Planning register

Planning Application - 15/01012/OUT

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Application Number
Application Type
Outline Application
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire
OUTLINE - Development of up to 48,308sqm of employment floorspace (Class B1c, B2, B8 and ancillary B1a uses), the siting of buildings to the south of the site, servicing and circulation areas, vehicular and pedestrian access from Skimmingdish Lane and landscaping
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Albion Land Ltd
Applicant's Address
C/o Quod
Miss Hannah Smith
Agents's Address
Quod Ltd Park House Park Square West Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 2PW

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address16 Spruce Drive Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 3YN Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received28/07/2015 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date28/07/2015
AddressThe Retreat 85 Mallards Way Bicester OX26 6WT Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received10/07/2015 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date10/07/2015
Address13 The Poplars Launton Oxfordshire OX26 5DW Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received02/07/2015 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date02/07/2015
Address13 The Poplars Launton Oxfordshire OX26 5DW Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received30/06/2015 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date30/06/2015
AddressThe New Lodge Bicester Road Launton Bicester OX26 5DQ Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received23/06/2015 Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date23/06/2015
Address3 Manor Farm Cottages Launton Road Bicester OX26 5AA Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address1 Manor Farm Cottages Launton Road Bicester OX26 5AA Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressWydham Hall Allotment Way Launton Bicester OX26 5AF Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address4 Manor Farm Cottages Launton Road Bicester OX26 5AA Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressAnnexe Adjacent 1 Manor Farm Cottages Launton Road Bicester OX26 5AA Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address2 Manor Farm Cottages Launton Road Bicester OX26 5AA Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameConservation (CDC) Address Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEconomic Development (CDC) Address Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received09/07/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameHistioric England - South East Region (Planning) AddressEastgate Court 195-205 High Street GUILDFORD GU1 3EH Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received26/06/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLaunton Parish Council Address13 Oak Close BICESTER OX26 3XD Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received06/07/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameOxford Fieldpaths Society Address87 The Cloisters Pegasus Grange Whitehouse Road OXFORD OX1 4QQ Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received29/06/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NamePlanning Policy Address Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received14/09/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameRamblers Association Address23 Hawkswell House Hawkswell Gardens OXFORD OX2 7EX Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due30/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameRebecca Dyson - Recreation & Leisure (CDC) AddressPublic Art/Community Halls/Community Dev./Indoor Sports/Outdoor Sports Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameUrban Design (CDC) Address Consult Date09/06/2015 Reply Due23/06/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameBicester Town Council - AddressTown Clerk To Bicester Town Council The Garth Launton Road Bicester Oxon OX26 6PS Consult Date20/07/2015 Reply Due10/08/2015 Reply Received28/07/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameBicester Local History Society AddressNewby Cottage Weston On The Green BICESTER OX25 3QL Consult Date20/07/2015 Reply Due10/08/2015 Reply Received26/07/2015 TypeStandard Consultee
NameMaria Mallaband Care Group AddressWestcourt Gelderd Road Leeds LS12 6DB Consult Date29/07/2015 Reply Due19/08/2015 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameConservation (CDC) Address Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameContaminated Land Address Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameEcology (CDC) Address Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received28/10/2015 TypeRe-consult
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received26/11/2015 TypeRe-consult
NameLandscapes Officer - Landscape Services (CDC) AddressInformal Open Space/Play Facilities Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date02/10/2015 Reply Due16/10/2015 Reply Received26/10/2015 TypeRe-consult
NameCivil Aviation Authority AddressAviation House South Area GATWICK AIRPORT RH6 0YR Consult Date05/02/2016 Reply Due15/02/2016 Reply Received TypeRe-consult
NameEnvironment Agency AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD Consult Date05/02/2016 Reply Due15/02/2016 Reply Received26/02/2016 TypeRe-consult
NameOxfordshire County Council AddressMajor Planning Applications Team Oxfordshire County Council County Hall New Road Oxford OX1 1ND Consult Date05/02/2016 Reply Due15/02/2016 Reply Received16/02/2016 TypeRe-consult
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionMAJOR DEVELOPMENT UNDER GDO Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionAFFECTS CONS AREA Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionNOW CHOOSE 1 to 5 Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionRIGHT OF WAY Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionBicester Advertiser Display Date18/06/2015 Expiry Date09/07/2015 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 05/02/2016 Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 08/08/2017 NMA App form (0kb) -
Application Document 09/11/2016 Con 6,8,9,18,22 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Info Map (0kb) -
Application Document 13/02/2018 Cons 9 and 14 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 21/08/2017 NMA - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Checklist/Cons/Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 13/02/2018 Con 9 and 14 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Neighbour Map (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Info Map (0kb) -
Application Document 08/11/2017 Con 9 ands 14 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Property History (0kb) -
Application Document 05/12/2016 Con 6,8,9,18,22 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 05/02/2016 Amended Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 20/10/2017 Cons 9/14 App form (0kb) -
Application Document 07/11/2016 Cons 2,12,15,16,17,20 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 19/10/2016 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 App form (0kb) -
Application Document 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 App form (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Neighbour Consult List (0kb) -
Application Document 13/09/2016 Con 2/10/13/15-17/20-21 - Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Site Notice (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 App Form (0kb) -
Application Document 09/06/2015 Footpath Map (0kb) -
Application Documents 24/02/2020 photos (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Flood Risk Assessment 01/10/2015 AMD 1.9.2015 - Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) -
Flood Risk Assessment 09/06/2015 Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) -
Flood Risk Assessment 09/06/2015 FRA Appendix A & B (0kb) -
Flood Risk Assessment 09/06/2015 FRA Appendix C & D (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 04/11/2016 Cons 15-16 - Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 09/06/2015 Footpath diversion application (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 02/02/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 HRW Calculations (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 02/02/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Microdrainage calculations (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Transport Assessment Rev C (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 01/10/2015 SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 -Framework Travel Plan (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 Drainage calcs (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 30/03/2016 SUPP - AMD 24/3/16 - Revised Framework Travel Plan (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 22/06/2015 Tree survey (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 22/06/2015 Footpath diversion statement (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Archaeological Report (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Archaeological Trial Trench evaluation (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 19/10/2016 Con 22 Arboricultural method statement (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/03/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Landscape management plan (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 02/02/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Noise Report (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Parameters & Regulation Text (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Planning Report Addendum (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Heritage Impact Assessment (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 Design & Access Statement Update (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Ecological Apprasal Addendum (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 Schedule of drainage maitenance (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 20/10/2017 Cons 9/14 Surface water calcs (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/06/2015 Design & Access statement (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/06/2015 Design Codes (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/06/2015 Statement of Community Involvement (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/06/2015 Landscape Impact Assessment Part 1 (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 09/06/2015 Landscape Impact Assessment Part 2 (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 26/04/2016 AMD 25-04-16 Revised Travel Framework Plan (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 13/09/2016 Con 21 Reptile Survey & Mitigation Strategy (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 13/09/2016 Con 17 CEMP Biodiversity (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Drainage calcs (0kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 08/08/2017 NMA Siting Plan (0kb) -
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 20/10/2017 Cons 9/14 External finishes site plan (0kb) -
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 04/02/2016 AMD 29/1/16 - 30 rev 6 siting plan (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 09/06/2015 Location Plan (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Location plan (0kb) -
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road drainage sections plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 01/10/2015 228L09 - Airfield Section (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 01/10/2015 Bat Survey (0kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works skimmingdish lane cross sections (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works bus shelter details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9./15 site road drainage section (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Swale details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 site corordinates (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 external yard bay layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 drainage details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Site road details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 external yard bay layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/06/2015 Existing Public Footpath Location (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Car Park 2 Storage Tank Details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 09/06/2015 Diverted Public Footpath Location (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Drainage layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Drainage details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 external works layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Swale 4 details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 site road general layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 site road drainage (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Car Park 1 Storage tank details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Road drainage (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 swale 1 details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 bakel drainage (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 swale 2 details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 07/12/2015 AMD 1/12/15 22 Parameters Plan development area & building zone (0kb) -
Plans – Details 07/12/2015 AMD 1/12/15 - 08 Parameters plan access & circulation (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Swale details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 (access) skimmingdish lane traffic island details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 01/10/2015 AMD 01-10-15 Parameters Plan Size levels & building heights drg no. 3830-29-08 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 storage tank details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 carpark 1 storage tank details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 04/02/2016 AMD 29/1/16 - 23 Parameters plan development area & building zone (0kb) -
Plans – Details 04/02/2016 AMD 29/1/16 - 09 Parameters plan anccess and circulation (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 drainage details plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 04/02/2016 AMD 29/9/15 - parameters plan site levels and building heights (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Site road general layout (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 site road drainage (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 External works (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 Swale details plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 car park 2 storage tank details plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Storage tank details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 Drainage details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works bus stop layby details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/02/2018 Cons 9/14 car park storage tank details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road details plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 car park storage tank details plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works general details (0kb) -
Plans – Details 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works kerbing details (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/03/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 1 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/03/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 2 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 19/10/2016 Con 8 Langford beck Protection Plan (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 19/10/2016 Con 8 Vegetation retention/removal & protection plan (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/03/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 3 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 08/11/2016 Con 2 AMD Phasing plan (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 09/03/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 4 of 4 (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 08/08/2017 NMA Landscaping parameters (0kb) -
Plans – Landscape 04/02/2016 AMD 29/1/16 - 01F landscape parameters plan (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works street lighting layout (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 skimming dish lane bus stop tracking layout (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 drainage layout plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works road marking & traffic sign schedule (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 external works layout plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 19/10/2016 Con 6 Flood plain compensation 1 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 19/10/2016 Con 6 Floodplain compensation 2 of 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 19/10/2016 Con 9 Drainage concept (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 19/10/2016 Con 9 Drainage concept (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road general layout plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road drainage plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 08/08/2017 NMA Parameters plan/site levels/building heights (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 08/08/2017 NMA Parameters plan/development and building area (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 08/08/2017 NMA Parameters plan/access and circulation (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works site clearence plan (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site co-ordinates plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 external yard bay plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 20/10/2017 Cons 9/14 Drainage layout plot 3 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 20/10/2017 Cons 9/14 Draiange layout plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 plot 2 drainage layout (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works signage & road markings (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 external works layout plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works new site access tracking layout (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road general layout plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works dranage sections (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 Site road drainage plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 site road drainage sections plot 2 (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works General Arrangement (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works additional road area (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works drainage alterations (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works road levels & contours (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 15/12/2017 Cons 2/6 external yard bay layout plot 2 (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 26/02/2016 Environment Agency 26.02.2016 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 28/07/2015 Bicester Local History Society - 26.07.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/02/2016 Environment Agency 26.02.2016 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 05/01/2017 Con 18 Ecology comments 29-12-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 11/11/2016 Con 22 - Arboricultural Officer 10/11/16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/03/2017 Con 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Environment Agency - 01.03.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 08/11/2016 Con 2 OCC comments regarding amendmed info 08-11-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 09/11/2015 Scientific Officer 6/11/15 - (0kb) -
Consultation Response 04/10/2016 Con 2, 10, 13,15-17,20-21 OCCMAJ - 03.10.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/02/2016 Environment Agency 26.02.2016 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 11/11/2016 Conditions 6,8,9,18,22 - Arboricultural comments 10/11/16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 17/03/2017 Con 18 Landscape architect comments 13-03-17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/11/2016 Con 6,8,9,18,22 OCC Drainage - 29.11.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 20/08/2015 Design and Conservation 11/8/15 - draft (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/08/2015 Cllr James Porter - 28.07.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 18/11/2016 Con 17 OCC Archaeology 16-11-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/07/2015 OCC - Various - 29.06.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 10/07/2015 Launton Parish Council 6/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/11/2017 Con 14 OCC Local Highways Authority - 30.11.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/02/2016 Environment Agency 26.02.2016 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/07/2015 Bicester Town Council 28/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 16/02/2016 OCCMAJ - 15.02.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/10/2015 Ecology Officer - 28-10-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 14/11/2016 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 - Landscape architect 14-11-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 04/10/2016 Cons 2/10/13 OCC 03-10-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/10/2015 Oxfordshire County Council 22.10.15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 22/10/2015 Planning Policy 14/9/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 23/09/2016 Cons 15-16 - Archaeology - 23.09.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 10/11/2016 Cons 17/20/21 Ecology comments 10-11-16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/03/2018 Cons 9/14 - OCC Drainage Drainage 26-02-18 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/11/2015 Environment Agency 26-11-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/03/2017 Con 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Environment Agency - 01.03.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 08/01/2016 Environment Agency 07.01.16 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/07/2015 Historic England - 26-06-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/08/2015 Cllr James Porter - 28.07.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 01/12/2017 Con 9 OCC Drainage - 30.11.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 16/07/2015 Environment Agency - 09-07-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Arboricultural 23/715 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Countryside/Conservation Officer/officer 16/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Countryside/Conservation attachment 16/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Countryside/Conservation attachment 16/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Environmnetal Protection/officer 12/8/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Launton Footpath Order No 17 2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Design and Conservation Area 26/6/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/02/2020 Design and Conservation (0kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 31/10/2016 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 - Kidney, K 27.10.2016 (0kb) -
Public Comments 21/09/2015 Bicester Gliding Centre - 18-09-15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 21/07/2015 Oxford Fieldpaths Society 20/7/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 01/07/2015 Keith Kidney - 30.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/06/2015 Lee Godber - 15.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 08/04/2016 KM Kidney 6/4/16 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/07/2015 Kidney K - 30-06-15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 22/09/2015 Kidney KM - 20-09-15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 10/07/2015 John Broad - 03.07.2015 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 18/11/2016 Cons 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, - Case Officers Report - 18.11.16 (0kb) -
Officer Report 06/05/2016 Report - 06.05.16 (0kb) -
Officer Report 17/03/2017 Cons 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Case officer report - 17.03.17 (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 18/11/2016 Cons 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 ,21 Decision - 18.11.16 (0kb) -
Decision 06/05/2016 06.05.16 (0kb) -
Decision 31/08/2017 NMA - 31.08.2017 (0kb) -
Decision 18/09/2018 Con 25 - 18.09.18 (0kb) -
Decision 27/06/2018 Con 23, 25 - 27.06.18 (0kb) -
Decision 27/06/2018 Con 24 - 27.06.18 (0kb) -
Decision 21/08/2018 Con 9, 14, 23 - 20.08.18 (0kb) -
Decision 12/03/2018 Con 9, 14 - 12.03.18 (0kb) -
Decision 17/03/2017 Cons 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Decision - 17.03.17 (0kb) -
Decision 27/06/2018 Con 12 - 27.06.18 (0kb) -
Planning Application Documents
S106 Negotiation 04/02/2020 Highway works agreement 6/2/17 (0kb) -
S106 Negotiation 04/02/2020 S106 4/5/16 (0kb) -
Superseded 13/09/2016 Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Phasing Plan (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Parameters Plan - Site Levels & Building Heights (0kb) -
Superseded 19/10/2016 Con 8 Planting Plan 1 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/10/2016 Con 8 Planting Plan 2 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/10/2016 Con 7 Planting Plan 3 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/10/2016 Con 8 Planting plan 4 of 4 (0kb) -
Superseded 19/10/2016 SUPP Con 18 Landscape management Plan (0kb) -
Superseded 02/02/2017 SUPP Con 18 AMD Landscape management plan (0kb) -
Superseded 01/10/2015 SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Landscape Parametres Plan Drg No. 228L01 Rev D (0kb) -
Superseded 07/12/2015 SUPP - AMD 1/12/15 09 - Parameters plan site levels & buildings heights (0kb) -
Superseded 07/12/2015 SUPP -AMD 1/12/15 - 06 Siting plan (0kb) -
Superseded 01/10/2015 SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Siting Plan . 3830-30 Rev 05 (0kb) -
Superseded 07/12/2015 SUPP - AMD 1/12/15 - 01E landscape parameters plan (0kb) -
Superseded 01/10/2015 SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 - 22 Parameters Plan Development Area & Building Zone (0kb) -
Superseded 01/10/2015 SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Parameters Plan Access & Circulation (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Ecological Appraisal (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Framework Travel Plan (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Heritage Impact Assessment (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Planning Report (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Noise Report (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Parameters & Regulatory Text Document (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Transport Assessment Part 1 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Transport Assessment Part 2 (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Landscape Parameters Plan (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Siting Plan (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Parameters Plan - Development Area & Building Zone (0kb) -
Superseded 09/06/2015 SUPP - Parameters Plan - Access & Circulation (0kb) -
Superseded 24/02/2017 Cons 6/8/9/18/22 AMD Landscape management plan (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - NMA App form
Application Document (0kb) - Con 6,8,9,18,22 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Info Map
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 9 and 14 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - NMA - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Checklist/Cons/Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Con 9 and 14 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour Map
Application Document (0kb) - Info Map
Application Document (0kb) - Con 9 ands 14 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Property History
Application Document (0kb) - Con 6,8,9,18,22 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Amended Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 9/14 App form
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 2,12,15,16,17,20 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 App form
Application Document (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 App form
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour Consult List
Application Document (0kb) - Con 2/10/13/15-17/20-21 - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - Site Notice
Application Document (0kb) - App Form
Application Document (0kb) - Footpath Map
Application Documents (0kb) - photos
Supporting Documents
Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) - AMD 1.9.2015 - Flood Risk Assessment
Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) - Flood Risk Assessment
Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) - FRA Appendix A & B
Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) - FRA Appendix C & D
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 15-16 - Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Footpath diversion application
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 HRW Calculations
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Microdrainage calculations
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Transport Assessment Rev C
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 -Framework Travel Plan
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 Drainage calcs
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 24/3/16 - Revised Framework Travel Plan
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tree survey
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Footpath diversion statement
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Archaeological Report
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Archaeological Trial Trench evaluation
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Con 22 Arboricultural method statement
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Landscape management plan
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Flood Risk Assessment
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Noise Report
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Parameters & Regulation Text
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Planning Report Addendum
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Heritage Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Design & Access Statement Update
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Ecological Apprasal Addendum
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 2/6 Schedule of drainage maitenance
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Surface water calcs
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Design & Access statement
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Design Codes
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Landscape Impact Assessment Part 1
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Landscape Impact Assessment Part 2
Supporting Documents (0kb) - AMD 25-04-16 Revised Travel Framework Plan
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Con 21 Reptile Survey & Mitigation Strategy
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Con 17 CEMP Biodiversity
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Drainage calcs
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - NMA Siting Plan
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - Cons 9/14 External finishes site plan
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - AMD 29/1/16 - 30 rev 6 siting plan
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Location Plan
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Location plan
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road drainage sections plot 3
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - 228L09 - Airfield Section
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Bat Survey
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works skimmingdish lane cross sections
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works bus shelter details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9./15 site road drainage section
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Swale details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 site corordinates
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 external yard bay layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 drainage details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Site road details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 external yard bay layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Existing Public Footpath Location
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Car Park 2 Storage Tank Details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Diverted Public Footpath Location
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Drainage layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Drainage details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 external works layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Swale 4 details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 site road general layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 site road drainage
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Car Park 1 Storage tank details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Road drainage
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 swale 1 details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 bakel drainage
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 swale 2 details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 1/12/15 22 Parameters Plan development area & building zone
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 1/12/15 - 08 Parameters plan access & circulation
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Swale details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 (access) skimmingdish lane traffic island details
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 01-10-15 Parameters Plan Size levels & building heights drg no. 3830-29-08
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 storage tank details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 carpark 1 storage tank details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 29/1/16 - 23 Parameters plan development area & building zone
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 29/1/16 - 09 Parameters plan anccess and circulation
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 drainage details plot 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - AMD 29/9/15 - parameters plan site levels and building heights
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Site road general layout
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 site road drainage
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 External works
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 Swale details plot 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 car park 2 storage tank details plot 3
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Storage tank details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Drainage details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works bus stop layby details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 9/14 car park storage tank details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road details plot 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/6 car park storage tank details plot 2
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works general details
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works kerbing details
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 1 of 4
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 2 of 4
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 8 Langford beck Protection Plan
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 8 Vegetation retention/removal & protection plan
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 3 of 4
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Con 2 AMD Phasing plan
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 Planting plan 4 of 4
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - NMA Landscaping parameters
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - AMD 29/1/16 - 01F landscape parameters plan
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works street lighting layout
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 skimming dish lane bus stop tracking layout
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 drainage layout plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works road marking & traffic sign schedule
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 external works layout plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 6 Flood plain compensation 1 of 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 6 Floodplain compensation 2 of 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 9 Drainage concept
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Con 9 Drainage concept
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road general layout plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road drainage plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - NMA Parameters plan/site levels/building heights
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - NMA Parameters plan/development and building area
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - NMA Parameters plan/access and circulation
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works site clearence plan
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site co-ordinates plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 external yard bay plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Drainage layout plot 3
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 9/14 Draiange layout plot 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 plot 2 drainage layout
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works signage & road markings
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 external works layout plot 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works new site access tracking layout
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road general layout plot 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works dranage sections
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 Site road drainage plot 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 site road drainage sections plot 2
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works General Arrangement
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works additional road area
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works drainage alterations
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Section 278 works road levels & contours
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cons 2/6 external yard bay layout plot 2
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 26.02.2016
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester Local History Society - 26.07.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 26.02.2016
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 18 Ecology comments 29-12-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 22 - Arboricultural Officer 10/11/16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Environment Agency - 01.03.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 2 OCC comments regarding amendmed info 08-11-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Scientific Officer 6/11/15 -
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 2, 10, 13,15-17,20-21 OCCMAJ - 03.10.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 26.02.2016
Consultation Response (0kb) - Conditions 6,8,9,18,22 - Arboricultural comments 10/11/16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 18 Landscape architect comments 13-03-17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 6,8,9,18,22 OCC Drainage - 29.11.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Design and Conservation 11/8/15 - draft
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cllr James Porter - 28.07.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 17 OCC Archaeology 16-11-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC - Various - 29.06.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Launton Parish Council 6/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 14 OCC Local Highways Authority - 30.11.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 26.02.2016
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester Town Council 28/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCCMAJ - 15.02.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ecology Officer - 28-10-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 - Landscape architect 14-11-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13 OCC 03-10-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Oxfordshire County Council 22.10.15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Planning Policy 14/9/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 15-16 - Archaeology - 23.09.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 17/20/21 Ecology comments 10-11-16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cons 9/14 - OCC Drainage Drainage 26-02-18
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 26-11-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Environment Agency - 01.03.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 07.01.16
Consultation Response (0kb) - Historic England - 26-06-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Cllr James Porter - 28.07.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Con 9 OCC Drainage - 30.11.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency - 09-07-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultural 23/715
Consultation Response (0kb) - Countryside/Conservation Officer/officer 16/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Countryside/Conservation attachment 16/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Countryside/Conservation attachment 16/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environmnetal Protection/officer 12/8/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Launton Footpath Order No 17 2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Design and Conservation Area 26/6/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Design and Conservation
Public Comments
Public Comments (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 - Kidney, K 27.10.2016
Public Comments (0kb) - Bicester Gliding Centre - 18-09-15
Public Comments (0kb) - Oxford Fieldpaths Society 20/7/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Keith Kidney - 30.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Lee Godber - 15.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - KM Kidney 6/4/16
Public Comments (0kb) - Kidney K - 30-06-15
Public Comments (0kb) - Kidney KM - 20-09-15
Public Comments (0kb) - John Broad - 03.07.2015
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) - Cons 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, - Case Officers Report - 18.11.16
Officer Report (0kb) - Report - 06.05.16
Officer Report (0kb) - Cons 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Case officer report - 17.03.17
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Cons 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 ,21 Decision - 18.11.16
Decision (0kb) - 06.05.16
Decision (0kb) - NMA - 31.08.2017
Decision (0kb) - Con 25 - 18.09.18
Decision (0kb) - Con 23, 25 - 27.06.18
Decision (0kb) - Con 24 - 27.06.18
Decision (0kb) - Con 9, 14, 23 - 20.08.18
Decision (0kb) - Con 9, 14 - 12.03.18
Decision (0kb) - Cons 6, 8, 9, 18, 22 Decision - 17.03.17
Decision (0kb) - Con 12 - 27.06.18
Planning Application Documents
S106 Negotiation (0kb) - Highway works agreement 6/2/17
S106 Negotiation (0kb) - S106 4/5/16
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 2/10/13/15/16/17/20/21 Phasing Plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Parameters Plan - Site Levels & Building Heights
Superseded (0kb) - Con 8 Planting Plan 1 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - Con 8 Planting Plan 2 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - Con 7 Planting Plan 3 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - Con 8 Planting plan 4 of 4
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 Landscape management Plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP Con 18 AMD Landscape management plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Landscape Parametres Plan Drg No. 228L01 Rev D
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 1/12/15 09 - Parameters plan site levels & buildings heights
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP -AMD 1/12/15 - 06 Siting plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Siting Plan . 3830-30 Rev 05
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 1/12/15 - 01E landscape parameters plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 - 22 Parameters Plan Development Area & Building Zone
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - AMD 01-10-15 Parameters Plan Access & Circulation
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Ecological Appraisal
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Framework Travel Plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Heritage Impact Assessment
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Planning Report
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Noise Report
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Parameters & Regulatory Text Document
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Transport Assessment Part 1
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Transport Assessment Part 2
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Landscape Parameters Plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Siting Plan
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Parameters Plan - Development Area & Building Zone
Superseded (0kb) - SUPP - Parameters Plan - Access & Circulation
Superseded (0kb) - Cons 6/8/9/18/22 AMD Landscape management plan
10 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
8 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
9 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
6 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton
2 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
3 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
4 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
British Bakels 1 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
7 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
11 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH
5 Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
16/01113/ADV 27/06/2016 Advertisement Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Non-illuminated raised V board advertisement - Retrospective Permitted 16/08/2016
15/00009/SO 02/02/2015 Screening Opinion Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire Sreening Opinion - Flexible mix of Class B employment uses Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 05/06/2015
15/01012/OUT 05/06/2015 Outline Application Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire OUTLINE - Development of up to 48,308sqm of employment floorspace (Class B1c, B2, B8 and ancillary B1a uses), the siting of buildings to the south of the site, servicing and circulation areas, vehicular and pedestrian access from Skimmingdish Lane and landscaping Permitted 06/05/2016
16/00422/DISC 08/09/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of Conditions 2 (Phasing plan), 10 (Details of off-site highway works), 13 (Means of Access), 15 (Written scheme of investigation), 16 (Archaeological investigation), 17 (CEMP), 20 (Badger mitigation) and 21 (Reptile mitigation) - Application 15/01012/OUT Permitted 18/11/2016
17/01712/REM 17/08/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Reserved Matters to 15/01012/OUT - Phases 2b (in part) (which comprises a section of the internal spine road) and Phase 3a (in part) which has been split into 2 plots for the purposes of delivery (referred to as plots 2 and 3). This application relates to Plot 2. Permitted 15/11/2017
17/00056/SO 23/06/2017 Screening Opinion Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Development of up to 48,308sqm of employment floorspace (Class B1c, B2, B8 and ancillary B1a uses), the siting of buildings to the south of the site, servicing and circulation areas, vehicular and pedestrian access from Skimmingdish Lane and landscaping Not proceeded with 26/09/2022
18/00063/DISC 19/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of Conditions 9 (ventilation and extraction) and 10 (door and window details) of 17/01712/REM Permitted 16/04/2018
18/00239/DISC 30/05/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of conditions 9 (drainage), 14 (parking and manoeuvring) and 23 (acoustic screening) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 21/08/2018
18/00060/DISC 08/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Partial discharge of condition 23 (acoustic screen) and discharge of condition 25 (public art) of 15/01012/OUT Split Decision 27/06/2018
17/00504/DISC 13/10/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of conditions 9 (drainage) and 14 (parking and manoeuvring) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 12/03/2018
17/00505/DISC 13/10/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of condition 2 (external lighting) and 6 (covered cycle parking facilities) of 17/01289/REM Permitted 09/02/2018
16/00480/DISC 17/10/2016 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of Conditions 6 (floodplain compensation), 8 (langford beck buffer), 9 (surface water management), 18 (landscape and ecology management plan and 22 (arboricultural method statement) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 17/03/2017
17/00071/SO 17/08/2017 Screening Opinion Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Screening Opinion to 17/01712/REM - Reserved Matters to 15/01012/OUT - Phases 2b (in part) (which comprises a section of the internal spine road) and Phase 3a (in part) which has been split into 2 plots for the purposes of delivery (referred to as plots 2 and 3). This application relates to Plot 2. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 15/11/2017
18/00297/DISC 25/07/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of Condition 25 (public art) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 18/09/2018
18/00052/NMA 13/04/2018 Non Material Amendments Zone 3 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Non Material Amendment to 17/01289/REM - Amendments to approved plans list (Condition 1) Permitted 11/05/2018
17/01289/REM 23/06/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Reserved Matters to 15/01012/OUT - The reserved matters submission relates to Phases 2a (which comprises a section of the internal spine road) and Phase 3a (in part) which has been split into 2 plots for the purposes of delivery (referred to as plots 2 and 3). This application relates to Plot 3 and represents the first built form of the development to come forward. Permitted 06/10/2017
18/00157/NMA 18/12/2018 Non Material Amendments Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Introduction of steps to the entrances to Units 1A and 1B, steps to front fire exits to Units 1A and 1B, rotation of rear fire escape steps to Units 1A and 1B, relocation of cycle shelters to Unit 1A, reduction in height of prowall from 5.1m to 4.8m, number of rainwater pipes and location revised to Units 1A and 1B, colour of rainwater pipes to match background, revised rooflight layout to Units 1A and 1B, additional short lengths of low timber and steel retaining walls around substations and gas kiosk, relocation of condenser compounds and weld mesh fence, omission of canopy to staff doors to Units 1A and 1B, minor changes to entrance screen to accommodate revolving doors, addition to pumping station, 3 additional planting species added to landscaping, weld mesh fence colour corrected to black, minor changes to door leveller lighting, relocation of bin store to Unit 1B (proposed as non-material amendment to 18/00584/REM) Permitted 14/01/2019
18/00420/DISC 23/10/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of conditions 2 (door and window details) and 5 (mechanical ventilation or extraction equipment details) of 18/00584/REM Permitted 12/11/2018
18/00031/SO 09/04/2018 Screening Opinion Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Screening Opinion to 18/00584/REM - Reserved matters application to 15/01012/OUT - Development of up to 48,308sqm of employment floorspace (Class B1c, B2, B8 and ancillary B1a uses), the siting of buildings to the south of the site, servicing and circulation areas, vehicular and pedestrian access from Skimmingdish Lane and landscaping Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 04/07/2018
18/00104/DISC 28/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of condition 24 (Employment & Skills Plan (ESP)) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 27/06/2018
18/00142/DISC 22/03/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire Discharge condition 12 (travel plan) of 15/01012/OUT Permitted 27/06/2018
18/00053/NMA 13/04/2018 Non Material Amendments Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Non Material Amendment to 17/01712/REM - Amendments to approved plans list (Condition 1) Permitted 11/05/2018
17/00098/NMA 07/08/2017 Non Material Amendments Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire Amendments to approved outline parameter plans (proposed as non-material amendments to 15/01012/OUT) Permitted 31/08/2017
18/01769/ADV 11/10/2018 Advertisement 3A Longlands Road Launton Bicester OX26 5AH 3no. existing wall mounted Bakels signage proposed to be back lit. Permitted 06/12/2018
18/00062/DISC 19/02/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Plot 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of Condition 12 (ventilation and extraction) of 17/01289/REM Permitted 16/04/2018
18/00584/REM 09/04/2018 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Reserved matters application to 15/01012/OUT - Development of up to 48,308sqm of employment floorspace (Class B1c, B2, B8 and ancillary B1a uses), the siting of buildings to the south of the site, servicing and circulation areas, vehicular and pedestrian access from Skimmingdish Lane and landscaping Permitted 09/07/2018
19/00151/DISC 24/04/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Discharge of condition 2 (doors and windows) 5 (mechanical ventilation or extraction equipment) of 18/00584/REM Permitted 30/05/2019
19/01532/NMA 06/08/2019 Non Material Amendments Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Non-material amendment to 18/00584/REM - Minor relocation of Plot 1B cycle shelters. Changes to the external entrance layout. Updated lighting to the service yard Permitted 23/08/2019
19/01960/NMA 17/09/2019 Non Material Amendments Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton OX26 5AF Gas Store to front warehouse - Requirement for storing gas cylinders. Plant Enclosure - Larger enclosure needed for mechanical plant following design progression. Mechanical Louvres - Required under mechanical design. Stack Loacation - Progression in design alternative location required. (Proposed as non material amendments to application 19/00727/F) Application Withdrawn 16/10/2019

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
17/00508/INC 12/05/2017 12/05/2017 Initial Notice Commercial Unit 3 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Erection of industrial/warehouse buildings
17/01307/INC 13/11/2017 13/11/2017 Initial Notice Commercial Unit 2 Link 9 Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Erection of industrial/storage units

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