Planning register

Planning Application - 07/02659/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ
Alterations to roof lights and windows. Amendments to permission 06/01558/F
Sibford Gower
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Mr & Mrs C J Steane
Applicant's Address
Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ
Fiona Cowburn
Agents's Address
Goodfellows Cottage Filkins Nr Lechlade GL7 3JG

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
Address1 Meadow Crest Cottages Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBurdrop Cottage Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBurdrop House Barn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressGoodmays Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Red House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressBrayes Close Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameAppropriate Parish Council Address Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due11/01/2008 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameCounty Archaeological Services AddressOxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE Consult Date21/12/2007 Reply Due11/01/2008 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionNOW CHOOSE 1 to 5 Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionAFFECTING LISTED BUILDING Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionAFFECTS CONS AREA Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
Description Display Date03/01/2008 Expiry Date24/01/2008 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 14/02/2008 Site Visit (32kb) -
Application Document 14/02/2008 Site Notice (34kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 21/12/2007 A4 Block Plan (523kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 21/12/2007 A3 Sections & Elevations (1284kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 21/12/2007 A3 Ground Floor Plan (1583kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 21/12/2007 A3 Floor Plans & Elevations (2) (1369kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 21/12/2007 A3 Floor Plans & Elevations (529kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 14/02/2008 Archaeology OCC 28.12.07 (20kb) -
Consultation Response 16/01/2008 Parish Council 10/1/08 (28kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 14/02/2008 (77kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 14/02/2008 12.02.08 (142kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (32kb) - Site Visit
Application Document (34kb) - Site Notice
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (523kb) - A4 Block Plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1284kb) - A3 Sections & Elevations
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1583kb) - A3 Ground Floor Plan
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (1369kb) - A3 Floor Plans & Elevations (2)
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (529kb) - A3 Floor Plans & Elevations
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (20kb) - Archaeology OCC 28.12.07
Consultation Response (28kb) - Parish Council 10/1/08
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (77kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (142kb) - 12.02.08
Burdrop House Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
96/01377/TCA 31/10/1996 Works To Trees In Conservation Area Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Remove branches from cherry tree, thin crown and remove branches from silver maple tree, raise lower branches of plum tree and works to cypress tree. Permitted 29/11/1996
98/01603/LB 16/09/1998 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Removal of timber trellis to side of garage and replace with Hornton Stone wall to match existing and install garage door to front opening Permitted 26/10/1998
00/02132/F 11/10/2000 Full Development Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room extension involving the removal of open-sided lean-to and outside W.C. (As amended by plans received 29.11.00). Permitted 21/12/2000
00/02134/LB 11/10/2000 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room extension involving the removal of open-sided lean-to and outside W.C. (As amended by plans received 29.11.00). Permitted 21/12/2000
01/02276/F 09/11/2001 Full Development Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room involving removal of open sided lean to and outside WC and re instatement of pitched roof over existing kitchen, utility and garage Permitted 27/12/2001
01/02277/LB 09/11/2001 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury Oxon OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room involving removal of open sided lean to and outside WC and re instatement of pitched roof over existing kitchen, utility and garage Permitted 27/12/2001
06/01559/LB 30/08/2006 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room extension involving part removal of open sided lean-to and outside WC, replacement of flat roof with double pitched roof to existing single storey extension, existing chimney raised to east elevation and new internal staircase Permitted 16/10/2006
06/01558/F 02/08/2006 Full Development Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Erection of new garden room extension involving part removal of open sided lean-to and outside WC, replacement of flat roof with double pitched roof to existing single storey extension Permitted 27/09/2006
07/02659/F 18/12/2007 Full Development Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Alterations to roof lights and windows. Amendments to permission 06/01558/F Permitted 12/02/2008
07/02660/LB 18/12/2007 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Alterations to roof lights and windows. Amendments to permission 06/01559/LB Permitted 12/02/2008
15/01857/LB 22/10/2015 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Internal works only to ground floor lounge to include alterations to existing fitted shelving and cellar doorway and enclosure to form new floor fitted access hatch Permitted 17/12/2015
19/02394/CLUE 05/11/2019 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Nicholas Corner Burdrop OX15 5RQ Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use for the use of the site as residential dwellinghouse (Class C3) and associated residential garden Permitted 20/12/2019
21/00251/LB 01/02/2021 Listed Building Burdrop House Burdrop OX15 5RQ Repairs to main slate roof which is leaking. Will require lifting slates and relaying, replacing felt and battens. Materials will match existing and no changes other than like for like replacement Permitted 26/03/2021

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
06/01071/OTHFPD 08/09/2006 15/09/2006 Full Plans (Domestic/Estimated Cost) Burdrop House Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ Re-placement double pitched roof to existing single storey extension. New single storey family room.
CP/OFTEC/00086/2018 13/02/2018 13/02/2018 Oil Firing Technical Association Burdrop House Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Installation of an oil fired boiler Install a flue liner
CP/NAPIT/00036/2009 16/02/2009 16/02/2009 Competent Persons Scheme Type Burdrop House Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ One or More New Circuits Building Sharing Supply with Dwelling New Consumer Unit Fitted in a Existing Dwelling Building Sharing Supply with Dwelling Heating - Central Htg Room Htg Hot Water Boiler Controls Building Sharing Supply with Dwelling
22/16648/CP 06/02/2022 20/09/2021 Competent Persons Scheme Burdrop House Street Through Burdrop Burdrop Banbury OX15 5RQ Install a flue liner.

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