Planning register

Building Control Application: CP/ELECSA/00785/2015

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Reference Number
Application Type
Electrical Safety in dwellings
Building Work Completed
Building Surveyor
Site Address
Burnt Oak 119 Mill Street Kidlington OX5 2EE
Description of Works
Control wiring including that of fire/security/heating/cooling/ventilation systems
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Applicant's Address
British Gas (West and South Midlands Area)
Agent's Address
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date
Work Pending

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
03/00101/OUT 23/01/2003 Outline Application Burnt Oak 119 Mill Street Kidlington Oxon OX5 2EE Erection of a pair of semi-detached residential houses with gardens on the site of the old barn/stable block (OUTLINE) Refused 18/03/2003
18/00825/HYBRID 11/05/2018 Hybrid/Mixed Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Demolition of buildings and structures as listed in Schedule 1; Outline planning permission for up to 1,175 new dwellings (Class C3); 60 close care dwellings (Class C2/C3); 929 m2 of retail (Class A1); 670 m2 comprising a new medical centre (Class D1); 35,175 m2 of new employment buildings, (comprising up to 6,330 m2 Class B1a, 13,635 m2 B1b/c, 9,250 m2 Class B2, and 5,960 m2 B8); 2.4 ha site for a new school (Class D1); 925 m2 of community use buildings (Class D2); and 515 m2 of indoor sports, if provided on-site (Class D2); 30m in height observation tower with zip-wire with ancillary visitor facilities of up of 100 m2 (Class D1/A1/A3); 1,000 m2 energy facility/infrastructure with a stack height of up to 24m (sui generis); 2,520 m2 additional education facilities (buildings and associated external infrastructure) at Buildings 73, 74 and 583 for education use (Class D1); creation of areas of Open Space, Sports Facilities, Public Park and other green infrastructure; Change of Use of the following buildings and areas: Buildings 357 and 370 for office use (Class B1a); Buildings 3036, 3037, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3041, and 3042 for employment use (Class B1b/c, B2, B8); Buildings 217, 3102, 3136, 3052, 3053, 3054, and 3055 for employment use (Class B8); Buildings 2010, 3008, and 3009 for filming and heritage activities (Sui Generis/Class D1); Buildings 2004, 2005 and 2006 for education use (Class D1); Buildings 366, 391, 1368, 1443, 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Class D1/D2 with ancillary A1-A5 use); Building 340 (Class D1, D2, A3); 20.3ha of hardstanding for car processing (Sui Generis); and 76.6ha for filming activities (Sui Generis); the continuation of use of areas, buildings and structures already benefiting from previous planning permissions, as specified in Schedule 2; associated infrastructure works including surface water attenuation provision and upgrading Chilgrove Drive and the junction with Camp Road Permitted 09/09/2022
25/00451/DISC 21/02/2025 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Condition 5 (phasing plan) of 18/00825/HYBRID

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
CP/GASAFE/00229/2014 21/05/2013 21/05/2013 Gas Safe Burnt Oak 119 Mill Street Kidlington OX5 2EE Installed a Gas Boiler
CP/NICEIC/01127/2015 06/03/2013 06/03/2013 Competent Persons Scheme Type Burnt Oak 119 Mill Street Kidlington OX5 2EE Replacement consumer unit Rewire of all circuits
CP/ELECSA/00785/2015 21/05/2013 21/05/2013 Electrical Safety in dwellings Burnt Oak 119 Mill Street Kidlington OX5 2EE Control wiring including that of fire/security/heating/cooling/ventilation systems

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