Planning register

Planning Application - 22/02017/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury
Erection of new barn and polytunnels and the use of part of the barn for retail use ancillary to the agricultural use of the site
Adderbury, Bloxham And Bodicote
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr Perry Taylor
Applicant's Address
Perry Tree Farm Milton Road Adderbury OX17 3HN
Nigel Ozier
Agents's Address
Nigel Ozier The Granary Spring Hill Office Park Harborough Road Pitsford NN6 9AA

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressLower Orchard Chapel Lane Milton Banbury OX15 4HH Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received22/07/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/07/2022
AddressNew Cottage Chapel Lane Milton Banbury OX15 4HH Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received22/07/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/07/2022
AddressLower Orchard Chapel Lane Milton Banbury OX15 4HH Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received23/07/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date23/07/2022
Address2 The Bank Milton Village Street Milton Banbury OX15 4HF Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received22/07/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/07/2022
Address10 Little Ground Milton Village Street Milton Banbury OX15 4HQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received21/07/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date21/07/2022
AddressThe House Adjacent Colegrave Seeds Ltd Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3EY Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received10/08/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/08/2022
AddressBall Horticultural Europe Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3EY Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received10/08/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/08/2022
AddressColegrave Seeds Ltd Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3EY Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received10/08/2022 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/08/2022
AddressFleuroplant Fleuroplant Milton Road Adderbury OX17 3HN Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameWard Councillor - Adderbury, Bloxham And Bodicote Address Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameClerk to Adderbury PC - Theresa Goss Address3 Tanners Close Middleton Cheney Banbury OX17 2GD Consult Date20/07/2022 Reply Due10/08/2022 Reply Received02/08/2022 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date25/07/2022 Reply Due15/08/2022 Reply Received09/08/2022 TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 06/07/2022 app form (157kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 06/07/2022 Planning Application Statement Perrytree (682kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 06/07/2022 site block plan (607kb) Ait 436 Pa 001 - B
Plans - Site 06/07/2022 Site Location Plan (534kb) Ait 436 Sur 001 -
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed 06/07/2022 proposed floor plans/elevations (610kb) Ait 436 Pa 100 - A
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 22/07/2022 Milton Parish Meeting (83kb) -
Consultation Response 02/08/2022 Adderbury Parish Council (100kb) -
Consultation Response 09/08/2022 OCC Highways (15kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 21/07/2022 10 Little Ground, Milton Village Street, Milton (76kb) -
Public Comments 22/07/2022 New Cottage, Chapel Lane, Milton (80kb) -
Public Comments 22/07/2022 2 The Bank, Milton Village Street, Milton (75kb) -
Public Comments 23/07/2022 Lower Orchard, Chapel Lane, Milton (77kb) -
Public Comments 10/08/2022 Ball Horticultural Europe, Milton Road, Adderbury (78kb) -
Public Comments 10/08/2022 Colegrave Seeds Ltd, Milton Road, Adderbury (79kb) -
Public Comments 10/08/2022 The House Adjacent, Colegrave Seeds Ltd, Milton Road, Adderbury (77kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 07/06/2024 Delegated Officer Report (36kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 07/06/2024 Decision Notice (224kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (157kb) - app form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (682kb) - Planning Application Statement Perrytree
Site Plans
Plans - Site (607kb) Ait 436 Pa 001 - B site block plan
Plans - Site (534kb) Ait 436 Sur 001 - Site Location Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed (610kb) Ait 436 Pa 100 - A proposed floor plans/elevations
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (83kb) - Milton Parish Meeting
Consultation Response (100kb) - Adderbury Parish Council
Consultation Response (15kb) - OCC Highways
Public Comments
Public Comments (76kb) - 10 Little Ground, Milton Village Street, Milton
Public Comments (80kb) - New Cottage, Chapel Lane, Milton
Public Comments (75kb) - 2 The Bank, Milton Village Street, Milton
Public Comments (77kb) - Lower Orchard, Chapel Lane, Milton
Public Comments (78kb) - Ball Horticultural Europe, Milton Road, Adderbury
Public Comments (79kb) - Colegrave Seeds Ltd, Milton Road, Adderbury
Public Comments (77kb) - The House Adjacent, Colegrave Seeds Ltd, Milton Road, Adderbury
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (36kb) - Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (224kb) - Decision Notice
Os Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury
OS Parcel 0050 West Of Berryhill Road And South Of Milton Road Adderbury

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
16/01955/CLUE 04/10/2016 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use / Development for the formation of outdoor arena, erection of perimeter boarding (see plan ref nos. 902-1A and 902-2) and use of land and buildings for equestrian purposes (see plans attached to statutory declaration for Katie Macdonald and red line plan version of plan 902-1A) Refused 29/11/2016
17/00425/CLUE 23/02/2017 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use for the construction of outdoor arena and erection of perimeter boarding and use of land and buildings for private equestrian purposes - sui generis Permitted 19/04/2017
18/01792/F 22/10/2018 Full Development OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Erection of new equestrian yard comprising of stables and hard surfacing Permitted 21/01/2019
18/00085/SO 22/10/2018 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Screening opnion to 18/01792/F - erection of new equestrian yard comprising of stables, storage barn and hard surfacing Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 24/10/2018
20/01073/F 23/04/2020 Full Development OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Use of site for recreational caravan park to include a new amenity building containing reception, toilets, showers and washing facilities Application Withdrawn 18/05/2020
20/01116/SO 29/04/2020 Screening Opinion Os Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Screening opinion to 20/01073/F - Use of site for recreational caravan park to include a new amenity building containing reception, toilets, showers and washing facilities Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 18/05/2020
21/02465/NMA 28/07/2021 Non Material Amendments OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Internal rearrangement and walls omitted resulting in number of stables reduced from 6 no. to 4 no. (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/01792/F) Permitted 20/08/2021
21/02534/DISC 28/07/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Discharge of Conditions 3 (Schedule of Materials) and 4 (Landscaping scheme) of 18/01792/F Permitted 07/10/2021
22/02017/F 06/07/2022 Full Development OS Parcel 0080 West Of Berryhill Road Adjoining And South Of Milton Road Adderbury Erection of new barn and polytunnels and the use of part of the barn for retail use ancillary to the agricultural use of the site Permitted 07/06/2024

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