Planning register

Planning Application - 22/01451/TCA

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Application Number
Application Type
Works To Trees In Conservation Area
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Oxfordshire OX15 5QN
T1 x Conifer - Fell due to shading.
Sibford Ferris
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Miss Amy Taylor
Applicant's Address
Applegrove Hook Norton Road SIBFORD FERRIS OX15 5QN
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameClerk to Sibford Ferris PC - Kirsty Buttle Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4FQ Consult Date18/05/2022 Reply Due Reply Received26/05/2022 TypeTrees in a Conservation Area
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 18/05/2022 Consultee Special (149kb) -
Application Documents 17/05/2022 app form (108kb) -
Application Documents 17/05/2022 Tree Map (6343kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 18/05/2022 Property history (8kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 26/05/2022 Sibford Ferris PC (70kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Case Correspondence 18/05/2022 TCA Acknowledgement Letter (145kb) -
Officer Report 29/06/2022 Delegated Officer Report (140kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 29/06/2022 Decision Notice (55kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (149kb) - Consultee Special
Application Documents (108kb) - app form
Application Documents (6343kb) - Tree Map
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (8kb) - Property history
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (70kb) - Sibford Ferris PC
Officer/Committee Consideration
Case Correspondence (145kb) - TCA Acknowledgement Letter
Officer Report (140kb) - Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (55kb) - Decision Notice
Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QN

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
05/00625/F 03/06/2005 Full Development Applegrove Sibford Ferris Banbury Oxon OX15 5QN Double garage with office and facilities on first floor, extension to rear of dwelling with pitched roof over, temporary office/storage building to be removed on completion (as amended by plans received 03.06.05). Permitted 29/07/2005
05/00008/TCA 05/01/2005 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Sibford Ferris Banbury Oxon OX15 5QN Fell 9 no. conifers, fell 1 no. willow and reduce crown of 3 no. conifers by 1.8 metres. Permitted 15/02/2005
15/00240/TCA 20/07/2015 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN T1 x Conifer - Crown reduction by 2 meters T2 x Conifer - Crown reduction by 2 meters. T3 x Beech - Crown lifting by 2 meters and reduction by 3 meters. T4 x Maple - Crown lifting by 0.5m and reduction by 1.5 meters. T5 x Maple - Crown lifting by 1 meter and reduction by 2 meters. T6 x Conifer - Topping by 2 meters. Crown reduction by 0.5 metres T7 x Conifer - Crown reduction by 1.5 metres. T8 x Conifer - Topping by 6 meters. Crown reduction by 0.5 metres Permitted 27/08/2015
16/00127/TCA 03/06/2016 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN T1, T2 x Conifer - Fell Permitted 11/07/2016
16/00215/F 22/02/2016 Full Development Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Addition of dormer windows to roof, insertion of roof lights and erection of extension incorporating new entrance hall, garage and bedroom above Permitted 11/04/2016
18/00064/TCA 28/02/2018 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN T1 x 1 - Connifer completely - Fell H1 x Mixed plants/shrubs - Remove and replace and replace
18/01310/F 15/08/2018 Full Development Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Variation of Condition 2 (plans) of 16/00215/F - Change the approved elevation drawings to increase the height of the existing bungalow roof to provide suitable head height; reduce the size of the proposed dormers to match the dormer over the garage Permitted 10/10/2018
20/01189/TCA 07/05/2020 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QN T1 x Conifer; Hook Norton Road side of property - Fell as per previous expired planning application, replace with mesh fence and hedgerow. T2 x Beech Tree – Crown lift to provide a ground clearance of approx. 3.5m over the garden, and up to 4.5m roadside, by removing/reducing low canopy branches whilst keep pruning wounds to a maximum of 75mm. Thin the crown density by up to 15% to include reduce/removing small diameter branches fouling the overhead line running through the crown to the property (amended by email 14.05.20). T3 x Conifer; borders Long View on Back Lane - Fell to allow us to replace fence between properties and assist with light into both properties. Permitted 11/06/2020
22/01451/TCA 17/05/2022 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Oxfordshire OX15 5QN T1 x Conifer - Fell due to shading. Permitted 29/06/2022

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
17/01094/IND 20/09/2017 20/09/2017 Initial Notice Domestic Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Double garage bedroom / ensuite above and two storey link extension to existing house and associated works
05/01284/OTHFPD 25/10/2005 27/10/2005 Full Plans (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Applegrove Sibford Ferris Banbury Oxon OX15 5QN Extension to existing kitchen and new double garage with office over
CP/GASAFE/00769/2014 20/11/2013 20/11/2013 Gas Safe Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Installed a Gas Boiler
CP/HETAS/00974/2014 12/11/2013 12/11/2013 Heating Equip Testing and Approval Schem Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Installed Nibe Stoves: Contura i5 Installed -: -
CP/FENSA/00204/2015 26/01/2015 26/01/2015 Window replacement schemes Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Install replacement windows in a dwelling
20/01136/CP 06/12/2019 06/12/2019 Competent Persons Scheme Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Circuit alteration or addition in a special location. Install a replacement consumer unit. Install one or more new circuits.
21/07250/CP 05/01/2021 04/01/2021 Competent Persons Scheme Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Circuit alteration or addition in a special location. Install a replacement consumer unit. Install one or more new circuits. Rewire of all circuits.
24/00821/REG 20/08/2024 21/08/2024 Regularisation Applegrove Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5QN Double garage bedroom / ensuite above and two storey link extension to existing house and associated works (17/01094/IND)

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