Planning register

Building Control Application: 02/00783/DGABN

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Reference Number
Application Type
Building Notice (Garages)
Building Notice Accepted
Building Surveyor
Graham Rosser
Site Address
Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN
Description of Works
2 Car garage to built
Received Date
Valid Date
5 Week Date
8 Week Date
Building Notice Approval
Decision Date
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Mr W C T Keen
Applicant's Address
Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN
Agent's Address
Approved Inspector's Insurer
Competent Persons Scheme Name
Plot Address Plot Status Commencement Date Completion Date
Work Commenced 13/08/2002

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
00/00574/AGN 27/03/2000 Agricultural Notification Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN Extension to farm building Prior Approval Not Required 10/05/2000
02/00004/F 07/01/2002 Full Development Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN Erection of garage on existing parking area Permitted 04/03/2002
16/01955/CLUE 04/10/2016 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use / Development for the formation of outdoor arena, erection of perimeter boarding (see plan ref nos. 902-1A and 902-2) and use of land and buildings for equestrian purposes (see plans attached to statutory declaration for Katie Macdonald and red line plan version of plan 902-1A) Refused 29/11/2016
17/00425/CLUE 23/02/2017 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use for the construction of outdoor arena and erection of perimeter boarding and use of land and buildings for private equestrian purposes - sui generis Permitted 19/04/2017
18/00507/CLUP 05/04/2018 Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for the demolition of external pergola structures to kitchen and garage, replacement of all external windows, enlargement of some ground floor windows, lowering of external garden wall and replacement of external pointing and application of a lime wash to neutralise the varying conditions of brickwork. Application Withdrawn 22/05/2018
18/00842/F 11/05/2018 Full Development Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Replacement of all external windows, introduction of one skylight to the existing barn, various alterations to window sizes including enlargement, infill and introduction of new openings, demolishing and rebuilding of the garage block, found to be currently inadequate for residential use without underpinning or rebuilding). Other minor works which fall under permitted development, as confirmed at pre-app stage include, demolition of external pergola structures to kitchen and garage, lowering of external garden wall to allow views, replacement of external pointing and application of a lime wash to neutralise the varying conditions of brickwork. Permitted 11/07/2018
22/01985/F 04/07/2022 Full Development Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Oxfordshire OX17 3HN Change of use from an equestrian manege and construction of a hard surfaced tennis court and an inground swimming pool with pool hut Permitted 04/10/2022
22/03670/F 07/12/2022 Full Development Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury OX17 3HN Variation of condition 2 (plans) of 22/01985/F - the applicant would like to play padel tennis rather than lawn tennis. This requires a change to the design approved in application 22/01985/F Permitted 08/02/2023

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
02/00783/DGABN 17/07/2002 18/07/2002 Building Notice (Garages) Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN 2 Car garage to built
95/10018/OTHFP 11/08/1995 15/08/1995 Full Plans (Other Works) Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon OX17 3HN Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury Oxon Barn conversion
18/00979/IND 30/08/2018 30/08/2018 Initial Notice Domestic Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Single Storey Side Extension With Link To Existing Dwelling, Replace Windows Throughout Including Enlarging and Creating New Openings, Replace Roof Structure, Renovate Thermal Elements Throughout and Renovation Throughout (excluding electrical Installation)
CP/NAPIT/01027/2014 17/03/2014 17/03/2014 Competent Persons Scheme Type Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Install one or more new circuits Building Sharing Supply with Dwelling
CP/NAPIT/00114/2019 22/03/2019 22/03/2019 Competent Persons Scheme Type Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Install a photovoltaic system
20/00818/CP 12/01/2020 30/12/2019 Competent Persons Scheme Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Install a unvented hot water storage with a heating system. Install an air source heat pump.
20/01001/CP 17/12/2019 29/11/2019 Competent Persons Scheme Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Installed ACR Earlswood with competency Install a solid fuel dry fuel room heater, stove or cooker. Installed Chimney Chimney with competency Install a non-masonry flue/chimney system.
20/03751/CP 01/08/2019 28/01/2019 Competent Persons Scheme Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Install one or more new circuits.
23/31238/CP 24/06/2023 18/06/2023 Competent Persons Scheme Adderbury Hill Barn Milton Road Adderbury Banbury OX17 3HN Install a gas-fired boiler.

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