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Application Number 22/02951/NMA |
Application Type Non Material Amendments |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Plot 574
Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3
Graven Hill Road
Ambrosden |
Proposal Position of the building needs to be amended to be 800mm closer to the road (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03749/F) |
Parish Bicester |
Ward Bicester South And Ambrosden |
Received Date 27/09/2022 |
Valid Date 30/09/2022 |
Weekly List Date 30/09/2022 |
Comments Due Date |
Target Decision Date 28/10/2022 |
Committee Date |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 27/10/2022 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Mr Bruce Spilker |
Applicant's Address Cottage View
Station Road
Marsh Gibbon
OX27 0NH |
Ms Lucy Collins
Agents's Address
Mwk Architects Ltd
The Studio
63 West Street
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
No associated neighbours |
Consultee List
No associated consultees |
No Public Notices |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents | 27/09/2022 | App Form | (3366kb) | - | |
Application Documents | 27/09/2022 | Drawing Register & Issue Sheet | (85kb) | - | |
Application Documents | 27/09/2022 | List of Old & New Planning Drawings | (78kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Plans - Site | 27/09/2022 | Location Plan | (1606kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1000 - P03 | |
Plans - Site | 27/09/2022 | Site Plan | (1297kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1001 - P03 | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 27/09/2022 | Landscape Plan | (1203kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1002 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | GA - Proposed Floor Plans | (1501kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2100 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | 3D Views | (1320kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2210 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | GA - Proposed Roof Plan | (1055kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2101 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | Secure Cycle Parking Plan | (1370kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1003 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | GA- Proposed Elevations | (1153kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2200 - P03 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/09/2022 | Foundation Plan | (293kb) | 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2150 - P05 | |
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report | 27/10/2022 | Delegated Officer Report | (11kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 27/10/2022 | Decision Notice | (214kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents (3366kb) - App Form | |||||
Application Documents (85kb) - Drawing Register & Issue Sheet | |||||
Application Documents (78kb) - List of Old & New Planning Drawings | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Plans - Site (1606kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1000 - P03 Location Plan | |||||
Plans - Site (1297kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1001 - P03 Site Plan | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (1203kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1002 - P03 Landscape Plan | |||||
Plans - Proposed (1501kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2100 - P03 GA - Proposed Floor Plans | |||||
Plans - Proposed (1320kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2210 - P03 3D Views | |||||
Plans - Proposed (1055kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2101 - P03 GA - Proposed Roof Plan | |||||
Plans - Proposed (1370kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1003 - P03 Secure Cycle Parking Plan | |||||
Plans - Proposed (1153kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2200 - P03 GA- Proposed Elevations | |||||
Plans - Proposed (293kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2150 - P05 Foundation Plan | |||||
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report (11kb) - Delegated Officer Report | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (214kb) - Decision Notice |
Addresses |
Plot 574 Phase 3A And 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden |
Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
22/01225/REM | 25/04/2022 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Plot 574 Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden | Reserved matters application to 21/03749/F - self-build plot, detached dwelling on plot 574 of the Graven Hill Development site | Permitted | 13/06/2022 |
22/02951/NMA | 30/09/2022 | Non Material Amendments | Plot 574 Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden | Position of the building needs to be amended to be 800mm closer to the road (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03749/F) | Permitted | 27/10/2022 |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
22/01326/IN | 25/11/2022 | Initial Notice | 5 Beckett Way (Plot 574) Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2EH | Construction of a new dwelling |