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Reference Number 24/00004/REF |
Planning Inspectorate Reference APP/C3105/W/24/3338211 |
Location Land East Of Warwick Road Drayton
Warwick Road
Banbury |
Proposal Outline application for up to 170 dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated open space and vehicular access off Warwick Road, Banbury; All matters reserved except for access |
Status Appeal Determined |
Parish Hanwell |
Ward Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton |
Start Date 15/02/2024 |
Comments to PINS Due 29/07/2024 |
Appeal Procedure Public Inquiry |
Planning Case Officer Andy Bateson |
Phone |
Appeals Case Officer |
Email |
Phone |
Venue (if applicable) Council Chamber, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA |
Decision Appeal Allowed |
Decision Date 29/07/2024 |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Appeal Documents | |||||
Appeal Core Documents | 04/07/2024 | Banbury Core Documents List - 210624 v9.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD1 ORIGINAL PLANNING APPLICATION DOCUMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.1 Application Form Including Certificates | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.2 Covering Letter (ref. Bov3002) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.3 Planning Statement (march 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 1.1 Statement Of Technical Competence | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 2.1 Eia Scoping Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 2.2 Eia Scoping Opinion | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 6.1 Heritage And Archaeological Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R010a) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 6.2 Archaeological Geophysical Survey (ref. 40324 V1) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 6.3 Archaeological Evaluation Report (ref. 4410l Ar V1.8) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 7.1 Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R007c) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 7.2 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R0009b) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 7.3 Representative Photo Viewpoints | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 7.4 Representative Night Photo Viewpoints | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.4 Environmental Statement And Technical Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Env Statement Vol 1 Main Text And Figures Contents Page Bovs3002 Es V1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Env Statement Vol 2 Technical Appendices Contents Page Bovs3002 Es V2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Env Statement Vol 3 Env Management Plan Bovs3002 Es V3 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Env Statement Vol 4 Non Technical Summary Bovs3002 Es V4 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 1. Introduction Bode54~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 2. Approach To Eia Bof430~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 3. Site Context Bo6de2~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 4. Development Specification Bovs30~2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 5. Consideration Of Alternatives Bovs30~4 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 6. Built Heritage And Archaeology Bovs30~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 7. Landscape And Visual Bo741b~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 7.4 Findings Of Edps Visual Appraisal Figure~3 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 7.2 Relevant Planning Designations And Considerations Fi760e~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 8. Assessment Of Cumulative Effects Boaffa~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | 9. Summary Bovs30~3 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 1.1 Site Location Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 4.1 Parameter Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 4.2 Illustrative Landscape Strategy | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 7.1 Site Character And Local Context Fic7a4~1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 06/06/2024 | Figure 8.1 Approved Projects Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.5 Site Location Plan Edp3253 D007 E | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.6 Concept Plan (ref. Edp3253 D038 D) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.7 Land Use Amount And Access Parameter Plan (ref. Edp3253 D031 D) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.8 Design And Access Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.9 Fra And Drainage Strategy | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.10 Ecological Appraisal | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.11 Statement Of Community Engagement | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.12 Transport Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.13 Framework Travel Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.14 Phase 1 Geotechnical Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.15 Air Quality Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.16 Noise Impact Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.17 Energy And Sustainability Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.18 Agricultural Land Quality Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.19 Utilities Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd1.20 Lighting Impact Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD2 AMENDED ADDITIONAL APPLICATION DOCUMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd2.1 Updated Archaeological Evaluation Report (4410l Aer V1.10) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd2.2 Highways Technical Note And Appendices (17279 Rev.03) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd2.3 Site Boundary Plan (edp3253 D045 B) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD3 RELEVANT PLANNING APPLICATION CONSULTATION RESPONSES | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.1 Cdc Housing Strategy & Development Team (22 June 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.2 Cdc Planning Policy, Conservation And Design Team (11th May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.3 Cdc Ecology (26 June 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.4a Cdc Environmental Health 17 April 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.4b Cdc Environmental Health (17 April 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.5 Cdc Recreation And Leisure (10 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.6 Occ Archaeology (17 April 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.7 Occ Archaeology (no Date) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.8 Occ Rights Of Way Officer 25 April 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.9 Occ Building Control (no Date) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.10 Occ Single Response (12 June 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.11 Occ Single Response (16 August 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.12 Mca Independent Review Of Landscape Visual Asessment (19 July2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.13 Environment Agency 18 July 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.14 Thames Valley Policy Crime Prevention 18 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.15 Thames Water (19th April 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.16 Cpre (11 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.17 Bob Icb | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.18 Banbury Civic Society (no Date) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.19 Banbury Town Council 5 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.20 Banbury Town Council 10 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.21 Shotteswell Parish Council (no Date) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.22 Horley Parish Council (16 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.23 Drayton Parish Council (19 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.24 Hanwell Parish Council (31 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.25 Khvrag Objection Report (stansgate Planning) (may 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd3.26 The Bourtons Parish Council (18 May 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD4 APPLICATION DECISION | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd4.1 Decision Notice | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd4.2 Committee Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd4.3 Committee Supplementary Information | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd4.4 Committee Minutes | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD5 LOCAL PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.1 Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 Part 1 (july 2015) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.2 Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 Part 1 Partial Review (sept 2020) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.3 Saved Policies Of The Cherwell Local Plan 1996 (nov 1996) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.4 Minerals And Waste Core Strategy (sept 2017) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.5 Saved Policies Of The Occ Minerals And Waste Local Plan 1996 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.6 Emerging Cherwell Local Plan Review 2040 Reg 18 Consultation Draft Sept 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.7 Cherwell Residential Design Spd Adopted July 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.8 Developer Contributions Spd February 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.9 Hanwell Conservation Area Appraisal August 2007 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.10 Interim Policy Guidance Note First Homes (dec 2021) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.11 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.12 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.13 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.14 South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.15 Appendix 1 Retained Policies List | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.16 Appendix 2 Indicative Site Development Templates | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.17 Appendix 3 Housing Developable And Deliverable Supply | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.18 Appendix 4 Green Belt Indicative Boundary Changes | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.19 Appendix 5 Indicative Safeguarded Infrastructure Maps | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.20 Appendix 6 Biodiversity Green Infrastructure | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.21 Appendix 7 Local Green Space | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.22 Appendix 8 Nature Recovery Networks | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.23 Appendix 9 Conservation Target Areas | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.24 Appendix 10 Primary Shopping Area Maps | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.25 Appendix 11 Airport Safeguarded Areas | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.26 Appendix 12 Local Plan Reference List | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd5.27 Appendix 13 Glossary Cherwell District Council | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD6 EVIDENCE BASE | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.1 Cdc Banbury Landscape Sensitivity And Capacity Assessment (sept 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.2 Cdc Banbury Green Buffer Report (sept 2013) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt3 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.4 Cdc Housing And Economic Land Availabilit Assessment (helaa) (feb 2018) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.5 Housing Land Supply Statement February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.6 Housing Land Supply Position Statement Update Jan 24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.7 Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment April 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.8 Cherwell District And Occ Housing And Economic Needs Assessment (dec 2022) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.9 Annual Monitoring Report 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.10 Regulation 10a Review Of Local Plan Policies 2020 (jan 2021) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.11 Regulation 10a Review Of Local Plan Policies (february 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.12 Inspector’s Report Cherwell Local Plan Part 1 (2015) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.13 Cherwell Partial Review Oxford's Unmet Housing Need Delivery Topic Paper | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.14 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Regulation 10a Review September 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.15 Cherwell Local Plan (part 1) Partial Review Transport Topic Paper (pr102) (itp, January 2019) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.16 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report (luc) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.17 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary (luc) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.18 Vowh Local Plan 2031 Detailed Policies And Additional Sites Topic Paper 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.19 Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 (part 1) Inspector's Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.20 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Oxford Unmet Need Inspector's Report & Modifications | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.21 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 1 Inspectors Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.22 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 2 Inspectors Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.23 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Inspectors Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.24 South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 Inspectors Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.25 Oxford Growth Board Report A Countywide Approach (26 September 2016) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.26 Memorandum Of Co Operation Need For Housing In Oxfordshire | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd6.27 Land East Of Grove Housing Land Supply Appeal Evidence Of Thomas Rice | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.28 Dummy | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd6.29 Cherwell Partial Review Examination Hearings Oxford's Unmet Housing Need Socg | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7 NATIONAL PLANNING POLOICIES AND GUIDANCE | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.1 Nppf (sept 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.2 Ppg Housing Supply And Delivery | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.3 Ppg Natural Environment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.4 Ppg Historic Environment | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.5 National Design Guide Beautiful Enduring Successful Places(2021) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.6a National Model Design Code Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.6b National Model Design Code Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.7a Manual For Streets (2007) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.7b Manual For Street 2 (2010) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.8 Building For A Healthy Life (july 2020) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.9 Plans Containing Strategic Policies | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd7.10 Nppf (dec 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD8 STATEMENTS OF CASE AND STATEMENTS OF COMMON GROUND | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd8.1 Appellants Statement Of Case (dated Feb 2024) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd8.2 LPA Statement Of Case (dated March 2024) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 04/06/2024 | Cd8.3 - Land East of Warwick Road Banbury - Statement of Common Ground 03062024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd8.4 Heritage Statement Of Common Ground Signed | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd8.5 Landscape Statement Of Common Ground Signed | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd8.6 Warwick Road Banbury Appeal Pins Ref 3338211 Hls Topic Socg Vf Signed 24.05.24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD9 PROOFS OF EVIDENCE | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.1 Appellant's Planning Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.2 Affordable Housing Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.2 Affordable Housing Poe Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.2 Summary Affordable Housing Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.3 Housing Delivery And Housing Land Supply Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.3 Housing Delivery And Housing Land Supply Poe Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.4 Landscape And Visual Impact Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd9.5 Heritage Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.5 Heritage Poe Summary | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.6 Urban Design Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.6 Urban Design Summary Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Summary Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 1. Page 140 Cherwell Lp Review. | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Plannig Poe Appendix 2. Page 163 Cherwell Lp Review. | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 3. Page 186 Cherwell Lp Review | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 4. Page 205 Cherwell Lp Review | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.8 Lpa Housing Supply Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.8 Lpa Housing Supply Poe Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.9 Lpa Landscape Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.10 Lpa Heritage Poe | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.10 Lpa Heritage Poe Appendix | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd9.11 Lpa Rebuttal | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD10 APPEAL DOCUMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.1 3326761 Heyford Park Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.2 3194926 Woolpit Suffolk Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.3 3185776 Ardleigh, Colchester Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD10.4 - 3265861 Little Sparrows, Sonning Common decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.5 3190821 London Road, Woolmer Green Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.6 3207509 Bures Hamlet, Essex Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.7 3218880 Southfield Road, Gretton Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.8 3285624 Land At Farleigh Farm, Backwell Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.9 3277137 Edith Summerskill House Inquiry Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.10 3165228 Oving Road And A27, Chichester Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.11 3136237 Langton Road, Norton Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.12 3191477 Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.13 3278256 Filands Road, Malesbury Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.14 3292721 Spruce Close, Exeter Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.15 3296116 Maitland Lodge Billericay Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.16 3297487 Witney Road, Ducklington Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.17 3324631 Sondes Place Farm, Dorking Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.18 3230827 Oxford Brookes University Wheatley Campus Sos Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.19 3329587 Rutten Lane Yarnton Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.20 2222789 Porthpean Road St Austell Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.21 Land East Of Grove, Grove | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.22 Land At North West Bicester, Charlotte Avenue, Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.23 Poplar Hill, Stowmarket | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 30/05/2024 | Cd10.24 Appj1860w213289643 Land At Leigh Sinton Farms Leigh Sinton Road B4503 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.25 Truman's Farm, Manor Lane, Gotherington | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.26 Former Loxley Works, Storrs Bridge Lane, Loxley | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.27 Part Parcel 0025, Hill End Road, Twyning | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.28 Land At Site Of Former North Worcestershire Golf Club Secretary Of State Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.29 Land At (os 8579 4905), South Of Post Office Lane, Kempsey | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.30 Land Between 27 And 39 Sutton Road, Witchford | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.31 Land North Of Banbury Road, Finmere | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD10.32 APP/C3105/W/23/3324251 - Land Adj to Wise Crescent, Opposite the Laurels, Fringford | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.33 Milcombe 35 Dwellings By Abbeymill Homes | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.34 Hempton Road, Nr Deddington | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.35 Land North Of Ells Lane, Bloxham | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.36 Os Parcel 1570 Adjoining And West Of Chilgrove Drive | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.37 Appeal Decision 3313440 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.38 App.z2830.w.21.3269904 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.39 Appz2830w203259839 240305 221625 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.40 9. App.z2830.w.21.3270614 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd10.41 3332089 Appeal Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD11 COURT JUDGEMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd11.1 North Wiltshire District Council V Secretary Of State (1993) 65 P And Cr 137 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd11.2 Catesby Estates V Steer [2018] Ewca Civ 1697 (kedleston Hall Court Of Appeal Judgement) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd11.3 Stroud Dc V Sos Ewhc 488 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd11.4 Tewkesbury Borough Council V Sshclg [2021] | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD12 CORRESPONDENCE SINCE THE APPEAL WAS LODGED | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD13 OTHER DOCUMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.1 Housing Strategy 2019 To 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.2 Homelessness And Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 To 2026 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.3 Cdc The Business Plan 2022 To 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.4 The Setting Of Heritage Assets (gpa 3), Historic England (2017) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.5 Appellant Correspondence To Historic England | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.6 Historic England Correspondence 24 January 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.7 Extract From Listed Buildings And Other Heritage Assets (mynors And Hewitson 2023) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.8 Li Techincal Guidance Note Tgn 06 19 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.9 Li Technical Guidance Tgn 02 11 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.10 Vale Of White Horse Hls Statement December 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.11 Housing Delivery Test 2022 Measurement Technical Note | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.12 Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rule Book 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.13 Guidelines For Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment (glvia3), Li And Iema, 2013 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.14 Housing Land Supply Statement For The Vale Of White Horse June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.15 Housing Land Supply Statement For The Vale Of White Horse November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.16 West Oxfordshire Housing Land Supply Position Statement 2023 2028 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.17 Heyford Park Nppf Nppg Comments(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.18 Heyford Park Appeal Letter From Savills To Pins (12th January) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.19 Emery Planning Comments On Revised Nppf And Updated Ppg | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.20 Letter From Emery Planning To Heyford Park Appeal (14th February) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.21 Email From Andy Bateson To Pins For Heyford Park Appeal (14th February) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.22 Letter From Andy Bateson To Pins For Heyford Park Appeal (12th January) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.23 Sarah Reid Kc And Constanze Bell, Advice, 11 January 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.24 Douglas Edwards Kc, Advice, 30 January 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.25 Sarah Reid Kc, Advice, 7 February 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.26 Sarah Reid Kc, Supplemental Advice, 8 February 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.27 Douglas Edwards Kc, Advice, 27 February 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.28 Historic England Correspondence 20 December 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd13.29 Planning (listed Buildings And Conservation Areas) Act 1990 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 05/06/2024 | Cd13.30 Cherwell DC Cil Reg Compliance Statement May 2024 21042024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 05/06/2024 | Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc1 Cherwell Community Spaces Study | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 05/06/2024 | Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc2 Cherwell Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 05/06/2024 | Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc3 Cherwell Pposs Strategy Feb 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 04/07/2024 | CD13.30 - Appendix CDC 4 - CIL Compliance Statement Heyford..pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 04/06/2024 | Cd13.30. Site Plan 95 Application.jpg | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 05/06/2024 | Cd13.31 OCC R122 Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 04/06/2024 | Cd13.31. Hanwell Chase Site Plan.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD14 HOUSING LAND SUPPLY ASSESSMENT RELEVANT EVIDENCE | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.1 Draft S106 Agreement Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.2 Minutes Of August 2023 Meeting Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.3 Regulation 18 Representations Obo Promoter Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.4 Email Correspondence R.e Salt Way East November 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.5 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes Sales Particulars | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.6 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes 23 October Proforma Covering Email | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.7 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes 23 October 2023 Proforma | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.8 Bloor Banbury Rise Covering Email 13 October 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd14.9 Bloor Banbury Rise Site Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.10 Land At Deerfields Farm Covering Email (awaiting item) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.11 Hook Norton Deanfield Homes Pre App Meeting Covering Email | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.12 Hook Norton Deanfield Homes Pre App Acknowledgement | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.13 Kidlington Garage Email Regarding S106 Progression | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.14 Phasing Statement Salt Way East (wykham Park) | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.15 Greencore Homes Grange Farm North West Of Station Cottage Station Road Launton Banners | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.16 Drayton Lodge July 2023 Covering Email And Details Of Construction Traffic Management Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.17 Drayton Lodge July March Covering Email And Details Of Proposed Landscape Management Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.18 Email Correspondence R.e Drayton Lodge Development Expectations November 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.19 Sm 0204 01 Deerfields Farm Condition 3 Nma 06 02 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 07/06/2024 | Cd14.20 22 03063 F Committee Report | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | CD15 INTERESTED PARTIES DOCUMENTS | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.1 Bourtons Script For The Inspectorate | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.2 Drayton Parish Council | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.3 Hanwell Parish Council | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.4 Khvr Vistry Appeal Transcript | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.6 Vistry Appeal Cllr Chris Brant | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Core Documents | 29/05/2024 | Cd15.5 Landscape Document Khvr 18.5.24 V1 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 06/06/2024 | Horley Parish Council Landscape Document KHVR Final.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 06/06/2024 | Vistry Homes Appeal Statement Nina Musgrave Drayton Parish Council.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 06/06/2024 | CR Appeal speech .pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 06/06/2024 | Bourtons Response to the Vistry application for the Inspectorate.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 02/07/2024 | Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - densities comparison 21.06.24.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Planning Conditions Final July 2024.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Inquiry documents list 21.06.24.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id1 Appellant Opening Final 4.6.2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id2 Lpa Opening Final 4.6.24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id3 Appellant List Of Appearances 03.06.24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id4 Cdc List Of Attendees | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id5 Cdc Details Of Affordable Housing | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id6 Hanwell Parish Council Speech | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id7 Bourtons Response Speech | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id8 Horley Parish Council Landscape Document Khvr Final | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id9 Drayton Parish Council Speech | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id10 Hanwell Chase Site Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id11 95 01117 Out Site Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id12 Interim Sustainability Appraisal August 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id13 Oxfordshire Housing Deal Delivery Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id14 S106 Summary For Inspector | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id15 Send Sufficiency Strategy | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 04/07/2024 | Id16 Densities Comparison 21.06.24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 05/07/2024 | Order by Judge - Permission Stage (Papers) - Permission Granted.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appeal Documents | 09/07/2024 | Land East of Warwick Road - s106 - Completed_Redacted.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 25/06/2024 | Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Response to Council 25.6.2024.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 25/06/2024 | Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Closing Statement.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 05/07/2024 | Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Closing Statement.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 05/07/2024 | Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Response to Council 25.6.2024.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Lpa Start 3338211 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | 01 Appeal Form 972130 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | 5c List Of Plans In The Decision | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | 6b List Of Amended Submission | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Edp3253 D045 B Site Boundary Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | 5b List Of Original Application | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex A Ecia 9731.02.010 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex B Amphibians 9731.02.005 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex C Badger 9731.02.011 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex E Breeding Bird 9731.02.007 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex F Otter & Water Vole 9731.02.006 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Annex G White Clawed Crayfish 9731.02.009 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Gladman Full Planning Statement Of Case | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Gladman Appendices To Planning Statement Of Case | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Gladman Appendices To Statement Of Case Re Housing Land Supply | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Gladman Landscape Hearing Statement Including Appendicies | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Gladman Statement Of Case Re Housing Land Supply | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/02/2024 | Tadmarton Road Bloxham Appeal Letter To Pins 02.02.24 | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Gladman Ecology Hearing Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Land East Of Warwick Road Banbury Statement Of Case | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Soc Appendix 1 Site Boundary Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Soc Appendix 2 Decision Notice | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Soc Appendix 3 Planning Policy Context | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2024 | Soc Appendix 4 Historic England Correspondence | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 05/07/2024 | LAND EAST OF WARWICK ROAD. CHERWELL DISTRICT COUNCIL CLOSING.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 02/04/2024 | Statement Of Case On Behalf Of The Local Planning Authority(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 07/05/2024 | Notification 2 Letter sent on the 07.05.2024. | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 08/05/2024 | 05.07.JG.OX5092PS. HLS PoE obo CDC Warwick Road Banbury PINS Ref 3338211 vf.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 08/05/2024 | 05.07.JG.OX5092PS.Warwick Road Banbury Appendices to HLS PoE obo CDC 3338211 vf.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 08/05/2024 | 05.07.JG.OX5092PS. HLS PoE obo CDC Warwick Road Banbury PINS Ref 3338211 vf + Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 21/05/2024 | Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - May 2024 21042024.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 21/05/2024 | Appendix CDC3 - Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy Feb 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 21/05/2024 | Appendix CDC 2 - Cherwell Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 21/05/2024 | Appendix CDC1 - Cherwell Community Spaces Study.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 25/06/2024 | Council Closing Statement | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 25/06/2024 | Order by Judge - Permission Stage (Papers) - Permission Granted.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 22/03/2024 | STATEMENT OF CASE ON BEHALF OF THE LOCAL PLANNING AUTHORITY.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 27/03/2024 | Agent Grid Ref confirmation RE_ Appeal APP_C3105_W_24_3338211 - Land east of Warwick Road_ Banbury - CDC Application 23_008 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 25/04/2024 | Copy of Appellants site notice. | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 20/02/2024 | Neighbour Notif 1 2400004ref(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 20/02/2024 | Consultee Letter 1 2400004ref(3) | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 21/02/2024 | Questionnaire To Pins | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 21/02/2024 | Questionnaire 993953 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | 211b Current User Victoria Prentis Mp 22 Mar 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Adams D 1000500 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Adams D 1000500 Interested Party (attachment) 3338211 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Adams D 1000500 Interested Party (attachment) Future Land Image Hanwell | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Adams D 1004047 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aitken C 1006163 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aitken C 1006163 Interested Party (attachment) Clifford Aitken Objection 10 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aitken E 1006166 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aitken E 1006166 Interested Party (attachment) Elizabeth Joan Robin Aitken Objection 09 05 2023 (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Allen N 1000513 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aramini C 1002873 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Aramini C 1002873 Interested Party (attachment) Christophe Aramini Objection 25 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Ashdown B 1000498 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Ashdown B 1000498 Interested Party (attachment) Brian Ashdown Objection 15 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Ashwell E 999396 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bailey A 999482 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bailey J 999510 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Baker A 1005127 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bathurst C 1005162 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bathurst C 1005162 Interested Party (attachment) Christopher Bathurst Objection 18 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Beck D 1003749 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Beck D 1003810 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brant C 1002815 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brant C 1002815 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Village Hall Team Committee C O Diana Sadler Objection 27 04 2023 (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brant C 1005523 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brant C 1005523 Interested Party (attachment) Chris Brant, Resident Of Hanwell | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby F 1005050 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby F 1005050 Interested Party (attachment) Francesca Bromby Objection 17 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby K 1005044 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby K 1005044 Interested Party (attachment) Kenton Bromby Objection 26 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby N 1005047 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby N 1005047 Interested Party (attachment) Nicola Bromby Objection 16 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby R 1005053 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bromby R 1005053 Interested Party (attachment) Raymond Bromby Objection 19 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brooks A 1001759 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brown J 1001042 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Brown P 1002659 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Buchanan M 1000170 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Bulmer N 999932 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Candlin G 1000416 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Carter G 1001821 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Carter G 1001821 Interested Party (attachment) Gareth Carter Objection 26 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party (attachment) Sarah & Daniel Ann Cavanagh Objection 18 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party (attachment) Sarah & Daniel Ann Cavanagh Objection Letter 18 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Chasey C 1000428 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Chasey C 1000428 Interested Party (attachment) Celia Chasey Objection 25 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Chasey C 1000434 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Chasey C 1000434 Interested Party (attachment) Evelopment Of 175 Houses Over Two Fields Would Mean Our Small Village Hanwell Would Be Joined To Banbury | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark C 1005426 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark J 1005569 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark J 1005569 Interested Party (attachment) James Clark | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark N 1005423 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark O 1005422 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark S 1005410 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark W 1005573 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Clark W 1005573 Interested Party (attachment) Wendy Clark | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cllr George Reynolds | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cobb S 1006168 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Coelho C 1000022 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Collett P 999058 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Collingwood Turner D 1005574 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Collingwood Turner D 1005574 Interested Party (attachment) David Andrew Collingwood Turner Objection 13 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Collingwood Turner G 1005575 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Collingwood Turner G 1005575 Interested Party (attachment) Gail Ann Collingwood Turner Objection 14 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Corkish R 1000994 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Corkish R 1000994 Interested Party (attachment) Ronald Corkish Objection 04 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Cozon J 1003795 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Daniels M 1000307 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Daniels M 1000307 Interested Party (attachment) Marion Daniels Objection 22 04 2023 (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Davies G 1003243 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Davis J 999841 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Davis J 999841 Interested Party (attachment) Jo Davis Objection 24 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Davis M 1005210 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Davis M 1005210 Interested Party (attachment) Mark Davis Objection 19 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Dessain G 1003355 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Dessain G 1003355 Interested Party (attachment) Planning Letter | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Dessain J 1003364 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Dury N 1002254 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Dury N 1002254 Interested Party (attachment) 20230518 112541 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Flaherty P 999866 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Fletcher K 1002951 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Foley J 1000569 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gascoigne R 1003253 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | George A 1005130 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gerber A 1002238 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gerber C 1002223 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gerber C 1002237 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gerber F 1002235 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gerber S 1002239 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gibbond C 999540 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gibbond C 999540 Interested Party (attachment) Christopher 20gibbons 20 20objection 2028 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gibbons A 999554 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gibbons A 999554 Interested Party (attachment) Ann 20gibbons 20 20objection 2008 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon E 1005073 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon E 1005073 Interested Party (attachment) Ellen Gordon Objection 19 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon J 1005064 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon J 1005064 Interested Party (attachment) Jayne Gordon Objection 02 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon P 1005071 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Gordon P 1005071 Interested Party (attachment) Peter Gordon Objection 07 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Griffiths G 1003371 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Griffiths G 1003371 Interested Party (attachment) Document 2023 05 17 190857 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Griffiths R 1003375 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Griffiths R 1003375 Interested Party (attachment) Document 2023 05 17 190653 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hall G 1004777 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hall N 1004769 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hall O 1004772 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hand A 1001583 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hand A 1001585 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hand F 1001577 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hand G 1001587 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hardy J 1000455 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Harrison S 1000876 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Harrison S 1000876 Interested Party (attachment) Susie Harrison Objection 16 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hawthorn J 1000458 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hendry J 1002351 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hudson P 1001584 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Hughes N 1000403 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson A 999855 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson A 999855 Interested Party (attachment) Alexander Huskisson Objection 09 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson E 999857 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson E 999857 Interested Party (attachment) Elizabeth Huskisson Objection 09 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson J 999853 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson J 999853 Interested Party (attachment) Mrs J Huskisson Objection 25 04 2023 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson M 999854 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Huskisson M 999854 Interested Party (attachment) Mark Huskisson Objection 10 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Ingram V 1006181 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jakeman H 1000388 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jakeman H 1000388 Interested Party (attachment) Heather Jakeman Objection 24 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jakeman R 1000393 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jakeman R 1000393 Interested Party (attachment) Robert Jakeman Objection 24 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jones A 1005475 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jones A 1005475 Interested Party (attachment) Objection Vistry Appeal 2024 Aj Final Copy | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jones K 1005484 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Jones K 1005484 Interested Party (attachment) Objection Vistry Appeal 2024 Ksj Final Copy | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Keenan S 999796 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Keenan S 999796 Interested Party (attachment) Sue Keenan Objection 19 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Keenan S 1002844 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Keenan S 1002844 Interested Party (attachment) Sue Keenan Objection 19 04 2023 (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kettlewell C 1006161 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kettlewell C 1006161 Interested Party (attachment) Catherine Kettlewell Objection 15 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kettlewell R 1006159 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kettlewell R 1006159 Interested Party (attachment) Richard Kettlewell Objection 15 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Khvrag | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Khvrag Pins Reply | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party (attachment) Cherwell Local Plan Inspectors Report With Main Modifications 2015 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Pins Objection 03 03 2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Ledger P 1003514 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Loxton G 1006115 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Loxton K 1006117 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Malham T 999945 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Marian J 1000370 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mclean J 999509 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mills J 999967 Appellant Appeal Against Application.pdf 999967 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mobbs C 1001819 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mr G A Reynolds Clerk Drayton Parish Council | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mullett C 1003184 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mullett G 1003189 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mullett J 1003207 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Mullett T 1003204 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Musgrave A 999815 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Musgrave N 999810 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Nixon Eckersall S 999767 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Nixon Eckersall S 999767 Interested Party (attachment) Cherwell Planning Proposals | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Oakley B 1002200 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Oliver R 1006054 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Oliver R 1006054 Interested Party (attachment) Occ R122 Statement 23 00853 Out Final | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Parish N 1001079 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Patterson A 999538 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Patterson J 999527 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Patterson J 999533 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Paxton H 1000095 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Paxton H 1000095 Interested Party (attachment) Hazel Paxton Objection 05 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pigden C 1003163 Land Owner Objection.pdf 1003163 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (3) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (4) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (5) (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (5) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (6) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell (7) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Apple Blossom Hanwell | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Jodie Pond Objection 08 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pond J 1002850 Interested Party (attachment) Zoe Objection 19 05 2023 (2) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Portman C 995747 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Portman S 1005835 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Portman S 1005835 Interested Party (attachment) Susan Louise Portman Objection 08 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Powers A 1005486 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Powers A 1005486 Interested Party (attachment) Objection Vistry Appeal 2024 Ap Final Copy | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Prentice B 999224 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Prentis V 1005839 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Prentis V 1005839 Interested Party (attachment) 240320 Victoria Prentis Response To Planning Appeal App C3105 W 24 3338211 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Pusey W 999552 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Rand L 999550 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Rand L 999550 Interested Party (attachment) Luke Rand Objection 18 05 2023 (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid C 1005478 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid C 1005503 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid C Hanwell Parish Council Pins Reply | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid C Hanwell Parish Council | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid J 1005522 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reid J 1005522 Interested Party (attachment) James Reid Objection 25 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Reynolds D 1000991 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Round G 1002726 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Round G 1002726 Interested Party (attachment) 20230518 112324 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Round G 1002726 Interested Party (attachment) Gillian Round Objection 13 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Round G 1002726 Interested Party (attachment) Nethercott Hanwell | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler D 1001272 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler D 1004109 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler D 1004109 Interested Party (attachment) Objection To Planning Application 23.00853.out (4) Daniel | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler J 1004128 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler J 1004128 Interested Party (attachment) Objection To Planning Application 23.00853.out (jessica Sadler) (2) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler K 1004120 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler K 1004120 Interested Party (attachment) Objection To Planning Application 23.00853.out (kate Sadler) (1) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler T 1005624 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler T 1005624 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Resident Appeal Statement App.c3105w.24.3338211 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sadler T 1005624 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Resident Objection To Application 23.00853.out | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Shaw C 1006165 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sherlock F 1006154 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Sherlock F 1006154 Interested Party (attachment) Fiona 20sherlock 20 20objection 2019 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Shotton D 1006684 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynska H 1005555 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynska H 1005555 Interested Party (attachment) Hazel Skwirzynska Objection 08 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynski A 999528 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynski A 999528 Interested Party (attachment) Antoni Skwirzynski Objection 01 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynski A 999532 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Skwirzynski A 999532 Interested Party (attachment) Aleks Skwirzynski Objection 16 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Smith J 1005397 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Smith J 1005397 Interested Party (attachment) Jenny Smith Objection 27 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Spratt J 1005189 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Strachan Hall E 1004771 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Stretton A 1000402 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Szegezdi I 999369 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Tate P 1004571 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Taylor J 1002805 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Taylor J 1002805 Interested Party (attachment) Vistry Appeal 24 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Thomas E 1005322 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Tite A 1005164 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Tite A 1005164 Interested Party (attachment) Alison Tite Objection 17 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | To Mr Buchanan | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Tompkins K 1001589 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Tsiplaki M 1006164 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Upton S 999761 Interested Party (attachment) 23.00853.out The Bourtons Pc | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Upton S 999761 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Van Daal E 999823 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wenham A 999515 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wenham A 999515 Interested Party (attachment) Alison Wenham Objection 18 05 2023 (2) | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wenham T 999822 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Whatman M 1000035 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Whatman P 1002127 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Whatman R 1002179 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Whatman S 1004016 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wild C 1001658 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wilford C 1000182 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wilford C 1000182 Interested Party (attachment) Vistry Objection 8.3.2024 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wilford J 1000260 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wilford J 1000260 Interested Party (attachment) Cherwell District Council Vistry Objection Letter | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Williams E 1001548 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Williams H 999597 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Williams H 999598 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Willis D 1005847 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Willis D 1005847 Interested Party (attachment) David Willis Objection 15 05 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wray Mitchell M 999661 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wray Mitchell M 999661 Interested Party (attachment) Mark Wray Mitchell Objection 25 04 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wythe C 1005250 Interested Party | (0kb) | - | |
Third Party Representations | 26/03/2024 | Wythe C 1005250 Interested Party (attachment) Vistry Appeal Letter | (0kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 29/07/2024 | Appeal decision 3338211 .pdf | (0kb) | - |
Appeal Documents | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Banbury Core Documents List - 210624 v9.docx | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.1 Application Form Including Certificates | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.2 Covering Letter (ref. Bov3002) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.3 Planning Statement (march 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 1.1 Statement Of Technical Competence | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 2.1 Eia Scoping Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 2.2 Eia Scoping Opinion | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 6.1 Heritage And Archaeological Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R010a) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 6.2 Archaeological Geophysical Survey (ref. 40324 V1) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 6.3 Archaeological Evaluation Report (ref. 4410l Ar V1.8) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 7.1 Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R007c) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 7.2 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (ref. Edp3253 R0009b) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 7.3 Representative Photo Viewpoints | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 7.4 Representative Night Photo Viewpoints | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.4 Environmental Statement And Technical Appendices | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Env Statement Vol 1 Main Text And Figures Contents Page Bovs3002 Es V1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Env Statement Vol 2 Technical Appendices Contents Page Bovs3002 Es V2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Env Statement Vol 3 Env Management Plan Bovs3002 Es V3 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Env Statement Vol 4 Non Technical Summary Bovs3002 Es V4 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 1. Introduction Bode54~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 2. Approach To Eia Bof430~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 3. Site Context Bo6de2~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 4. Development Specification Bovs30~2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 5. Consideration Of Alternatives Bovs30~4 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 6. Built Heritage And Archaeology Bovs30~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 7. Landscape And Visual Bo741b~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 7.4 Findings Of Edps Visual Appraisal Figure~3 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 7.2 Relevant Planning Designations And Considerations Fi760e~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 8. Assessment Of Cumulative Effects Boaffa~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - 9. Summary Bovs30~3 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 1.1 Site Location Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 4.1 Parameter Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 4.2 Illustrative Landscape Strategy | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 7.1 Site Character And Local Context Fic7a4~1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Figure 8.1 Approved Projects Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.5 Site Location Plan Edp3253 D007 E | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.6 Concept Plan (ref. Edp3253 D038 D) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.7 Land Use Amount And Access Parameter Plan (ref. Edp3253 D031 D) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.8 Design And Access Statement | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.9 Fra And Drainage Strategy | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.10 Ecological Appraisal | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.11 Statement Of Community Engagement | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.12 Transport Assessment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.13 Framework Travel Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.14 Phase 1 Geotechnical Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.15 Air Quality Assessment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.16 Noise Impact Assessment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.17 Energy And Sustainability Statement | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.18 Agricultural Land Quality Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.19 Utilities Assessment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd1.20 Lighting Impact Assessment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd2.1 Updated Archaeological Evaluation Report (4410l Aer V1.10) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd2.2 Highways Technical Note And Appendices (17279 Rev.03) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd2.3 Site Boundary Plan (edp3253 D045 B) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.1 Cdc Housing Strategy & Development Team (22 June 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.2 Cdc Planning Policy, Conservation And Design Team (11th May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.3 Cdc Ecology (26 June 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.4a Cdc Environmental Health 17 April 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.4b Cdc Environmental Health (17 April 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.5 Cdc Recreation And Leisure (10 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.6 Occ Archaeology (17 April 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.7 Occ Archaeology (no Date) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.8 Occ Rights Of Way Officer 25 April 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.9 Occ Building Control (no Date) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.10 Occ Single Response (12 June 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.11 Occ Single Response (16 August 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.12 Mca Independent Review Of Landscape Visual Asessment (19 July2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.13 Environment Agency 18 July 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.14 Thames Valley Policy Crime Prevention 18 May 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.15 Thames Water (19th April 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.16 Cpre (11 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.17 Bob Icb | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.18 Banbury Civic Society (no Date) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.19 Banbury Town Council 5 May 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.20 Banbury Town Council 10 May 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.21 Shotteswell Parish Council (no Date) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.22 Horley Parish Council (16 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.23 Drayton Parish Council (19 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.24 Hanwell Parish Council (31 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.25 Khvrag Objection Report (stansgate Planning) (may 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd3.26 The Bourtons Parish Council (18 May 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD4 APPLICATION DECISION | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd4.1 Decision Notice | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd4.2 Committee Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd4.3 Committee Supplementary Information | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd4.4 Committee Minutes | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD5 LOCAL PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.1 Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 Part 1 (july 2015) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.2 Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 Part 1 Partial Review (sept 2020) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.3 Saved Policies Of The Cherwell Local Plan 1996 (nov 1996) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.4 Minerals And Waste Core Strategy (sept 2017) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.5 Saved Policies Of The Occ Minerals And Waste Local Plan 1996 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.6 Emerging Cherwell Local Plan Review 2040 Reg 18 Consultation Draft Sept 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.7 Cherwell Residential Design Spd Adopted July 2018 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.8 Developer Contributions Spd February 2018 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.9 Hanwell Conservation Area Appraisal August 2007 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.10 Interim Policy Guidance Note First Homes (dec 2021) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.11 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.12 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.13 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.14 South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.15 Appendix 1 Retained Policies List | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.16 Appendix 2 Indicative Site Development Templates | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.17 Appendix 3 Housing Developable And Deliverable Supply | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.18 Appendix 4 Green Belt Indicative Boundary Changes | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.19 Appendix 5 Indicative Safeguarded Infrastructure Maps | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.20 Appendix 6 Biodiversity Green Infrastructure | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.21 Appendix 7 Local Green Space | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.22 Appendix 8 Nature Recovery Networks | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.23 Appendix 9 Conservation Target Areas | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.24 Appendix 10 Primary Shopping Area Maps | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.25 Appendix 11 Airport Safeguarded Areas | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.26 Appendix 12 Local Plan Reference List | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd5.27 Appendix 13 Glossary Cherwell District Council | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD6 EVIDENCE BASE | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.1 Cdc Banbury Landscape Sensitivity And Capacity Assessment (sept 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.2 Cdc Banbury Green Buffer Report (sept 2013) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.3 Cdc Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (sept 2022) Pt3 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.4 Cdc Housing And Economic Land Availabilit Assessment (helaa) (feb 2018) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.5 Housing Land Supply Statement February 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.6 Housing Land Supply Position Statement Update Jan 24 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.7 Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment April 2014 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.8 Cherwell District And Occ Housing And Economic Needs Assessment (dec 2022) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.9 Annual Monitoring Report 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.10 Regulation 10a Review Of Local Plan Policies 2020 (jan 2021) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.11 Regulation 10a Review Of Local Plan Policies (february 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.12 Inspector’s Report Cherwell Local Plan Part 1 (2015) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.13 Cherwell Partial Review Oxford's Unmet Housing Need Delivery Topic Paper | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.14 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Regulation 10a Review September 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.15 Cherwell Local Plan (part 1) Partial Review Transport Topic Paper (pr102) (itp, January 2019) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.16 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report (luc) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.17 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary (luc) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.18 Vowh Local Plan 2031 Detailed Policies And Additional Sites Topic Paper 2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.19 Cherwell Local Plan 2011 2031 (part 1) Inspector's Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.20 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Oxford Unmet Need Inspector's Report & Modifications | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.21 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 1 Inspectors Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.22 Vale Of White Horse Local Plan Part 2 Inspectors Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.23 West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 Inspectors Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.24 South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035 Inspectors Report And Schedule Of Main Modifications | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.25 Oxford Growth Board Report A Countywide Approach (26 September 2016) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.26 Memorandum Of Co Operation Need For Housing In Oxfordshire | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.27 Land East Of Grove Housing Land Supply Appeal Evidence Of Thomas Rice | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.28 Dummy | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd6.29 Cherwell Partial Review Examination Hearings Oxford's Unmet Housing Need Socg | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7 NATIONAL PLANNING POLOICIES AND GUIDANCE | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.1 Nppf (sept 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.2 Ppg Housing Supply And Delivery | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.3 Ppg Natural Environment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.4 Ppg Historic Environment | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.5 National Design Guide Beautiful Enduring Successful Places(2021) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.6a National Model Design Code Part 1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.6b National Model Design Code Part 2 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.7a Manual For Streets (2007) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.7b Manual For Street 2 (2010) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.8 Building For A Healthy Life (july 2020) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.9 Plans Containing Strategic Policies | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd7.10 Nppf (dec 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.1 Appellants Statement Of Case (dated Feb 2024) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.2 LPA Statement Of Case (dated March 2024) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.3 - Land East of Warwick Road Banbury - Statement of Common Ground 03062024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.4 Heritage Statement Of Common Ground Signed | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.5 Landscape Statement Of Common Ground Signed | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd8.6 Warwick Road Banbury Appeal Pins Ref 3338211 Hls Topic Socg Vf Signed 24.05.24 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD9 PROOFS OF EVIDENCE | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.1 Appellant's Planning Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.2 Affordable Housing Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.2 Affordable Housing Poe Appendices | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.2 Summary Affordable Housing Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.3 Housing Delivery And Housing Land Supply Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.3 Housing Delivery And Housing Land Supply Poe Appendices | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.4 Landscape And Visual Impact Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.5 Heritage Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.5 Heritage Poe Summary | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.6 Urban Design Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.6 Urban Design Summary Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Summary Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 1. Page 140 Cherwell Lp Review. | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Plannig Poe Appendix 2. Page 163 Cherwell Lp Review. | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 3. Page 186 Cherwell Lp Review | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.7 Lpa Planning Poe Appendix 4. Page 205 Cherwell Lp Review | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.8 Lpa Housing Supply Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.8 Lpa Housing Supply Poe Appendices | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.9 Lpa Landscape Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.10 Lpa Heritage Poe | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.10 Lpa Heritage Poe Appendix | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd9.11 Lpa Rebuttal | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD10 APPEAL DOCUMENTS | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.1 3326761 Heyford Park Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.2 3194926 Woolpit Suffolk Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.3 3185776 Ardleigh, Colchester Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD10.4 - 3265861 Little Sparrows, Sonning Common decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.5 3190821 London Road, Woolmer Green Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.6 3207509 Bures Hamlet, Essex Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.7 3218880 Southfield Road, Gretton Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.8 3285624 Land At Farleigh Farm, Backwell Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.9 3277137 Edith Summerskill House Inquiry Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.10 3165228 Oving Road And A27, Chichester Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.11 3136237 Langton Road, Norton Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.12 3191477 Coalpit Heath, South Gloucestershire Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.13 3278256 Filands Road, Malesbury Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.14 3292721 Spruce Close, Exeter Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.15 3296116 Maitland Lodge Billericay Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.16 3297487 Witney Road, Ducklington Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.17 3324631 Sondes Place Farm, Dorking Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.18 3230827 Oxford Brookes University Wheatley Campus Sos Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.19 3329587 Rutten Lane Yarnton Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.20 2222789 Porthpean Road St Austell Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.21 Land East Of Grove, Grove | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.22 Land At North West Bicester, Charlotte Avenue, Bicester | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.23 Poplar Hill, Stowmarket | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.24 Appj1860w213289643 Land At Leigh Sinton Farms Leigh Sinton Road B4503 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.25 Truman's Farm, Manor Lane, Gotherington | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.26 Former Loxley Works, Storrs Bridge Lane, Loxley | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.27 Part Parcel 0025, Hill End Road, Twyning | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.28 Land At Site Of Former North Worcestershire Golf Club Secretary Of State Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.29 Land At (os 8579 4905), South Of Post Office Lane, Kempsey | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.30 Land Between 27 And 39 Sutton Road, Witchford | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.31 Land North Of Banbury Road, Finmere | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD10.32 APP/C3105/W/23/3324251 - Land Adj to Wise Crescent, Opposite the Laurels, Fringford | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.33 Milcombe 35 Dwellings By Abbeymill Homes | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.34 Hempton Road, Nr Deddington | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.35 Land North Of Ells Lane, Bloxham | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.36 Os Parcel 1570 Adjoining And West Of Chilgrove Drive | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.37 Appeal Decision 3313440 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.38 App.z2830.w.21.3269904 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.39 Appz2830w203259839 240305 221625 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.40 9. App.z2830.w.21.3270614 1 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd10.41 3332089 Appeal Decision | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD11 COURT JUDGEMENTS | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd11.1 North Wiltshire District Council V Secretary Of State (1993) 65 P And Cr 137 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd11.2 Catesby Estates V Steer [2018] Ewca Civ 1697 (kedleston Hall Court Of Appeal Judgement) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd11.3 Stroud Dc V Sos Ewhc 488 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd11.4 Tewkesbury Borough Council V Sshclg [2021] | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD12 CORRESPONDENCE SINCE THE APPEAL WAS LODGED | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD13 OTHER DOCUMENTS | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.1 Housing Strategy 2019 To 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.2 Homelessness And Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 To 2026 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.3 Cdc The Business Plan 2022 To 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.4 The Setting Of Heritage Assets (gpa 3), Historic England (2017) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.5 Appellant Correspondence To Historic England | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.6 Historic England Correspondence 24 January 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.7 Extract From Listed Buildings And Other Heritage Assets (mynors And Hewitson 2023) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.8 Li Techincal Guidance Note Tgn 06 19 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.9 Li Technical Guidance Tgn 02 11 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.10 Vale Of White Horse Hls Statement December 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.11 Housing Delivery Test 2022 Measurement Technical Note | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.12 Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rule Book 2018 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.13 Guidelines For Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment (glvia3), Li And Iema, 2013 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.14 Housing Land Supply Statement For The Vale Of White Horse June 2021 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.15 Housing Land Supply Statement For The Vale Of White Horse November 2022 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.16 West Oxfordshire Housing Land Supply Position Statement 2023 2028 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.17 Heyford Park Nppf Nppg Comments(1) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.18 Heyford Park Appeal Letter From Savills To Pins (12th January) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.19 Emery Planning Comments On Revised Nppf And Updated Ppg | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.20 Letter From Emery Planning To Heyford Park Appeal (14th February) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.21 Email From Andy Bateson To Pins For Heyford Park Appeal (14th February) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.22 Letter From Andy Bateson To Pins For Heyford Park Appeal (12th January) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.23 Sarah Reid Kc And Constanze Bell, Advice, 11 January 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.24 Douglas Edwards Kc, Advice, 30 January 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.25 Sarah Reid Kc, Advice, 7 February 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.26 Sarah Reid Kc, Supplemental Advice, 8 February 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.27 Douglas Edwards Kc, Advice, 27 February 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.28 Historic England Correspondence 20 December 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.29 Planning (listed Buildings And Conservation Areas) Act 1990 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.30 Cherwell DC Cil Reg Compliance Statement May 2024 21042024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc1 Cherwell Community Spaces Study | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc2 Cherwell Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.30 Appendix Cdc3 Cherwell Pposs Strategy Feb 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD13.30 - Appendix CDC 4 - CIL Compliance Statement Heyford..pdf | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.30. Site Plan 95 Application.jpg | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.31 OCC R122 Statement | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd13.31. Hanwell Chase Site Plan.pdf | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.1 Draft S106 Agreement Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.2 Minutes Of August 2023 Meeting Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.3 Regulation 18 Representations Obo Promoter Bankside Phase 2 (banbury 4) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.4 Email Correspondence R.e Salt Way East November 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.5 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes Sales Particulars | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.6 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes 23 October Proforma Covering Email | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.7 Hanwell Fields Manor Oak Homes 23 October 2023 Proforma | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.8 Bloor Banbury Rise Covering Email 13 October 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.9 Bloor Banbury Rise Site Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.10 Land At Deerfields Farm Covering Email (awaiting item) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.11 Hook Norton Deanfield Homes Pre App Meeting Covering Email | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.12 Hook Norton Deanfield Homes Pre App Acknowledgement | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.13 Kidlington Garage Email Regarding S106 Progression | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.14 Phasing Statement Salt Way East (wykham Park) | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.15 Greencore Homes Grange Farm North West Of Station Cottage Station Road Launton Banners | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.16 Drayton Lodge July 2023 Covering Email And Details Of Construction Traffic Management Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.17 Drayton Lodge July March Covering Email And Details Of Proposed Landscape Management Plan | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.18 Email Correspondence R.e Drayton Lodge Development Expectations November 2023 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.19 Sm 0204 01 Deerfields Farm Condition 3 Nma 06 02 2024 | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd14.20 22 03063 F Committee Report | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - CD15 INTERESTED PARTIES DOCUMENTS | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.1 Bourtons Script For The Inspectorate | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.2 Drayton Parish Council | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.3 Hanwell Parish Council | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.4 Khvr Vistry Appeal Transcript | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.6 Vistry Appeal Cllr Chris Brant | |||||
Appeal Core Documents (0kb) - Cd15.5 Landscape Document Khvr 18.5.24 V1 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Horley Parish Council Landscape Document KHVR Final.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Vistry Homes Appeal Statement Nina Musgrave Drayton Parish Council.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - CR Appeal speech .pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Bourtons Response to the Vistry application for the Inspectorate.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - densities comparison 21.06.24.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Planning Conditions Final July 2024.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Inquiry documents list 21.06.24.docx | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id1 Appellant Opening Final 4.6.2024 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id2 Lpa Opening Final 4.6.24 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id3 Appellant List Of Appearances 03.06.24 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id4 Cdc List Of Attendees | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id5 Cdc Details Of Affordable Housing | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id6 Hanwell Parish Council Speech | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id7 Bourtons Response Speech | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id8 Horley Parish Council Landscape Document Khvr Final | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id9 Drayton Parish Council Speech | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id10 Hanwell Chase Site Plan | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id11 95 01117 Out Site Plan | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id12 Interim Sustainability Appraisal August 2023 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id13 Oxfordshire Housing Deal Delivery Plan | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id14 S106 Summary For Inspector | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id15 Send Sufficiency Strategy | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Id16 Densities Comparison 21.06.24 | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Order by Judge - Permission Stage (Papers) - Permission Granted.pdf | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Land East of Warwick Road - s106 - Completed_Redacted.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Response to Council 25.6.2024.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Closing Statement.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Closing Statement.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Land east of Warwick Road Banbury - Appellant Response to Council 25.6.2024.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Lpa Start 3338211 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 01 Appeal Form 972130 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 5c List Of Plans In The Decision | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 6b List Of Amended Submission | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Edp3253 D045 B Site Boundary Plan | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 5b List Of Original Application | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex A Ecia 9731.02.010 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex B Amphibians 9731.02.005 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex C Badger 9731.02.011 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex E Breeding Bird 9731.02.007 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex F Otter & Water Vole 9731.02.006 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Annex G White Clawed Crayfish 9731.02.009 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Full Planning Statement Of Case | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Appendices To Planning Statement Of Case | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Appendices To Statement Of Case Re Housing Land Supply | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Landscape Hearing Statement Including Appendicies | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Statement Of Case Re Housing Land Supply | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Tadmarton Road Bloxham Appeal Letter To Pins 02.02.24 | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Gladman Ecology Hearing Statement | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Land East Of Warwick Road Banbury Statement Of Case | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Soc Appendix 1 Site Boundary Plan | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Soc Appendix 2 Decision Notice | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Soc Appendix 3 Planning Policy Context | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Soc Appendix 4 Historic England Correspondence | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Statement Of Case On Behalf Of The Local Planning Authority(1) | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Notification 2 Letter sent on the 07.05.2024. | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 05.07.JG.OX5092PS. HLS PoE obo CDC Warwick Road Banbury PINS Ref 3338211 vf.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 05.07.JG.OX5092PS.Warwick Road Banbury Appendices to HLS PoE obo CDC 3338211 vf.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 05.07.JG.OX5092PS. HLS PoE obo CDC Warwick Road Banbury PINS Ref 3338211 vf + Appendices.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - May 2024 21042024.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix CDC3 - Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy Feb 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix CDC 2 - Cherwell Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix CDC1 - Cherwell Community Spaces Study.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Council Closing Statement | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Order by Judge - Permission Stage (Papers) - Permission Granted.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Agent Grid Ref confirmation RE_ Appeal APP_C3105_W_24_3338211 - Land east of Warwick Road_ Banbury - CDC Application 23_008 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Copy of Appellants site notice. | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Neighbour Notif 1 2400004ref(1) | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Consultee Letter 1 2400004ref(3) | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire To Pins | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire 993953 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - 211b Current User Victoria Prentis Mp 22 Mar 2024 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Adams D 1000500 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Adams D 1000500 Interested Party (attachment) 3338211 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Adams D 1000500 Interested Party (attachment) Future Land Image Hanwell | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Adams D 1004047 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aitken C 1006163 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aitken C 1006163 Interested Party (attachment) Clifford Aitken Objection 10 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aitken E 1006166 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aitken E 1006166 Interested Party (attachment) Elizabeth Joan Robin Aitken Objection 09 05 2023 (1) | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Allen N 1000513 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aramini C 1002873 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Aramini C 1002873 Interested Party (attachment) Christophe Aramini Objection 25 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Ashdown B 1000498 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Ashdown B 1000498 Interested Party (attachment) Brian Ashdown Objection 15 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Ashwell E 999396 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bailey A 999482 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bailey J 999510 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Baker A 1005127 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bathurst C 1005162 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bathurst C 1005162 Interested Party (attachment) Christopher Bathurst Objection 18 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Beck D 1003749 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Beck D 1003810 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brant C 1002815 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brant C 1002815 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Village Hall Team Committee C O Diana Sadler Objection 27 04 2023 (1) | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brant C 1005523 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brant C 1005523 Interested Party (attachment) Chris Brant, Resident Of Hanwell | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby F 1005050 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby F 1005050 Interested Party (attachment) Francesca Bromby Objection 17 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby K 1005044 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby K 1005044 Interested Party (attachment) Kenton Bromby Objection 26 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby N 1005047 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby N 1005047 Interested Party (attachment) Nicola Bromby Objection 16 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby R 1005053 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bromby R 1005053 Interested Party (attachment) Raymond Bromby Objection 19 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brooks A 1001759 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brown J 1001042 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Brown P 1002659 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Buchanan M 1000170 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Bulmer N 999932 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Candlin G 1000416 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Carter G 1001821 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Carter G 1001821 Interested Party (attachment) Gareth Carter Objection 26 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party (attachment) Sarah & Daniel Ann Cavanagh Objection 18 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cavanagh S 1003078 Interested Party (attachment) Sarah & Daniel Ann Cavanagh Objection Letter 18 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Chasey C 1000428 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Chasey C 1000428 Interested Party (attachment) Celia Chasey Objection 25 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Chasey C 1000434 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Chasey C 1000434 Interested Party (attachment) Evelopment Of 175 Houses Over Two Fields Would Mean Our Small Village Hanwell Would Be Joined To Banbury | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark C 1005426 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark J 1005569 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark J 1005569 Interested Party (attachment) James Clark | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark N 1005423 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark O 1005422 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark S 1005410 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark W 1005573 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Clark W 1005573 Interested Party (attachment) Wendy Clark | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cllr George Reynolds | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cobb S 1006168 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Coelho C 1000022 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Collett P 999058 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Collingwood Turner D 1005574 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Collingwood Turner D 1005574 Interested Party (attachment) David Andrew Collingwood Turner Objection 13 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Collingwood Turner G 1005575 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Collingwood Turner G 1005575 Interested Party (attachment) Gail Ann Collingwood Turner Objection 14 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Corkish R 1000994 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Corkish R 1000994 Interested Party (attachment) Ronald Corkish Objection 04 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Cozon J 1003795 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Daniels M 1000307 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Daniels M 1000307 Interested Party (attachment) Marion Daniels Objection 22 04 2023 (1) | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Davies G 1003243 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Davis J 999841 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Davis J 999841 Interested Party (attachment) Jo Davis Objection 24 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Davis M 1005210 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Davis M 1005210 Interested Party (attachment) Mark Davis Objection 19 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Dessain G 1003355 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Dessain G 1003355 Interested Party (attachment) Planning Letter | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Dessain J 1003364 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Dury N 1002254 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Dury N 1002254 Interested Party (attachment) 20230518 112541 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Flaherty P 999866 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Fletcher K 1002951 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Foley J 1000569 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gascoigne R 1003253 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - George A 1005130 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gerber A 1002238 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gerber C 1002223 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gerber C 1002237 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gerber F 1002235 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gerber S 1002239 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gibbond C 999540 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gibbond C 999540 Interested Party (attachment) Christopher 20gibbons 20 20objection 2028 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gibbons A 999554 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gibbons A 999554 Interested Party (attachment) Ann 20gibbons 20 20objection 2008 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon E 1005073 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon E 1005073 Interested Party (attachment) Ellen Gordon Objection 19 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon J 1005064 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon J 1005064 Interested Party (attachment) Jayne Gordon Objection 02 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon P 1005071 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Gordon P 1005071 Interested Party (attachment) Peter Gordon Objection 07 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Griffiths G 1003371 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Griffiths G 1003371 Interested Party (attachment) Document 2023 05 17 190857 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Griffiths R 1003375 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Griffiths R 1003375 Interested Party (attachment) Document 2023 05 17 190653 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hall G 1004777 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hall N 1004769 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hall O 1004772 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hand A 1001583 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hand A 1001585 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hand F 1001577 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hand G 1001587 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hardy J 1000455 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Harrison S 1000876 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Harrison S 1000876 Interested Party (attachment) Susie Harrison Objection 16 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hawthorn J 1000458 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hendry J 1002351 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hudson P 1001584 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Hughes N 1000403 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson A 999855 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson A 999855 Interested Party (attachment) Alexander Huskisson Objection 09 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson E 999857 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson E 999857 Interested Party (attachment) Elizabeth Huskisson Objection 09 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson J 999853 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson J 999853 Interested Party (attachment) Mrs J Huskisson Objection 25 04 2023 1 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson M 999854 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Huskisson M 999854 Interested Party (attachment) Mark Huskisson Objection 10 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Ingram V 1006181 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jakeman H 1000388 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jakeman H 1000388 Interested Party (attachment) Heather Jakeman Objection 24 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jakeman R 1000393 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jakeman R 1000393 Interested Party (attachment) Robert Jakeman Objection 24 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jones A 1005475 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jones A 1005475 Interested Party (attachment) Objection Vistry Appeal 2024 Aj Final Copy | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jones K 1005484 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Jones K 1005484 Interested Party (attachment) Objection Vistry Appeal 2024 Ksj Final Copy | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Keenan S 999796 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Keenan S 999796 Interested Party (attachment) Sue Keenan Objection 19 04 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Keenan S 1002844 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Keenan S 1002844 Interested Party (attachment) Sue Keenan Objection 19 04 2023 (1) | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kettlewell C 1006161 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kettlewell C 1006161 Interested Party (attachment) Catherine Kettlewell Objection 15 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kettlewell R 1006159 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kettlewell R 1006159 Interested Party (attachment) Richard Kettlewell Objection 15 05 2023 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Khvrag | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Khvrag Pins Reply | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party (attachment) Cherwell Local Plan Inspectors Report With Main Modifications 2015 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Kinchin Smith R 997985 Interested Party (attachment) Hanwell Pins Objection 03 03 2024 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Ledger P 1003514 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Loxton G 1006115 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Loxton K 1006117 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Malham T 999945 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Marian J 1000370 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mclean J 999509 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mills J 999967 Appellant Appeal Against Application.pdf 999967 | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mobbs C 1001819 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mr G A Reynolds Clerk Drayton Parish Council | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mullett C 1003184 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mullett G 1003189 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mullett J 1003207 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Mullett T 1003204 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Musgrave A 999815 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Musgrave N 999810 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Nixon Eckersall S 999767 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Nixon Eckersall S 999767 Interested Party (attachment) Cherwell Planning Proposals | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Oakley B 1002200 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Oliver R 1006054 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Oliver R 1006054 Interested Party (attachment) Occ R122 Statement 23 00853 Out Final | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Parish N 1001079 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Patterson A 999538 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Patterson J 999527 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Patterson J 999533 Interested Party | |||||
Third Party Representations (0kb) |