Planning register

Planning Application - 16/02150/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Refused
Decision Level
02 Land Adj To B4035 CTIL 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower
The installation of 21 metre high RT Swann Lattice tower on new concrete base with 6 no. antennas, 2 no. dishes, 4 no. cabinets and ancillary development thereto
Sibford Gower
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Allowed
Appeal Decision Date
Harlequin Group
Applicant's Address
Mr Simon Mitchell Innovation Centre Maidstone Road Chatham ME5 9FD
Agents's Address

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBlenheim Farm Shutford Banbury OX15 6HD Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received10/04/2017 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/04/2017

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameEnvironmental Health (CDC) Address Consult Date04/11/2016 Reply Due25/11/2016 Reply Received09/11/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLocal Highways Authority OCC Address Consult Date04/11/2016 Reply Due18/11/2016 Reply Received06/12/2016 TypeStandard Consultee
NameSibford Gower Parish Council Address74 Beaulieu Close Banbury OX16 4FQ Consult Date04/11/2016 Reply Due25/11/2016 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionSite Notice General Display Date10/11/2016 Expiry Date01/12/2016 Notice Type
Description Display Date10/11/2016 Expiry Date01/12/2016 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 02/11/2016 Info map (0kb) -
Application Document 02/11/2016 Neighbour map (0kb) -
Application Document 02/11/2016 Checklist (0kb) -
Application Document 31/01/2018 NMA - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 02/11/2016 App form (0kb) -
Application Document 04/11/2016 Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 26/01/2018 NMA App form (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 02/11/2016 Background info (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 02/11/2016 ICNIRP Cert (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 02/11/2016 Developers notice (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 02/11/2016 Supplementory Info (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 02/11/2016 Health & Mobile phone base stations (0kb) -
Site Plans
Site Location Plan 02/11/2016 Planning Drawings (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 02/11/2016 Location Plan (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Miscellaneous 26/01/2018 NMA Maps (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 06/12/2016 OCC Highways 6/12/16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/11/2016 Environmental Protection - 24.11.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 07/12/2016 Environmental Protection - 06.12.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 09/11/2016 Environmental Protection comments 09/11/16 (0kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 10/04/2017 Taylor M J -Post decision letter 28-03-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/12/2016 Colquhoun W - 21-12-16 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 21/02/2018 NMA Report - 21.02.18 (0kb) -
Officer Report 21/12/2016 Refusal Case Officers report - 21.12.16 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents 04/10/2017 PINS notice of appeal decision 03/10/17 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 Saved policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 Saved policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 Site notice for appeal (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 List of consultation / responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 Neighbour list / responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 Appeal letter (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/07/2017 PINS notice of appeal start date 18/07/17 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 29/08/2017 PINS Notice of 3rd party comments 23/08/17 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 21/09/2017 3rd Party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 21/09/2017 PINS notificaiton of 3rd party comments 21/09/17 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 19/07/2017 Appellant statement of case (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 18/07/2017 09a. CTIL 201348 - 74758o2 - Photomontages (002) (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 18/07/2017 09a. CSR74758_Blenheim_Farm_Opt_1_Site_Impact_Plots (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 Local Plan 1996 - C28 C39 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 Local Plan 1996 - C28 C39 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD12 ESD13 ESD15 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD12 ESD13 ESD15 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 Appellant appeal form (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 18/07/2017 LPA Questionnaire (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 25/08/2017 LPA Statement of case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 25/08/2017 LPA Statement of case (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 04/10/2017 Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed 03/10/17 (0kb) -
Decision 21/02/2018 NMA - 21.02.18 (0kb) -
Decision 21/12/2016 Refusal - 21.12.16 (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - Info map
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour map
Application Document (0kb) - Checklist
Application Document (0kb) - NMA - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - App form
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - NMA App form
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Background info
Supporting Documents (0kb) - ICNIRP Cert
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Developers notice
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Supplementory Info
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Health & Mobile phone base stations
Site Plans
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Planning Drawings
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Location Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - NMA Maps
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways 6/12/16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environmental Protection - 24.11.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environmental Protection - 06.12.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environmental Protection comments 09/11/16
Public Comments
Public Comments (0kb) - Taylor M J -Post decision letter 28-03-17
Public Comments (0kb) - Colquhoun W - 21-12-16
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) - NMA Report - 21.02.18
Officer Report (0kb) - Refusal Case Officers report - 21.12.16
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of appeal decision 03/10/17
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Saved policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Saved policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Site notice for appeal
Appeal Documents (0kb) - List of consultation / responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Neighbour list / responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Appeal letter
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of appeal start date 18/07/17
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS Notice of 3rd party comments 23/08/17
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd Party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notificaiton of 3rd party comments 21/09/17
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 09a. CTIL 201348 - 74758o2 - Photomontages (002)
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 09a. CSR74758_Blenheim_Farm_Opt_1_Site_Impact_Plots
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 1996 - C28 C39
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 1996 - C28 C39
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD12 ESD13 ESD15
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD12 ESD13 ESD15
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appellant appeal form
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Questionnaire
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Statement of case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Statement of case
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed 03/10/17
Decision (0kb) - NMA - 21.02.18
Decision (0kb) - Refusal - 21.12.16
02 Land Adj To B4035 Ctil 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
16/02150/F 26/10/2016 Full Development 02 Land Adj To B4035 CTIL 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower The installation of 21 metre high RT Swann Lattice tower on new concrete base with 6 no. antennas, 2 no. dishes, 4 no. cabinets and ancillary development thereto Refused 21/12/2016
18/00016/NMA 24/01/2018 Non Material Amendments 02 Land Adj To B4035 CTIL 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower Non-Material Amendment to 16/02150/F - The proposal is that the 21m lattice tower will have only 3 antennas attached initially, rather than the 6 approved. Permitted 21/02/2018
21/03784/TEL 08/11/2021 Telecommunications Telecommunications site at Blenheim Farm off B4035 Sibford Ferris Oxfordshire OX15 6LL Removal of 3 No. antennas and installation of 6 No. antennas and all ancillary development No Observations 11/03/2022
22/03121/TEL 12/10/2022 Telecommunications O2 Land Adj To B4035 Ctil 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower Removal of 3 No antennas and all ancillary development. Installation of 6 No antennas, 2 No dishes and all ancillary development Observations 09/11/2022
23/01640/TEL 15/06/2023 Telecommunications O2 Land Adj To B4035 CTIL 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower Removal of 3 No. antennas (RAL7035 Grey) and all ancillary development; installation of 6 No. antennas (RAL7035 Grey), 2 No. 300mm dishes (RAL7035 Grey) and all ancillary development Prior Approval Not Required 13/07/2023

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
17/00024/REFAPP 18/07/2017 Appeal against Refusal 02 Land Adj To B4035 CTIL 201348 Unnamed B4035 Single Carriageway 6811256 Sibford Gower The installation of 21 metre high RT Swann Lattice tower on new concrete base with 6 no. antennas, 2 no. dishes, 4 no. cabinets and ancillary development thereto Appeal Allowed

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