Planning register

Planning Appeal - 23/00102/REF

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Os Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161 Rutten Lane Yarnton OX5 1LT Cross Parish Boundary Application: Begbroke and Yarnton Parish Councils
The erection of up to 540 dwellings (Class C3), up to 9,000sqm GEA of elderly/extra care residential floorspace (Class C2), a Community Home Work Hub (up to 200sqm)(Class E), alongside the creation of two locally equipped areas for play, one NEAP, up to 1.8 hectares of playing pitches and amenity space for the William Fletcher Primary School, two vehicular access points, green infrastructure, areas of public open space, two community woodland areas, a local nature reserve, footpaths, tree planting, restoration of historic hedgerow, and associated works. All matters are reserved, save for the principal access points.
Appeal Determined
Kidlington West
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Public Inquiry
Planning Case Officer
Linda Griffiths
01295 227998
Appeals Case Officer
Venue (if applicable)
Council Chamber, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Appeal Allowed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 230915 Pr9 Soc Appendices Pack (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 230915 Statement Of Case (final) Pr9 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 Key Pr9 Correspondence Cdc (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 Key Pr9 Correspondence Occ (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 230915 Pr9 Core Documents List (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 230915 Statement Of Common Ground (draft) Pr9(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 Draft S106 Agreement For Appeal Submission (september 2023)(142191216.2)(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 1. Application Form(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 3. Acknowledgement Letter 2103522out(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 4. De234 01a Site Location Plan(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 Pr9 Appeal Procedure Statement (15 September 2023)(142715129.1)(1) (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 234-Yarnton-DAS-Appendix C-Legacy & Stewardship.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 234-Yarnton-DAS-Schedule of Changes.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-12T-PR9 Indicative Framework Plan.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-14J-Parameter-Land Use Plan.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-17J-Parameter-Green Infrastructure .pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-34-Retained Agricultural Land Improvements Plan.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-PR9 Open Space Requirements Shedule REV C (07.12.23).pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 DE234-PR9 Open Space Requirements Shedule.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 11/12/2023 5436 BNG Assessment Metric 4.0 vf3.pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 5436 Yarnton Biodiversity Proof Vf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 162751c Proof Of Evidence (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 162751c Proof Of Evidence Summary (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 240116 Pr9 Letter To Pins (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 240116 Pr9 Core Documents List (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - 240116 Proof Of Evidence Robert Davies Planning Matters Yarnton (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Appellant Proof Of Evidence Of Alison Caldwell Water Final (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Appellant Proof Of Evidence Of Alison Caldwell Water Final Summary (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - De234 Poe 001b Awilliams (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - De234 Spoe 001 Awilliams (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Appeal Efm Education Evidence (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Appeal Efm Education Evidence Summary (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/11/2023 01 Appeal Form 934097 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 15/02/2024 240214 - PR9 - Reg 25 Letter for PINS (Inc. Enclosures).pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 15/02/2024 240214 1. ES Chapter 1_NTS - Reg 25 Addendum (February 2023).pdf (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 24/02/2024 B5035 2024-02-23 Yarnton PR9 Appeal Response to PINS Further Questions.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 22/01/2024 FINAL Transport Topic Paper Appendices.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - FINAL ADDENDUM - February 2024.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Further information to support the ICB request (APP_C3105_W_23_3329587; ref 21.03522.OUT ).pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 ICB request Estimate November 2023.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy (final version).docx (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Cherwell PPOSS - Assessment Report (final).docx (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Facility cost guidance - Q2 2023 (1).pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Cherwell Leisure Facility Future Needs Review 2020.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Kidlington and Gosford Leisure Centre Existing.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 16/02/2024 Cherwell IBF - Indoor Sports Facilities - V4 (clean).docx (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 22/02/2024 PR9 - Final Viability Statement - 21 Feb 2024.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 07/12/2023 CDC - FINAL PR9 Statement of Case 06-12-2023.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 19/01/2024 Yarnton Appeal Interim Education Topic Paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 13/02/2024 PR9 - CDC position on Reasons for Refusal - 09-02-2024.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 13/02/2024 PR9 - Updated Viability Topic Paper Final - 8 Feb 2024.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 13/02/2024 Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - FINAL - February 2024.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 13/02/2024 TVP CIL Reg compliance information.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 Statement of Common Ground - PR9 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 OCC Education Proof of Evidence PR9 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 OCC Education Proof of Evidence Appendices (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 PR9 - Viability Topic Paper Final Signed 17th Jan 2024 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 Planning Policy Topic Paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 Informal Parkland Topic Paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 PR9 - RfR1 Analysis Topic paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 Flood Risk Topic Paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 18/01/2024 Arboriculture Topic Paper (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 19/01/2024 Transport Topic Paper.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 19/01/2024 Final Transport Topic Paper Appendices (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 19/01/2024 Biodiversity Topic Paper.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 12/12/2023 OCC R122 21-03522-OUT FINAL.pdf (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 12/12/2023 21-03522-OUT Phasing of financial contributions.xlsx (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 23/01/2024 Site Notice Yarnton Appeal (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 21/03/2024 Section 106 Deed Of Agreement (1) REDACTED. (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 02/11/2023 Lpa Start Letter (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/12/2023 Rule 6 Appointment Letter 3329587.pdf (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/12/2023 Rule 6 - 3329587 - Email from PINS re Rule 6 submission. (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 19/12/2023 Cmc Invitation (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 19/12/2023 Rule 6 Appointment Letter (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 19/12/2023 Rule 6 Letter (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 28/12/2023 Post CMC note 3329587.docx (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3070.jpeg Displyed Appeal site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3069.jpeg Displayed Appeal site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3068.jpeg Displayed site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3064.jpeg Displayed site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3062.jpeg Displayed site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 25/01/2024 IMG_3067.jpeg Displayed site notice (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 08/02/2024 Post CMC 2 note 3329587.docx (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 07/11/2023 Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt1 (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 07/11/2023 Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt2 (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 07/11/2023 Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt3 (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 07/11/2023 Questionnaire Videos 21 3522 Out Pt4 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 06/12/2023 3rd Party Comment - S W Smith (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 06/12/2023 Additional 3rd Part Comments from S W Smith (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 08/02/2024 2024.02.06_Rebuttal Proof_Alison Caldwell.pdf (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 08/02/2024 Yarnton Appeal EFM Education Evidence Rebuttal.pdf (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 09/02/2024 20220804_081241009_iOS.jpg (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 09/02/2024 Letter to Inspector Jonathan Bore MRTPI.pdf (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 12/02/2024 Flooding in Yarnton getting worse (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 18/01/2024 Oxfordshire Badger Group - 13 January 24 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Copy Plan From Consultant Engineer's FRA Report (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Oxford University Development - Statement Of Case 16.01.2024 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Flood Defence - Pr9 Flooding Objection V1.2 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 19/01/2024 Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Parish Council - Statement Of Case 16.1.24 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 23/01/2024 BEGBROKE PC COMMENTS RE APP C3105 W 23 3329587 - 21 03522 OUT.docx (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 03/04/2024 Appeal Decision 3329587.pdf (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 230915 Pr9 Soc Appendices Pack
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 230915 Statement Of Case (final) Pr9
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Key Pr9 Correspondence Cdc
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Key Pr9 Correspondence Occ
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 230915 Pr9 Core Documents List
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 230915 Statement Of Common Ground (draft) Pr9(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Draft S106 Agreement For Appeal Submission (september 2023)(142191216.2)(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 1. Application Form(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 3. Acknowledgement Letter 2103522out(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 4. De234 01a Site Location Plan(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Pr9 Appeal Procedure Statement (15 September 2023)(142715129.1)(1)
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 234-Yarnton-DAS-Appendix C-Legacy & Stewardship.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 234-Yarnton-DAS-Schedule of Changes.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-12T-PR9 Indicative Framework Plan.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-14J-Parameter-Land Use Plan.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-17J-Parameter-Green Infrastructure .pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-34-Retained Agricultural Land Improvements Plan.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-PR9 Open Space Requirements Shedule REV C (07.12.23).pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - DE234-PR9 Open Space Requirements Shedule.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 5436 BNG Assessment Metric 4.0 vf3.pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 5436 Yarnton Biodiversity Proof Vf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 162751c Proof Of Evidence
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 162751c Proof Of Evidence Summary
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 240116 Pr9 Letter To Pins
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 240116 Pr9 Core Documents List
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - 240116 Proof Of Evidence Robert Davies Planning Matters Yarnton
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Appellant Proof Of Evidence Of Alison Caldwell Water Final
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Appellant Proof Of Evidence Of Alison Caldwell Water Final Summary
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - De234 Poe 001b Awilliams
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - De234 Spoe 001 Awilliams
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Appeal Efm Education Evidence
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Appeal Efm Education Evidence Summary
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 01 Appeal Form 934097
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 240214 - PR9 - Reg 25 Letter for PINS (Inc. Enclosures).pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 240214 1. ES Chapter 1_NTS - Reg 25 Addendum (February 2023).pdf
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - B5035 2024-02-23 Yarnton PR9 Appeal Response to PINS Further Questions.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - FINAL Transport Topic Paper Appendices.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - FINAL ADDENDUM - February 2024.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Further information to support the ICB request (APP_C3105_W_23_3329587; ref 21.03522.OUT ).pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - ICB request Estimate November 2023.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy (final version).docx
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell PPOSS - Assessment Report (final).docx
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Facility cost guidance - Q2 2023 (1).pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell Leisure Facility Future Needs Review 2020.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Kidlington and Gosford Leisure Centre Existing.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell IBF - Indoor Sports Facilities - V4 (clean).docx
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - PR9 - Final Viability Statement - 21 Feb 2024.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - CDC - FINAL PR9 Statement of Case 06-12-2023.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Yarnton Appeal Interim Education Topic Paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - PR9 - CDC position on Reasons for Refusal - 09-02-2024.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - PR9 - Updated Viability Topic Paper Final - 8 Feb 2024.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - FINAL - February 2024.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - TVP CIL Reg compliance information.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Statement of Common Ground - PR9
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - OCC Education Proof of Evidence PR9
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - OCC Education Proof of Evidence Appendices
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - PR9 - Viability Topic Paper Final Signed 17th Jan 2024
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning Policy Topic Paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Informal Parkland Topic Paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - PR9 - RfR1 Analysis Topic paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Flood Risk Topic Paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Arboriculture Topic Paper
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Transport Topic Paper.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Final Transport Topic Paper Appendices
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Biodiversity Topic Paper.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - OCC R122 21-03522-OUT FINAL.pdf
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 21-03522-OUT Phasing of financial contributions.xlsx
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Site Notice Yarnton Appeal
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Section 106 Deed Of Agreement (1) REDACTED.
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Lpa Start Letter
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Rule 6 Appointment Letter 3329587.pdf
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Rule 6 - 3329587 - Email from PINS re Rule 6 submission.
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cmc Invitation
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Rule 6 Appointment Letter
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Rule 6 Letter
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Post CMC note 3329587.docx
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3070.jpeg Displyed Appeal site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3069.jpeg Displayed Appeal site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3068.jpeg Displayed site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3064.jpeg Displayed site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3062.jpeg Displayed site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - IMG_3067.jpeg Displayed site notice
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Post CMC 2 note 3329587.docx
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt1
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt2
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire 21 3522 Out Pt3
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire Videos 21 3522 Out Pt4
Third Party Representations (0kb) - 3rd Party Comment - S W Smith
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Additional 3rd Part Comments from S W Smith
Third Party Representations (0kb) - 2024.02.06_Rebuttal Proof_Alison Caldwell.pdf
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Yarnton Appeal EFM Education Evidence Rebuttal.pdf
Third Party Representations (0kb) - 20220804_081241009_iOS.jpg
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Letter to Inspector Jonathan Bore MRTPI.pdf
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Flooding in Yarnton getting worse
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Oxfordshire Badger Group - 13 January 24
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Copy Plan From Consultant Engineer's FRA Report
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Oxford University Development - Statement Of Case 16.01.2024
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Flood Defence - Pr9 Flooding Objection V1.2
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - Yarnton Parish Council - Statement Of Case 16.1.24
Third Party Representations (0kb) - BEGBROKE PC COMMENTS RE APP C3105 W 23 3329587 - 21 03522 OUT.docx
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Appeal Decision 3329587.pdf

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
20/01914/SO 17/07/2020 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 3673 Adjoining and West of 161 Rutten Lane Yarnton SCREENING OPINION - Provision of up to 600 residential dwellings on the eastern part of the site (use class C3); potential elderly/extra care provision (use class C2); provision of a Community Home Work Hub; expansion of the existing neighbouring primary school through the provision of an optimised sports area; replacement and provision of new woodland copse and hedgerows to the new Green Belt boundary, public open space and a Biodiversity Enhancement Area. Screening Opinion requesting EIA 07/08/2020
20/02575/SCOP 18/09/2020 Scoping Opinion OS Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161 Rutten Lane Yarnton Scoping Opinion - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the allocated Rutten Lane site in Yarnton 09/04/2021
21/03522/OUT 14/10/2021 Outline Application Os Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161 Rutten Lane Yarnton OX5 1LT Cross Parish Boundary Application: Begbroke and Yarnton Parish Councils The erection of up to 540 dwellings (Class C3), up to 9,000sqm GEA of elderly/extra care residential floorspace (Class C2), a Community Home Work Hub (up to 200sqm)(Class E), alongside the creation of two locally equipped areas for play, one NEAP, up to 1.8 hectares of playing pitches and amenity space for the William Fletcher Primary School, two vehicular access points, green infrastructure, areas of public open space, two community woodland areas, a local nature reserve, footpaths, tree planting, restoration of historic hedgerow, and associated works. All matters are reserved, save for the principal access points. Appeal Allowed (Against Non Determination) 02/04/2024

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
23/00102/REF 01/11/2023 Appeal against Non-determination Os Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161 Rutten Lane Yarnton OX5 1LT Cross Parish Boundary Application: Begbroke and Yarnton Parish Councils The erection of up to 540 dwellings (Class C3), up to 9,000sqm GEA of elderly/extra care residential floorspace (Class C2), a Community Home Work Hub (up to 200sqm)(Class E), alongside the creation of two locally equipped areas for play, one NEAP, up to 1.8 hectares of playing pitches and amenity space for the William Fletcher Primary School, two vehicular access points, green infrastructure, areas of public open space, two community woodland areas, a local nature reserve, footpaths, tree planting, restoration of historic hedgerow, and associated works. All matters are reserved, save for the principal access points. Appeal Allowed

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