Planning register

Planning Application - 21/00559/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5RW
Conversion of garage building and erection of a single storey extension, to form a granny annexe
Sibford Gower
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr & Mrs M Bannister
Applicant's Address
Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5RW
Bromley Planning
Agents's Address
Steve Bromley 189 Evesham Road Stratford upon Avon CV37 9BS

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received21/04/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date21/04/2021
AddressThe Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received06/04/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date06/04/2021
AddressThe Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received27/04/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date27/04/2021
AddressThe Pheasant Pluckers Inn Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received19/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date19/03/2021
AddressButtslade House Temple Mill Road Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RX Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received26/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date26/03/2021
AddressThe Long House Main Street Sibford Ferris Banbury OX15 5RG Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received08/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date08/03/2021
AddressHome Farm Backside Lane Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RS Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received19/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date19/03/2021
AddressStickleys House Main Street Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RT Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received27/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date27/03/2021
Address22A Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5BP Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received22/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/03/2021
AddressLarkspur Main Street Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RT Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received25/03/2021 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date25/03/2021
AddressGowers Close Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5RW Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressWykham Arms Wykham Arms Temple Mill Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RX Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressManor House Temple Mill Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RX Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressMethodist Chapel Temple Mill Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RX Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressFlat At Wykham Arms Temple Mill Road Sibford Gower OX15 5RX Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameConservation (CDC) - AddressConservation Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received12/04/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) - AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received23/04/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) - AddressEnvironmental Health Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received23/03/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received13/04/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameArboriculture (CDC) - AddressArboriculture Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received20/04/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameClerk to Sibford Gower PC - Kirsty Buttle Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4FQ Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received17/03/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameArchaeology (OCC) - Richard Oram AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date04/03/2021 Reply Due25/03/2021 Reply Received04/03/2021 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways Local Authority OCC - AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND Consult Date01/06/2021 Reply Due15/06/2021 Reply Received01/06/2021 TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionBanbury Guardian Display Date11/03/2021 Expiry Date01/04/2021 Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice Display Date15/03/2021 Expiry Date07/04/2021 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Documents 18/02/2021 Cover Letter (100kb) -
Application Documents 28/04/2021 app form (149kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 18/02/2021 Planning Statement / Design & Access Statement (165kb) -
Supporting Documents 18/02/2021 Heritage Statement (152kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/06/2021 Highway & Access Technical Note (944kb) -
Site Plans
Plans - Site 18/02/2021 Site Location Plan (41kb) 01 -
Plans - Site 18/02/2021 Survey Site Plan (155kb) 02 -
Existing Plans
Plans - Existing 18/02/2021 Survey Plans & Elevations (53kb) 03 -
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed 01/06/2021 Proposed plans/elevations (956kb) 06 - D
Plans - Proposed 01/06/2021 Sketch Site Plan 2 (95kb) 07 - C
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 04/03/2021 Archaeology (OCC) (80kb) -
Consultation Response 17/03/2021 Sibford Gower PC (75kb) -
Consultation Response 23/03/2021 Environmental Protection (10kb) -
Consultation Response 14/04/2021 Conservation (8kb) -
Consultation Response 13/04/2021 OCC Highways (32kb) -
Consultation Response 20/04/2021 CDC Arboriculture (82kb) -
Consultation Response 23/04/2021 Ecology (11kb) -
Consultation Response 09/07/2021 OCC Highways further comments (149kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 08/03/2021 The Long House, Main Street, Sibford Ferris (77kb) -
Public Comments 19/03/2021 Home Farm, Backside Lane, Sibford Gower, Banbury (75kb) -
Public Comments 19/03/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop (78kb) -
Public Comments 19/03/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn - photo (146kb) -
Public Comments 22/03/2021 22A Main Street, Sibford Gower (57kb) -
Public Comments 23/03/2021 Objection (duplicate) (57kb) -
Public Comments 25/03/2021 Larkspur, Main Street, Sibford Gower (75kb) -
Public Comments 26/03/2021 Buttslade House, Temple Mill Road, Sibford Gower (75kb) -
Public Comments 27/03/2021 Stickleys House, Main Street, Sibford Gower (74kb) -
Public Comments 06/04/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop (74kb) -
Public Comments 21/04/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop (77kb) -
Public Comments 27/04/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop (76kb) -
Public Comments 27/04/2021 The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop- photo (4424kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 26/07/2021 Delegated Officer Report - FINAL (178kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 26/07/2021 Decision Notice - FINAL (225kb) -
Application Forms
Application Documents (100kb) - Cover Letter
Application Documents (149kb) - app form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (165kb) - Planning Statement / Design & Access Statement
Supporting Documents (152kb) - Heritage Statement
Supporting Documents (944kb) - Highway & Access Technical Note
Site Plans
Plans - Site (41kb) 01 - Site Location Plan
Plans - Site (155kb) 02 - Survey Site Plan
Existing Plans
Plans - Existing (53kb) 03 - Survey Plans & Elevations
Proposed Plans
Plans - Proposed (956kb) 06 - D Proposed plans/elevations
Plans - Proposed (95kb) 07 - C Sketch Site Plan 2
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (80kb) - Archaeology (OCC)
Consultation Response (75kb) - Sibford Gower PC
Consultation Response (10kb) - Environmental Protection
Consultation Response (8kb) - Conservation
Consultation Response (32kb) - OCC Highways
Consultation Response (82kb) - CDC Arboriculture
Consultation Response (11kb) - Ecology
Consultation Response (149kb) - OCC Highways further comments
Public Comments
Public Comments (77kb) - The Long House, Main Street, Sibford Ferris
Public Comments (75kb) - Home Farm, Backside Lane, Sibford Gower, Banbury
Public Comments (78kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop
Public Comments (146kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn - photo
Public Comments (57kb) - 22A Main Street, Sibford Gower
Public Comments (57kb) - Objection (duplicate)
Public Comments (75kb) - Larkspur, Main Street, Sibford Gower
Public Comments (75kb) - Buttslade House, Temple Mill Road, Sibford Gower
Public Comments (74kb) - Stickleys House, Main Street, Sibford Gower
Public Comments (74kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop
Public Comments (77kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop
Public Comments (76kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop
Public Comments (4424kb) - The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Street Through Burdrop, Burdrop- photo
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (178kb) - Delegated Officer Report - FINAL
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (225kb) - Decision Notice - FINAL
Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5RW

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
04/01591/TCA 15/07/2004 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Carters Yard Sibford Gower Banbury Oxon OX15 5RW Remove branches of 1 No. Plum tree overhanging roof of The Inn Permitted 26/08/2004
05/02023/TCA 13/10/2005 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Carters Yard Sibford Gower Banbury Oxon OX15 5RW Fell 3 No. Leylandii, 1 No. Laurel, 1 No. Thuya, 1 No. Cotoneaster. Coppice/reduce and thin to 2m 1 No. Hazel. Permitted 28/11/2005
05/01653/TCA 18/08/2005 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Carters Yard Sibford Gower Banbury Oxon OX15 5RW Fell 1 No. Apple tree. Fell 2 No. Leylandii hedges. Permitted 29/09/2005
05/02302/LB 24/11/2005 Listed Building Carters Yard Sibford Gower Banbury Oxon OX15 5RW Internal alterations and creation of new doorway to annex, lower 2 no. windows on north elevation and alter 1 no. window on south elevation to dwelling with internal alterations (as amended by plans received 18.01.06 and additional plans received 08/02/06) Permitted 07/04/2006
06/01517/LB 07/08/2006 Listed Building Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RW Alterations to part east elevation of conservatory involving removal of base wall and glazing and replaced with matching limestone wall, 1 no. door and blue slate roof Permitted 02/10/2006
13/00343/TCA 06/11/2013 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RW T1 T2 x Holly - Fell Permitted 03/12/2013
21/00559/F 18/02/2021 Full Development Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower OX15 5RW Conversion of garage building and erection of a single storey extension, to form a granny annexe Permitted 26/07/2021

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
98/11086/OTHFP 07/09/1998 16/09/1998 Full Plans (Other Works) Carters Yard Sibford Gower Banbury Oxon OX15 5RW Single storey extension over existing garage
CP/CORGI/00691/2007 15/06/2007 15/06/2007 Council for Registered Gas Installers Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RW Installed a Gas Boiler
06/00544/OTHBND 04/05/2006 08/05/2006 Building Notice (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RW Line flue and fit stove
06/00637/OTHFPD 23/05/2006 25/05/2006 Full Plans (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RW Bathroom alterations and minor alterations to the annex and internal kitchen and bathroom alterations to the main house
CP/NICEIC/01564/2007 31/07/2007 31/07/2007 Competent Persons Scheme Type Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Oxfordshire OX15 5RW Main/ supplementary equipotential bonding New installation rewire or partial rewire One or more new circuits Kitchen Cooker Garden Heating (central heating/ room heating/ hot water/ boiler/ controls) Special location (room containing bath or shower swimming pool sauna) Ring/ radial power circuit Dwelling house Special installation (electric floor/ ceiling heating garden lighting/ power ELV lighting generator) Lighting circuit New consumer unit
CP/GASAFE/00760/2014 06/02/2014 06/02/2014 Gas Safe Carters Yard Main Street Sibford Gower Banbury OX15 5RW Installed a Gas Boiler

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