Planning register

Planning Application - 21/01420/NMA

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Application Number
Application Type
Non Material Amendments
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester
Main amendments to the proposal, following submission of the S278 application are as follows: - General Arrangement: The western pedestrian crossing on the A41 has been relocated from its original position shown on the Rev A02 drawing. The crossing is located some 35m from the roundabout to allow for the provision of MOVA traffic control systems. Reason: The relocation is made on the grounds of highway safety - General Arrangement: A central island / refuge has been included on the eastern arm approach to the roundabout to segregate the left and ahead movements at the roundabout. The amendment is to ensure the appropriate entry path radius for straight ahead movements is achieved Reason: on the grounds of highway safety - Drainage: The previous drainage strategy included surface water attenuation within the central island of the roundabout. The attenuation has been removed and the proposals now include: i. A swale within the central island to allow conveyance of surface water from the circulatory carriageway ii. Oversized pipes (600mm diameter) to provide below ground storage in high rainfall events iii. Provision of a hydrobrake to control surface water discharge to the ditch north of the A41 at agreed rates with Oxfordshire County Council (proposed as non-material amendments to 20/01830/F)
Bicester South And Ambrosden
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Graven Hill Village Development Co.
Applicant's Address
Mr Adrian Unitt 11 Foundation Square Bicester OX25 2AQ
Mr John Jowitt
Agents's Address
Mr John Jowitt Cradley Enterprise Centre Box no.15 Maypole Fields Cradley B63 2QB

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
No associated consultees
Public Notices
No Public Notices

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 21/04/2021 app form (58kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 21/04/2021 Pioneer Rbt General Arrangement (934kb) Wie11386 145 03 001 -
Plans – Details 21/04/2021 Roundabout Drainage Layout (971kb) Wie11386 A41 90 551 -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 21/05/2021 Final Delegated Officer Report (16kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 21/05/2021 Final Decision Notice (218kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (58kb) - app form
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (934kb) Wie11386 145 03 001 - Pioneer Rbt General Arrangement
Plans – Details (971kb) Wie11386 A41 90 551 - Roundabout Drainage Layout
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (16kb) - Final Delegated Officer Report
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (218kb) - Final Decision Notice
Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
20/01830/F 09/07/2020 Full Development Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester Proposed roundabout junction Permitted 18/11/2020
21/01420/NMA 21/04/2021 Non Material Amendments Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester Main amendments to the proposal, following submission of the S278 application are as follows: - General Arrangement: The western pedestrian crossing on the A41 has been relocated from its original position shown on the Rev A02 drawing. The crossing is located some 35m from the roundabout to allow for the provision of MOVA traffic control systems. Reason: The relocation is made on the grounds of highway safety - General Arrangement: A central island / refuge has been included on the eastern arm approach to the roundabout to segregate the left and ahead movements at the roundabout. The amendment is to ensure the appropriate entry path radius for straight ahead movements is achieved Reason: on the grounds of highway safety - Drainage: The previous drainage strategy included surface water attenuation within the central island of the roundabout. The attenuation has been removed and the proposals now include: i. A swale within the central island to allow conveyance of surface water from the circulatory carriageway ii. Oversized pipes (600mm diameter) to provide below ground storage in high rainfall events iii. Provision of a hydrobrake to control surface water discharge to the ditch north of the A41 at agreed rates with Oxfordshire County Council (proposed as non-material amendments to 20/01830/F) Permitted 21/05/2021
21/02177/DISC 23/06/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester Discharge of condition 3 (Construction Environment Management Plan) 6 (Great Crested Newt Method Statement) 8 (Biodiversity Net Gain) 9 (Surface Water Drainage) 10 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) 11 (Archaeological Evaluation (Part Discharge) 12 (Tree Re-planting Scheme / Landscaping Design) of 20/01830/F Permitted 21/10/2022

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