Track this application
Application Number 06/01213/OUT |
Application Type Outline Application |
Status Application Permitted |
Decision Level Committee |
Location Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of
Upper Arncott
Oxfordshire |
Proposal Outline - Residential development (41 no. dwellings) and access. Resubmission of 06/00431/OUT |
Parish Arncott |
Ward Launton |
Received Date 19/06/2006 |
Valid Date 19/06/2006 |
Weekly List Date |
Comments Due Date 28/07/2006 |
Target Decision Date 18/09/2006 |
Committee Date 27/07/2006 |
Decision Permitted |
Decision Issued Date 18/09/2006 |
Appeal Received Date |
Appeal Start Date |
Appeal Decision |
Appeal Decision Date |
Applicant Martin Grant Homes Ltd |
Applicant's Address Grant House
Felday Road
Abinger Hammer
RH5 6QP |
Pegasus Planning Group
Agents's Address
6-20 Spitalgate Lane
Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.
Neighbour List
Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address1 Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address5 Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address5 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address12 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address7 Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address6 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressArncott Hill Farm Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address2 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address7 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address9 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address1 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressBuilding C31 DSDC MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address1 Woodpiece Road Upper Arncott Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 1PJ | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address79 Murcott Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PL | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
AddressWoodground Arncott Hill Farm Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address3 Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1PH | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address2 Woodpiece Road Upper Arncott Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 1PJ | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address3 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address4 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address8 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address10 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address11 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Address13 Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire OX25 1QP | Consult Date28/06/2006 | Reply Due | Reply Received | Re-Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Date |
Consultee List
Name | Address | Consult Date | Reply Due | Reply Received | Type |
NameAppropriate Parish Council | Address | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameCounty Archaeological Services | AddressOxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEnvironment Agency | AddressRed Kite House Howbery Park Crowmarsh Gifford WALLINGFORD OX10 8BD | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameEnvironment And Planning | AddressOxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHead Of Planning And Affordable Housing Policy | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due11/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHead Of Safer Communities Urban And Rural | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due11/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHead Recreation And Health Improvement Manager | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due11/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHighways OCC | Address | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameHousing Enabling Officer (FAO Fiona Brown) | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due11/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameLandscape - Urban & Rural Services | AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due11/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameMr Edward Briscoe | AddressEnvironment And Planning Oxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameNatural England | AddressConsultation Services Hornbeam House Electra Way CREWE CW1 6GJ | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
NameThames Water | AddressDevelopment Planning Asset Investment Unit Maple Lodge Denham Way RICKMANSWORTH WD3 9SQ | Consult Date27/06/2006 | Reply Due18/07/2006 | Reply Received | TypeStandard Consultee |
Description | Display Date | Expiry Date | Notice Type |
DescriptionMAJOR DEVELOPMENT UNDER GDO | Display Date | Expiry Date | Notice Type |
Description | Display Date07/07/2006 | Expiry Date28/07/2006 | Notice Type |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document | 08/01/2015 | is EIA necessary | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | |||||
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Hedgerow Survey | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Hedgerow Survey | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A3 Hedgerow Survey | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Hedgerow Survey | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
ES Documents | 29/06/2006 | A3 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Photographs | 08/01/2015 | (0kb) | - | ||
Reports – Miscellaneous | 08/01/2015 | Play area post installation inspection report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 08/01/2015 | Play area post installation inspection report pt 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A3 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Miscellaneous | 29/06/2006 | A4 Utilities Supplies Report | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A3 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A3 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A3 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A3 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Reports – Traffic I.A. | 29/06/2006 | A4 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Supporting Documents | 29/06/2006 | A4 Planning Support Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Site Plans | |||||
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout | 08/01/2015 | 5/6/08 01D proposed site layout | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout | 29/06/2006 | A3 CIR.M.0129_02-15 | (0kb) | - | |
Site Location Plan | 29/06/2006 | A3 M.0129_04-3 | (0kb) | - | |
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 08/02/2016 | Cons 26/11/07 - 200B sections sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 08/02/2016 | Cons 26/11/07 - 201A sections sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 08/01/2015 | 3/9/14 - 200K sections sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Sections/Surveys | 08/01/2015 | 3/9/14 - 201L sections sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 26/11/07 - 107-1B drianage layout sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 24/11/07 - 106A proposed off site ditchworks | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/01/2015 | 11/11/08 - 103-1-K road levels sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/01/2015 | 3/9/08 - drainage layout sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 26/11/07 - 300A construction details sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 26/11/07 - 301 construction details sheet 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/01/2015 | 3/9/14 - 106P proposed off site ditchworks | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 26/11/07 - 302 construction details sheet 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons 26/11/07 - 303 construction details sheet 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/02/2016 | Cons - 26/11/07 - 107C drainage layout shet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Details | 08/01/2015 | 5/11/08 105-1J S38 agreement plan | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 05/12/2007 | A1 Landscape plan | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Landscape | 08/01/2015 | 3/9/14 - drainage layout sheet 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Minor Amendments | 01/10/2007 | A2 5038/22 rev A Elevations | (0kb) | - | |
Plans – Minor Amendments | 01/10/2007 | A1 5038/12 rev A | (0kb) | - | |
Post Decision Plans | 08/01/2015 | 11/11/08 - 119Q proposed S185 sewer diversion | (0kb) | - | |
Post Decision Plans | 12/11/2010 | site map | (0kb) | - | |
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Arboricultrual 14/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Legal Services 29/8/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Planning Policy 11/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Housing 12/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Landscape Planner 10/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Legal Services 6/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Legal 30/6/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Thames Water 29/6/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Environment Agency 8/9/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | OCC Developer Funding 18/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Legal Services 25/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Environment Agency/Officer 26/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Engineers 26/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Highways 4/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Legal Services 10/8/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Applicant Solicitors 15/9/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | ABS Manager 17/7/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | OCC Planning Archaologist 29/6/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Consultation Response | 08/01/2015 | Chief Engineer 11/9/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report | 02/10/2006 | (0kb) | - | ||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 01/10/2007 | Minor amendment 16/8/07 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 08/01/2015 | Con 11 - 11/11/08 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 22/01/2008 | Condition 19 10/1/08 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 08/01/2015 | Cons 6/9/10 - 28/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 08/02/2016 | Cons 13/15/16/17/18 - 19/6/08 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 12/11/2010 | 17/7/08 Condition 23 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 05/12/2007 | Conditions 6/9/10/4 28/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 08/02/2021 | 18/09/06 | (0kb) | - | |
Decision | 07/07/2023 | Decison | (0kb) | - | |
Planning Application Documents | |||||
7837499.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 4/11/08 | (0kb) | - | |
5497960.tif | 23/03/2009 | Applicant 20/3/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837418.tif | 08/01/2015 | Landscape Planner 26/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
6124694.tif | 12/11/2010 | Applicants 29/10/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837488.tif | 08/01/2015 | Engineers/Officer 15/9/08 | (0kb) | - | |
5402174.tif | 23/02/2009 | Applicant 20/2/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837513.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Applicant 22/12/08 | (0kb) | - | |
8333461.tif | 08/02/2016 | Engineers 23/5/08 | (0kb) | - | |
5097124.rtf | 09/05/2008 | env agency 8/5/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837498.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Legal/Landscape Planner 13/8/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837493.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 5/6/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837415.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Landscape Planner 1/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
8333462.tif | 08/02/2016 | Engineers/Applicant 29/5/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837516.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 4/6/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837506.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 10/11/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837414.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 30/10/07 | (0kb) | - | |
7837502.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 26/11/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837427.tif | 08/01/2015 | officer to Applicant 17/12/07 | (0kb) | - | |
5158312.tif | 11/06/2008 | Environmnet Agency 9/6/08 | (0kb) | - | |
4872768.tif | 22/01/2008 | Building Control & Engineers 4/1/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837417.tif | 08/01/2015 | Landscape Planner 8/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
7837431.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Thames Environment Agency 21/4/08 | (0kb) | - | |
6124680.tif | 12/11/2010 | Agents/OCC Fire services 16/7/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837430.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Thames Water 21/4/08 | (0kb) | - | |
5285861.tif | 03/11/2008 | Environment Agency 30/10/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837429.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer/Legal/Landscape Planner 21/4/08 | (0kb) | - | |
6124693.tif | 12/11/2010 | Officer to Applicant 12/10/09 | (0kb) | - | |
6048748.tif | 23/08/2010 | Landscape Planning Officer 30/12/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837419.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 1/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
7837432.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant 2/9/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837489.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer to Environment Agency 22/9/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837518.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applicant plan 4/6/09 | (0kb) | - | |
7837428.tif | 08/01/2015 | Legal Services to Agent 17/4/08 | (0kb) | - | |
7837425.tif | 08/01/2015 | Officer/Applicant 26/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
7837515.tif | 08/01/2015 | Applcianat 20/2/09 | (0kb) | - | |
5285862.tif | 03/11/2008 | Environment Agency 30/10/08 | (0kb) | - | |
8333426.tif | 08/02/2016 | Cons - Applicant 26/11/07 | (0kb) | - | |
6124691.tif | 12/11/2010 | Officer to Applicant 17/3/09 | (0kb) | - | |
Legal Agreements – 106/52 | 02/10/2006 | 27/09/06 | (0kb) | - |
Application Forms | |||||
Application Document (0kb) - is EIA necessary | |||||
Supporting Documents | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Hedgerow Survey | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Hedgerow Survey | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A3 Hedgerow Survey | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Hedgerow Survey | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A4 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
ES Documents (0kb) - A3 Addendum to Flood Risk Assessment | |||||
Photographs (0kb) - | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Play area post installation inspection report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Play area post installation inspection report pt 2 | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A3 Statement of Consultation/Community Involvement | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - A4 Utilities Supplies Report | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A3 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A3 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A3 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A3 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Reports – Traffic I.A. (0kb) - A4 Transport Assessment | |||||
Supporting Documents (0kb) - A4 Planning Support Statement | |||||
Site Plans | |||||
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - 5/6/08 01D proposed site layout | |||||
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - A3 CIR.M.0129_02-15 | |||||
Site Location Plan (0kb) - A3 M.0129_04-3 | |||||
Existing Plans | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 26/11/07 - 200B sections sheet 1 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - Cons 26/11/07 - 201A sections sheet 2 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - 3/9/14 - 200K sections sheet 1 | |||||
Plans – Sections/Surveys (0kb) - 3/9/14 - 201L sections sheet 2 | |||||
Proposed Plans | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 26/11/07 - 107-1B drianage layout sheet 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 24/11/07 - 106A proposed off site ditchworks | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 11/11/08 - 103-1-K road levels sheet 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 3/9/08 - drainage layout sheet 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 26/11/07 - 300A construction details sheet 1 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 26/11/07 - 301 construction details sheet 2 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 3/9/14 - 106P proposed off site ditchworks | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 26/11/07 - 302 construction details sheet 3 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons 26/11/07 - 303 construction details sheet 4 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - Cons - 26/11/07 - 107C drainage layout shet 1 | |||||
Plans – Details (0kb) - 5/11/08 105-1J S38 agreement plan | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - A1 Landscape plan | |||||
Plans – Landscape (0kb) - 3/9/14 - drainage layout sheet 1 | |||||
Plans – Minor Amendments (0kb) - A2 5038/22 rev A Elevations | |||||
Plans – Minor Amendments (0kb) - A1 5038/12 rev A | |||||
Post Decision Plans (0kb) - 11/11/08 - 119Q proposed S185 sewer diversion | |||||
Post Decision Plans (0kb) - site map | |||||
Consultee Responses | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Arboricultrual 14/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Legal Services 29/8/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Planning Policy 11/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Housing 12/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Planner 10/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Legal Services 6/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Officer to Legal 30/6/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Water 29/6/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency 8/9/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Developer Funding 18/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Legal Services 25/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency/Officer 26/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Engineers 26/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Highways 4/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Legal Services 10/8/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Applicant Solicitors 15/9/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - ABS Manager 17/7/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Planning Archaologist 29/6/06 | |||||
Consultation Response (0kb) - Chief Engineer 11/9/06 | |||||
Officer/Committee Consideration | |||||
Officer Report (0kb) - | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Minor amendment 16/8/07 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Con 11 - 11/11/08 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Condition 19 10/1/08 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Cons 6/9/10 - 28/11/07 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Cons 13/15/16/17/18 - 19/6/08 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - 17/7/08 Condition 23 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Conditions 6/9/10/4 28/11/07 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - 18/09/06 | |||||
Decision (0kb) - Decison | |||||
Planning Application Documents | |||||
7837499.tif (0kb) - Applicant 4/11/08 | |||||
5497960.tif (0kb) - Applicant 20/3/09 | |||||
7837418.tif (0kb) - Landscape Planner 26/11/07 | |||||
6124694.tif (0kb) - Applicants 29/10/09 | |||||
7837488.tif (0kb) - Engineers/Officer 15/9/08 | |||||
5402174.tif (0kb) - Applicant 20/2/09 | |||||
7837513.tif (0kb) - Officer to Applicant 22/12/08 | |||||
8333461.tif (0kb) - Engineers 23/5/08 | |||||
5097124.rtf (0kb) - env agency 8/5/08 | |||||
7837498.tif (0kb) - Officer to Legal/Landscape Planner 13/8/08 | |||||
7837493.tif (0kb) - Applicant 5/6/08 | |||||
7837415.tif (0kb) - Officer to Landscape Planner 1/11/07 | |||||
8333462.tif (0kb) - Engineers/Applicant 29/5/08 | |||||
7837516.tif (0kb) - Applicant 4/6/09 | |||||
7837506.tif (0kb) - Applicant 10/11/08 | |||||
7837414.tif (0kb) - Applicant 30/10/07 | |||||
7837502.tif (0kb) - Applicant 26/11/08 | |||||
7837427.tif (0kb) - officer to Applicant 17/12/07 | |||||
5158312.tif (0kb) - Environmnet Agency 9/6/08 | |||||
4872768.tif (0kb) - Building Control & Engineers 4/1/08 | |||||
7837417.tif (0kb) - Landscape Planner 8/11/07 | |||||
7837431.tif (0kb) - Officer to Thames Environment Agency 21/4/08 | |||||
6124680.tif (0kb) - Agents/OCC Fire services 16/7/08 | |||||
7837430.tif (0kb) - Officer to Thames Water 21/4/08 | |||||
5285861.tif (0kb) - Environment Agency 30/10/08 | |||||
7837429.tif (0kb) - Officer/Legal/Landscape Planner 21/4/08 | |||||
6124693.tif (0kb) - Officer to Applicant 12/10/09 | |||||
6048748.tif (0kb) - Landscape Planning Officer 30/12/09 | |||||
7837419.tif (0kb) - Applicant 1/11/07 | |||||
7837432.tif (0kb) - Applicant 2/9/08 | |||||
7837489.tif (0kb) - Officer to Environment Agency 22/9/08 | |||||
7837518.tif (0kb) - Applicant plan 4/6/09 | |||||
7837428.tif (0kb) - Legal Services to Agent 17/4/08 | |||||
7837425.tif (0kb) - Officer/Applicant 26/11/07 | |||||
7837515.tif (0kb) - Applcianat 20/2/09 | |||||
5285862.tif (0kb) - Environment Agency 30/10/08 | |||||
8333426.tif (0kb) - Cons - Applicant 26/11/07 | |||||
6124691.tif (0kb) - Officer to Applicant 17/3/09 | |||||
Legal Agreements – 106/52 (0kb) - 27/09/06 |
Addresses |
28 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
32 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
36 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
Street Record Orchard Close Upper Arncott |
3 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
4 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
5 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
8 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
9 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
12 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
16 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
24 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
26 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
30 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
34 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott |
1 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
2 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
6 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
7 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
10 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
11 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
13 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
La Casita 14 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
18 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
20 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
22 Orchard Close Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1QT |
14 Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Bicester OX25 1PQ |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
02/01669/GD | 05/08/2002 | Government Department | Sites B, C, D And E MOD Bicester Oxon | Installation of 30 Oil Fired boilers and fuel tanks (as amended by plans received 05.09.02) | No Objections | 04/10/2002 |
06/01213/OUT | 19/06/2006 | Outline Application | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Outline - Residential development (41 no. dwellings) and access. Resubmission of 06/00431/OUT | Permitted | 18/09/2006 |
06/00431/OUT | 03/03/2006 | Outline Application | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Bicester Oxon | Outline - Residential development (41 no. dwellings) and access ( as amended by illustrative site layout plan CIR.M.0129-02-15 received 26.05.06). | Refused | 02/06/2006 |
06/00008/SO | 19/06/2006 | Screening Opinion | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Screening Opinion - Residential Development (41 Dwellings) | Screening Opinion not requesting EIA | 26/06/2006 |
07/00700/REM | 17/04/2007 | Matters Arising From Outline Approval | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Reserved Matters to Outline 06/01213/OUT - Residential development for 41 no. houses, including open space, car parking and landscaping (as amended by site layout plan 5038/01B received 13.06.06 and drawing nos 5038/14A, 24A and 25A received 05.06.07 and the additional Landscape/Hedgerow Details Report received 05.06.07). | Permitted | 15/06/2007 |
07/01365/F | 03/07/2007 | Full Development | Land South Of Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | 2 No. two bedroom dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking. | Refused | 22/08/2007 |
08/00853/F | 28/03/2008 | Full Development | Land South Of Buchanan Road Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | 2 No. two bedroom dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking. | Permitted | 23/05/2008 |
22/02805/CCE | 14/09/2022 | Compliance with Conditions | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott | Confirmation of Compliance of discharge of conditions for 07/00700/REM | Observations | 25/10/2022 |
Appeal Applications | ||||||
Appeal number | Appeal Start Date | Appeal Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | |
06/00041/REFAPP | 07/07/2006 | Appeal against Refusal | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Bicester Oxon | Outline - Residential development (41 no. dwellings) and access ( as amended by illustrative site layout plan CIR.M.0129-02-15 received 26.05.06). | Appeal Withdrawn |
Building Control Applications | ||||||
Application number | Received Date | Validated Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | |
08/00080/IND | 21/01/2008 | 21/01/2008 | Initial Notice Domestic | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | 41 Residential New Builds and 19 ancillary Buildings | |
09/00649/DOMFP | 29/07/2009 | 30/07/2009 | Full Plans | Land South Of Buchanan Road And South Of Greenfields Upper Arncott Oxfordshire | Two Semi Detached Houses with Car Ports |