Planning register

Building Control Application: CP/NICEIC/00097/2014

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Reference Number
Application Type
Competent Persons Scheme Type
Building Work Completed
Building Surveyor
Site Address
Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP
Description of Works
Install a replacement consumer unit New full electrical installation (new build)
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Applicant's Address
Agent's Address
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date
Work Pending

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
96/01055/F 24/06/1996 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon First floor flat for occupation by the Ammam. Permitted 19/08/1996
02/01034/F 13/05/2002 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Erection of a classroom Permitted 28/06/2002
03/01846/F 08/09/2003 Full Development Ash Shifa School Merton Street Banbury Oxon Proposed classroom Permitted 21/11/2003
03/01677/F 09/09/2003 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon First floor extension over part of existing Mosque and 2 No. two storey extensions inc. self contained unit Refused 10/11/2003
04/01084/F 14/05/2004 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Reposition existing 1.8 metre high post and mesh fence to north and west boundaries. Permitted 07/07/2004
06/02114/F 10/01/2007 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Two storey extensions and welfare adaptations. Associated parking. Refused 07/03/2007
07/01808/F 23/10/2007 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Resubmission of 06/02114/F - Extensions to existing mosque to incorporate improved access and provisions for female prayer facilities (as amplified by further information received 13.08.08). Permitted 23/09/2008
10/00386/DISC 06/12/2010 Discharge Of Conditions Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Discharge of conditions 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16 and 17 Split Decision 19/04/2011
10/01641/F 05/11/2010 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Variation of condition 15 of planning permission 07/01808/F - Retention of temporary building until completion of development Permitted 19/04/2011
10/00333/DISC 12/10/2010 Discharge Of Conditions Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Discharge of Conditions No.3 of 07/01808/F Permitted 08/12/2010
11/00552/F 13/05/2011 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Part first floor extension and additional first floor windows in eastern elevation, in addition to previously approved extensions under 07/01808/F Permitted 08/07/2011
12/01048/F 20/11/2012 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Construction of new Mosque building to include a further single storey side extension (revised scheme) - Part Retrospective Permitted 15/01/2013
13/00089/DISC 15/04/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Clearance of conditions 3 and 4 on 12/01048/F Permitted 06/06/2013
14/01325/F 12/08/2014 Full Development Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Variation of condition 11 of 07/01808/F - To allow car park to be used by Royal Mail Permitted 26/09/2014
16/01039/F 31/05/2016 Full Development Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Two storey extension to north-eastern elevation Permitted 22/07/2016
23/01624/OUT 14/06/2023 Outline Application Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Outline planning for portacabin (single storey) to west of car park with All Matters Reserved Application Withdrawn 10/10/2023
23/03403/OUT 08/01/2024 Outline Application Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Outline planning for portacabin (single storey) to west of car park with All Matters Reserved - Re-submission of 23/01624/OUT Permitted 04/03/2024
25/00159/OUT 05/02/2025 Outline Application Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Outline planning for (double storey) building to west of car park with All Matters Reserved apart from scale

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
94/10164/OTHFP 16/12/1994 15/02/1995 Full Plans (Other Works) Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Extension
97/10219/OTHFP 24/06/1997 27/06/1997 Full Plans (Other Works) Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon First floor extension
14/00185/OTHRG 28/02/2014 12/03/2014 Regularisation (Other Works) Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Construction of new mosque building to include a further 2 storey side extension
CP/NICEIC/00097/2014 06/03/2014 06/03/2014 Competent Persons Scheme Type Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Install a replacement consumer unit New full electrical installation (new build)
15/01281/OTHFP 25/11/2015 27/11/2015 Full Plans (Other Works) Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Single storey side extension to include WC and ablution area. - Amendments made new application 16/01138/OTHFP
02/00822/OTHFP 22/07/2002 25/07/2002 Full Plans (Other Works) Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxon Sewer connection
10/00858/INC 03/09/2010 03/09/2010 Initial Notice Commercial Banbury Mosque Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RP Extensions to existing Mosque to incorporate access and provisions for female prayer facilities
CP/NICEIC/01463/2014 15/07/2014 15/07/2014 Competent Persons Scheme Type Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Install one or more new circuits New full electrical installation (new build)
16/01138/OTHFP 17/10/2016 17/10/2016 Full Plans (Other Works) Banbury Madni Mosque Merton Street Banbury OX16 4RP Two storey side extension

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