Planning register

Planning Application - 18/01076/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ
Erection of two new detached dwellings with associated detached garages
Bicester South And Ambrosden
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr Rhys Oliver
Applicant's Address
Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ
Richard Court Designs Ltd
Agents's Address
Mr Richard Court 7 Philcote Street Deddington OX15 0TB

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Paddock Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address1 Cross Gates Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressWillow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received18/07/2018 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date18/07/2018
Address46 Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received22/07/2018 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date22/07/2018

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameAmbrosden Parish Council AddressKelly Jordan-Mann Wishing Well Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received21/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameArchaeology (OCC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received19/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameBuilding Control (CDC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received02/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received04/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received12/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHousing Standards (CDC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLead Local Flood Authority OCC Drainage Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received06/07/2018 TypeStandard Consultee
NameThames Water AddressDevelopment Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way RICKMANSWORTH WD3 9SQ Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due20/07/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameIan Upstone (Waste And Recycling Manager) - Waste & Recycling (CDC) Address Consult Date29/06/2018 Reply Due13/07/2018 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice General Display Date18/07/2018 Expiry Date08/08/2018 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 27/06/2018 CIL form (373kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 app form (69kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 Neighbour Consults (91kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 Neighbour Consults (53kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 Property History (108kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 Info Map (Arc) (200kb) -
Application Document 27/06/2018 Checklist (144kb) -
Application Document 29/06/2018 Publicity (16kb) -
Supporting Documents
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (2521kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4396kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4130kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (3272kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4894kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4689kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4910kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (63288kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4613kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4125kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (5359kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (5166kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4373kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (4125kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (2575kb) -
Photographs 13/08/2018 officer site visit 18.07.2018 (2482kb) -
Supporting Documents 27/06/2018 Design & Access statement (4642kb) -
Site Plans
Site Location Plan 27/06/2018 AMD NW elevation/SE elevation/location & block plan drg no 974 4D (785kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 East elevation/East (inc garage elevation) west elevation drg no 974-7 (187kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 Gf & FF plans drg no 974-6 (1201kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 South elevation & North elevation drg no 974 5 (220kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 Sw elevation/SE elevation (inc garage) drg no 974 3B (223kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 GF & FF plans drg no 974 2B (1208kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 27/06/2018 NE elevation typical section/NE elevation drg no 974 1B (243kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 21/03/2019 OCC Highways 3 09-08-18 (28kb) -
Consultation Response 21/03/2019 OCC Highways 2 09-08-18 (26kb) -
Consultation Response 12/07/2018 Environmental Protection comments 12/07/18 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 06/07/2018 OCC Highways comments 03/07/18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 10/08/2018 OCC Highways 4 - 09.08.18 (50kb) -
Consultation Response 10/08/2018 OCC Highways - 09.08.18 (27kb) -
Consultation Response 23/07/2018 Ambrosden Parish Council - 21.07.18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 19/07/2018 Archaeological comments 17/07/18 (15kb) -
Consultation Response 06/07/2018 Building Control comments 02/17/18 (14kb) -
Consultation Response 05/07/2018 Environment Agency comments 02/07/18 (15kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 22/07/2018 Ford, K 19/07/18 (250kb) -
Public Comments 19/07/2018 Dr M Johnson & Ms N Bullivant 16-07-18 (1762kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 15/08/2018 14.08.18 (319kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 15/08/2018 14.08.18 (1675kb) -
Decision 16/04/2019 Con 5, 7 - 15.04.19 (87kb) -
Planning Application Documents
Superseded 27/06/2018 SUPP NW elevation & SE elevation/location & block plan drg no 974 4C (785kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (373kb) - CIL form
Application Document (69kb) - app form
Application Document (91kb) - Neighbour Consults
Application Document (53kb) - Neighbour Consults
Application Document (108kb) - Property History
Application Document (200kb) - Info Map (Arc)
Application Document (144kb) - Checklist
Application Document (16kb) - Publicity
Supporting Documents
Photographs (2521kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4396kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4130kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (3272kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4894kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4689kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4910kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (63288kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4613kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4125kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (5359kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (5166kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4373kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (4125kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (2575kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Photographs (2482kb) - officer site visit 18.07.2018
Supporting Documents (4642kb) - Design & Access statement
Site Plans
Site Location Plan (785kb) - AMD NW elevation/SE elevation/location & block plan drg no 974 4D
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (187kb) - East elevation/East (inc garage elevation) west elevation drg no 974-7
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1201kb) - Gf & FF plans drg no 974-6
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (220kb) - South elevation & North elevation drg no 974 5
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (223kb) - Sw elevation/SE elevation (inc garage) drg no 974 3B
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1208kb) - GF & FF plans drg no 974 2B
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (243kb) - NE elevation typical section/NE elevation drg no 974 1B
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (28kb) - OCC Highways 3 09-08-18
Consultation Response (26kb) - OCC Highways 2 09-08-18
Consultation Response (14kb) - Environmental Protection comments 12/07/18
Consultation Response (15kb) - OCC Highways comments 03/07/18
Consultation Response (50kb) - OCC Highways 4 - 09.08.18
Consultation Response (27kb) - OCC Highways - 09.08.18
Consultation Response (15kb) - Ambrosden Parish Council - 21.07.18
Consultation Response (15kb) - Archaeological comments 17/07/18
Consultation Response (14kb) - Building Control comments 02/17/18
Consultation Response (15kb) - Environment Agency comments 02/07/18
Public Comments
Public Comments (250kb) - Ford, K 19/07/18
Public Comments (1762kb) - Dr M Johnson & Ms N Bullivant 16-07-18
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (319kb) - 14.08.18
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (1675kb) - 14.08.18
Decision (87kb) - Con 5, 7 - 15.04.19
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (785kb) - SUPP NW elevation & SE elevation/location & block plan drg no 974 4C
Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
00/00070/F 14/01/2000 Full Development Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of Nos. 46-52 Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester Oxon Conversion of barn to residential dwelling and part demolition of existing outbuilding with re-cladding. change of use of land to residential Application Withdrawn 17/02/2000
01/02166/CLUE 24/10/2001 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of Nos. 46-52 Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester Oxon Certificate of Lawfulness existing to allow continuous use of land and buildings as a general builders yard Refused 12/06/2002
03/01921/F 21/09/2003 Full Development Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of Nos. 46-52. 1 Cross Gates Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester Oxon Conversion of barn to form dwelling with detached garage/workshop, pool and pool house, Demolish existing garage/stable block, create new access and erection of two 2.1 metre high walls (as amended by plans received 26.11.03) Permitted 21/01/2004
05/00102/F 18/01/2005 Full Development Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of Nos. 46-52 Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester Oxon Conversion of barn to residential use. Demolition of existing garage/stables and construction of new garage, workshop and store. Construction of pool house and plant room. Erection of two 2.1m boundary walls with alteration to highway access. Resubmission of permission 03/01921/F. Permitted 14/03/2005
05/01990/CLUE 12/10/2005 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Home Farm Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester Oxon Certificate of Lawfulness existing to allow continuous use of land for storage of building materials Refused 06/12/2005
07/00983/CLUE 16/05/2007 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Barn To The Rear Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Certificate of Lawfulness existing to allow continuous use of land for storage purposes (B8) Permitted 03/07/2007
10/00506/F 26/04/2010 Full Development Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Conversion of barn to residential use. Demolition of existing garage/stables and construction of new garage, workshop and store. Construction of pool house and plant room. Erection of two 2.1m boundary walls with alteration to highway access. Resubmission of permission 05/00102/F (as amended by plans received 01/06/10). Permitted 21/06/2010
11/00520/F 13/04/2011 Full Development Home Farm Stables Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Change of use of barn to form two dwellings and erection of a shared garage Permitted 06/09/2011
10/00421/DISC 22/12/2010 Discharge Of Conditions Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Discharge of Planning Conditions 2, 3, 12, 14, 15 and 19 of 10/00506/F Permitted 25/02/2011
10/01887/F 14/01/2011 Full Development Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Change of use of barn to a dwelling and erection of a new dwelling and shared garage Permitted 01/03/2011
11/00118/DISC 23/05/2011 Discharge Of Conditions Barn And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Clearance of conditions 3, 15, 17, 20 and 21 of 10/01887/F Permitted 06/09/2011
12/00108/F 30/01/2012 Full Development Home Farm Stables And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Variation of condition 22 of 10/01887/F Permitted 20/03/2012
12/00263/F 12/03/2012 Full Development Home Farm Stables And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Variation of condition 2 of 11/00520/F Permitted 19/04/2012
12/01234/F 11/09/2012 Full Development Home Farm Stables And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Removal of condition 7 of 12/00263/F (retrospective) Permitted 02/11/2012
13/00901/F 28/06/2013 Full Development Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Insertion of 2no velux windows. New dormer and front porch. Permitted 22/08/2013
18/01076/F 18/06/2018 Full Development Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Erection of two new detached dwellings with associated detached garages Permitted 14/08/2018
19/00055/F 17/01/2019 Full Development Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ 2 new semi-detached dwellings and 1 detached dwelling with associated parking and gardens Permitted 02/07/2019
19/00070/DISC 18/02/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Discharge of Conditions 5 (doors, windows, rooflights) and 7 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) of 18/01076/F Permitted 15/04/2019
19/01297/DISC 12/07/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ Discharge of Conditions 3 (brick sample) 4 (tiles) 5 (doors, windows and rooflights) 6 (turning area) 7 (Archaeological scheme) 8 (archaeological evaluation programme) 9 (hard landscaping scheme), 13 (Land Contamination: Desk study/Site Walk Over) (17 (waste storage and collection ) of 19/00055/F Permitted 29/11/2019
20/02732/DISC 01/10/2020 Discharge Of Conditions Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ Discharge of Condition 12 (contamination report) of 19/00055/F Permitted 05/11/2020
20/03379/F 24/11/2020 Full Development Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ Alterations to and conversion of existing double garage and storage loft over to provide Annex ancillary to the existing dwelling. Provision of min 2 No additional parking space Permitted 21/07/2023

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
11/00345/DOMFP 03/05/2011 05/05/2011 Full Plans Home Farm Stables And Land Adjoining And North Of 46 To 52 Merton Road Ambrosden Oxfordshire Conversion of existing barn (shell only) to two new dwellings. One separate new build dwelling.
11/00357/OTHBND 06/05/2011 10/05/2011 Building Notice (Domestic/Estimated Cost) 51 Hambleside Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 2GB Five replacement windows and one residential door
CP/GASAFE/03839/2013 12/10/2012 12/10/2012 Gas Safe Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Installed a Gas Boiler
CP/GASAFE/03840/2013 12/10/2012 12/10/2012 Gas Safe Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Installed a Gas Boiler
19/00712/FP 15/07/2019 15/07/2019 Full Plans Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Two semi detached dwellings and one detached dwelling
23/35693/CP 09/12/2023 06/12/2023 Competent Persons Scheme Meadow Barn Merton Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LZ Install a gas-fired boiler.

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