Planning register

Planning Application - 22/02951/NMA

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Application Number
Application Type
Non Material Amendments
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Plot 574 Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden
Position of the building needs to be amended to be 800mm closer to the road (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03749/F)
Bicester South And Ambrosden
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr Bruce Spilker
Applicant's Address
Cottage View Station Road Marsh Gibbon Bicester OX27 0NH
Ms Lucy Collins
Agents's Address
Mwk Architects Ltd The Studio 63 West Street Ecton Northampton NN6 0QF

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
No associated consultees
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 27/09/2022 App Form (3366kb) -
Application Documents 27/09/2022 Drawing Register & Issue Sheet (85kb) -
Application Documents 27/09/2022 List of Old & New Planning Drawings (78kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 27/09/2022 Location Plan (1606kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1000 - P03
Plans - Site 27/09/2022 Site Plan (1297kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1001 - P03
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 27/09/2022 Landscape Plan (1203kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1002 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 GA - Proposed Floor Plans (1501kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2100 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 3D Views (1320kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2210 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 GA - Proposed Roof Plan (1055kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2101 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 Secure Cycle Parking Plan (1370kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1003 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 GA- Proposed Elevations (1153kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2200 - P03
Plans - Proposed 27/09/2022 Foundation Plan (293kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2150 - P05
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 27/10/2022 Delegated Officer Report (11kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 27/10/2022 Decision Notice (214kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (3366kb) - App Form
Application Documents (85kb) - Drawing Register & Issue Sheet
Application Documents (78kb) - List of Old & New Planning Drawings
Site Plans
Plans - Site (1606kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1000 - P03 Location Plan
Plans - Site (1297kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1001 - P03 Site Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (1203kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1002 - P03 Landscape Plan
Plans - Proposed (1501kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2100 - P03 GA - Proposed Floor Plans
Plans - Proposed (1320kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2210 - P03 3D Views
Plans - Proposed (1055kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2101 - P03 GA - Proposed Roof Plan
Plans - Proposed (1370kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-1003 - P03 Secure Cycle Parking Plan
Plans - Proposed (1153kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2200 - P03 GA- Proposed Elevations
Plans - Proposed (293kb) 5996-MWK-XX-XX-DR-A-2150 - P05 Foundation Plan
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (11kb) - Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (214kb) - Decision Notice
Plot 574 Phase 3A And 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden
Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
22/01225/REM 25/04/2022 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Plot 574 Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden Reserved matters application to 21/03749/F - self-build plot, detached dwelling on plot 574 of the Graven Hill Development site Permitted 13/06/2022
22/02951/NMA 30/09/2022 Non Material Amendments Plot 574 Phase 3A and 3B Zone 3 Graven Hill Road Ambrosden Position of the building needs to be amended to be 800mm closer to the road (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/03749/F) Permitted 27/10/2022

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