Planning register

Planning Application - 18/00089/SO

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Application Number
Application Type
Screening Opinion
Screening Opinion Not Requesting EIA
Decision Level
OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury
Screening Opinion to 18/01973/REM - Layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 216 units.
Banbury Calthorpe And Easington
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Screening Opinion not requesting EIA
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Redrow Homes
Applicant's Address
Mr Michael Glass 6 Waterside Way The Lakes Northampton NN4 7XD
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
No associated neighbours

Consultee List
No associated consultees
Public Notices
No Public Notices

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Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
16/00219/DISC 10/05/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Land West Adj To Salt Way And West Of Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 6 of 16/00597/F Permitted 08/12/2016
14/00004/SCOP 15/04/2014 Scoping Opinion Land West Adj To Salt Way And West Of Bloxham Road Banbury Scoping Opinion - Proposed residential development comprising approximately 400 dwellings. Application Withdrawn 09/05/2014
14/00031/SO 09/05/2014 Screening Opinion OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Screening Opinion - Proposed development of up to 400 new homes Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 29/05/2014
16/00318/DISC 13/07/2016 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 9 (Ground investigation report) - Application14/01188/OUT Permitted 16/08/2016
16/00597/F 04/04/2016 Full Development OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Variation of conditions 4, 5, 6, 25 & 31 and removal of condition 30 of 14/01188/OUT Permitted 16/08/2016
16/00026/SO 04/04/2016 Screening Opinion OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Screening Opinion for 16/00597/F - Variation of conditions 4, 5, 6, 25, 30 & 31 of 14/01188/OUT Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 07/04/2016
16/00130/DISC 22/03/2016 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 19 (archaeology) of 14/01188/OUT Permitted 05/05/2016
14/01188/OUT 21/07/2014 Outline Application OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Outline - Development of up to 350 dwellings, associated public open space and associated infrastructure. Permitted 13/11/2015
16/00375/DISC 16/08/2016 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 5 (phasing plan) of 16/00597/F Permitted 31/08/2016
16/00166/DISC 04/04/2016 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 9 (intrusive investigation), 21 (landscape and ecology management plan) and 22 (ecologist study) of 14/01188/OUT Split Decision 04/07/2016
17/00506/DISC 19/10/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of condition 11 (surface water drainage) of 17/00669/REM Application Withdrawn 23/10/2018
18/00012/DISC 10/01/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of condition 2 (Revised materials plan) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 17/01/2018
18/00155/DISC 29/03/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of condition (2 revised materials plan) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 25/05/2018
18/00285/DISC 26/07/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 10 (Local Areas of Play and Local Equipped Area of Play), 11 (surface water drainage scheme), 17 (footpath scheme), 22 (footpaths), 26 (pedestrian footpath) and 27 (pedestrian footpath) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 17/01/2020
18/00044/DISC 01/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 7 (boundary treatment plan), 13 (external lighting), 18 (cycle parking facilities), 20 (cycle parking and bin storage facilities), 22 (public footpaths), 26 (footpath details) and 27 (pedestrian footpath) of 17/00669/REM Split Decision 05/04/2018
18/00299/DISC 25/07/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 13 (Lighting scheme) and 28 (Connections to Salt Way) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 02/08/2019
18/00051/NMA 17/04/2018 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non Material Amendment to 16/00597/F to amend the reserved matters details approved under 17/00669/REM - Amend the bin storage location for the maisonettes (plots 38-41 and 303-318) Refused 24/10/2018
17/00550/DISC 15/11/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 3 (stone sample panel), 4 (brick sample panel), 5 (roofing samples) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 09/01/2018
17/00448/DISC 28/09/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 7 (energy efficiency), 16 (topsoil retention), 20 (stage programme of arch evaluation), 21 (landscape and ecology management plan), 26 (water supply), 27 (foul water drainage), 28 (construction management plan), 29 (travel plan), 31 (air quality assessment) of 16/00597/F Split Decision 25/05/2018
18/00092/DISC 22/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge conditions 8 (landscape scheme), 10 (local arears of play) and 25 (site layout plan) of 17/00669/REM Refused 29/05/2018
17/00472/REM 14/03/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Reserved matters to 16/00597/F - Approval of the layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 321 dwellings Application Withdrawn 17/07/2019
18/00089/SO 06/12/2018 Screening Opinion OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Screening Opinion to 18/01973/REM - Layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 216 units. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 17/10/2019
18/00154/NMA 11/12/2018 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non Material Amendment to 16/00597/F to amend the reserved matters details approved under 17/00669/REM - Reduction of door and window heights by 150mm and overall house type heights by 225mm. Permitted 20/02/2019
17/00499/DISC 13/10/2017 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of condition 13 of 14/01188/OUT Not proceeded with 08/12/2017
18/00278/DISC 10/07/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge conditions 13 (Arboriculture Information) and 18 (Local Areas of Play and Local Equipped Area of Play) of 16/00597/F Permitted 17/01/2020
17/00669/REM 29/03/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Reserved matters of 16/00597/F - Approval of the layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 318 dwellings. Permitted 12/10/2017
18/01830/F 06/11/2018 Full Development OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Retrospective - Erection of 2 temporary ironstone feature walls and temporary post and rail fencing, forming part of the sales area of the development Application Withdrawn 22/01/2019
17/00023/SO 29/03/2017 Screening Opinion OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Reserved matters of 16/00597/F - Approval of the layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 321 dwellings. Application Disposed Of 02/11/2018
18/01973/REM 06/12/2018 Matters Arising From Outline Approval OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Reserved Matters to 16/00597/F - Layout, scale, external appearance and landscaping for 216 units. Permitted 29/03/2019
18/02001/M106 20/11/2018 Application to Modify a Section 106 Plots 268-272, 277-279, 284-289, 303-318 Bloxham Vale Crouch Farm Bloxham Road Banbury OX16 9UN Modification of Section 106 - 16/00597/F Refused 12/12/2019
18/00213/DISC 14/05/2018 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of condition 13 (lighting scheme) of 17/00669/REM Refused 29/05/2018
18/00097/NMA 06/08/2018 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non Material Amendment to 16/00597/F to amend the reserved matters details approved pursuant to 17/00669/REM - Alteration of the T3 house type internal floor arrangement from a 2 bed house type, to a 3 bed house type. An additional windows has also been introduced above the ginnel on the front and rear elevations. Permitted 20/08/2018
18/00155/NMA 11/12/2018 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Amendment to approval 17/00669/REM - An additional window has been introduced above the ginnel on the front and rear elevations of the T3 Stone Elevations planning drawing, in line with the planning approved HT_T3_01 House Type T3 Floor Plans E drawing. Permitted 24/01/2019
19/00022/NMA 15/03/2019 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non Material Amendment to application 16/00415/F - Amended bus shelter location Permitted 24/04/2019
19/00023/NMA 15/03/2019 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non Material Amendment to application 16/00597/F - Amended bus shelter location Permitted 24/04/2019
19/01366/NMA 22/07/2019 Non Material Amendments Land South of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non-material amendment to 18/01973/REM - plot 54 and 56 plot numbers swapped. Permitted 22/08/2019
20/00093/DISC 16/01/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Conditions 8 (landscape scheme) and 25 (allotments) of 17/00669/REM Permitted 23/09/2020
20/00094/DISC 16/01/2020 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge Condition 21 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP) and method statement for protected species and biodiversity enhancements), 26 (Water Supply Infrastructure), 27 (Foul Drainage) and 33 (Fire Hydrant) of 16/00597/F Permitted 04/10/2021
20/00449/NMA 20/02/2020 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway Os Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non-material amendment to 17/00669/REM - vary the wording of the plans condition 1 to add housetypes to the list of approved drawings on the decision notice and amendments to internal layouts to comply with Lifetime Homes and Wheelchair Standards Permitted 24/03/2020
20/02258/OBL 03/08/2020 Obligation Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Second Schedule, Part 2, Clause 1.1 of the S106 Agreement of 14/01188/OUT – Affordable Housing Refused 18/12/2020
20/02591/M106 13/10/2020 Application to Modify a Section 106 OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Modification of Section 106 - 14/01188/OUT
21/01124/DISC 29/03/2021 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Discharge of Condition 14 (ground levels) of 16/00597/F Permitted 14/05/2021
21/02637/NMA 03/08/2021 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Change plots 95 & 96 from Ibstock Leicester Yellow multi-stock to Ibstock Audley Red stock (proposed as non-material amendment to 16/00597/F to amend the reserved matters details approved pursuant to 17/00669/REM). Permitted 20/08/2021
21/03125/NMA 10/09/2021 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Change plots 107, 110, 130, 221 & 225 from the LEA (Leamington) house type to the N (Cambridge) house type (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/01973/REM) Permitted 11/10/2021
21/03581/NMA 20/10/2021 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Substitute plan to show that parking arrangement for plots 254-262 has been amended on site to provide 2 additional parking spaces and an improved refuse collection strategy for the plots affected (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/01973/REM) Permitted 16/11/2021
22/00035/NMA 11/01/2022 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury To update the Hadleigh house type to the latest version (proposed as non-material amendment to 16/00597/F) Permitted 14/02/2022
22/00585/NMA 24/02/2022 Non Material Amendments OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non-material amendment to 16/00597/F - To update the private drive that serves P86-89. To update the parking arrangements to P86-89 updated to comply with WCH/LTH requirements. Patio to Plot 88 increased to 4mx4m HA requirement Permitted 31/05/2022
22/00626/NMA 01/03/2022 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Non-material amendment to 16/00597/F - to change plots 132 and 139-149 to Thrutone Slate roof tiles Application Withdrawn 31/05/2022
22/01273/NMA 28/04/2022 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Change plots 104 and 105 roof tile from Marley Eternit Thrutone Slate to Sandtoft 20/20 Tuscan (proposed as non material amendment to 16/00597/F) Permitted 20/05/2022
22/02617/NMA 25/08/2022 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Plots 132 -146, 139 -144 changed to Thrutone Slate (proposed as non-material amendment to 16/00597/F) Permitted 06/09/2022
22/03118/NMA 12/10/2022 Non Material Amendments Redrow Development Saltway OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Fan lights added to plots Adderbury/Amberley, Swerford/Stratford, Culworth/Cambridge, Oxhill/Oxford, Oxhill LS/Oxford LS in phase 4 (proposed as non-material amendment to 16/00597/F) Permitted 09/11/2022

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
16/00179/IND 23/02/2016 23/02/2016 Initial Notice Domestic Redrow Homes OS Parcels 1200 3100 2000 1981 South Of Salt Way Bloxham Road Banbury Outline - Development of up to 343 dwellings, associated public open space and associated infrastructure.

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