08/2019 Hybrid/Mixed Application Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton 'Hybrid' planning application comprising: - Outline planning permission (all matters reserved except for access) for B1 development (Use Classes B1a and/or B1b and/or B1c); highway works (including provision of a new roundabout at the junction between Vendee Drive and Wendlebury Road); creation of a wetland and landscaped areas and associated infrastructure works. - Full planning permission for a health and racquets club, associated access and car parking, outdoor tennis courts, air dome, outdoor swimming pool, spa garden and terrace, and associated landscaping. Permitted 24/09/2020
19/01746/OUT 04/09/2019 Outline Application Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Outline planning application (with all matters reserved excluding access) for B1 development (B1a and/or B1b and/or B1c); access and associated landscaping and infrastructure works Permitted 24/09/2020
19/01830/SO 23/08/2019 Screening Opinion Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Screening opinion to 19/01746/OUT Not proceeded with 13/09/2019
20/02648/DISC 25/09/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of conditions 9 (Phasing Plan); 10 (CMP); 11 (CEMP); 13 (AMS); 14 and 41 (Intrusive Investigation) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 02/12/2020
20/02649/DISC 25/09/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of conditions 16 and 43 (Archaeological written scheme of investigation) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 21/10/2020
20/02647/DISC 25/09/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 22 (Archaeological scheme of investigation) 19/01746/OUT Permitted 21/06/2021
20/02779/REM 06/10/2020 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Reserved Matters application to 19/01740/HYBRID - layout, scale, appearance and landscaping details for Phase 1 of the employment development (5,126 sqm GIA), enabling works for later phases and SuDS Swale delivery, with associated landscaping, utilities and access Permitted 23/12/2020
20/03192/DISC 10/11/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 25 (Phasing), Condition 36 (Construction Management Plan), Condition 37 (Construction Environmental Management Plan for Biodiversity), Condition 38 (Tree Protection), Condition 39 (Training and Employment Plan) and Condition 45 (Site Access) and Partial Discharge of Condition 40 (Sustainable Drainage) and Condition 46 (Estate Roads, Parking and Turning Areas) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 25/03/2021
20/03630/DISC 18/12/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 12 (landscaping scheme), 18 (Sustainable Drainage), 20 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP)), 21 (external lighting) and 22 (electrical vehicle charging) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 12/07/2021
21/01598/DISC 05/05/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 14 (construction management plan), 15 (construction environmental management plan) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 23/06/2021
21/02958/ADV 20/08/2021 Advertisement Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Various illuminated and non illuminated advertisements Permitted 12/10/2021
21/03216/DISC 21/09/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 4 (enclosures along all boundaries) of 20/02779/REM Permitted 22/10/2021
21/03217/NMA 23/09/2021 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Non-material amendment to 20/02779/REM comprising installation of additional mezzanine, changes to external elevations and updated description of development Permitted 22/10/2021
21/03343/F 01/10/2021 Full Development Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Variation of condition 2 (plans) of 19/01740/HYBRID - reword condition to reflect the updated revisions to drawings as well as the inclusion of new ones Permitted 14/06/2022
21/03424/DISC 15/10/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 26 (Proposed Water Routing) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 10/12/2021
21/03889/DISC 21/11/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Conditions 48 (Framework Travel Plan), 49 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan), 51 (Public Information Scheme relating to the Scheduled Ancient Monument) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 08/04/2022
21/04143/DISC 13/12/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of condition 22 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 11/03/2022
22/00422/NMA 14/02/2022 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Non-material amendment to 19/01740/HYBRID - introduction of a Cat Ladder on the south east rear elevation of the consented David Lloyd building and is for the purposes of servicing and maintaining the roof. The enclosed proposed Hoop Ladder elevation drawing (ref. 2018-260-A-PL-05-040) shows the discreet ladder and how it does not materially alter the approved building or its visual effects Permitted 11/03/2022
22/00420/NMA 14/02/2022 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Non-material amendment to 19/01740/HYBRID - introduce a roof mounted Solar PV system to the roof of the consented David Lloyd Club building. Local Plan Policies ESD1, ESD2 and ESD5 (Renewable Energy) cover renewable and low carbon energy and encourage applications for renewable energy developments provided there are no unacceptable adverse impacts Permitted 11/03/2022
22/00507/ADV 28/02/2022 Advertisement Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton 3 No internally illuminated fascia signs; 2 no internally illuminated totem signs Permitted 26/04/2022
22/00892/F 01/04/2022 Full Development Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Full planning application for Class E(g)(i) office development, associated access and car parking and associated landscaping Application Withdrawn 17/05/2022
22/00913/REM 25/03/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Reserved matters application to 19/01746/OUT - layout, scale appearance and landscaping details for employment development (5,161sqm GIA), with associated landscaping and infrastructure works Application Withdrawn 17/05/2022
22/00907/REM 25/03/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Reserved matters application to 19/01740/HYBRID - Layout, scale, appearance and landscaping details for Phase 2 of the employment development (11,310sqm GIA) with associated landscaping, utilities and access Application Withdrawn 17/05/2022
22/01632/REM 01/06/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Reserved matters application to 19/01740/HYBRID - layout, scale, appearance and landscaping details for Phase 2 of the employment development (11,309sqm GIA) with associated landscaping and infrastructure works Permitted 14/10/2022
22/01945/REM 29/06/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Reserved matters application to 19/01746/OUT - layout, scale, appearance and landscaping detaisl for employment development (10,195sqm GIA), with associated landscaping and infrastructure works. Permitted 12/10/2022
22/03674/DISC 07/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 25 (phasing plan) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 24/02/2023
22/03675/DISC 07/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Partial discharge of Condition 46 (spec of site roads, parking and turning areas - phase 2) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 28/02/2023
22/03676/DISC 07/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Partial discharge of Condition 48 (Phase 2 Framework Travel Plan) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 08/02/2023
22/03677/DISC 07/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Partial discharge of Condition 40 (drainage details - Phase 2) of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 24/02/2023
22/03691/DISC 08/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 2 (Phasing Plan Phase 3) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 27/02/2023
22/03692/DISC 08/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 24 (lighting layout/vehicle tracking) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 28/02/2023
22/03693/DISC 08/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 18 (SUDS/Drainage) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 22/05/2023
22/03694/DISC 08/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 27 (Phase 3 Framework Travel Plan) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 08/02/2023
22/03706/DISC 09/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 2 (External Lighting Layout) of 22/01945/REM Permitted 28/02/2023
22/03728/DISC 12/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 17 (Training and Employment Plan) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 15/05/2023
22/03729/DISC 12/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Partial discharge of Condition 49 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) pursuant to Phase 2 of 19/01740/HYBRID Permitted 22/06/2023
22/03730/DISC 12/12/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 28 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 22/06/2023
23/00262/DISC 01/02/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 19 (potential contaminative uses) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 17/03/2023
23/00424/DISC 16/02/2023 Discharge Of Conditions Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Discharge of Condition 16 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of 19/01746/OUT Permitted 10/05/2023
23/01048/NMA 20/04/2023 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton 1) Reconfigure the external layout of Unit 5; 2) Elevational changes to Unit 5; 3) Change the roof plan of Unit 5; 4) Elevational changes to Unit 6; 5) Change the roof plan of Unit 6; 6) Repositioning of Personnel Door of Unit 6 (proposed as non-material amendments to 22/01632/REM)) Permitted 18/05/2023
23/02605/NMA 21/09/2023 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Non-material amendment to 22/01632/REM - vary 12 of the approved plans and drawings listed in Conditions 1, 2 and 3. Amendments to Units 8 and 9 into a single unit, along with minor changes to Units 6, 7, and 8. Permitted 19/10/2023
23/02971/ADV 25/10/2023 Advertisement Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton 3 No 4m tall internally illuminated totems Permitted 24/01/2024
24/00682/NMA 12/03/2024 Non Material Amendments Unit 6 Land To Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2PA Incorporation of louvres, metal double doors, colour and finish to match adjacent, extension of external plant area, finish and materials to match existing, two new windows (proposed as non-material amendment to 22/01632/REM) Permitted 19/04/2024
24/01874/NMA 15/07/2024 Non Material Amendments Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Incorporation of louvres, Metal double doors, colour and finish to match adjacent, Extension of external plant area, finish and materials to match existing, Two new windows (proposed as non-material amendments to 22/01632/REM) Permitted 28/08/2024

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
20/00616/DEM 26/06/2020 26/06/2020 Demolition Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Demolition of existing farmhouse, outbuildings and chicken sheds.
20/01299/FP 21/12/2020 21/12/2020 Full Plans T5644, Catalyst Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Infrastructure works.
21/00632/FP 19/05/2021 06/08/2021 Full Plans Units 1-4 Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2PA Construction of 4 industrial units with associated car parking, estate road, and external services yards. Internally there are mezzanines floors fully fitted out.
21/01220/IN 15/10/2021 Initial Notice Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton Construction of a two storey building and associated works to form a new leisure centre for David Lloyd Leisure
22/00045/IN 12/01/2022 Initial Notice Units 1, 2 & 3 Land Adj To Promised Land Farm Wendlebury Road Chesterton First fit out of warehouse and offices
23/00983/FP 28/09/2023 01/10/2023 Full Plans Units 7-8 (Catalyst phase 2) Wendlebury Road Chesterton OX25 2BX Construction of 2 industrial units.

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