Track this application
Application Number 17/02009/F |
Application Type Full Development |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Building 335
Heyford Park
Camp Road
Upper Heyford
OX25 5HB |
Proposal Installation of roller shutter doors to south-east elevation |
Parish Upper Heyford |
Ward Fringford And Heyfords |
Received Date 02/10/2017 |
Valid Date 18/10/2017 |
Weekly List Date |
Comments Due Date 23/11/2017 |
Target Decision Date 13/12/2017 |
Committee Date |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 13/06/2018 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Upper Heyford LP |
Applicant's Address C/o Agent |
Pegasus Group
Agents's Address
Mr James Walker
Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
Querns Business Centre
Whitworth Road
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received24/10/2017 | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date24/10/2017 |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameConservation (CDC) | Address | Consult Date23/10/2017 | Reply Due13/11/2017 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHeyford Park Residents And Community Development A | Address | Consult Date23/10/2017 | Reply Due13/11/2017 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHistoric England - South East Region (Planning) | AddressEastgate Court 195-205 High Street GUILDFORD GU1 3EH | Consult Date23/10/2017 | Reply Due13/11/2017 | Reply Received16/11/2017 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameOxford Trust For Contemporary History | Address | Consult Date23/10/2017 | Reply Due13/11/2017 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameUpper Heyford Parish Council | AddressHillside Cottage Upper Heyford BICESTER OX25 5LE | Consult Date23/10/2017 | Reply Due13/11/2017 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameConservation (CDC) | Address | Consult Date07/02/2018 | Reply Due17/02/2018 | Reply Received28/02/2018 | TypeRe-consult |
NameHistoric England - South East Region (Planning) | AddressEastgate Court 195-205 High Street GUILDFORD GU1 3EH | Consult Date07/02/2018 | Reply Due21/02/2018 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
Description | Display Date | Expiry Date | Notice Type |
DescriptionSite Notice General | Display Date31/10/2017 | Expiry Date21/11/2017 | Notice Type |
DescriptionBicester Advertiser | Display Date02/11/2017 | Expiry Date23/11/2017 | Notice Type |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document | 13/02/2018 | Amended Publicity | (3kb) | - | |
Application Document | 23/10/2017 | Publicity | (142kb) | - | |
Application Document | 10/10/2017 | Info/Species Map | (146kb) | - | |
Application Document | 10/10/2017 | Constraints | (123kb) | - | |
Application Document | 10/10/2017 | Neighbour Map | (49kb) | - | |
Application Document | 18/10/2017 | App form | (70kb) | - | |
Application Document | 18/10/2017 | Checklist | (163kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents | 06/12/2017 | Heritage Assessment & Impact Study building 335 | (1225kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan | 18/10/2017 | location plan | (73kb) | - | |
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 07/02/2018 | 7/2/18 - 56A-9 proposed sections | (270kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations | 07/02/2018 | AMD 7/2/18 56A-8 proposed elevations | (1274kb) | - | |
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations | 07/02/2018 | AMD 5/2/18 56A-7 proposed plans | (369kb) | - | |
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations | 18/10/2017 | Existing elevations | (4083kb) | - | |
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations | 18/10/2017 | Existing plans | (1040kb) | - | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 16/11/2017 | Historic England 16-11-17 | (80kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 01/06/2018 | Design & Conservation comments 28-02-18 | (15kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 01/06/2018 | Historic England 05-03-18 | (52kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 07/12/2017 | Design & Conservation/Officer/Agent 7-12-17 | (32kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/06/2018 | Historic England/Officer 7/12/17 | (120kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/06/2018 | Design and Conservation 23/11/17 | (22kb) | - | |
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments | 24/10/2017 | Scharf, D - 24.10.17 | (15kb) | - | |
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report | 13/06/2018 | Report - 11.06.18 | (169kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 13/06/2018 | 13.06.18 | (2471kb) | - | |
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded | 18/10/2017 | SUPP -56-08 Proposed elevations | (3101kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/10/2017 | SUPP - 56-7 Proposed plans | (1067kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document (3kb) - Amended Publicity | |||||
Application Document (142kb) - Publicity | |||||
Application Document (146kb) - Info/Species Map | |||||
Application Document (123kb) - Constraints | |||||
Application Document (49kb) - Neighbour Map | |||||
Application Document (70kb) - App form | |||||
Application Document (163kb) - Checklist | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
Supporting Documents (1225kb) - Heritage Assessment & Impact Study building 335 | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan (73kb) - location plan | |||||
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (270kb) - 7/2/18 - 56A-9 proposed sections | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1274kb) - AMD 7/2/18 56A-8 proposed elevations | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (369kb) - AMD 5/2/18 56A-7 proposed plans | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (4083kb) - Existing elevations | |||||
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1040kb) - Existing plans | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (80kb) - Historic England 16-11-17 | |||||
Consultation Response (15kb) - Design & Conservation comments 28-02-18 | |||||
Consultation Response (52kb) - Historic England 05-03-18 | |||||
Consultation Response (32kb) - Design & Conservation/Officer/Agent 7-12-17 | |||||
Consultation Response (120kb) - Historic England/Officer 7/12/17 | |||||
Consultation Response (22kb) - Design and Conservation 23/11/17 | |||||
Public Comments | |||||
Public Comments (15kb) - Scharf, D - 24.10.17 | |||||
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report (169kb) - Report - 11.06.18 | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (2471kb) - 13.06.18 | |||||
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded (3101kb) - SUPP -56-08 Proposed elevations | |||||
Superseded (1067kb) - SUPP - 56-7 Proposed plans |
Addresses |
Oxford Stage Hire 335 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HB |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
95/00908/F | 07/06/1995 | Full Development | Buildings 335,336,337,342 And Hardstanding Areas Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Change of use to car storage with ancillary office, workshops, staff parking and car loading and unloading. | Permitted | 26/09/1995 |
98/00269/F | 09/02/1998 | Full Development | Buildings 335,336,337,342 And Hardstanding Areas Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Variation of Condition 1 of permission 95/00908/F to allow for continued use specified in the application until 31.12.2003 | Permitted | 11/07/2000 |
98/00270/F | 09/02/1998 | Full Development | R A F Upper Heyford Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Variation of Condition 1 of permission 96/00812/F to allow for continued use specified in the application until 31.12.2003 | Permitted | 11/07/2000 |
98/00271/F | 09/02/1998 | Full Development | R A F Upper Heyford Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Variation of Condition 1 of permission CHS.347/94 to allow for continued use specified in the application until 31.12.2003 | Permitted | 11/07/2000 |
99/02079/F | 18/11/1999 | Full Development | Buildings 335,336,337,342 And Hardstanding Areas Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Erection of five 7 metre high light stanchions with 500 watt sodium luminaries, located around the existing loading pad | Permitted | 24/01/2000 |
00/02291/OUT | 08/11/2000 | Outline Application | Former RAF Upper Heyford Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Development of a settlement of about 1,000 dwellings, including the demolition of all buildings and structures and removal of all hardstandings shown on the Demolition Plans (Plans 10a + 11a); the construction of dwellings (Use Class C3); | Refused | 23/06/2003 |
02/01822/F | 21/08/2002 | Full Development | R A F Upper Heyford Including Buildings 335,336,337,342 And Hardstanding Areas Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Variation of applications 98/00269/F, 98/00270/F and 98/00271/F. To allow continued use of car storage distribution and logistics facility until May 2005 | Permitted | 14/05/2003 |
04/01690/F | 29/07/2004 | Full Development | Land And Buildings At Former RAF Base Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon | Variation of condition 1 of planning application 02/01822/F, to allow Walon's car storage and distribution use to continue for a further two year period to May 2006 (as amended by revised plan Ref. No. FBP3 received 15.10.04) | Permitted | 01/03/2005 |
06/00002/SCOP | 31/07/2006 | Scoping Opinion | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Scoping Opinion - Provision of approximately 1000 dwellings, a range of employment premises to accommodate 1300 jobs, provision of primary school and local facilities, provision of recreation and community facilities, retention and re-use of buildings of historic interest, provision of necessary infrastructure to serve the proposed development | Scoping Opinion Issued | 20/09/2006 |
08/00716/OUT | 04/03/2008 | Outline Application | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | OUTLINE application for new settlement of 1075 dwellings, together with associated works and facilities including employment uses, community uses, school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure (as amended by plans and information received 26.06.08). | Non-Determination | 11/01/2010 |
07/02291/OUT | 06/11/2007 | Outline Application | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | OUTLINE application for new settlement of 1075 dwellings, together with associated works and facilities including employment uses, community uses, school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure. | Application Withdrawn | 23/07/2008 |
10/00550/F | 09/04/2010 | Full Development | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Variation of conditions no. 33 & 46 of 08/00716/OUT (Contamination and Ground Water Protection). | Application Withdrawn | 12/11/2013 |
10/00220/DISC | 09/07/2010 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of conditions 15 (Control of Noise), 25 (i) and (v) (Parking and Fencing Strategies), 31 (Information Boards) & 55 (Commercial Noise Assessment)of 08/00716/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 11/04/2013 |
10/00221/DISC | 09/07/2010 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of condition 33 & 34 of 08/00716/OUT (Contamination-Flying Field and Petrol, Oil and Lubrication Syatem (POL)) | Permitted | 03/10/2012 |
10/00420/DISC | 15/12/2010 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of condition 26 of 08/00716/OUT- Landscape Scheme | Permitted | 11/07/2022 |
11/00277/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 25(iv) of 08/00716/OUT-Waste Management | Permitted | 23/02/2012 |
11/00278/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 25(v) of 08/00716/OUT-Fencing Strategy | Permitted | 04/05/2012 |
11/00280/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 25(i) of 08/00716/OUT-Parking Strategy | Permitted | 04/12/2019 |
11/00281/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 25(iii) of 08/00716/OUT-Signage Strategy | Permitted | 06/02/2012 |
11/00282/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Partial Discharge of Condition 30 of 08/00716/OUT-Aves Ditch and Portway | Permitted | 18/01/2019 |
11/00283/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 15 of 08/00716/OUT-Noise Control | Permitted | 28/08/2012 |
11/00284/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 31 of 08/00716/OUT-Information Boards | Application Withdrawn | 30/01/2024 |
11/00285/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 50 of 08/00716/OUT (Scheme of Demolition) | Permitted | 28/04/2021 |
11/00286/DISC | 12/10/2011 | Discharge Of Conditions | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Discharge of Condition 55 of 08/00716/OUT (Commercial Noise Assessment) | Permitted | 05/03/2012 |
12/00633/CLUE | 03/05/2012 | Certificate of Lawful Use Existing | Flying Field Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD | Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - To establish the provision of driving experiences as a lawful use | Application Withdrawn | 21/06/2012 |
14/00137/F | 28/01/2014 | Full Development | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD | Use of Flying Field for film and television production with associated parking with land and to continue to be used for employment uses as permitted under application ref 08/00716/OUT when not in use for film and television production | Application Withdrawn | 30/10/2014 |
14/00003/SO | 28/01/2014 | Screening Opinion | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD | Use of Flying Field for film and television production with associated parking with land and to continue to be used for employment uses as permitted under application ref 08/00716/OUT when not in use for film and television production | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 10/12/2019 |
14/00002/SCOP | 14/03/2014 | Scoping Opinion | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HA | SCOPING OPINION - Proposed development comprising up to 4,000 residential dwellings, district centre and business centre, primary and secondary schools, renewable energy park, heritage and visitor facilities, linear park, community open space, sports and recreation, landscaping and associated utilities and infrastructure | Scoping Opinion Issued | 09/06/2014 |
17/02009/F | 18/10/2017 | Full Development | Building 335 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HB | Installation of roller shutter doors to south-east elevation | Permitted | 13/06/2018 |
18/00825/HYBRID | 11/05/2018 | Hybrid/Mixed Application | Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD | Demolition of buildings and structures as listed in Schedule 1; Outline planning permission for up to 1,175 new dwellings (Class C3); 60 close care dwellings (Class C2/C3); 929 m2 of retail (Class A1); 670 m2 comprising a new medical centre (Class D1); 35,175 m2 of new employment buildings, (comprising up to 6,330 m2 Class B1a, 13,635 m2 B1b/c, 9,250 m2 Class B2, and 5,960 m2 B8); 2.4 ha site for a new school (Class D1); 925 m2 of community use buildings (Class D2); and 515 m2 of indoor sports, if provided on-site (Class D2); 30m in height observation tower with zip-wire with ancillary visitor facilities of up of 100 m2 (Class D1/A1/A3); 1,000 m2 energy facility/infrastructure with a stack height of up to 24m (sui generis); 2,520 m2 additional education facilities (buildings and associated external infrastructure) at Buildings 73, 74 and 583 for education use (Class D1); creation of areas of Open Space, Sports Facilities, Public Park and other green infrastructure; Change of Use of the following buildings and areas: Buildings 357 and 370 for office use (Class B1a); Buildings 3036, 3037, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3041, and 3042 for employment use (Class B1b/c, B2, B8); Buildings 217, 3102, 3136, 3052, 3053, 3054, and 3055 for employment use (Class B8); Buildings 2010, 3008, and 3009 for filming and heritage activities (Sui Generis/Class D1); Buildings 2004, 2005 and 2006 for education use (Class D1); Buildings 366, 391, 1368, 1443, 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Class D1/D2 with ancillary A1-A5 use); Building 340 (Class D1, D2, A3); 20.3ha of hardstanding for car processing (Sui Generis); and 76.6ha for filming activities (Sui Generis); the continuation of use of areas, buildings and structures already benefiting from previous planning permissions, as specified in Schedule 2; associated infrastructure works including surface water attenuation provision and upgrading Chilgrove Drive and the junction with Camp Road | Permitted | 09/09/2022 |