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Application Number 16/01807/REM |
Application Type Matters Arising From Outline Approval |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Delegated |
Location Site D And E
Graven Hill
Circular Road
Ambrosden |
Proposal Reserved matters to 16/01802/OUT - Reserved matters in respect of public areas in Phase 1a and part of phase 1b |
Parish Ambrosden |
Ward Bicester South And Ambrosden |
Received Date 06/09/2016 |
Valid Date 13/09/2016 |
Weekly List Date |
Comments Due Date 08/12/2016 |
Target Decision Date 06/10/2017 |
Committee Date |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 06/10/2017 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Graven Hill Development Company |
Applicant's Address C/O Agent |
PJ Planning
Agents's Address
Mr John Jowitt
Regent House
156-7 Lower High Street
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address13 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address20 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address19 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address16 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address30 Goldcrest Way Bicester OX26 6XL | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address22 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address14 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address12 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address32 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address31 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address34 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address33 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address27 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address25 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address23 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address12 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address11 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address18 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address17 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address15 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address14 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address8 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address24 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address16 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address10 Robins Way Bicester OX26 6XJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address29 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address35 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address30 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address28 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address26 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address22 Kestrel Way Bicester OX26 6YA | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameBicester Town Council - | AddressTown Clerk To Bicester Town Council The Garth Launton Road Bicester Oxon OX26 6PS | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received25/10/2016 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameAmbrosden Parish Council | AddressKelly Jordan-Mann Wishing Well Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameChesterton Parish Council | AddressChesterton Community Centre 2 Geminus Road Chesterton BICESTER OX26 1BJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEcology (CDC) | Address | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due10/10/2016 | Reply Received23/02/2017 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEnvironment Agency | AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) | AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due10/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLegal Services (CDC) | Address | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due10/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameNatural England | AddressConsultation Services Hornbeam House Electra Way CREWE CW1 6GJ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received05/10/2016 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameOxfordshire County Council | AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NamePlanning Policy (CDC) | Address | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due10/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameStrategic Housing Officer - Strategic Housing (CDC) | AddressAffordable Housing | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due10/10/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameThames Water | AddressDevelopment Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way RICKMANSWORTH WD3 9SQ | Consult Date26/09/2016 | Reply Due17/10/2016 | Reply Received04/10/2016 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameAmbrosden Parish Council | AddressKelly Jordan-Mann Wishing Well Barn Merton Road Ambrosden OX25 2LZ | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameEcology (CDC) | Address | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) | AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameNatural England | AddressConsultation Services Hornbeam House Electra Way CREWE CW1 6GJ | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received11/11/2016 | TypeRe-consult |
NameOxfordshire County Council | AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received25/11/2016 | TypeRe-consult |
NameThames Water | AddressDevelopment Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way RICKMANSWORTH WD3 9SQ | Consult Date08/11/2016 | Reply Due29/11/2016 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameArboriculture (CDC) | Address | Consult Date09/11/2016 | Reply Due23/11/2016 | Reply Received10/11/2016 | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameConservation (CDC) | Address | Consult Date09/11/2016 | Reply Due23/11/2016 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameArboriculture (CDC) | Address | Consult Date07/02/2017 | Reply Due21/02/2017 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameBBO Wildlife Trust | AddressThe Lodge 1 Armstrong Road Littlemore OXFORD OX4 4XT | Consult Date07/02/2017 | Reply Due21/02/2017 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameEcology (CDC) | Address | Consult Date07/02/2017 | Reply Due21/02/2017 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) | AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities | Consult Date07/02/2017 | Reply Due21/02/2017 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) | AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities | Consult Date04/09/2017 | Reply Due18/09/2017 | Reply Received18/09/2017 | TypeRe-consult |
NameOxfordshire County Council | AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND | Consult Date04/09/2017 | Reply Due18/09/2017 | Reply Received19/09/2017 | TypeRe-consult |
NameIan Upstone (Waste And Recycling Manager) - Waste & Recycling (CDC) | Address | Consult Date04/09/2017 | Reply Due18/09/2017 | Reply Received | TypeRe-consult |
Description | Display Date | Expiry Date | Notice Type |
DescriptionSite Notice General | Display Date26/09/2016 | Expiry Date17/10/2016 | Notice Type |
DescriptionBicester Advertiser | Display Date06/10/2016 | Expiry Date27/10/2016 | Notice Type |
Description | Display Date17/11/2016 | Expiry Date08/12/2016 | Notice Type |
Description | Display Date17/11/2016 | Expiry Date08/12/2016 | Notice Type |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document | 07/02/2017 | Amended Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 05/10/2017 | AMD Final drawing list 03-10-17 | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 05/10/2017 | AMD Drawing Issue List Watermans 03-10-17 | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 02/10/2017 | AMD Drawing Register | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 21/04/2017 | Table for discussion & amendments on HW matters Jan 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 21/04/2017 | Landscape request for infor table log Jan 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 26/09/2016 | Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Info map | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Info map | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Neighbour map | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Neighbour map | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Neighbour list | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | Checklist | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 16/09/2016 | App form | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 06/01/2017 | Subsequent app environmental information | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 09/11/2016 | Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 08/11/2016 | Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 31/07/2017 | Amended drawing list | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 09/11/2016 | Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 06/09/2017 | Amended Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Application Document | 06/09/2017 | Amended Publicity | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous | 19/04/2017 | Landscape Request for info table log | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 05/10/2018 | SUPP - Detaild LAP & LEAP specification | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - Lands Transfer Area 1 Tree Survey Report | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 23/10/2017 | Notes Meeting & Actions 1/12/16 | (0kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan | 20/10/2016 | Location Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 05/10/2017 | AMD Cross Sections South East Crescent CIV15119-C-SA-90-0453 Rev E01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/08/2017 | Typical highway cross section drg no CIV15119-C-Sa-90-o416_EO7 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | landscape cross sections gateway park west 9 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-918 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 8 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-917 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | landscape cross section gateway park west 7 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-916 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 6 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-915 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 5 0f 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-914 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscapr cross section gateway park west 4 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-913 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 3 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-912 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 2 of 9 drgt no WIB13983-107-AA-74-911 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park west 1 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-910 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park east 2 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-909 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section gateway park east 1 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-908 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section western swale park north drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-907 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section western swale park south 2 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-906 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section western swale park south 1 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-905 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landcape cross section southern path 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-904 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section southern path 1 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-903 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | Landscape cross section village greendrg no WIB13983-107-AA--74-902 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 31/07/2017 | landscape cross section entrance green drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-901 | (0kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 26/11/16 - 0435 C04 OCC highway adoption drawing | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 26/11/16 - 0434 C04 occ highway adoption drawing | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 90 0403 C04 OCC Highway adoption drawing plan | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/06 - 0436 C04 Section 38 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/16 - SK105 A07 fire tender swept path analysis | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/16 - SK104 A09 rigid bus swept path anaylsis | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks high street drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-324 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks conifer woodland drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-323 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks southern path sheet 4 of 4 deg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-322 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks sheet 3 of 4 southern path drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-321 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks southern path sheet 2 of 4 drg no WIB 138983-107-AA-74-320 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks southern path 1 of 4 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-319 rev A05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks romney hut area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-318 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD External hardworks weatern swale park drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-317 Rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks western swale park drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-316 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks urban lane west drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-315 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks village green drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-313 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks entrance green drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-312 rev A05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD external hardworks gateway park drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-311 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design community centre area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-225 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscapoe dsign conifer woodland drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-223 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 4 of 4deg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-222 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 3 of 4 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-221 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 2 of 4 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-220 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 1 of 4 drg no WIB103983-107-AA-74-219 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design romney hut area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-218 Rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD soft landscape design swale park west drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-217 Rev A06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Sofy landscape design western swale park drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-216 ReV A06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape design urban lane west Drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-215 Rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape design urban lane east Drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-214 REV A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape design village green Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-213 Rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape design entrance green Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-212 Rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape gateway park design sheet 2 of 2 Drg no, WIB13983-107-AA-74-224 Rev A05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 18/07/2017 | AMD Soft landscape design gateway park sheet 1 of 2 Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-211 Rev A05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 03/10/2017 | AMD Streetscape planting plan 5 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 03/10/2017 | AMD Streetscape planting plan 4 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 03/10/2017 | AMD Streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 03/10/2017 | AMD Streetscape planting plan 2 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 03/10/2017 | AMD Streetscape planting plan 1 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 01/09/2017 | Highway Adoption Drawing drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0435_C06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 01/09/2017 | Highway Adoption Drawing Drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0434_C06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 01/09/2017 | Highway Adoption Drawing drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0436_C06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-3_A15 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-2_A15 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-1_A17 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Street highierarchy and cross section locations drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0458_A12 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | String names/highway spot levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-426_CO5 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 03/10/2017 | AMD External hardworks urban lane East drg no WIB-1393-107-AA-74-314-A05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 02/10/2017 | AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 02/10/2017 | AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 02/10/2017 | AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD - Conmstruction Details roads dwg no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0418-E01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD - Construction details footway and driveways dwg no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0417-E01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0405-C06 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-0404-A-C02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0404-C08 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 06/09/2017 | AMD Surface Water Drainage Drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0403-C08 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0429_E02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0428_E02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0427_E02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0424_CO3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0423_CO3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0422_CO3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0421_CO3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0420_CO3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0408-E05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0407-E05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0406-E04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highway construction areas 3 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0414_E07 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highway construction areas 2 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0413_E07 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highway construction areas 1 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0412_E10 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highway GA 3 of 3 drg no CIVa15119-C-SA-90-0410_E05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highway GA 2 of 3 drg no CIa15119-C-SA-90-0410_E05 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/08/2017 | Highways GA 1 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0409_E08 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Woodland LEAP drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-702 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Western swlae park LEAP drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-701 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Local rea of plan LAP 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-606 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD local area of plan LAP 1 detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-602 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Tree planting detail in shrub planting drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-861 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Island planting bed detail urban lanes drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-860 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Tree in raised planter detail urban lane west drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-859 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Focal tree in village green planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-858 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Focal tree in entrance green planting detail drg no WIB3983-107-AA-74-857 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Edging detail to wild flower grassland strips drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-856 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Tree in hard landscape planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-855 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Tree inverge planting detail drg no WIB13983-197-AA-74-854 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 16/09/2016 | Construction phase 1a detailed red line plan | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 19/09/2017 | AMD - Rigid Bus Swepth Path Drg. No CIV15119-SA-90-SK104 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD hedgerow whip planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-853 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD heavy standard and semi mature treet planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-852 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD woodlandwhip planting deatil drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-851 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Outdoor brick BBQ drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-811 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Boardwalk perfomance & specification drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-810 rev A01 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | Timber habitat log pile detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-809 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD bench with sleepers drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-807 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Play area fencing drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-806 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Bark mulch surface path drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-805 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD crushed stone surface path drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-804-A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD bespoke gate post drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-803 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Timber post & rail stock proof fence drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-802 rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Miscellaneous | 31/07/2017 | AMD Timber Post & Rail fence drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-801 Rev A02 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 31/08/2017 | GHVDC response to landscape comments | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 05/12/2016 | OCC Highways 02-12-16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 23/10/2017 | Landscape Planner 13/2/17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 23/10/2017 | OCC Highways 14/2/17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/09/2017 | Landscape Planner Additional 19/12/16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/09/2017 | Landscape Planner 7/11/16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 28/11/2016 | Oxfordshire County Council 24.11.16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 26/10/2016 | Bicester TC 25-10-16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 26/10/2016 | OCCMAJ/officer Ext of time - 26.10.16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 27/02/2017 | Arboriculture - 27.02.17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 24/02/2017 | Ecology comments - 23.02.17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 15/11/2016 | Natural England - 11.11.16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 14/11/2016 | Aboriculture Officer - 14/11/16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 06/10/2017 | Additional OCC comments 29-09-17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 06/10/2017 | Additional OCC comments 28-09-17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 31/08/2017 | GHVDC response to Highway comments | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 05/10/2016 | Natural England - 04.10.16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 04/10/2016 | Thames Water comments 28/09/16 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 20/09/2017 | Oxfordshire County Council - 19.09.17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 19/09/2017 | landscape comments 18-09-17 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 06/04/2017 | Amended plans in response to OCC Highway comments dated 25-11-16 | (0kb) | - | |
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report | 28/02/2019 | Con 6, 9, 11 report - 28.02.19 | (0kb) | - | |
Officer Report | 12/11/2018 | NMA - 12.11.18 | (0kb) | - | |
Officer Report | 06/10/2017 | 06.10.17 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 28/02/2019 | Con 6, 9, 11 - 28.02.19 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 19/12/2016 | Screening Opinion Decision 19.12.2015 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 12/11/2018 | NMA - 12.11.18 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 21/06/2018 | Con 4, 7-8 - 21.06.18 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 06/10/2017 | 06.10.17 | (0kb) | - | |
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded | 31/08/2017 | SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-3_A11 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 31/08/2017 | SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-2_A11 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 31/08/2017 | SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-1_A12 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD external hardworks urban lane east drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-314 rev A04 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan sheet 5 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-255 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD streescape planting plan sheet 4 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-254 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 deg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-253 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan sheet 2 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-252 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 18/07/2017 | SUPP AMD sttreetscape planting sheet 1 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-251 rev A03 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 22/12/2016 | SUPP AMD Construction areas sheet 1 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - entrance green | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - conifer woodland | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - romney hut area | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - western swale park south | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - western swale park north | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - urban lane west | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - urban lane east | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hardworks plan - village green | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | External hard works plan -entrance green | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Streetscape planting plan 5 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Streetscape planting plan 4 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Stretscape planting plan 2 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Streetscape planting plan 1 of 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - community centre area | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Sofdt landscape design - gateway park sheet 2 of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - conifer woodland | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landcsape design - romney hut area | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - western swale park south | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 03/11/2016 | SUPP AMD 2/11/16 - typical cross sections location plan | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - western swale park north | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - urban lane west | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landcsape design - urban lane east | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - village green | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Soft landscape design - entrance green | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Soft landscape design - gateway park sheet 1 of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Signing & lining 3 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Signing & lining 2 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | Signing & lining 1 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Construction details 2 of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Construction details 1 of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Cross sections | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP - Typical cross sections location plan | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP General arrangement 3 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP General arrangement 2 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP General arrangement 1 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 3 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 2 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/09/2016 | SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 1 of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 05/10/2018 | SUPP - Detailed LAP & LEAP specification | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | SUPP 26/10/16 - 0413 C09 construction areas sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | SUPP 26/11/16 - 0412 C09 construction areas sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/16 - 0802-3 A11 proposed visibility splays sheet 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/16 - 0802-A11 proposed visibility splays sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | 26/10/16 - 0802-1 A13 proposed visibility splays sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | SUPP 26/10/16 - 0804 A08 proposed large refuse vehicle swept path analysis | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 16/11/2016 | SUPP 26/110/16 - 0414 C10 construction phase 1a construction areas sheet 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 857 A02 focal tree in entrance green planting detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 856 A02 edging detail to wildflower grassland strips | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 855 A03 tree in hard landscape planting detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 854 A02 tree in verge planting detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 853 A02 hedgerow whip planting detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 851 A02 woodland whip planting detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 807 A02 railway sleeper and seating detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 806 A02 play area fence detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 805 A02 bark mulch surfaced path and amenity spaces | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 804 A02 crushed stone surface path & amenity spaces | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | SUPP 5/12/16 - 803 A02 bespoke post & rail fence and at gated access point | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | SUPP 5/12/16 - 802 A02 timber post and rail stock proof fence with infill mesh | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | SUPP 5/12/16 - 801 A02 timber post and rail fence | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 702 A03 woodland leap concept design drawing | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 701 A03 western swale park leap concept design dreaming | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 606 A02 infrastructure & landscape works phase 1a local area of play 2 (LAP 2) detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - 602 A02 infrastructure & landscape works phase 1A local area of plan (LAP 1) detail | (0kb) | - | |
Superseded | 19/12/2016 | 5/12/16 - drawing register | (0kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Amended Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - AMD Final drawing list 03-10-17 | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - AMD Drawing Issue List Watermans 03-10-17 | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - AMD Drawing Register | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Table for discussion & amendments on HW matters Jan 2017 | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Landscape request for infor table log Jan 2017 | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Info map | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Info map | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour map | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour map | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour list | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Checklist | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - App form | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Subsequent app environmental information | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Amended drawing list | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Amended Publicity | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - Amended Publicity | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Landscape Request for info table log | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - SUPP - Detaild LAP & LEAP specification | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - 5/12/16 - Lands Transfer Area 1 Tree Survey Report | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Notes Meeting & Actions 1/12/16 | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Location Plan | |||||
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - AMD Cross Sections South East Crescent CIV15119-C-SA-90-0453 Rev E01 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Typical highway cross section drg no CIV15119-C-Sa-90-o416_EO7 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - landscape cross sections gateway park west 9 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-918 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 8 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-917 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - landscape cross section gateway park west 7 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-916 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 6 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-915 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 5 0f 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-914 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscapr cross section gateway park west 4 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-913 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 3 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-912 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 2 of 9 drgt no WIB13983-107-AA-74-911 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park west 1 of 9 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-910 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park east 2 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-909 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section gateway park east 1 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-908 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section western swale park north drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-907 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section western swale park south 2 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-906 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section western swale park south 1 of 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-905 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landcape cross section southern path 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-904 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section southern path 1 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-903 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Landscape cross section village greendrg no WIB13983-107-AA--74-902 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - landscape cross section entrance green drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-901 | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 26/11/16 - 0435 C04 OCC highway adoption drawing | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 26/11/16 - 0434 C04 occ highway adoption drawing | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 90 0403 C04 OCC Highway adoption drawing plan | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 26/10/06 - 0436 C04 Section 38 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 26/10/16 - SK105 A07 fire tender swept path analysis | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 26/10/16 - SK104 A09 rigid bus swept path anaylsis | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks high street drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-324 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks conifer woodland drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-323 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks southern path sheet 4 of 4 deg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-322 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks sheet 3 of 4 southern path drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-321 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks southern path sheet 2 of 4 drg no WIB 138983-107-AA-74-320 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks southern path 1 of 4 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-319 rev A05 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks romney hut area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-318 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD External hardworks weatern swale park drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-317 Rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks western swale park drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-316 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks urban lane west drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-315 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks village green drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-313 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks entrance green drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-312 rev A05 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD external hardworks gateway park drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-311 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design community centre area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-225 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscapoe dsign conifer woodland drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-223 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 4 of 4deg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-222 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 3 of 4 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-221 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 2 of 4 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-220 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design southern path sheet 1 of 4 drg no WIB103983-107-AA-74-219 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design romney hut area drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-218 Rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD soft landscape design swale park west drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-217 Rev A06 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Sofy landscape design western swale park drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-216 ReV A06 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape design urban lane west Drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-215 Rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape design urban lane east Drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-214 REV A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape design village green Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-213 Rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape design entrance green Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-212 Rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape gateway park design sheet 2 of 2 Drg no, WIB13983-107-AA-74-224 Rev A05 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Soft landscape design gateway park sheet 1 of 2 Drg no. WIB13983-107-AA-74-211 Rev A05 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Streetscape planting plan 5 of 5 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Streetscape planting plan 4 of 5 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Streetscape planting plan 2 of 5 | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD Streetscape planting plan 1 of 5 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway Adoption Drawing drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0435_C06 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway Adoption Drawing Drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0434_C06 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway Adoption Drawing drg No. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0436_C06 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-3_A15 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-2_A15 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Proposed visibility splays drg no CIV15119-SA-90-802-1_A17 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Street highierarchy and cross section locations drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0458_A12 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - String names/highway spot levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-426_CO5 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD External hardworks urban lane East drg no WIB-1393-107-AA-74-314-A05 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Large refuse vehicle tracking | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD - Conmstruction Details roads dwg no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0418-E01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD - Construction details footway and driveways dwg no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0417-E01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0405-C06 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-0404-A-C02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Surface Water Drainage drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0404-C08 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Surface Water Drainage Drawing no. CIV15119-C-SA-90-0403-C08 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0429_E02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0428_E02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Signing & Lining CIV15199-C-SA-90-0427_E02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0424_CO3 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0423_CO3 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0422_CO3 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0421_CO3 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Longitudinal profiles drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0420_CO3 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0408-E05 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0407-E05 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - proposed levels drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0406-E04 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway construction areas 3 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0414_E07 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway construction areas 2 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0413_E07 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway construction areas 1 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0412_E10 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway GA 3 of 3 drg no CIVa15119-C-SA-90-0410_E05 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highway GA 2 of 3 drg no CIa15119-C-SA-90-0410_E05 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Highways GA 1 of 3 drg no CIV15119-C-SA-90-0409_E08 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Woodland LEAP drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-702 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Western swlae park LEAP drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-701 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Local rea of plan LAP 2 drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-606 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD local area of plan LAP 1 detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-602 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tree planting detail in shrub planting drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-861 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Island planting bed detail urban lanes drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-860 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tree in raised planter detail urban lane west drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-859 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Focal tree in village green planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-858 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Focal tree in entrance green planting detail drg no WIB3983-107-AA-74-857 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Edging detail to wild flower grassland strips drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-856 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Tree in hard landscape planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-855 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Tree inverge planting detail drg no WIB13983-197-AA-74-854 rev A04 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Construction phase 1a detailed red line plan | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD - Rigid Bus Swepth Path Drg. No CIV15119-SA-90-SK104 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD hedgerow whip planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-853 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD heavy standard and semi mature treet planting detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-852 rev A03 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD woodlandwhip planting deatil drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-851 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Outdoor brick BBQ drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-811 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Boardwalk perfomance & specification drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-810 rev A01 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Timber habitat log pile detail drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-809 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD bench with sleepers drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-807 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Play area fencing drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-806 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Bark mulch surface path drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-805 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD crushed stone surface path drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-804-A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD bespoke gate post drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-803 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Timber post & rail stock proof fence drg no WIB13983-107-AA-74-802 rev A02 | |||||
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD Timber Post & Rail fence drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-801 Rev A02 | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - GHVDC response to landscape comments | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways 02-12-16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Planner 13/2/17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Highways 14/2/17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Planner Additional 19/12/16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Planner 7/11/16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council 24.11.16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester TC 25-10-16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCCMAJ/officer Ext of time - 26.10.16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboriculture - 27.02.17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ecology comments - 23.02.17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Natural England - 11.11.16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Aboriculture Officer - 14/11/16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Additional OCC comments 29-09-17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Additional OCC comments 28-09-17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - GHVDC response to Highway comments | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Natural England - 04.10.16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Water comments 28/09/16 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council - 19.09.17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - landscape comments 18-09-17 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Amended plans in response to OCC Highway comments dated 25-11-16 | |||||
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report (0kb) - Con 6, 9, 11 report - 28.02.19 | |||||
Officer Report (0kb) - NMA - 12.11.18 | |||||
Officer Report (0kb) - 06.10.17 | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Con 6, 9, 11 - 28.02.19 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Screening Opinion Decision 19.12.2015 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - NMA - 12.11.18 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Con 4, 7-8 - 21.06.18 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - 06.10.17 | |||||
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-3_A11 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-2_A11 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP large refuse vehicle tracking drg no CIV15119-SA-90-0804-1_A12 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD external hardworks urban lane east drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-314 rev A04 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan sheet 5 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-255 rev A03 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD streescape planting plan sheet 4 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-254 rev A03 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 deg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-253 rev A03 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD streetscape planting plan sheet 2 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-252 rev A03 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD sttreetscape planting sheet 1 of 5 drg no WIB 13983-107-AA-74-251 rev A03 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD Construction areas sheet 1 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - entrance green | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - conifer woodland | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 4 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - southern path sheet 1 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - romney hut area | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - western swale park south | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - western swale park north | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - urban lane west | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - urban lane east | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hardworks plan - village green | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - External hard works plan -entrance green | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Streetscape planting plan 5 of 5 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Streetscape planting plan 4 of 5 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Streetscape planting plan 3 of 5 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Stretscape planting plan 2 of 5 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Streetscape planting plan 1 of 5 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - community centre area | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Sofdt landscape design - gateway park sheet 2 of 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - conifer woodland | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 4 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - southern path sheet 1 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landcsape design - romney hut area | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - western swale park south | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP AMD 2/11/16 - typical cross sections location plan | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - western swale park north | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - urban lane west | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landcsape design - urban lane east | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - village green | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Soft landscape design - entrance green | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Soft landscape design - gateway park sheet 1 of 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Signing & lining 3 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Signing & lining 2 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - Signing & lining 1 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Construction details 2 of 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Construction details 1 of 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Cross sections | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Typical cross sections location plan | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP General arrangement 3 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP General arrangement 2 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP General arrangement 1 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 3 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 2 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Proposed drainage strategy 1 of 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Detailed LAP & LEAP specification | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 26/10/16 - 0413 C09 construction areas sheet 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 26/11/16 - 0412 C09 construction areas sheet 1 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 26/10/16 - 0802-3 A11 proposed visibility splays sheet 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 26/10/16 - 0802-A11 proposed visibility splays sheet 2 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 26/10/16 - 0802-1 A13 proposed visibility splays sheet 1 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 26/10/16 - 0804 A08 proposed large refuse vehicle swept path analysis | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 26/110/16 - 0414 C10 construction phase 1a construction areas sheet 3 | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 857 A02 focal tree in entrance green planting detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 856 A02 edging detail to wildflower grassland strips | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 855 A03 tree in hard landscape planting detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 854 A02 tree in verge planting detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 853 A02 hedgerow whip planting detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 851 A02 woodland whip planting detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 807 A02 railway sleeper and seating detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 806 A02 play area fence detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 805 A02 bark mulch surfaced path and amenity spaces | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 804 A02 crushed stone surface path & amenity spaces | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 5/12/16 - 803 A02 bespoke post & rail fence and at gated access point | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 5/12/16 - 802 A02 timber post and rail stock proof fence with infill mesh | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP 5/12/16 - 801 A02 timber post and rail fence | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 702 A03 woodland leap concept design drawing | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 701 A03 western swale park leap concept design dreaming | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 606 A02 infrastructure & landscape works phase 1a local area of play 2 (LAP 2) detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - 602 A02 infrastructure & landscape works phase 1A local area of plan (LAP 1) detail | |||||
Superseded (0kb) - 5/12/16 - drawing register |
Addresses |
Grey House 52 Roberts Drive Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AW |
6 West Circular Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2BB |
Street Record Foundation Square Ambrosden |
Unit Administrative Office 602 Signal Troop St Davids Barracks London Road Bicester OX26 6HF |
The Consortium Building 4 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 2LD |
Alc Capability Servioce Centre Unit C52 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1NY |
Site E Gravenhill Road North Ambrosden |
OS Parcel 7500 Adjacent And North West Of Railway Line Ploughley Road Arncott |
Land South East Of Brook Farm Ploughley Road Arncott |
Kuehne And Nagel Ltd Building C16 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1NY |
David Humphreys Specialist Vehicle Movements C11 Dsdc Mod Bicester Ploughley Road Arncott Bicester OX25 2LD |
23 Pioneer Regiment St Davids Barracks London Road Bicester OX26 6HF |
Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden |
Workshop Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Site C Ploughley Road Arncott |
OS Parcel 2932 North West Of Langford Park Farm London Road Bicester |
4 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
7 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
8 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
Civil Service Sports And Social Club London Road Bicester OX26 6HD |
Fire Station Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2PX |
Multipart Building C2 Dsdc Ploughley Road Arncott Bicester OX25 1NY |
Kuehne And Nagel Building D4 D Site Dsdc Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LD |
Building C32 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Site C And Site E Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
25 Freight Squadron Aylesbury Road A41 Ambrosden |
OS Parcel 7188 Adjacent And North West Of Railway Line Ploughley Road Arncott |
Sites B C D And E Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Anniversary Lane Land South West Of Foundation Square Ambrosden |
3 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
5 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
6 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
Street Record Pioneer Road Ambrosden |
St Davids Barracks London Road Bicester OX26 6HF |
9 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
Icopal E2 Dsda Bicester Ploughley Road Ambrosden |
Building E1 Mod Bicester Circular Road Ambrosden |
Site D And E Mod Site Graven Hill Gravenhill Road North Ambrosden |
D Site Dsdc Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden |
Part Of OS Parcel 6967 North West Of Wretchwick Farm Adjoining London Road Bicester |
Street Record Westacott Road Ambrosden |
Site C Site D And Site E Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Building C12 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Land South West Of Building E15 London Road Bicester |
Oak View 10 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
Street Record Anniversary Avenue Ambrosden |
Building C31 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Blue House 1 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
2 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ |
Graven Hill Phase 0 Aylesbury Road A41 Ambrosden |
Building E6 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Part Of OS Parcel 2730 Adjoining Railway Line North West Of Langford Park Lodge London Road Bicester |
Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 2LD |
Building C3 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Dsdc Mod Bicester Ploughley Road Arncott |
St Davids Barracks Cadet Training Centre Street Through Merton Merton Bicester OX25 1PP |
Building D7 Mod Bicester Circular Road Ambrosden |
New Building East Of Building C33 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Lex Multipart Defence Building C7 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 2LD |
Building C60 Site C Dsda Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1PP |
Street Record Unnamed--Single Carriageway (6809121) Ambrosden |
Kuehne And Nagel Building E15 Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX26 6JP |
Mod Bicester Circular Road Ambrosden |
Ministry Of Defence Dsdc Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2LD |
Timber Stores Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
OS Parcel 7094 Adjacent And North West Of Railway Line Ploughley Road Arncott |
Unit Administrative Office Hq 23 Group Rpc St Davids Barracks London Road Bicester OX26 6HF |
Proposed School Site At Graven Hill Anniversary Avenue East Ambrosden |
C5 Dlo C Site Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 2LD |
Kuehne And Nagel House C1 Hardstanding C Site Mod Murcott Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1LP |
Former Rodney House London Road Bicester OX26 6HD |
Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden |
Building C5 Dsdc Mod Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
11/01494/OUT | 03/10/2011 | Outline Application | Site C Ploughley Road & Site D & E Ambrosden Road MOD Bicester Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Outline - Redevelopment of former MOD sites including demolition of existing buildings, development of 1900 homes; local centre to include a 2 form entry primary school (class D1), a community hall of 660sqm, five local shops or facilities to include A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses totalling up to 1358sqm, up to 1000sqm gross A1 uses, a pub/restaurant/hotel (class A4/A3/C1) up to 1000sqm and parking areas; employment floorspace comprising up to B1(a) 2160sqm, B1(b) 2400sqm, B1(c) and B2 20520sqm and B8 uses up to 66960sqm; creation of public open space and associated highway improvement works, sustainable urban drainage systems, biodiversity improvements, public transport improvements and services infrastructure. Erection of a 70400sqm fulfilment centre on 'C' site and associated on site access improvement works, hardstanding, parking and circulation areas | Permitted | 08/08/2014 |
15/01217/OUT | 30/06/2015 | Outline Application | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Variation of Conditions 2, 26, 27, 39, 40, 41, 51, 52, 58 and 68 of 11/01494/OUT (mixed use redevelopment of former MOD sites including 1900 homes) | Application Withdrawn | 10/08/2015 |
15/00061/SO | 30/06/2015 | Screening Opinion | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Screening Opinion - Variation of Conditions 2, 26, 27, 39, 40, 41, 51, 52, 58 and 68 of 11/01494/OUT | Application Withdrawn | 14/08/2015 |
16/00416/DISC | 15/09/2016 | Discharge Of Conditions | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Discharge of Conditions - Condition 53 (CEMP), Condition 55 (Arboricultural Method Statement), Condition 56 (Existing and Proposed Levels) of 15/02159/OUT | Permitted | 02/02/2017 |
15/02159/OUT | 17/12/2015 | Outline Application | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans), 26 (masterplan and design code), 27 (reserved matters first phase), 32, 33 (building heights), 39, 40 (construction standards), 41, 42 (housing mix), 51, 52 (highways works), 56 (lighting scheme), 58 (internal access), 68 (approved drainage strategy) of 11/01494/OUT | Permitted | 03/06/2016 |
16/01802/OUT | 18/10/2016 | Outline Application | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Variation of Condition 30 of 15/02159/OUT - Revised Design Code and Master Plan, and Removal of Condition 35 - Housing Mix | Permitted | 21/06/2017 |
15/00106/SO | 17/12/2015 | Screening Opinion | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Variation of conditions 2, 26, 27, 32, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 51, 52, 56, 58, 68 of 11/01494/OUT | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 11/04/2016 |
15/01670/LDO | 16/09/2015 | Local Development Order | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Erection of up to 198 dwellings and associated outbuildings (Phase 1 reserved matters approval pursuant to 11/01494/OUT) | Adopted | 15/12/2015 |
16/00079/SO | 13/09/2016 | Screening Opinion | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Reserved matters to 15/02159/OUT - Reserved matters in respect of public areas in Phase 1a | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 19/12/2016 |
16/01807/REM | 13/09/2016 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Reserved matters to 16/01802/OUT - Reserved matters in respect of public areas in Phase 1a and part of phase 1b | Permitted | 06/10/2017 |
15/00695/OUT | 16/04/2015 | Outline Application | Site C Ploughley Road & Site D & E Ambrosden Road MOD Bicester Upper Arncott | Variation of Condition 2 of 11/01494/OUT - Amend the application site boundary for Graven Hill | Application Withdrawn | 10/08/2015 |
17/00130/NMA | 07/12/2017 | Non Material Amendments | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Non-Material Amendment to 16/01802/OUT - substitution of parameter plan to amend size of 1 bed coach houses to 81sqm and 2 bed coach houses to 132 sqm in order to take account of garages - Plot Nos: 30, 101, 117, 172, 173, 174, 221, 222, 310, 311, 336 and 337 | Permitted | 04/01/2018 |
17/02107/LDO | 15/09/2017 | Local Development Order | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Erection of up to 276 dwellings and associated outbuildings (Phase 1 reserved matters approval pursuant to 16/01802/OUT) | Adopted | 20/12/2017 |
17/01210/REM | 28/07/2017 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Reserved matters application to 16/01802/OUT - Proposed details of plots 11-19, including access to rear car parking and landscaping | Permitted | 01/11/2017 |
18/00001/DISC | 02/01/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Discharge of condition 60 (fire hydrants) and condition 69 (lighting scheme for the pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes) of 16/01802/OUT | Permitted | 16/03/2018 |
18/00212/DISC | 04/05/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Discharge of Conditions 4 (parking bollard details), 7 (construction timetable and management) and 8 (boundary fence detail gateway east) of 16/01807/REM, Phase 1a and part Phase 1b | Permitted | 21/06/2018 |
18/00088/NMA | 17/07/2018 | Non Material Amendments | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Non-Material Amendment to 16/01807/REM - Removal of condition 2. Amended drawing (C SA 90 0412 E11) to confirm that vehicle restraint system is no longer required at the entrance of the site via the Rodney House Roundabout | Permitted | 12/11/2018 |
18/00325/OUT | 28/03/2018 | Outline Application | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Variation of conditions 2 (plans), 28 (Phasing), 30 (building heights), 33 (Non-Residential Construction Standards), 38 (Landscape Habitat Management Strategy), 46 (Archaeology), 54 (Ground levels), 57 (Entrance works), and 71 (Phase 1 Masterplan) and removal of condition 58 (Pioneer Junction works) of 16/01802/OUT | Permitted | 03/08/2018 |
18/00159/DISC | 16/05/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Discharge of Conditions 2 (sustainable construction methods), 3 (alternative boundary treatment), 4 (brick sample) and 5 (hard and soft landscaping) of 17/01210/REM | Permitted | 27/06/2018 |
18/00168/DISC | 25/07/2018 | Discharge Of Conditions | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Discharge of Conditions 6 (Parking Strategy Phase 1) 9 (timber bridge swale park west) 11 (Landscape management for phase 1) of 16/01807/REM | Permitted | 28/02/2019 |
17/00022/NMA | 06/02/2017 | Non Material Amendments | Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott | Non-Material Amendment to condition 30 of 15/02159/OUT - Substitution of amended parameter plan to increase GIA figures | Permitted | 08/03/2017 |
16/02197/LDO | 10/11/2016 | Local Development Order | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Erection of up to 198 dwellings and associated outbuildings (Phase 1 reserved matters approval pursuant to 15/02159/OUT) | Adopted | 18/01/2017 |
19/01436/DISC | 26/07/2019 | Discharge Of Conditions | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Discharge of Condition 10 (LAPS/LEAPS) of 16/01807/REM | Permitted | 21/05/2021 |
19/01487/REM | 12/11/2019 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Reserved matters to 18/00325/OUT - Proposed details of Graven Hill Phase 1a, plots 0191 - 0195 | Permitted | 23/01/2020 |
20/02345/LDO | 26/08/2020 | Local Development Order | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Erection of up to 276 dwellings and associated outbuildings (Phase 1 reserved matters approval pursuant to 16/01802/OUT) | Adopted | 20/11/2020 |
24/00048/DISC | 08/01/2024 | Discharge Of Conditions | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Discharge of Condition 12 (interpretation board) of 16/01807/REM | Permitted | 15/10/2024 |
24/00648/REM | 08/03/2024 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Site D And E Graven Hill Circular Road Ambrosden | Variation of Condition 1 (plans) of 16/01807/REM - amended drawings to change the approved layout of this area to reflect existing changes approved under other reserved matters decisions, and new changes, most notably the inclusion of a memorial to the Pioneer Memorial, as a celebration of local military heritage | Permitted | 11/11/2024 |