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Application Number 20/03404/F |
Application Type Full Development |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Unit B
Symmetry Park
Morrell Way
OX26 6GF |
Proposal 1. Alterations and enlargement of existing service yard to provide additional spaces for car and van parking, new access point to van parking and dispatch area, new access to staff parking area; 2. Building and plant comprising: Vehicle Maintenance Unit (VMU); Technical Services Block (TSB); Vehicle Inspection Hub (VIH); Comms Container (CCR); Sprinkler Tanks and Pump House; Vehicle wash (with underground waste water tank) and Van Fuel Station (with canopy over); smoking and vaping shelter; compaction area (with canopy over) and cycle store; 3. Site fencing enclosure with electricity supply substation; standby generator; enclosed storage units and Pallet Stack; 4. Realignment of existing cycle and footpath between A41 and Site boundary with Wretchwick Green, including landscaping; and 5. Minor realignment of existing storm water drains and installation of storm water attenuation tanks. |
Parish Ambrosden |
Ward Bicester South And Ambrosden |
Received Date 27/11/2020 |
Valid Date 27/11/2020 |
Weekly List Date 09/12/2020 |
Comments Due Date 27/01/2021 |
Target Decision Date 19/03/2021 |
Committee Date |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 03/03/2021 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Tritax Symmetry (Bicester Reid) Ltd |
Applicant's Address C/O Agent |
Agents's Address
Debbie Jones
Oriel House
42 North Bar
OX26 6HH
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address8 Avon Crescent Bicester OX26 2LZ | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received22/12/2020 | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date22/12/2020 |
Address4 Nuthatch Way, Bicester, OX26 6EQ | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received22/12/2020 | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date22/12/2020 |
Address26 Jay Close Bicester OX26 6XN | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received21/01/2021 | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date21/01/2021 |
Address83 Bucknell Road Bicester OX26 2DF | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received22/12/2020 | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date22/12/2020 |
AddressMedline Services Unit A2 Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due03/01/2021 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressBentley Designs Uk Unit A1 Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due03/01/2021 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameBuilding Control (CDC) - | AddressBuilding Control Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received29/12/2020 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEcology (CDC) - | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLangford Village Community Association - | Address8 Nightingale Pl, Bicester OX26 6XX | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameThames Valley Police (Designing Out Crime Officer) - | Address Neighbourhood Policing & Partnerships Fountain Court The Boulevard Kidlington OX5 1NZ | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received05/01/2021 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLandscape Services (CDC) - Landscapes Officer | AddressLandscapes Officer Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received18/12/2020 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team | AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received06/01/2021 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameClerk to Blackthorn PC - Mrs Tracey Charlesworth | AddressNorth End House Blackbull Lane Fencott Kidlington OX5 2RD | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameBicester Bike Users Group - Paul Troop | AddressGarden Court Chambers 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJ | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received06/01/2021 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameClerk to Ambrosden PC - Rebecca Chatterley | Address8 The Village Close, Upper Arncott, OX25 1QU | Consult Date10/12/2020 | Reply Due31/12/2020 | Reply Received22/12/2020 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameArboriculture (CDC) - | AddressArboriculture Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date15/12/2020 | Reply Due05/01/2021 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEnvironment Agency - | AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD | Consult Date15/12/2020 | Reply Due05/01/2021 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) - | AddressEnvironmental Health Cherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA | Consult Date15/12/2020 | Reply Due05/01/2021 | Reply Received05/01/2021 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameThames Water - Mr Ndoli Bokuli | AddressMr Ndoli Bokuli Development Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way Rickmansworth WD3 9SQ | Consult Date15/12/2020 | Reply Due05/01/2021 | Reply Received15/12/2020 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameClerk to Bicester Town Council - Phil Evans, Town Clerk | AddressThe Garth Lodge, Launton Rd, Bicester OX26 6PS | Consult Date15/12/2020 | Reply Due05/01/2021 | Reply Received18/01/2021 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team | AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date22/01/2021 | Reply Due05/02/2021 | Reply Received15/02/2021 | TypeRe-consult |
NameOCC - Single Response - Major Planning Applications Team | AddressOxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date15/02/2021 | Reply Due22/02/2021 | Reply Received22/02/2021 | TypeRe-consult |
Description | Display Date | Expiry Date | Notice Type |
DescriptionBicester Advertiser | Display Date24/12/2020 | Expiry Date17/01/2021 | Notice Type |
DescriptionSite Notice | Display Date06/01/2021 | Expiry Date27/01/2021 | Notice Type |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents | 27/11/2020 | Application Form | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Es Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1 Location Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Planning Statement Appendix 1 Location Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Volume 1 Environmental Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Schedule Of All Additional Ancillary Buildings Structures P2 | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Es Appendix 5.3 Edp2606 R029 B Ecology Technical Note | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Es Appendix 5.1 Transport Statement Red | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Es Appendix 5.4 Edp2606 R030 E Unit B Landscape Note Red | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Symmetry Park Bicester Unit B External Luminaire Schedule (rev C) 25 09 19 | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Planning Statement Appendix 2 Schedule Of All Additional Ancillary Buildings Structures P2 | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Volume 3 Non Technical Summary | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 27/11/2020 | Planning Statement and D&A | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 30/11/2020 | Technical note - Air Quality | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 30/11/2020 | Noise Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 12/02/2021 | Drainage Strategy Technical note | (0kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Plans - Site | 27/11/2020 | Application Red Line | (0kb) | 4036 B10 101 - P9 | |
Plans - Site | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Site Layout Plan | (0kb) | 4036 B10 103 - P8 | |
Plans - Site | 27/11/2020 | Location Plan | (0kb) | 4036 B10 100 - P7 | |
Plans - Site | 27/11/2020 | Site Plan As Existing | (0kb) | 4036 B10 102 - P3 | |
Plans - Site | 27/11/2020 | Indicative Masterplan | (0kb) | 4036 B10 104 - P8 | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Site Fencing Gates And Access | (0kb) | 4036 B10 105 - P7 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed LGV Yard Tracking | (0kb) | 4036 B10 113 - P5 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Drainage Strategy 2 Of 2 | (0kb) | C 13482 Hyd 00 Zz Dr C 7001 - P03 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Refuse Area | (0kb) | 4036 B10 106 - P6 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Yard Layout Detail Plan | (0kb) | 4036 B10 115 - P9 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Site Sections | (0kb) | 4036 B10 200 - P4 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Drainage Strategy 1 Of 2 | (0kb) | C 13482 Hyd 00 Zz Dr C 7000 - P03 | |
Plans – Details | 27/11/2020 | External Lighting | (0kb) | 19 096 Ex 001 - PL3 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Cycle And Smoking Shelters | (0kb) | 4036 B10 107 - P7 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Technical Services Block TSB | (0kb) | 4036 B10 109 - P6 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Comms Enclosures CCR | (0kb) | 4036 B10 111 - P7 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Van Wash And Fuel Area Canopies | (0kb) | 4036 B10 116 - P5 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Vehicle Maintenance Unit (vmu) | (0kb) | 4036 B10 108 - P6 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Vehicle Inspection Hut (vih) | (0kb) | 4036 B10 110 - P7 | |
Plans - Proposed | 27/11/2020 | Proposed Sprinkler Tanks And Pump House | (0kb) | 4036 B10 112 - P6 | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 15/12/2020 | Thames Water | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 18/12/2020 | CDC Landscape Services | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 22/12/2020 | Ambrosden PC | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 29/12/2020 | CDC Building Control | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 05/01/2021 | Environmental Protection | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 05/01/2021 | Thames Valley Police | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 06/01/2021 | Bicester Bike users group | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2021 | Oxfordshire County Council | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 18/01/2021 | Bicester Town Council | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 21/01/2021 | Environment Agency | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/02/2021 | Oxfordshire County Council | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 22/02/2021 | Oxfordshire County Council | (0kb) | - | |
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments | 22/12/2020 | 8 Avon Crescent, Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Public Comments | 22/12/2020 | 83 Bucknell Road, Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Public Comments | 22/12/2020 | 4 Nuthatch Way, Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Public Comments | 21/01/2021 | 26 Jay Close, Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Case Correspondence | 24/12/2020 | Thames Police Design Adviser EoT request | (0kb) | - | |
Case Correspondence | 22/01/2021 | Agent Email Response to Third Party Comments | (0kb) | - | |
Officer Report | 03/03/2021 | Final Delegated Officer Report | (0kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 03/03/2021 | Final Decision Notice | (0kb) | - | |
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded | 27/11/2020 | Es Appendix 5.5 Drainage Strategy Technical Note P02 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 22/01/2021 | Drainage Strategy Technical Note | (0kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Documents (0kb) - Application Form | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Es Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1 Location Plan | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Planning Statement Appendix 1 Location Plan | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Volume 1 Environmental Statement | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Schedule Of All Additional Ancillary Buildings Structures P2 | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Es Appendix 5.3 Edp2606 R029 B Ecology Technical Note | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Es Appendix 5.1 Transport Statement Red | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Es Appendix 5.4 Edp2606 R030 E Unit B Landscape Note Red | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Symmetry Park Bicester Unit B External Luminaire Schedule (rev C) 25 09 19 | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Planning Statement Appendix 2 Schedule Of All Additional Ancillary Buildings Structures P2 | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Volume 3 Non Technical Summary | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Planning Statement and D&A | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Technical note - Air Quality | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Noise Assessment | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Drainage Strategy Technical note | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Plans - Site (0kb) 4036 B10 101 - P9 Application Red Line | |||||
Plans - Site (0kb) 4036 B10 103 - P8 Proposed Site Layout Plan | |||||
Plans - Site (0kb) 4036 B10 100 - P7 Location Plan | |||||
Plans - Site (0kb) 4036 B10 102 - P3 Site Plan As Existing | |||||
Plans - Site (0kb) 4036 B10 104 - P8 Indicative Masterplan | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 4036 B10 105 - P7 Proposed Site Fencing Gates And Access | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 4036 B10 113 - P5 Proposed LGV Yard Tracking | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) C 13482 Hyd 00 Zz Dr C 7001 - P03 Proposed Drainage Strategy 2 Of 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 4036 B10 106 - P6 Proposed Refuse Area | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 4036 B10 115 - P9 Proposed Yard Layout Detail Plan | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 4036 B10 200 - P4 Site Sections | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) C 13482 Hyd 00 Zz Dr C 7000 - P03 Proposed Drainage Strategy 1 Of 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) 19 096 Ex 001 - PL3 External Lighting | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 107 - P7 Proposed Cycle And Smoking Shelters | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 109 - P6 Proposed Technical Services Block TSB | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 111 - P7 Proposed Comms Enclosures CCR | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 116 - P5 Proposed Van Wash And Fuel Area Canopies | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 108 - P6 Proposed Vehicle Maintenance Unit (vmu) | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 110 - P7 Proposed Vehicle Inspection Hut (vih) | |||||
Plans - Proposed (0kb) 4036 B10 112 - P6 Proposed Sprinkler Tanks And Pump House | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Water | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - CDC Landscape Services | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ambrosden PC | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - CDC Building Control | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environmental Protection | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Valley Police | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester Bike users group | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester Town Council | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council | |||||
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments (0kb) - 8 Avon Crescent, Bicester | |||||
Public Comments (0kb) - 83 Bucknell Road, Bicester | |||||
Public Comments (0kb) - 4 Nuthatch Way, Bicester | |||||
Public Comments (0kb) - 26 Jay Close, Bicester | |||||
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Case Correspondence (0kb) - Thames Police Design Adviser EoT request | |||||
Case Correspondence (0kb) - Agent Email Response to Third Party Comments | |||||
Officer Report (0kb) - Final Delegated Officer Report | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Final Decision Notice | |||||
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Es Appendix 5.5 Drainage Strategy Technical Note P02 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Drainage Strategy Technical Note |
Addresses |
Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
15/02316/OUT | 18/12/2015 | Outline Application | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Outline - Proposed development of up to 69,677sqm (750,000 sq feet) of logistics floorspace, within Class B8 of the Town and Country Planning use classes order of 1987, with ancillary Class B1(A) Offices, together with associated site infrastructure including lorry parking, landscaping and sustainable drainage with details of means of access included for approval. | Non-Determination | 06/07/2016 |
17/00235/DISC | 12/05/2017 | Discharge Of Conditions | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Discharge of condition 13 (means of construction and drainage for the access between land and the highway) of 16/00861/HYBRID | Permitted | 20/06/2017 |
17/00264/DISC | 26/05/2017 | Discharge Of Conditions | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Partial Discharge condition 40 (archaeological programme) of 16/00861/HYBRID | Permitted | 28/06/2017 |
18/01096/ADV | 21/06/2018 | Advertisement | Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | (Retrospective) 2 Non illuminated letters on surface of roof, 1 Non illuminated letters on North West elevation, 2 Non illuminated letters on North East elevation and South West elevation, 1 Internally illuminated freestanding estate name entrance sign and 4 Internally illuminated freestanding unit occupier name and goods vehicle and car park entrance signs | Permitted | 15/08/2018 |
18/00372/DISC | 10/09/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden | Discharge of condition 10 (SUDS) of 18/00091/F | Permitted | 24/10/2018 |
17/00527/DISC | 03/11/2017 | Discharge Of Conditions | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Discharge of condition 8 (Retained tree) of 16/00861/HYBRID | Permitted | 23/01/2018 |
17/02229/ADV | 03/11/2017 | Advertisement | Symmetry Park Aylesbury Road A41 Ambrosden | 2 No fascia signs | Permitted | 21/12/2017 |
18/00091/F | 17/01/2018 | Full Development | Symmetry Park Aylesbury Road A41 Ambrosden | 14,200 sq m of logistics floor space, within class B8, including ancillary class B1 (a) offices (929 sq m), erection of security gatehouse, security fence, sprinkler tank and pump house, with an access road and associated site infrastructure including external service yard, lorry parking, landscaping, amenity open space including 10m green corridor with 3m foot path and cycle link to wider Bicester 12 and storm water drainage infrastructure and private sewage treatment plant | Permitted | 12/07/2018 |
18/00332/DISC | 28/08/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden | Discharge of condition 14 (ecology site check) of 18/00091/F | Permitted | 25/09/2018 |
17/00055/DISC | 06/02/2017 | Discharge Of Conditions | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Discharge of condition 21 (Geoenvironmental Ground Investigation) of 16/00861/HYBRID | Permitted | 04/05/2017 |
19/00038/NMA | 03/05/2019 | Non Material Amendments | Symmetry Park Aylesbury Road A41 Ambrosden | Non Material Amendment to application 18/00091/F - An amendment is sought to the roof plan for the relocation of Photovoltaic panels | Permitted | 03/06/2019 |
20/03404/F | 27/11/2020 | Full Development | Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | 1. Alterations and enlargement of existing service yard to provide additional spaces for car and van parking, new access point to van parking and dispatch area, new access to staff parking area; 2. Building and plant comprising: Vehicle Maintenance Unit (VMU); Technical Services Block (TSB); Vehicle Inspection Hub (VIH); Comms Container (CCR); Sprinkler Tanks and Pump House; Vehicle wash (with underground waste water tank) and Van Fuel Station (with canopy over); smoking and vaping shelter; compaction area (with canopy over) and cycle store; 3. Site fencing enclosure with electricity supply substation; standby generator; enclosed storage units and Pallet Stack; 4. Realignment of existing cycle and footpath between A41 and Site boundary with Wretchwick Green, including landscaping; and 5. Minor realignment of existing storm water drains and installation of storm water attenuation tanks. | Permitted | 03/03/2021 |
21/01029/DISC | 12/04/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | Discharge of condition 6 (Construction Management Plan) of 20/03404/F | Permitted | 14/05/2021 |
21/03419/ADV | 15/10/2021 | Advertisement | Symmetry Park, Unit B Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | Display of Ocado signage | Permitted | 10/12/2021 |
21/03613/NMA | 22/10/2021 | Non Material Amendments | Ocado Retail Ltd Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Non-material amendment to 18/00091/F - multiple changes (see cover letter) | Permitted | 17/12/2021 |
21/04017/DISC | 01/12/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Discharge of condition 8 (Travel Plan) of 20/03404/F | Permitted | 01/04/2022 |
21/04019/DISC | 01/12/2021 | Discharge Of Conditions | Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Discharge of condition 8 (Travel Plan) of 18/00091/F | Permitted | 01/04/2022 |
21/04068/NMA | 06/12/2021 | Non Material Amendments | Ocado Retail Ltd Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Minor amendments to the approved scheme are requested (amended plans) (proposed as non-material amendment to 20/03404/F) | Permitted | 07/04/2022 |
22/00937/MISC | 29/03/2022 | Miscellaneous Enquiries | Ocado Retail Ltd Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Application for a new premises license - The Premises is a multi-storey warehouse which will serve as a distribution centre for the Applicant's delivery operation. Products including alcohol will be stored in multiple locations within the premises and then picked for customers who have ordered them as part of their on line grocery shop. The premises to be set up for delivery vehicles to access and collect products from the ground floor. Storage is on the ground floor and upper floors as shown on the attached plans, office spaces on the ground floor | Not proceeded with | 13/07/2022 |
22/01244/DISC | 26/04/2022 | Discharge Of Conditions | Symmetry Park, Unit B Morrell Way Ambrosden Oxfordshire OX26 6GF | Discharge of Condition 10 (Drainage) of 20/03404/F | Permitted | 23/09/2022 |
22/02097/MISC | 14/07/2022 | Miscellaneous Enquiries | Ocado Retail Ltd Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Application for a new premises license | 02/08/2022 |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
16/00405/INC | 15/04/2016 | 15/04/2016 | Initial Notice Commercial | OS Parcel 0070 Adj And North Of A41 London Road Bicester | Construction of two industrial buildings | |
18/00721/INC | 04/07/2018 | 04/07/2018 | Initial Notice Commercial | Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden Bicester OX26 6GF | Proposed new warehouse unit with ancillary offices (shell and core only) and associated car parking | |
21/00387/IN | 01/04/2021 | Initial Notice | Ocado Retail Ltd Unit B Symmetry Park Morrell Way Ambrosden OX26 6GF | Internal alterations and fit out to form automated warehouse |