Planning register

Planning Application - 06/00747/F

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Application Number
Application Type
Full Development
Application Permitted
Decision Level
Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT
Instrument Landing System (ILS) including: Lighting poles, localiser, indicator mast and runway safety strip
Kidlington North
Received Date
Valid Date
Weekly List Date
Comments Due Date
Target Decision Date
Committee Date
Decision Issued Date
Appeal Received Date
Appeal Start Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Date
Oxford Aviation Services Ltd
Applicant's Address
Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA
DPDS Consulting Group
Agents's Address
Old Bank House 5 Devizes Road Old Town Swindon SN1 4BJ

Written comments are publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Please refer to our Comment on a Planning Application page for further information. To view representations received please refer to the documents tab.

Neighbour List
Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressKindlins Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressLamorna Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressPerdiswell Farm Shipton Road Woodstock Kidlington Oxfordshire OX20 1QJ Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressUpper Campsfield Farm Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressFourwinds Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressByways Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressWest Wood Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressGlebe Cottage Banbury Road Shipton Bottom Shipton-On-Cherwell Oxfordshire OX5 1JJ Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressShipton Slade Cottage Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressOakdene Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date
AddressThe Cedars Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock Oxfordshire OX20 1QG Consult Date22/05/2006 Reply Due Reply Received Re-Consult Date Reply Due Reply Date

Consultee List
Name Address Consult Date Reply Due Reply Received Type
NameAppropriate Parish Council Address Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameCivil Aviation Authority AddressAviation House South Area GATWICK AIRPORT RH6 0YR Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameCounty Archaeological Services AddressOxfordshire County Council Speedwell House Speedwell Street OXFORD OX1 1NE Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameEcology (OCC) AddressEcologist Planner Oxfordshire County Council Signal Court Old Station Way Eynsham OX29 4TL Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameHead Of Planning And Affordable Housing Policy AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due16/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameHighways OCC Address Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameRights Of Way (OCC) AddressOxfordshire County Council Signal Court Old Station Way Eynsham OXFORD OX29 4TL Consult Date02/05/2006 Reply Due23/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameLandscape - Urban & Rural Services AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date03/05/2006 Reply Due17/05/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameWest Oxfordshire District Council - West Oxfordshire District Council AddressPlanning And Sustainable Communities Elmfield New Yatt Road Witney Oxon OX28 1PB Consult Date06/06/2006 Reply Due27/06/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
NameHead Recreation And Health Improvement Manager AddressCherwell District Council Bodicote House White Post Road Bodicote Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4AA Consult Date16/06/2006 Reply Due30/06/2006 Reply Received TypeStandard Consultee
Public Notices
Description Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
DescriptionGENERAL APPLN Display Date Expiry Date Notice Type
Description Display Date12/05/2006 Expiry Date02/06/2006 Notice Type

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Supporting Documents
Photographs 04/05/2006 Glide Path Mast (1631kb) -
Photographs 13/06/2006 A3 (1198kb) -
Photographs 13/06/2006 Photo View 1 - 8 (4902kb) -
Supporting Documents 04/05/2006 Planning Statement (478kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 13/06/2006 A1 Drg No. C2816/06/06 (4083kb) -
Site Location Plan 04/05/2006 C2816/06/01 A0 (11387kb) -
Site Location Plan 13/06/2006 A0 Drg No. C2816/06/01 B (9341kb) -
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys 04/05/2006 C2816/06/02 A1 (5206kb) -
Plans – Sections/Surveys 13/06/2006 A1 Drg No. C2816/06/02 B (4189kb) -
Proposed Plans
Amended Plans 27/08/2006 A3 - C2816 13.06.06 (1159kb) -
Amended Plans 27/08/2006 A4 - Photo's (4660kb) -
Amended Plans 27/08/2006 A1 - C281-06-05 13.06.06 (192kb) -
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations 13/06/2006 A1 Drg No. C2816/06/05 (4207kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 13/06/2006 Photo Viewpoint Location Plan (724kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Officer to GOSE 3/7/06 (31kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Officer to Applicant 3/7/06 (85kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Officer to Parish Councils 5/7/06 (221kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Anti Social Behaviour Manager 26/6/06 (362kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Begbrooke Parish Council 28/6/06 (650kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Gurl 26/6/06 (16kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Oldfield 28/6/06 (25kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 Draft reply to MP David Cameron 7/6/06 (40kb) -
Public Comments 08/11/2010 MP David Cameron 7/6/06 (32kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 08/11/2010 Committee report (354kb) -
Officer Report 08/11/2010 (268kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 13/03/2007 Conditions 12/3/07 (27kb) -
Decision 08/11/2010 27/7/06 (229kb) -
Decision 04/08/2006 27/07/06 (340kb) -
Planning Application Documents
6119966.tif 08/11/2010 Applicants 3/5/07 (32kb) -
Supporting Documents
Photographs (1631kb) - Glide Path Mast
Photographs (1198kb) - A3
Photographs (4902kb) - Photo View 1 - 8
Supporting Documents (478kb) - Planning Statement
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (4083kb) - A1 Drg No. C2816/06/06
Site Location Plan (11387kb) - C2816/06/01 A0
Site Location Plan (9341kb) - A0 Drg No. C2816/06/01 B
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys (5206kb) - C2816/06/02 A1
Plans – Sections/Surveys (4189kb) - A1 Drg No. C2816/06/02 B
Proposed Plans
Amended Plans (1159kb) - A3 - C2816 13.06.06
Amended Plans (4660kb) - A4 - Photo's
Amended Plans (192kb) - A1 - C281-06-05 13.06.06
Plans – Floor Plans/Elevations (4207kb) - A1 Drg No. C2816/06/05
Plans – Miscellaneous (724kb) - Photo Viewpoint Location Plan
Public Comments
Public Comments (31kb) - Officer to GOSE 3/7/06
Public Comments (85kb) - Officer to Applicant 3/7/06
Public Comments (221kb) - Officer to Parish Councils 5/7/06
Public Comments (362kb) - Anti Social Behaviour Manager 26/6/06
Public Comments (650kb) - Begbrooke Parish Council 28/6/06
Public Comments (16kb) - Gurl 26/6/06
Public Comments (25kb) - Oldfield 28/6/06
Public Comments (40kb) - Draft reply to MP David Cameron 7/6/06
Public Comments (32kb) - MP David Cameron 7/6/06
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (354kb) - Committee report
Officer Report (268kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (27kb) - Conditions 12/3/07
Decision (229kb) - 27/7/06
Decision (340kb) - 27/07/06
Planning Application Documents
6119966.tif (32kb) - Applicants 3/5/07
Oxford Airport Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Vida Health And Fitness Club Building 3 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Aviation Training Oxford Aviation Academy Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Aviation Services Building 000 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Building 36 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Capital Air Services Afe Pilot Shop Hangar 6 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Hangar 8 Management Part Hangar 3 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Gcat Flight Academy Pt Hangar 2 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Finas Airways Part Building 34 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Langford House Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1QT
Vida Health And Fitness Club Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Eurocopter Hangar 6 Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Eurocopter Hangar 5 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Hangar 7 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Oxfordshire County Council Campsfield Highways Depot Woodstock Road Kidlington
Langford Annexe Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Buildings 37 And 39 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Gama Aviation Engineering Ltd Hangar 3 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Nero Hangar 2 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Air Med Part Hangar 4 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RT
Oxford Airport Authority Main Tower Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Training School Car Park Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Gcat Flight Academy Buildings 27 To 30 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Wings Venture Hangar 9 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Flair Jet Rooms 19 To 21 At Building 33 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Hangar 4 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Orange Telecommunications Mast Oxf7037 Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Thames Valley Police Car Park Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Fire Station Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Aviation Services Building 2 Langford Annexe Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
OS Parcel 1855 West Of Banbury Road And East Of Upper Campsfield Road Woodstock
Childrens Air Ambulance Hangar 8 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Airport Authority Hangar 2 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
A2B Heli Hangar 4 South Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Langford Hall Flying Training School Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Julian Tyrell Felt Roofing Ltd Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
Oxford Airport Old Oxford Show Ground Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Oxford Aviation Services Part Building 2 Langford Annexe Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA
C S E Aviation C S E Aviation Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1QX
R D Aviation Ltd R D Aviation Ltd Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Land Adjoining Roadside North West Of The Old Pump House Woodstock Road Kidlington
Cae Oxford Aviation Academy Hangar 10 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Land Adjacent To Rose Cottage Woodstock Road Yarnton
Oxford Aviation Services Building 8 North Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Blackbrooks Rooms 17 And 18 At Building 33 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Early Years Nursery Kidlington Ltd The Farmhouse Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1QT
Oxford Aviation Services Building 2A Langford Annexe Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Aviation Academy Hangar 1 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Oxford Airport Authority Building 33 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT
Hangar 2 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington
Oxford Air Services Rooms 17 To 19 Pt Building 33 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1HT

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
96/01794/F 31/10/1996 Full Development Operations Building Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon First floor extension to existing Airport Operations Building for the relocation of offices and teaching facilities and the reinstatement of student accommodation in the Cherwell B Building. Permitted 23/12/1996
97/01225/F 03/07/1997 Full Development Hanger 4 Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Alterations to Hangar 4 to increase height to ridge on end section. Extension to be built over existing 2 bays Permitted 26/08/1997
97/00043/F 24/12/1996 Full Development General Aviation Centre (Helicopters) Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon Demolish existing timber framed buildings and replace with single storey extension to the existing Simulated Flight building. Permitted 03/03/1997
97/00053/F 24/12/1996 Full Development Engineering Training Centre Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon Demolition of existing World War II single skinned classroom building and adjoining timber framed/clad 60's building. Construction of new classroom block for Engineering Training Centre with associated office accommodation. Permitted 10/04/1997
98/00011/F 29/12/1997 Full Development Hanger 8 Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Proposed alteration to Hanger 8. Removal of existing door and extension to door opening Permitted 10/03/1998
98/01937/F 10/11/1998 Full Development Aviations Health And Fitness Club Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Removal of Condition 4 of CHS.904/88, (That the leisure centre hereby approved shall be used by students undertaking courses at the flying school only). RETROSPECTIVE Permitted 08/03/1999
98/01497/F 24/08/1998 Full Development Cylinder Shop Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Single storey extension to cylinder shop to provide improved facilities Permitted 16/10/1998
05/02411/F 08/12/2005 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of an 18m air traffic control aerial and equipment box Permitted 17/02/2006
03/01949/F 12/09/2003 Full Development Loom Shop Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Erection of single storey extension. Permitted 06/11/2003
03/02070/ADV 30/09/2003 Advertisement Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1SA Erection of 1 No. pole mounted sign (retrospective) Permitted 24/11/2003
04/02743/F 24/12/2004 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of new aircraft hangar to replace existing buildings 21-25 Oxford Airport Permitted 29/12/2005
04/02672/F 23/12/2004 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of aircraft hanger. Refused 18/03/2005
05/01559/ADV 08/08/2005 Advertisement Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of 2 No. pole mounted signs Permitted 03/10/2005
05/02352/F 30/11/2005 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of 5 no. portakabins on a temporary basis for three years Permitted 17/02/2006
05/00025/SO 05/09/2005 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Screening Opinion - Proposed runway widening, instrument landing system (ILS) and fuel farm Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 30/09/2005
05/01178/F 16/06/2005 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Resubmission of 04/02743/F - Erection of new aircraft hangar to replace existing buildings 21-25 Oxford Airport Application Withdrawn 04/01/2006
05/01342/F 06/07/2005 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Erection of hanger Permitted 29/12/2005
05/02438/TPO 15/12/2005 Works To Tree Preservation Order Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Remove lower branches to give ground clearance of 5.5m on 10 no. Horse Chestnut, 1no. Sycamore and 8 no. Cherry trees subject to TPO 41/89 Permitted 31/01/2006
06/00747/F 11/04/2006 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Instrument Landing System (ILS) including: Lighting poles, localiser, indicator mast and runway safety strip Permitted 27/07/2006
06/01399/F 12/07/2006 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Portacabin for office accommodation for a temporary period of 5 years Permitted 06/09/2006
07/00550/F 20/03/2007 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Office and operational accommodation for a temporary period of 5 years Permitted 29/05/2007
07/02709/F 14/01/2008 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Replacement building for business aviation centre (as amended by plans received 14/02/08) Permitted 10/03/2008
08/00318/F 12/02/2008 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Aircraft hanger and associated development Refused 25/04/2008
07/00006/SO 14/11/2007 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Screening Opinion - Proposed New Hanger 05/12/2006
08/01544/ADV 23/06/2008 Advertisement Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT 5 no. non-illuminated "RVP" signs Permitted 18/08/2008
09/00500/TPO 20/04/2009 Works To Tree Preservation Order Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Fell 4 no. Cherry trees, Fell 2 no. Horse Chestnut trees, Remove deadwood and dead limb from 1 no. Cherry tree subject to TPO 41/89 & 5/90 Permitted 15/06/2009
08/01504/F 07/07/2008 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Demolition of existing gatehouse and security lodge, erection of replacement gatehouse and security lodge and associated works Permitted 02/09/2008
11/01128/DEM 21/07/2011 Prior Approval - Demolition Buildings At London Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Demolition of buildings 1 - 7 Prior Approval Not Required 04/08/2011
15/00138/TPO 23/01/2015 Works To Tree Preservation Order Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Works to trees within G17 and G19 - Subject to TPO 41/89 as listed within the attached schedule Split Decision 27/03/2015
17/00896/F 09/05/2017 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Change of use of land to a rental car hire and erection of a modular building with signage Permitted 04/07/2017
17/00897/ADV 09/05/2017 Advertisement Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA 2 No. Fascia signs and 1 No. totem sign Permitted 04/07/2017
17/01574/F 01/08/2017 Full Development Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Creation of new "crash gate" to Langford Lane to replace existing gate, formation of hardstanding to provide new crossover, and associated alterations to the highway verge Permitted 21/09/2017
17/02190/F 01/11/2017 Full Development Land West Of The Junction With The Boulevard Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Proposed pilot training school comprising a 4 storey accommodation block, 2 storey teaching and training block, parking for cars, cycles and motorcycles, access road and landscaping Application Withdrawn 08/01/2018
16/02114/F 21/10/2016 Full Development Airways Aviation Academy Airspeed House Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Change of use of office/sui generis building to use as a non-residential educational establishment (Class D1) Permitted 13/12/2016
20/02676/MISC 29/09/2020 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Site preparation works including the removal of existing surface infrastructure and incidental structures; Erection of an aircraft hangar extending to approximately 7,111sqm (including approximately 848sqm of ancillary office accommodation). The dimensions of the hangar are approximately 138.6m length, 44.2m width, and 16.6m (maximum) height; Provision of an estate road to provide land-side vehicular access to the new hangar from the south. To include 38 car parking spaces; Provision of an extended area of hardstanding (apron) to the west (airside) of the proposed hangar extending to approximately 1.24ha; and associated surface water drainage and landscape works including the erection of new secure boundary fencing. Response Sent 16/10/2020
20/02804/SO 25/09/2020 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Site preparation works including the removal of existing surface infrastructure and incidental structures; Erection of an aircraft hangar extending to approximately 7,111sqm (including approximately 848sqm of ancillary office accommodation). The dimensions of the hangar are approximately 138.6m length, 44.2m width, and 16.6m (maximum) height; Provision of an estate road to provide land-side vehicular access to the new hangar from the south. To include 38 car parking spaces; Provision of an extended area of hardstanding (apron) to the west (airside) of the proposed hangar extending to approximately 1.24ha; and associated surface water drainage and landscape works including the erection of new secure boundary fencing. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 16/10/2020
20/03585/CLUP 15/12/2020 Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for site preparation works including the removal of existing surface infrastructure and incidental structures. Erection of an aircraft hangar extending to approximately 7,111 sq m (including approximately 848 sq m of ancillary office accommodation). The dimensions of the hangar are approximately 138.6m length, 44.2m width, and 16.6m (maximum) height. Provision of an estate road to provide land-side vehicular access to the new hangar from the south. To include 38 car parking spaces. Provision of an extended area of hardstanding (apron) to the west (airside) of the proposed hangar extending to approximately 1.24ha. Associated surface water drainage and landscape works including the erection of new secure boundary fencing. Permitted 09/02/2021
21/00857/SO 11/03/2021 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Redevelopment of London Oxford airport - Request for an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion requesting EIA 23/04/2021
21/02505/SO 21/07/2021 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA EIA Screening Opinion request from London Oxford Airport for a proposed relocation and expansion of the Airbus heliport facilities to a previously undeveloped part of the airport estate, on the northeast edge of the fenced estate lands Screening Opinion requesting EIA 11/08/2021
21/03264/SD 20/08/2021 Screening Direction Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Screening Direction to determine whether there is a requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Direction pursuant to Regulation 6(10) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 2017 (the EIA Regulations) in respect of the proposal at London Oxford Airport Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 19/10/2021
22/00679/CLUP 04/04/2022 Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for the erection of a new aircraft hangar building (the Main Building) to comprise workshop facilities for maintaining, storing and working on helicopters as well as ancillary office accommodation and associated facilities; erection of ancillary buildings; provision of an extended area of hardstanding (apron) to the south of the Main Building to be used for aircraft manoeuvring and stationing (parking); provision of a new surface car park to the north of the Main Building for staff and visitors; provision of an estate road to provide vehicular access to the new hangar from the south (this will connect into the existing airport internal estate road network); surface water drainage and landscape works and associated works as shown on the plans Prior Approval Not Required 30/05/2022
22/00801/MISC 17/03/2022 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA The proposed development comprises the demolition of an existing extension to Hangar 14 (which provides ancillary office accommodation) and the erection of a replacement 3-storey extension (of approximately 309sqm floorspace), and associated works. The new accommodation will provide ancillary offices and an aircraft parts store to support the maintenance operations based in the hangar. Prior Approval Not Required 13/06/2022
22/01066/MISC 08/04/2022 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA The proposed development comprises the demolition of an existing building and associated surface infrastructure, and the erection of a new fire station and associated works. The proposed building extends to approximately 507sqm in floorspace. Details are set out on the enclosed drawings. The new facility is required in order to meet airport operational needs and to accord with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) requirements Prior Approval Not Required 13/06/2022
22/01810/MISC 20/06/2022 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Proposing to realign the taxiway linking the main airport estate to the runway. The proposals are in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 8, Class F of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (“GPDO”). No Observations 05/07/2022
22/02641/M106 26/08/2022 Application to Modify a Section 106 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Section 106A application to modify the s106 Agreement associated with applications ref: 04/02743/F and 05/01342/F. Permitted 21/11/2023
22/02665/MISC 31/08/2022 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Proposed further works to improve the effectiveness of the taxiway at London Oxford Airport (“LOA” “the Airport”). These works will extend the existing taxiway (as amended under Part 8 Class F consultation ref: 22/01810/MISC) to the end of the runway Response Sent 28/09/2022
22/03749/SO 14/12/2022 Screening Opinion Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Screening Opinion for re-development of the entrance area to London Oxford Airport, comprising the erection of five new commercial units. We make this request in pursuance of Regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as updated) Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 04/01/2023
23/03587/MISC 21/12/2023 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Disaster Recovery Room under Schedule 2, Part 8, Class F of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Response Sent 23/01/2024
24/00305/ADV 06/02/2024 Advertisement Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA 1 no. Airbus internally illuminated sign on each of the north, south and east elevations of hangar building (total 3 no. illuminated signs) Permitted 02/04/2024
24/01121/MISC 24/04/2024 Miscellaneous Enquiries Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Airspace Change Proposal Observations 13/05/2024
24/01576/SD 11/06/2024 Screening Direction Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Screening Direction to confirm if an EIA is required in relation to a proposed new hangar for the parking and storage of aircraft (‘the Proposed Development’) in the north-east of the London Oxford Airport estate

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
94/10759/OTHFP 22/12/1994 23/12/1994 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1SA Hanger Five, Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxford Alterations to use as Go-kart track
96/10691/OTHBN 10/06/1996 14/06/1996 Building Notice (Other Works) Aviations Health And Fitness Club Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Students Leisure Centre, Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Additional fire escape
97/10811/OTHFP 03/03/1997 18/03/1997 Full Plans (Other Works) Engineering Training Centre Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon Oxford Training School - Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxford OX5 1RA New Porta Cabin and link
98/10919/OTHFP 03/12/1998 14/12/1998 Full Plans (Other Works) Cylinder Shop Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Single storey extension to form enlarged cylinder shop
03/01504/OTHFP 29/05/2003 30/05/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Engineering Training Centre Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon Alterations to existing builing- Section 32 Notice Issued 30 June 2006
03/02954/OTHFP 22/10/2003 23/10/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Jet Sim Building Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1SA Removal of internal partitions, provision of new fire escape doors and minor alterations
03/03210/OTHFP 26/11/2003 28/11/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Loom Shop Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Extension and alterations to offices
04/00146/OTHFP 09/02/2004 12/02/2004 Full Plans (Other Works) Aviations Health And Fitness Club Langford Lane Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Create Physio room and office. SECTION 32 NOTICE ISSUED ON 30 MARCH 2007
05/01404/OTHFP 28/11/2005 07/12/2005 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Alteration to layout - Engine workshops
06/00151/OTHFP 09/02/2006 13/02/2006 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA New aircraft hanger
07/01400/OTHFP 17/12/2007 21/12/2007 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Erection of portakabin and associated drainage
08/00447/OTHFP 28/04/2008 01/05/2008 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT New build business aviation building single storey modular building
09/00018/OTHFP 07/01/2009 08/01/2009 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT Extension of training facility into existing accommodation building
09/00999/INC 16/11/2009 16/11/2009 Initial Notice Commercial Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Internal Refurbishment and Overcladding of Roof on Hanger 3
10/00617/OTHFP 22/06/2010 24/06/2010 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Proposed Three Bay Hanger
13/00150/INC 26/02/2013 26/02/2013 Initial Notice Commercial Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Internal alterations to form new wall and door to baggage and passenger screening and crew lounge........CANCELLED........
17/01124/INC 26/09/2017 26/09/2017 Initial Notice Commercial London Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Two storey flight training building, 78 bedroom accommodation block and associated works - Withdrawn 11.05.2018
98/10915/OTHFP 02/04/1998 16/04/1998 Full Plans (Other Works) Hanger 8 Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Hangar 8 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Alterations to hangar to install larger doors
98/10918/OTHFP 30/11/1998 03/12/1998 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1SA Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Refurbishment work to Old Farmhouse
99/10234/OTHFP 14/01/1999 19/01/1999 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1SA Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Internal paritioning to Yorkon Building
03/02409/OTHFP 14/08/2003 18/08/2003 Full Plans (Other Works) Aviations Health And Fitness Club Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Change position of existing fire door
03/02541/OTHBN 04/09/2003 09/09/2003 Building Notice (Other Works) Aviations Health And Fitness Club Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon OX5 1RA Alterations to Mens and Ladies changing rooms, including refurbishment of showers, new toilets, provision of power for saunas.
04/00973/OTHFP 16/08/2004 17/08/2004 Full Plans (Other Works) Operations Building Oxford Airport Kidlington Oxon Alterations to operations area
05/00807/OTHFP 06/07/2005 13/07/2005 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxon Alterations to existing catering facility - SECTION 32 ISSUED 3 OCTOBER 2008
09/00017/OTHFP 07/01/2009 08/01/2009 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1HT New aircraft hangar
11/00036/PARTFP 12/01/2011 19/01/2011 Partnership Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Refurbishment of offices, and common parts
11/00594/OTHFP 06/07/2011 10/08/2011 Full Plans (Other Works) Land East Of Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Construction of new household and commercial waste recycling centre
11/01050/OTHFP 29/11/2011 05/12/2011 Full Plans (Other Works) Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1RA Erection of three storey office block
CP/BESCA/00011/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 Building Engineering Services Competence Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA air conditioning system with associated controls
19/01279/EL 19/11/2019 13/06/2019 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Install an air conditioning system in a non-dwelling.
19/01281/EL 19/11/2019 11/08/2019 Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA Install an air conditioning system in a non-dwelling. Install an air conditioning system in a non-dwelling.
22/00578/IN 13/05/2022 Initial Notice Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA New build maintenance hangar with associated accommodation and two storey offices
22/00579/IN 13/05/2022 Initial Notice Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA New fire station building
22/00580/IN 13/05/2022 Initial Notice Oxford Airport Langford Lane Kidlington OX5 1RA New aircraft hangar and associated single storey offices

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