Planning register

Planning Application - 22/01407/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
The Straw Barn (The Plant House) Station Road Cropredy OX17 1PX
Variation of condition 6 of application 14/01379/F to the following: That the development hereby permitted shall not be used for the retail sale of goods or for the sale of food and drink principally to visiting members of the public where the consumption of that food and drink is mostly undertaken on the premises.
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Hualix Developments
Applicant's Address
Sarah Leather School Lane Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX
Miss Rebecca Bacon
Agents's Address
Savills Wytham Court, Savills Ltd 11 West Way Oxford OX2 0QL

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Seed House School Lane Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received31/05/2022 Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date31/05/2022
AddressThe Plant House School Lane Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received31/05/2022 Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date31/05/2022
AddressCaravan 1 School Farm School Lane Cropredy Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date
AddressCaravan 2 School Farm School Lane Cropredy Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date
AddressCaravan 3 School Farm School Lane Cropredy Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date
AddressThe Old Dairy Farm School Lane Cropredy OX17 1PX Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date
AddressMaid Of The Mist The Old Dairy Farm School Lane Cropredy OX17 1PX Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date
AddressThe Hotter Trotter The Hotter Trotter The Old Dairy Farm School Lane Cropredy OX17 1PX Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due16/06/2022 Reply Received Re-Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameWard Councillor - Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton Address Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due14/06/2022 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameClerk to Cropredy PC - David Best AddressStreet Farm, Barford St. Michael Banbury OX15 0PP Consult Date24/05/2022 Reply Due14/06/2022 Reply Received14/06/2022 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date23/06/2022 Reply Due14/07/2022 Reply Received12/07/2022 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameWard Councillor - Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton Address Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameClerk to Cropredy PC - David Best AddressStreet Farm, Barford St. Michael Banbury OX15 0PP Consult Date22/07/2022 Reply Due12/08/2022 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice Display Date22/07/2022 Expiry Date12/08/2022 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 12/05/2022 Application Form (124kb) -
Application Documents 12/05/2022 Agent Covering Letter (222kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 12/05/2022 Site location plan (2048kb) GI01/2014 -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 14/06/2022 Cropredy PC (72kb) -
Consultation Response 12/07/2022 OCC Highways (85kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 31/05/2022 The Seed House, School Lane, Cropredy (72kb) -
Public Comments 31/05/2022 The Plant House, School Lane, Cropredy (72kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 15/08/2022 Delegated Officer Report (25kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 15/08/2022 Decision Notice (219kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (124kb) - Application Form
Application Documents (222kb) - Agent Covering Letter
Site Plans
Plans - Site (2048kb) GI01/2014 - Site location plan
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (72kb) - Cropredy PC
Consultation Response (85kb) - OCC Highways
Public Comments
Public Comments (72kb) - The Seed House, School Lane, Cropredy
Public Comments (72kb) - The Plant House, School Lane, Cropredy
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (25kb) - Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (219kb) - Decision Notice
The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy OX17 1PX

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
04/00851/F 16/04/2004 Full Development OS Parcel 7800 East Of Primary School, School Lane Cropredy Banbury Oxon Change of use of existing stables and land to a work at home property with office, workshop and residential accommodation. Application Withdrawn 07/10/2004
10/00038/F 25/01/2010 Full Development OS Parcel 7800 East Of Primary School Station Road Cropredy Oxfordshire Use of land for Horticultural Nursery including greenhouse, poly tunnel, barn and parking/access area (as amended by Agent's letter dated 08.03.10 and amended plan No's 4896-02a, 4896-03a, 4896-01a) Refused 26/04/2010
10/01087/F 15/07/2010 Full Development OS Parcel 7800 East Of Primary School Station Road Cropredy Oxfordshire Use of land for Horticultural Nursery including greenhouse, poly tunnel, barn and parking/access area - resubmission of 10/00038/F Permitted 06/10/2010
10/00423/DISC 31/12/2010 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 7800 East Of Primary School Station Road Cropredy Oxfordshire Discharge of conditions 3, 5 and 7 of 10/01087/F Permitted 16/02/2011
11/01069/F 12/07/2011 Full Development Land Off School Lane Cropredy Oxfordshire Proposed marina with new access from Oxford Canal complete with associated car parking and facilities building (as amended by plans received 16/09/11) Permitted 16/01/2012
12/00611/F 26/09/2012 Full Development OS Parcel 7800 East Of Primary School Station Road Cropredy Oxfordshire Change of design of greenhouse and new fenced compound with partially covered area for secure storage Permitted 15/11/2012
14/00051/SO 01/09/2014 Screening Opinion Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Screening opinion to - 14/01379/F - Change of use from horticultural to B1 business, small changes to front and rear entrance of building to add glazed doors and fire escapes and addition of car parking and landscaping around building. Not proceeded with 12/09/2022
16/00049/NMA 17/06/2016 Non Material Amendments Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Non-Material Amendment to 12/00611/F - To cover the whole building with roofing Permitted 30/06/2016
14/01379/F 01/09/2014 Full Development Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Change of use from horticultural to B1 business, small changes to front and rear entrance of building to add glazed doors and fire escapes and addition of car parking and landscaping around building. Permitted 19/12/2014
15/02093/F 19/11/2015 Full Development Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Replacement of a polytunnel with a wooden storage shed Permitted 01/03/2016
17/01646/F 21/08/2017 Full Development Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Fenced concrete hardstanding to create yard for the storage of live plants, planters and compost Permitted 13/10/2017
21/03074/F 07/09/2021 Full Development The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Change of use of from horticulture to Class E Permitted 02/08/2022
22/01407/F 12/05/2022 Full Development The Straw Barn (The Plant House) Station Road Cropredy OX17 1PX Variation of condition 6 of application 14/01379/F to the following: That the development hereby permitted shall not be used for the retail sale of goods or for the sale of food and drink principally to visiting members of the public where the consumption of that food and drink is mostly undertaken on the premises. Permitted 15/08/2022
23/00097/F 18/01/2023 Full Development The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Provision of a new vehicular access with associated staff car parking and hardstanding

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
11/00110/INC 10/02/2011 10/02/2011 Initial Notice Commercial School Lane Cropredy Banbury Oxfordshire OX17 1PX Erection of farm building with integral office, workshop, meeting room and associated works
17/00300/IND 20/03/2017 20/03/2017 Initial Notice Domestic Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX Shell build warehouse
14/00072/INC 28/01/2014 28/01/2014 Initial Notice Commercial Green Interiors The Straw Barn Station Road Cropredy Banbury OX17 1PX New Greenhouse

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