Planning register

Building Control Application: 23/27936/CP

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Reference Number
Application Type
Competent Persons Scheme
Competent Persons Notification
Building Surveyor
Site Address
18 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ
Description of Works
Install a gas-fired boiler.
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Applicant's Address
Utility Pros (UK) Limited
Agent's Address
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
11/01494/OUT 03/10/2011 Outline Application Site C Ploughley Road & Site D & E Ambrosden Road MOD Bicester Upper Arncott Oxfordshire Outline - Redevelopment of former MOD sites including demolition of existing buildings, development of 1900 homes; local centre to include a 2 form entry primary school (class D1), a community hall of 660sqm, five local shops or facilities to include A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses totalling up to 1358sqm, up to 1000sqm gross A1 uses, a pub/restaurant/hotel (class A4/A3/C1) up to 1000sqm and parking areas; employment floorspace comprising up to B1(a) 2160sqm, B1(b) 2400sqm, B1(c) and B2 20520sqm and B8 uses up to 66960sqm; creation of public open space and associated highway improvement works, sustainable urban drainage systems, biodiversity improvements, public transport improvements and services infrastructure. Erection of a 70400sqm fulfilment centre on 'C' site and associated on site access improvement works, hardstanding, parking and circulation areas Permitted 08/08/2014
15/02159/OUT 17/12/2015 Outline Application Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans), 26 (masterplan and design code), 27 (reserved matters first phase), 32, 33 (building heights), 39, 40 (construction standards), 41, 42 (housing mix), 51, 52 (highways works), 56 (lighting scheme), 58 (internal access), 68 (approved drainage strategy) of 11/01494/OUT Permitted 03/06/2016
16/01802/OUT 18/10/2016 Outline Application Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Variation of Condition 30 of 15/02159/OUT - Revised Design Code and Master Plan, and Removal of Condition 35 - Housing Mix Permitted 21/06/2017
17/00130/NMA 07/12/2017 Non Material Amendments Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Non-Material Amendment to 16/01802/OUT - substitution of parameter plan to amend size of 1 bed coach houses to 81sqm and 2 bed coach houses to 132 sqm in order to take account of garages - Plot Nos: 30, 101, 117, 172, 173, 174, 221, 222, 310, 311, 336 and 337 Permitted 04/01/2018
17/01788/REM 30/08/2017 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Reserved Matters Application to 16/01802/OUT - Proposed details of Graven Hill Phase 1a, Plot 0599 Permitted 28/11/2017
18/00001/DISC 02/01/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Discharge of condition 60 (fire hydrants) and condition 69 (lighting scheme for the pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes) of 16/01802/OUT Permitted 16/03/2018
18/00325/OUT 28/03/2018 Outline Application Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Variation of conditions 2 (plans), 28 (Phasing), 30 (building heights), 33 (Non-Residential Construction Standards), 38 (Landscape Habitat Management Strategy), 46 (Archaeology), 54 (Ground levels), 57 (Entrance works), and 71 (Phase 1 Masterplan) and removal of condition 58 (Pioneer Junction works) of 16/01802/OUT Permitted 03/08/2018
18/01664/REM 28/09/2018 Matters Arising From Outline Approval 18 Foundation Square Graven Hill Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ Reserved Matters to 18/00325/OUT - Proposed details of Graven Hill Phase 1a, Plot 0599 Permitted 08/02/2019
17/00022/NMA 06/02/2017 Non Material Amendments Sites B C D And E MOD Bicester Murcott Road Upper Arncott Non-Material Amendment to condition 30 of 15/02159/OUT - Substitution of amended parameter plan to increase GIA figures Permitted 08/03/2017
19/01581/REM 07/10/2019 Matters Arising From Outline Approval 18 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ Reserved matters for 18/00325/OUT - Proposed details of Graven Hill Phase 1a, plot 599 Permitted 02/12/2019

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
22/00159/IN 11/02/2022 Initial Notice 18 Foundation Square (Plot 599) Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ Construction of a detached 4 bedroom dwelling
23/26340/CP 24/12/2022 15/12/2022 Competent Persons Scheme 18 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ New full electrical installation (new build).
23/27936/CP 25/02/2023 24/01/2023 Competent Persons Scheme 18 Foundation Square Ambrosden Bicester OX25 2AQ Install a gas-fired boiler.

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