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Reference Number 23/00062/NON |
Planning Inspectorate Reference APP/C3105/W/23/3315849 |
Location Land at North West Bicester
Home Farm, Lower Farm and SGR2
Caversfield |
Proposal Outline planning application for up to 530 residential dwellings (within Use Class C3), open space provision, access, drainage and all associated works and operations including but not limited to demolition, earthworks, and engineering operations, with the details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale reserved for later determination |
Status Appeal Determined |
Parish Bicester |
Ward Bicester North And Caversfield |
Start Date 16/02/2023 |
Comments to PINS Due 25/07/2023 |
Appeal Procedure Public Inquiry |
Planning Case Officer Caroline Ford |
Phone 01295 221823 |
Appeals Case Officer |
Email |
Phone |
Venue (if applicable) Council Chamber, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA |
Decision Appeal Allowed |
Decision Date 25/07/2023 |
To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.
Document Type | Date | Description | File Size | Drawing/Rev Number | |
Appeal Documents | |||||
Appeal Documents | 06/08/2024 | S106 REDACTED | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 19/06/2023 | Appellants NW Bicester closing submission.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG v8 FINAL for agreement 6.6.2023 - Clean.doc | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 4.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.1.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.2.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.3.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 1.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 2.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG - Appendix 3.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 01/06/2023 | NW Bicester s106 DRAFT - 31.05.23 4130-9687-6360.1.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Consultant Comments | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Traffic Model (Amendments for Appeal - 530 - 50%) | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Traffic Model (Amendments for Appeal - 550 - 40%) | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Charlotte Ave LINSIG Results | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Cons - Charlotte Ave PICADY Results | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 02/06/2023 | Appellant Highways Cons - 4600-1100-T-080-A - Charlotte Ave - One-way Opt | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2023 | Appeal Form redacted | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 20/02/2023 | Barton Willmore - Statement of Case | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image001.png | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image002.png | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image003.png | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image004.png | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.1.A-D - Financial Viability - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.1.E - Financial Viability - Summary.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.2.A-B - Carbon Emission Reduction - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.2.C - Carbon Emission Reduction - Summary.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.3.A - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.3.B-H - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.3.I - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Summary.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.4.A-E - Highways - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.4.F - Highways - Summary.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.5.A - Planning - Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.5.B-D - Planning - Appendices.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | APP.5.E - Planning - Summary.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 15/05/2023 | Draft planning conditions - 9 May 2023.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 16/05/2023 | 16 May 2023 - Site notice positions.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Appellants Evidence | 16/05/2023 | Site notice positions.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Proof of Evidence of Ian Tarbet.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Tom Webster Proof of Evidence for Cherwell .pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Tom Webster Summary Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Bioregional Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Highways Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | Five Year Housing Land Supply PoE NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue .docx | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | FINAL Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | APPENDICES PoE of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 23/05/2023 | SUMMARY Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 15/05/2023 | 05.09.JGOX5092PS.JG HLS PoE obo CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue PINS Ref 3315849 vf + Appx1.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 26/05/2023 | 8.1.18 CDC Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy February 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Appx 1 CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Ave | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | FINAL 5YHLS Updated Statement of Common Ground with CDC Clean Signed 23.5.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Zero carbon SoCG v6 CDC and NWBA signed.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Highways and Access SoCG Final.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | CDC fIVE yEAR hOUSING lAND sUPPLY pROOF | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | FINAL Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | SUMMARY Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | APPENDICES PoE of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Appendix 1-2 Bicester Millenium Cycling Club.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Appendix 1-3 Bicester Social Cycling _ Facebook.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Appendix 1-1 | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Highways Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Bioregional Firethorn summary note v00 030523.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Tom Webster Proof of Evidence for Cherwell .pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Tom Webster Summary Proof of Evidence.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | Bioregional final review October 2022.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 10/05/2023 | JSNA_Bitesize_Population_Mar23 (002).pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 06/06/2023 | Revised Statement of Case 5.6.2023 Version 2.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 06/06/2023 | Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - Supplement June 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | 05.09.JGOX5092PS.JG HLS Rebuttal PoE obo CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue PINS Ref 3315849 vf.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 26/05/2023 | 8.1.19 CDC Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement -May 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Mayors Affordable Housing and Viability SPD.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | OCC Updated R122 Statement 21-01630-OUT 23-05-23.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Neighbourhood Police Justification Letter.doc | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | 3117 230525 rebuttal statement Jonathan Riggall.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | 31036 A5 P4a NPN 23 05 22 - FINAL Rebuttal 5YS PoE.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Rebuttal - Financial Viability - NW Bicester - signed.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | 230519 - Rebuttal Proof of Evidence (Mark Kirby).pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 26/05/2023 | 4.8 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Inspectors Report 06 August 2020.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 12/06/2023 | Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - Additional information 9th June 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 12/06/2023 | LMO Business Plan - final 5th October (2).pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 12/06/2023 | Supplement to OCC R122 Statement 21-01630-OUT.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Viability Statement of Common Ground (NWBA) - Final.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 24/05/2023 | Appendecies to HLS Rebuttal 20230524095044017 | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 07/06/2023 | CDC Opening Submissions | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 07/06/2023 | Planning SoCG v8 FINAL for agreement 6.6.2023 - Clean.doc | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 15/06/2023 | Local Roads Contribution -Additional information 14.6.2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Council’s Evidence | 15/06/2023 | CONDITIONS for 21-01630-OUT Final - Clean.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 20/09/2023 | Cdc Closings 16.6.2026 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 15/06/2023 | NWBA - Closing Statement - written submission 15 June 2023.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 15/06/2023 | Bicester Bike Users Group - Closing Statement.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 07/06/2023 | Revised Inquiry Time table | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD9 - 9.3 Nwba Statement Of Case Amended March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD12 - 12.1 Cd 109 Highway Link Design Rev 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD9 - 9.2 Cdc Statement Of Case March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 01/06/2023 | Information regarding both venues for Public Inquiry. | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | 20230513 Paul Troop Statement NW Bicester Planning Appeal.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement from Rianna Dearden | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Catherine Hickman | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Sarah Nolan | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Raghav Narula | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Raghav Narula | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Brigitte Hickman | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Safak Bennett | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Therese Grear | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Doug Torrent | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Reference docs for NWBA XX of Mr Kirby | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | FW_ Reference Docs for Questioning | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 14/06/2023 | Bicester BUG - Presentation Notes.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 15/06/2023 | NWBA - CLOSING STATEMENT - final draft on Weds 14 June 2023.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD9 - 9.4 Bbug Statement Of Case Arch 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD9 - 9.4 St Laurence's Church Dcc March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.8 Highways Socg Appellant And Cdc 05 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.9 Carbon Reduction Socg 04 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 016 B Charlotte Ave Traffic Signals | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 073 A Elmsbrook Spine Road Assessment | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 029 A Bridge Footway Provision | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 075 A Alternative Site Access Ghost Island | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 077 A Alternative Site Access Simple Priority Opt 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.1 Site Visit Itinerary | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.1 Inspector's Site Visit Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.4 Viabilty Socg Appellant And Cdc 28 April 2023 Signed | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.5 5yhls Socg Appellant And Cdc 04 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.6 Highways Socg Appellant And Nwba 03 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.7 Highways Socg Appellant And Bbug 03 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.10 Viability Socg Appellant And Nwba 03 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.16 Cc Climate Emergency Dpd Technical Evidence Base July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.17 Cc Climate Emergency Dpd Technical Appendices July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.18 Cc Energy Review And Modelling February 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD13.1 Bicester Lcwip Town Map Update 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD13.2 Bicester Lcwip Town Villages Map Update 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD13.3 Bicester Lcwip September 2020 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 07/06/2023 | NWBA - Opening Statement.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | Proof of Evidence - BBUG.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | EH-2 Summary of Report - Evidence of DMMason.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | EH-1 Highways and Access Evidence of DMMason.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-4 The Impact of Overloading Charlotte Avenue.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-5 Evidence regarding Masterplan Creep and its impacts.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-1 Evidence for Charlotte Avenue Distance Measurements.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-6 Regarding a Sustainable Plan and Funding for Bus Services.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-7 Adoption of Elmsbrook Side Roads.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-3 The Impact of Gagle Brook School Parking Requirements.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-2 Measurements and Analysis Regarding Proposed Access E.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | XL1 - Crossreferencing NWBA SoCG points.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | XL4 - ETPG Objections points.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | XL2 - National and Local Policies in play.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | XL3 - Evidence Matrix.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-4 ETPG 2023 March Traffic Surveys.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-3 ETPG and Mode Survey Analysis 2019-21.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-2 Mode Transport data shared with ETPG - Ped and Cycle Data Sept-Dec 2019.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-1 Mode Transport data shared with ETPG - Vehicle Data Sept-Dec 2019.xlsx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-5 ETPG Combined Gagle Brook School Travel Surveys 2018-21.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-7 Mode Transport 220303 323473 TP Monitoring Report v1.1.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-6 ETPG Elmsbrook Traffic Surveys and Monitoring Analysis Autumn 2019 and June 2021.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-8 Gagle Brook School Travel Plan Final.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-9 2018 PPT - Components to Parking and Traffic on Elmsbrook.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ES-10 2020 PPT - GB School and Eco Business Centre Parking.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | Eco Business Centre Statement.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | Elmsbrook Community Organisation Statement for Firethorn Appeal.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET Appendices - Emails between 1 ETPG and OCC Highways - 2 ETPG and VTP.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | Overview of Evidence Documents for the North West Bicester Alliance.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 10/05/2023 | ET-8 ONS Data for Traffic Levels prior to during and since Covid-19.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD9 - 9.1 Appellant Statement Of Case January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.4 Infrastruct Cs Ltd Drawing Sheet 1 Of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 27/03/2023 | Cherwell District Council's Statement of Case .pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 27/03/2023 | NW Bicester Alliance - Statement of Case for APP-C3105-W-23-3315849.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 27/03/2023 | Oliver R - 896116 - INTERESTED PARTY_(ATTACHMENT) - OCC R122 Statement Final 21-01630-OUT.docx | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 27/03/2023 | Bicester Bike Users’ Group Statement of Case.pdf | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 05/04/2023 | 3315849_ Summary Note_CFI.doc | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 05/05/2023 | Consultee Notif 2 document | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 05/05/2023 | F2f Hybrid Site Notice | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.4 Code For Sustainable Homes Technical Guide November 2010 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.5 Uk Productivity Plan July 2015 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.6 Part L Conservation Of Fuel And Power Vol 1 Dwellings December 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.7 Part L Conservation Of Fuel And Power Vol 1 Dwellings February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD12 - 12.3 Exemplar Phase Transport Assessment November 2010 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.8 Sap 10 Version History 11 April 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.9 Pps Ecotowns A Supplement To Pps1 July 2009 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.10 Rfz Evidence To Inform The 2025 Fhs February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.11 Defining Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard Novemeber 2009 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.12 Standard Assessment Procedure 10.2 April 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 10.3 Highways Socg Appellant And Cdc 03 May 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.13 Future Homes 2025 Consultation Response January 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.14 Tree Policy For Oxfordshire April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.15 Climate Change Act 2008 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.19 Cllp Climate Change Evidence Base Task C Febraury 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.20 Cllp Climate Change Evidence Base Task G Febraury 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.2 Rics Financial Viability In Planning May 2019 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.3 Rics Assessing Viability In Planning Under The Nppf March 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.4 Mol Ah And Viability Spg August 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.4.5 Clp Partial Review Viability Assessment July 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.5 Infrastruct Ltd Drawing Sheet 2 Of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.6 Occ Street Design Guide September 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.7 Occ Local Transport And Connectivity Plan July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.8 Ltn1 20 Cycle Infrastructure Design July 2020 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.9 Manual For Streets March 2007 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.10 Manual For Streets 2 September 2010 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.11 Cd 123 Geometric Design Of At Grade Priority And Signal Controlled Junctions | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.12 Cd 195 Designing For Cycle Traffic V1.0.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.13 Occ Parking Standards | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.1 Nwb Masterplan Energy Strategy V3 March 2014 App B | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.1 Nwb Masterplan Energy Strategy V3 March 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD12 - 12.2 Cd 127 Cross Sections And Headrooms V1.0.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.2 Next Steps To Zch Allowable Solutions July 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD10 - 4600 1100 T 076 A Alternative Site Access Simple Priority Opt 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.3.3 Carbon Compliance Setting An Appropriate Limit For Zch | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.1 Original Application Form | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.2 Cil Form 05 May 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.3 Covering Letter 05 May 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.4 Site Location Plan 1192 001 Rev I | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.5 Nwb Development Parameters V3 April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Parameter Plan Building Heights 1192 003c Rev H | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.7 Parameter Plan Green Space 1192 003a Rev H | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.8 Parameter Plan Access 1192 003d Rev H | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.9 Site Accesses A B C 4600 1100 T 009 Rev C | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.10 Site Access D 4600 1100 T 010 Rev A | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.11 Site Access E 4600 1100 T 011 Rev B | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.12 Charlotte Ave Traffic Signals 4600 1100 T 016 Rev B | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.13 Illustrative Masterplan 1192 Sk004 Rev C | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.14 Planning Statement April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.15 Design And Access Statement April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.17 Health Impact Assessment April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.18 Outline Energy Statement March 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.19 Affordable Housing Statement 21 April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.20 Water Efficiency Statement April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.21 Technology Appraisal For Net Zero Homes Feb 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement Appendices Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement Appendices Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.22 Baseline Tree Survey August 2020 Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.22 Baseline Tree Survey August 2020 Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4a | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4b | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4c | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4d | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4e | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5a | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5b | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5c | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5d | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5e | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5f | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5g | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5h | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5i | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5j | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5k | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5l | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5m | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 8 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.25 Es Non Technical Summary April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 1 Introduction | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 2 Eia Methodology | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 3 Site And Development | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 4 Alternatives | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 5 Construction | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 6 Transport | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 7 Air Quality | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 8 Noise And Vibration | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 9 Landscape | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 10 Biodiversity | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 11 Built Hertiage | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 12 Population And Health | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 13 Water And Flood Risk | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 14 Climate | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 15 Summary | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Es Volume 1 Cover And Contents | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 1.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 2.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 4.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 7.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 11.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 6.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 1.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 1.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 2.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 2.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 7.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 8.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 9.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.5 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.6 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 10.7 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 11.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 11.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P4 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Appendix 14.1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - Es Volume 2 Cover And Contents | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.28 Transport Assessment Vol 1 Report | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.28.1 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App A D | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.28.2 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App E J | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.28.3 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App K N | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD1 - 1.28.4 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App O P | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.49.1 Bicester Mid Point Cost Calculations | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.49.2 Bicester 10percent Ah Tzc Q1 2022 Agreed Inputs Mid Point Gdv & Costs Ve | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.49.3 Bicester 100percent Private Tzc Q1 2022 Agreed Inputs Mid Point Gdv & Costs | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.49.4 Bicester Mid Point Gdv Calculations | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.49.5 Bicester Viability Assumptions | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.24 Nwb Development Parameters V6.1 Tracked | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.25 Parameter Plan 1 1192 003 Rev N | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.26 Parameter Plan 2 1192 003 Rev N | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.27 Parameter Plan 3 1192 003 Rev M | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.28 Es Conformity Letter 16 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.29 Tbn Gcn Mitigation Strategy Sept 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.30 Flood Modelling Report V2 February 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.31 Ea Hydraulic Model Review 1st Review Vectos Response | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.32 Ea Hydrology Review 1st Review Slr Response | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.34 Screenshot Of Uploads To Ea Website 03 Feb 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.35 Tn001 Junction Assessment Review Feb 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.37 Tn004 Spine Road Assessment Nov 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.38 Tn005 Grampian Condition Review Nov 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.39 Tn006 A4095 Interim Improvement Assmt March 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.41 Tn008 A4095 Junction Modelling Rev A May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.42 Tn008 A4095 Junction Modelling Rev B July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.43 Tn009 Response To Occ Comments May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.44 Tn010 Summary Of Occ Comments 13 Sept 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.45 Tn011 A4095 Junction Modelling Nov 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.46 Fva Report 22 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.47 Fva Non Tech Exec Summary 29 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.48 Fva Executive Summary 11 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.1 Covering Letter Dated 23 November 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.2 Nwb Development Parameters V4 November 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.3 Site Location Plan 1192 001 Rev J | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.4 Proposed Ped Crossing To Church 4600 1100 T 004 Rev D | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.5 Site Access A B C 4600 1100 T 009 Rev D | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.6 Site Access D 4600 1100 T 010 Rev B | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.7 Site Access E .4600 1100 T 011 Rev E | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Construction Access W Parcel 4600_1100_T_027 Rev B | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.9 Post Submission Design Pack November 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.10 Flood Modelling Report V1 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.11 Tbn Bng Assessment 07 April 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.12 Stantec Response To Bioregional Comments | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.13 Covering Letter 30 March 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.14 Nwb Development Parameters V5 Clean | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.15 Nwb Development Parameters V5 Tracked | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.16 Parameter Plan 3 Access 1192 003 Rev M | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.17 Site Access E 4600 1100 T 011 Rev F | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.18 Site Access A 4600 1100 T 040 Rev A | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.19 Site Access A B 4600 1100 T 041 Rev A | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.20 Site Access C 4600 1100 T 042 Rev A | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.21 Response To Ea Comments 04 February 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.22 Covering Letter 16 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 2.23 Nwb Development Parameters V6.1 Clean | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 220204 Bicester Flood Estimation Report 01 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Ds R01 Bicester Whs Permeable Adjustment Worksheet Beta V1.2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 20 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 100 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 1000 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 20 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 100 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 1000 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 20 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 100 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 1000 Year 02 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD2 - 220204 410.11878.00009 0002 Bicester Hydrology Summary Sheet 06 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.1 Officer Report To Committee 12 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.2 Written Updates 12 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.3 Printed Minutes 12 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.4 Appeal Report To Committee 09 March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.5 Written Updates 09 March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD3 - 3.6 Printed Minutes 09 March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.1 Adopted Clp 2011 2031 December 2016 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.3 Adopted Clp Nov 1996 Saved Policies | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.4 Adopted Clp 2011 2031 Partial Review September 2020 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.5 Nw Bicester Spd February 2016 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.6 Developer Contributions Spd February 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.7 Reg 10a Review Of Local Plan February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD4 - 4.8 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Inspectors Report 06 August 2020(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.1 Occ Transport Schedule 06 July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.2 Occ Transport Schedule 05 January 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.3 Occ Transport Schedule 11 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.4 Occ Transport Schedule 23 June 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.5 Occ Transport Schedule 06 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.6 Occ Transport Schedule 11 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.7 Occ Transport Schedule 25 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.8 Occ Transport Schedule 02 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.9 Highways England Email Response 28 July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.10 Highways England Planning Response 28 July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.11 National Highways Email Response 21 September 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.12 National Highways Planning Response 21 September 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.13 National Highways Email Response 16 November 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.14 National Highways Planning Response 23 November 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.15 Network Rail Email Response 11 June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.16 Etpg Transport Assessment Analysis June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.17 Etpg Transport Assessment Analysis 22 Dec 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.18 Etpg Response To Update Uploaded May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.19 Etpg Tn009 Response Uploaded Jan 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.20 Bbug Response 20 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.21 Bbug Response 22 June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.22 Gagle Brook Ps Online Comment 29 June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD5 - 5.23 Bioregional Response 17 August 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.1 Email From Occ Highways To Velocity 02 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.2 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 18 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.24 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 28 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.25 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 29 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.26 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 14 March 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.27 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 05 April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.28 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.29 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 11 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.30 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 31 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.31 Email From Rapleys To Hld 18 July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.32 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 09 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.33 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 10 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.34 Email From Rapleys To Hld 11 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.35 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 11 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.36 Email Cdc To Review Partners 19 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.37 Email From Rapleys To Hld 02 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.38 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 20 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.39 Bioregional Response To Cdc October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.40 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 04 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.41 Email From Rapleys To Hld 13 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.42 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 21 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.43 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 22 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.44 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 03 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.45 Email From Bwns To Cdc 25 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.3 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 21 September 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.4 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 December 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.5 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 18 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.6 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 21 July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.7 Email From Cdc To Bwns 21 July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.8 Email From Bwns To Cdc 21 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.9 Email From Cdc To Bwns 23 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.10 Email From Bwns To Cdc 29 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.11 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.12 Email From Bwns To Cdc 19 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.13 Email From Cdc To Bwns 26 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.14 Email From Cdc To Bwns 03 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.15 Email From Bwns To Cdc 05 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.16 Email From Bwns To Cdc 31 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.17 Email From Cdc To Bwns 11 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.18 Email From Bwns To Cdc 13 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.19 Email From Review Partners To Cdc 15 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.20 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 24 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.21 Email From Bwns To Cdc 16 Decembee 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.22 Email From Bwns To Cdc 10 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.23 Email From Bwns To Cdc 30 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.24 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 28 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.25 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 29 October 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.26 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 14 March 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.27 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 05 April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.28 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.29 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 11 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.30 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 31 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.31 Email From Rapleys To Hld 18 July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.32 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 09 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.33 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 10 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.34 Email From Rapleys To Hld 11 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.35 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 11 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.36 Email Cdc To Review Partners 19 August 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.37 Email From Rapleys To Hld 02 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.38 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 20 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.39 Bioregional Response To Cdc October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.40 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 04 October 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.41 Email From Rapleys To Hld 13 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.42 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 21 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.43 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 22 December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.44 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 03 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.45 Email From Bwns To Cdc 25 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.47 Email From Bwns To Cdc 13 April 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.48 Email From Bwns To Cdc 10 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.49 Email From Cdc Ecology To Cdc Planning 17 May 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.50 Email From Bwns To Cdc 21 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.51 Email From Bwns To Cdc 29 September 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.52 Email From Cdc To Bwns 15 November 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD6 - 6.53 Email From Ea To Vectos 29 March 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.1 3163551 Howes Lane Bicester 19 December 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.2 3304021 Howes Lane Bicester 14 February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.3 3310788 Land East Of Grove 13 March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.4 3192918 Hanging Lane Sos Decision 24 July 2019 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.5 St Modwen Devts Ltd V Sos For Clg 20 October 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.6 Judgement On Suffolk Coastal Richborough 10 May 2017 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.7 East Bergholt Pc V Babergh Dc 12 December 2019 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.8 3194926 Woolpit Suffolk 28 September 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.9 3265861 Sonning Common 25 June 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.10 Hallam Land Mgmt Ltd V Sos For Clg 31 July 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.11 2192192 Holmes Chapel Road Brereton Heath 12 February 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.12 3266503 Newhouse Farm Horsham 30 July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.13 Cherwell Development Watch Alliance V Cdc And Anor 30 July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.14 3214324 Poplar Hill Stowmarket 13 August 2019 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.15 3289643 Leigh Sinton Malvern 05 July 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD7 - 7.16 3284280 Hill End Road Twyning 24 March 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.1 Nppf July 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.13 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.3 Acknowledgement Letter 20 May 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.4 Nwb Exemplar Decision Notice 10 July 2012 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Clearance Of Condition | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Phase 2 Sheet 1 Of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Phase 2 Sheet 2 Of 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.6 Draft Cdc Annual Monitoring Report February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.7 Cdc Annual Monitoring Report December 2021 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.8 Cdc Housing Land Supply Statement February 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.9 Oxforshire Hena December 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.10 Cil Regs 2010 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.11 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Agenda 19 January 2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.12 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.13 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan Appendices | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 2 Of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 3 Of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 1 Of 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.15 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Nts | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.16 Hdt 2021 Measurement Technical Note 14 January 2022 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.17 Hdt Measurement Rule Book July 2018 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.18 Cdc Playing Pitch And Outdoor Sport Strategy February 2023(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 30/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.1.19 Cdc Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023(1) | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.1 Transport Assessment Scoping Report November 2020 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 App Pt 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 App Pt 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Miscellaneous | 23/05/2023 | CD8 - 8.2.3 S38 Agreement July 2014 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Questionnaire | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bicester 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 7 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 8 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 9 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 10 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 11 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Bsc 12 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 2 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 3 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 4 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 5 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 6 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 7 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 8 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 10 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 13 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 15 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Esd 17 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Inf 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Policy Psd 1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Tr1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Tr7 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Tr10 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Env1 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Env12 Contaminated Land | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Local Plan 1996 C28 C30 | (0kb) | - | |
Questionnaire Documents | 22/02/2023 | Nppf Feb 2019 Revised | (0kb) | - | |
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision | 25/07/2023 | 3315849 Appeal Decision.pdf 25.07.2023 | (0kb) | - | |
Appeals Documents | |||||
Section 106 Agreement (NW Bicester) - Clean Version(180761786.1).docx | 14/06/2023 | Section 106 Agreement (NW Bicester) - Clean Version(180761786.1).docx | (0kb) | - | |
Email-202306140833340468Comparison of NW Bicester s106 DRAFT - 09.06.23 4133-9861-6904.1 - Section 106 Agreement (NW Bi.msg | 14/06/2023 | Comparison NW Bicester | (0kb) | - |
Appeal Documents | |||||
Appeal Documents (0kb) - S106 REDACTED | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellants NW Bicester closing submission.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG v8 FINAL for agreement 6.6.2023 - Clean.doc | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 4.docx | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.1.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.2.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 5.3.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 1.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 2.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG - Appendix 3.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - NW Bicester s106 DRAFT - 31.05.23 4130-9687-6360.1.docx | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Consultant Comments | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Traffic Model (Amendments for Appeal - 530 - 50%) | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Traffic Model (Amendments for Appeal - 550 - 40%) | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Cons - 23.05.30 - Charlotte Ave LINSIG Results | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Cons - Charlotte Ave PICADY Results | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Highways Cons - 4600-1100-T-080-A - Charlotte Ave - One-way Opt | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appeal Form redacted | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Barton Willmore - Statement of Case | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image001.png | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image002.png | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image003.png | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - FW_ APP_C3105_W_23_3315849 - N-W Bicester - image004.png | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.1.A-D - Financial Viability - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.1.E - Financial Viability - Summary.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.2.A-B - Carbon Emission Reduction - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.2.C - Carbon Emission Reduction - Summary.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.3.A - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.3.B-H - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Appendices.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.3.I - Five Year Housing Land Supply - Summary.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.4.A-E - Highways - Proof of Evidence and Appendices.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.4.F - Highways - Summary.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.5.A - Planning - Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.5.B-D - Planning - Appendices.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - APP.5.E - Planning - Summary.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Draft planning conditions - 9 May 2023.docx | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - 16 May 2023 - Site notice positions.pdf | |||||
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Site notice positions.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Proof of Evidence of Ian Tarbet.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Tom Webster Proof of Evidence for Cherwell .pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Tom Webster Summary Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Bioregional Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Highways Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Five Year Housing Land Supply PoE NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue .docx | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - FINAL Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - APPENDICES PoE of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - SUMMARY Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 05.09.JGOX5092PS.JG HLS PoE obo CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue PINS Ref 3315849 vf + Appx1.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 8.1.18 CDC Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy February 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appx 1 CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Ave | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - FINAL 5YHLS Updated Statement of Common Ground with CDC Clean Signed 23.5.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Zero carbon SoCG v6 CDC and NWBA signed.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Highways and Access SoCG Final.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - CDC fIVE yEAR hOUSING lAND sUPPLY pROOF | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - FINAL Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - SUMMARY Proof of Evidence of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - APPENDICES PoE of Nigel Simkin - NW Bicester 06.05.23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix 1-2 Bicester Millenium Cycling Club.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix 1-3 Bicester Social Cycling _ Facebook.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendix 1-1 | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Highways Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Bioregional Firethorn summary note v00 030523.docx | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Tom Webster Proof of Evidence for Cherwell .pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Tom Webster Summary Proof of Evidence.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Bioregional final review October 2022.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - JSNA_Bitesize_Population_Mar23 (002).pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Revised Statement of Case 5.6.2023 Version 2.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - Supplement June 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 05.09.JGOX5092PS.JG HLS Rebuttal PoE obo CDC NW Bicester Charlotte Avenue PINS Ref 3315849 vf.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 8.1.19 CDC Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement -May 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell PPOSS - Strategy 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Mayors Affordable Housing and Viability SPD.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - OCC Updated R122 Statement 21-01630-OUT 23-05-23.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Neighbourhood Police Justification Letter.doc | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 3117 230525 rebuttal statement Jonathan Riggall.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 31036 A5 P4a NPN 23 05 22 - FINAL Rebuttal 5YS PoE.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Rebuttal - Financial Viability - NW Bicester - signed.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 230519 - Rebuttal Proof of Evidence (Mark Kirby).pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - 4.8 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Inspectors Report 06 August 2020.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Cherwell DC CIL Reg Compliance Statement - Additional information 9th June 2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LMO Business Plan - final 5th October (2).pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Supplement to OCC R122 Statement 21-01630-OUT.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Viability Statement of Common Ground (NWBA) - Final.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appendecies to HLS Rebuttal 20230524095044017 | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - CDC Opening Submissions | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning SoCG v8 FINAL for agreement 6.6.2023 - Clean.doc | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Roads Contribution -Additional information 14.6.2023.pdf | |||||
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - CONDITIONS for 21-01630-OUT Final - Clean.docx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cdc Closings 16.6.2026 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - NWBA - Closing Statement - written submission 15 June 2023.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Bicester Bike Users Group - Closing Statement.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Revised Inquiry Time table | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD9 - 9.3 Nwba Statement Of Case Amended March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD12 - 12.1 Cd 109 Highway Link Design Rev 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD9 - 9.2 Cdc Statement Of Case March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Information regarding both venues for Public Inquiry. | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - 20230513 Paul Troop Statement NW Bicester Planning Appeal.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement from Rianna Dearden | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Catherine Hickman | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Sarah Nolan | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Raghav Narula | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Raghav Narula | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Brigitte Hickman | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Safak Bennett | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Therese Grear | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Statement of Doug Torrent | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ NW Bicester Appeal - Reference docs for NWBA XX of Mr Kirby | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - FW_ Reference Docs for Questioning | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Bicester BUG - Presentation Notes.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - NWBA - CLOSING STATEMENT - final draft on Weds 14 June 2023.docx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD9 - 9.4 Bbug Statement Of Case Arch 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD9 - 9.4 St Laurence's Church Dcc March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.8 Highways Socg Appellant And Cdc 05 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.9 Carbon Reduction Socg 04 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 016 B Charlotte Ave Traffic Signals | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 073 A Elmsbrook Spine Road Assessment | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 029 A Bridge Footway Provision | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 075 A Alternative Site Access Ghost Island | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 077 A Alternative Site Access Simple Priority Opt 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.1 Site Visit Itinerary | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.1 Inspector's Site Visit Plan | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.4 Viabilty Socg Appellant And Cdc 28 April 2023 Signed | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.5 5yhls Socg Appellant And Cdc 04 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.6 Highways Socg Appellant And Nwba 03 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.7 Highways Socg Appellant And Bbug 03 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.10 Viability Socg Appellant And Nwba 03 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.16 Cc Climate Emergency Dpd Technical Evidence Base July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.17 Cc Climate Emergency Dpd Technical Appendices July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.18 Cc Energy Review And Modelling February 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD13.1 Bicester Lcwip Town Map Update 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD13.2 Bicester Lcwip Town Villages Map Update 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD13.3 Bicester Lcwip September 2020 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - NWBA - Opening Statement.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Proof of Evidence - BBUG.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - EH-2 Summary of Report - Evidence of DMMason.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - EH-1 Highways and Access Evidence of DMMason.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-4 The Impact of Overloading Charlotte Avenue.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-5 Evidence regarding Masterplan Creep and its impacts.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-1 Evidence for Charlotte Avenue Distance Measurements.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-6 Regarding a Sustainable Plan and Funding for Bus Services.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-7 Adoption of Elmsbrook Side Roads.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-3 The Impact of Gagle Brook School Parking Requirements.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-2 Measurements and Analysis Regarding Proposed Access E.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - XL1 - Crossreferencing NWBA SoCG points.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - XL4 - ETPG Objections points.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - XL2 - National and Local Policies in play.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - XL3 - Evidence Matrix.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-4 ETPG 2023 March Traffic Surveys.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-3 ETPG and Mode Survey Analysis 2019-21.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-2 Mode Transport data shared with ETPG - Ped and Cycle Data Sept-Dec 2019.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-1 Mode Transport data shared with ETPG - Vehicle Data Sept-Dec 2019.xlsx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-5 ETPG Combined Gagle Brook School Travel Surveys 2018-21.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-7 Mode Transport 220303 323473 TP Monitoring Report v1.1.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-6 ETPG Elmsbrook Traffic Surveys and Monitoring Analysis Autumn 2019 and June 2021.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-8 Gagle Brook School Travel Plan Final.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-9 2018 PPT - Components to Parking and Traffic on Elmsbrook.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES-10 2020 PPT - GB School and Eco Business Centre Parking.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Eco Business Centre Statement.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Elmsbrook Community Organisation Statement for Firethorn Appeal.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET Appendices - Emails between 1 ETPG and OCC Highways - 2 ETPG and VTP.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Overview of Evidence Documents for the North West Bicester Alliance.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - ET-8 ONS Data for Traffic Levels prior to during and since Covid-19.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD9 - 9.1 Appellant Statement Of Case January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.4 Infrastruct Cs Ltd Drawing Sheet 1 Of 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cherwell District Council's Statement of Case .pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - NW Bicester Alliance - Statement of Case for APP-C3105-W-23-3315849.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Oliver R - 896116 - INTERESTED PARTY_(ATTACHMENT) - OCC R122 Statement Final 21-01630-OUT.docx | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Bicester Bike Users’ Group Statement of Case.pdf | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - 3315849_ Summary Note_CFI.doc | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Consultee Notif 2 document | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - F2f Hybrid Site Notice | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.4 Code For Sustainable Homes Technical Guide November 2010 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.5 Uk Productivity Plan July 2015 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.6 Part L Conservation Of Fuel And Power Vol 1 Dwellings December 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.7 Part L Conservation Of Fuel And Power Vol 1 Dwellings February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD12 - 12.3 Exemplar Phase Transport Assessment November 2010 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.8 Sap 10 Version History 11 April 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.9 Pps Ecotowns A Supplement To Pps1 July 2009 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.10 Rfz Evidence To Inform The 2025 Fhs February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.11 Defining Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard Novemeber 2009 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.12 Standard Assessment Procedure 10.2 April 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 10.3 Highways Socg Appellant And Cdc 03 May 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.13 Future Homes 2025 Consultation Response January 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.14 Tree Policy For Oxfordshire April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.15 Climate Change Act 2008 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.19 Cllp Climate Change Evidence Base Task C Febraury 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.20 Cllp Climate Change Evidence Base Task G Febraury 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.1 Hld Financial Viabilty Assessment November 2022 Pt 4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.2 Rics Financial Viability In Planning May 2019 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.3 Rics Assessing Viability In Planning Under The Nppf March 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.4 Mol Ah And Viability Spg August 2017 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.4.5 Clp Partial Review Viability Assessment July 2017 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.5 Infrastruct Ltd Drawing Sheet 2 Of 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.6 Occ Street Design Guide September 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.7 Occ Local Transport And Connectivity Plan July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.8 Ltn1 20 Cycle Infrastructure Design July 2020 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.9 Manual For Streets March 2007 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.10 Manual For Streets 2 September 2010 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.11 Cd 123 Geometric Design Of At Grade Priority And Signal Controlled Junctions | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.12 Cd 195 Designing For Cycle Traffic V1.0.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.13 Occ Parking Standards | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.1 Nwb Masterplan Energy Strategy V3 March 2014 App B | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.1 Nwb Masterplan Energy Strategy V3 March 2014 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD12 - 12.2 Cd 127 Cross Sections And Headrooms V1.0.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.2 Next Steps To Zch Allowable Solutions July 2014 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD10 - 4600 1100 T 076 A Alternative Site Access Simple Priority Opt 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.3.3 Carbon Compliance Setting An Appropriate Limit For Zch | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.1 Original Application Form | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.2 Cil Form 05 May 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.3 Covering Letter 05 May 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.4 Site Location Plan 1192 001 Rev I | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.5 Nwb Development Parameters V3 April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Parameter Plan Building Heights 1192 003c Rev H | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.7 Parameter Plan Green Space 1192 003a Rev H | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.8 Parameter Plan Access 1192 003d Rev H | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.9 Site Accesses A B C 4600 1100 T 009 Rev C | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.10 Site Access D 4600 1100 T 010 Rev A | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.11 Site Access E 4600 1100 T 011 Rev B | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.12 Charlotte Ave Traffic Signals 4600 1100 T 016 Rev B | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.13 Illustrative Masterplan 1192 Sk004 Rev C | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.14 Planning Statement April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.15 Design And Access Statement April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.17 Health Impact Assessment April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.18 Outline Energy Statement March 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.19 Affordable Housing Statement 21 April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.20 Water Efficiency Statement April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.21 Technology Appraisal For Net Zero Homes Feb 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement Appendices Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement Appendices Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.16 Statement Of Community Involvement April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.22 Baseline Tree Survey August 2020 Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.22 Baseline Tree Survey August 2020 Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.23 Utilities Appraisal Report April 2021 Part 5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4a | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4b | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4c | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4d | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 4e | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5a | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5b | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5c | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5d | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5e | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5f | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5g | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5h | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5i | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5j | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5k | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5l | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 5m | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.24 Desk Study And Site Investigation 16 April 2021 Part 8 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.25 Es Non Technical Summary April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 1 Introduction | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 2 Eia Methodology | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 3 Site And Development | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 4 Alternatives | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 5 Construction | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 6 Transport | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 7 Air Quality | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 8 Noise And Vibration | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 9 Landscape | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 10 Biodiversity | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 11 Built Hertiage | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 12 Population And Health | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 13 Water And Flood Risk | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 14 Climate | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Chapter 15 Summary | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Es Volume 1 Cover And Contents | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 1.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 2.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 3.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 4.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 7.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 8.7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 9.7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 10.7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 11.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.26 Figure 12.7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.1 P5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 6.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 1.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 1.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 2.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 2.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 7.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 8.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 9.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.5 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.6 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 10.7 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 11.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 11.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 13.1 P4 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Appendix 14.1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - Es Volume 2 Cover And Contents | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.28 Transport Assessment Vol 1 Report | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.28.1 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App A D | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.28.2 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App E J | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.28.3 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App K N | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD1 - 1.28.4 Transport Assessment Vol 2 App O P | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.36 Tn003 Consultation Responses Part 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.40 Tn007 Response To Occ Comments Part 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.49.1 Bicester Mid Point Cost Calculations | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.49.2 Bicester 10percent Ah Tzc Q1 2022 Agreed Inputs Mid Point Gdv & Costs Ve | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.49.3 Bicester 100percent Private Tzc Q1 2022 Agreed Inputs Mid Point Gdv & Costs | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.49.4 Bicester Mid Point Gdv Calculations | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.49.5 Bicester Viability Assumptions | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.24 Nwb Development Parameters V6.1 Tracked | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.25 Parameter Plan 1 1192 003 Rev N | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.26 Parameter Plan 2 1192 003 Rev N | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.27 Parameter Plan 3 1192 003 Rev M | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.28 Es Conformity Letter 16 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.29 Tbn Gcn Mitigation Strategy Sept 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.30 Flood Modelling Report V2 February 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.31 Ea Hydraulic Model Review 1st Review Vectos Response | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.32 Ea Hydrology Review 1st Review Slr Response | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.34 Screenshot Of Uploads To Ea Website 03 Feb 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.35 Tn001 Junction Assessment Review Feb 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.37 Tn004 Spine Road Assessment Nov 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.38 Tn005 Grampian Condition Review Nov 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.39 Tn006 A4095 Interim Improvement Assmt March 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.41 Tn008 A4095 Junction Modelling Rev A May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.42 Tn008 A4095 Junction Modelling Rev B July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.43 Tn009 Response To Occ Comments May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.44 Tn010 Summary Of Occ Comments 13 Sept 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.45 Tn011 A4095 Junction Modelling Nov 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.46 Fva Report 22 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.47 Fva Non Tech Exec Summary 29 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.48 Fva Executive Summary 11 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.1 Covering Letter Dated 23 November 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.2 Nwb Development Parameters V4 November 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.3 Site Location Plan 1192 001 Rev J | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.4 Proposed Ped Crossing To Church 4600 1100 T 004 Rev D | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.5 Site Access A B C 4600 1100 T 009 Rev D | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.6 Site Access D 4600 1100 T 010 Rev B | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.7 Site Access E .4600 1100 T 011 Rev E | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Construction Access W Parcel 4600_1100_T_027 Rev B | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.9 Post Submission Design Pack November 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.10 Flood Modelling Report V1 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.11 Tbn Bng Assessment 07 April 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.12 Stantec Response To Bioregional Comments | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.13 Covering Letter 30 March 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.14 Nwb Development Parameters V5 Clean | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.15 Nwb Development Parameters V5 Tracked | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.16 Parameter Plan 3 Access 1192 003 Rev M | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.17 Site Access E 4600 1100 T 011 Rev F | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.18 Site Access A 4600 1100 T 040 Rev A | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.19 Site Access A B 4600 1100 T 041 Rev A | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.20 Site Access C 4600 1100 T 042 Rev A | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.21 Response To Ea Comments 04 February 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.22 Covering Letter 16 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 2.23 Nwb Development Parameters V6.1 Clean | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 220204 Bicester Flood Estimation Report 01 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Ds R01 Bicester Whs Permeable Adjustment Worksheet Beta V1.2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 20 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 100 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 457650 224300 1000 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 20 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 100 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 458100 225550 1000 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 20 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 100 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - Feh Catchment Descriptors 456700 225700 1000 Year 02 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD2 - 220204 410.11878.00009 0002 Bicester Hydrology Summary Sheet 06 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.1 Officer Report To Committee 12 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.2 Written Updates 12 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.3 Printed Minutes 12 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.4 Appeal Report To Committee 09 March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.5 Written Updates 09 March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD3 - 3.6 Printed Minutes 09 March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.1 Adopted Clp 2011 2031 December 2016 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.3 Adopted Clp Nov 1996 Saved Policies | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.4 Adopted Clp 2011 2031 Partial Review September 2020 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.5 Nw Bicester Spd February 2016 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.6 Developer Contributions Spd February 2018 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.7 Reg 10a Review Of Local Plan February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD4 - 4.8 Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review Inspectors Report 06 August 2020(1) | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.1 Occ Transport Schedule 06 July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.2 Occ Transport Schedule 05 January 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.3 Occ Transport Schedule 11 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.4 Occ Transport Schedule 23 June 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.5 Occ Transport Schedule 06 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.6 Occ Transport Schedule 11 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.7 Occ Transport Schedule 25 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.8 Occ Transport Schedule 02 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.9 Highways England Email Response 28 July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.10 Highways England Planning Response 28 July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.11 National Highways Email Response 21 September 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.12 National Highways Planning Response 21 September 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.13 National Highways Email Response 16 November 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.14 National Highways Planning Response 23 November 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.15 Network Rail Email Response 11 June 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.16 Etpg Transport Assessment Analysis June 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.17 Etpg Transport Assessment Analysis 22 Dec 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.18 Etpg Response To Update Uploaded May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.19 Etpg Tn009 Response Uploaded Jan 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.20 Bbug Response 20 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.21 Bbug Response 22 June 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.22 Gagle Brook Ps Online Comment 29 June 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD5 - 5.23 Bioregional Response 17 August 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.1 Email From Occ Highways To Velocity 02 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.2 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 18 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.24 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 28 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.25 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 29 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.26 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 14 March 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.27 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 05 April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.28 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.29 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 11 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.30 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 31 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.31 Email From Rapleys To Hld 18 July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.32 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 09 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.33 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 10 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.34 Email From Rapleys To Hld 11 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.35 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 11 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.36 Email Cdc To Review Partners 19 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.37 Email From Rapleys To Hld 02 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.38 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 20 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.39 Bioregional Response To Cdc October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.40 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 04 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.41 Email From Rapleys To Hld 13 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.42 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 21 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.43 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 22 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.44 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 03 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.45 Email From Bwns To Cdc 25 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.3 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 21 September 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.4 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 December 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.5 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 18 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.6 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 21 July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.7 Email From Cdc To Bwns 21 July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.8 Email From Bwns To Cdc 21 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.9 Email From Cdc To Bwns 23 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.10 Email From Bwns To Cdc 29 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.11 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.12 Email From Bwns To Cdc 19 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.13 Email From Cdc To Bwns 26 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.14 Email From Cdc To Bwns 03 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.15 Email From Bwns To Cdc 05 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.16 Email From Bwns To Cdc 31 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.17 Email From Cdc To Bwns 11 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.18 Email From Bwns To Cdc 13 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.19 Email From Review Partners To Cdc 15 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.20 Letter From Cdc To Bwns 24 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.21 Email From Bwns To Cdc 16 Decembee 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.22 Email From Bwns To Cdc 10 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.23 Email From Bwns To Cdc 30 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.24 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 28 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.25 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 29 October 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.26 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 14 March 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.27 Letter From Rapleys To Cdc 05 April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.28 Email From Cdc To Bwns 14 April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.29 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 11 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.30 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 31 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.31 Email From Rapleys To Hld 18 July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.32 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 09 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.33 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 10 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.34 Email From Rapleys To Hld 11 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.35 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 11 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.36 Email Cdc To Review Partners 19 August 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.37 Email From Rapleys To Hld 02 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.38 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 20 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.39 Bioregional Response To Cdc October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.40 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 04 October 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.41 Email From Rapleys To Hld 13 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.42 Email From Rapleys To Cdc 21 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.43 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 22 December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.44 Email From Cdc To Rapleys 03 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.45 Email From Bwns To Cdc 25 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.47 Email From Bwns To Cdc 13 April 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.48 Email From Bwns To Cdc 10 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.49 Email From Cdc Ecology To Cdc Planning 17 May 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.50 Email From Bwns To Cdc 21 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.51 Email From Bwns To Cdc 29 September 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.52 Email From Cdc To Bwns 15 November 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD6 - 6.53 Email From Ea To Vectos 29 March 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.1 3163551 Howes Lane Bicester 19 December 2017 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.2 3304021 Howes Lane Bicester 14 February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.3 3310788 Land East Of Grove 13 March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.4 3192918 Hanging Lane Sos Decision 24 July 2019 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.5 St Modwen Devts Ltd V Sos For Clg 20 October 2017 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.6 Judgement On Suffolk Coastal Richborough 10 May 2017 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.7 East Bergholt Pc V Babergh Dc 12 December 2019 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.8 3194926 Woolpit Suffolk 28 September 2018 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.9 3265861 Sonning Common 25 June 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.10 Hallam Land Mgmt Ltd V Sos For Clg 31 July 2018 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.11 2192192 Holmes Chapel Road Brereton Heath 12 February 2014 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.12 3266503 Newhouse Farm Horsham 30 July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.13 Cherwell Development Watch Alliance V Cdc And Anor 30 July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.14 3214324 Poplar Hill Stowmarket 13 August 2019 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.15 3289643 Leigh Sinton Malvern 05 July 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD7 - 7.16 3284280 Hill End Road Twyning 24 March 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.1 Nppf July 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.13 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan Appendices | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.3 Acknowledgement Letter 20 May 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.4 Nwb Exemplar Decision Notice 10 July 2012 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Clearance Of Condition | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Phase 2 Sheet 1 Of 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.5 Elmsbrook Condition 60 Phase 2 Sheet 2 Of 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.6 Draft Cdc Annual Monitoring Report February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.7 Cdc Annual Monitoring Report December 2021 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.8 Cdc Housing Land Supply Statement February 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.9 Oxforshire Hena December 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.10 Cil Regs 2010 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.11 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Agenda 19 January 2023 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.12 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.13 Extraordinary Executive Meeting Appendix 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan Appendices | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 2 Of 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 3 Of 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Pt 1 Of 3 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.15 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report June 2017 Nts | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.16 Hdt 2021 Measurement Technical Note 14 January 2022 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.17 Hdt Measurement Rule Book July 2018 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.18 Cdc Playing Pitch And Outdoor Sport Strategy February 2023(1) | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.1.19 Cdc Indoor Sports Facilities Draft Needs Assessment May 2023(1) | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.1 Transport Assessment Scoping Report November 2020 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 App Pt 1 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 App Pt 2 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.2 Nwb Masterplan Access And Travel Strategy March 2014 | |||||
Miscellaneous (0kb) - CD8 - 8.2.3 S38 Agreement July 2014 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Questionnaire | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bicester 1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 2 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 3 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 4 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 7 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 8 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 9 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 10 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 11 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Bsc 12 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 2 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 3 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 4 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 5 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 6 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 7 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 8 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 10 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 13 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 15 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Esd 17 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Inf 1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Policy Psd 1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Tr1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Tr7 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Tr10 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Env1 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Env12 Contaminated Land | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Local Plan 1996 C28 C30 | |||||
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Nppf Feb 2019 Revised | |||||
Decision and Legal Agreements | |||||
Decision (0kb) - 3315849 Appeal Decision.pdf 25.07.2023 | |||||
Planning Application Documents | |||||
Section 106 Agreement (NW Bicester) - Clean Version(180761786.1).docx (0kb) - Section 106 Agreement (NW Bicester) - Clean Version(180761786.1).docx | |||||
Email-202306140833340468Comparison of NW Bicester s106 DRAFT - 09.06.23 4133-9861-6904.1 - Section 106 Agreement (NW Bi.msg (0kb) - Comparison NW Bicester |
Planning Applications | ||||||
Application number | Valid Date | Application Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | Decision Issued Date |
07/02591/F | 13/12/2007 | Full Development | Unit 1 Home Farm Caversfield Oxfordshire OX27 8TH | Change of use from B1 to D1 office for physiotherapist | Permitted | 07/02/2008 |
18/00005/SO | 17/01/2018 | Screening Opinion | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Small-scale residential development of 75 residential units with a range of unit mixes. | Screening Opinion requesting EIA | 07/02/2018 |
18/00484/OUT | 22/03/2018 | Outline Application | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Outline planning permission for up to 75 homes, pedestrian and cycle routes, creation of new access point from Charlotte Avenue, provision of open space, play space, allotments, orchard, parking and associated works. | Application Withdrawn | 12/05/2021 |
21/01630/OUT | 06/05/2021 | Outline Application | Land at North West Bicester Home Farm, Lower Farm and SGR2 Caversfield | Outline planning application for up to 530 residential dwellings (within Use Class C3), open space provision, access, drainage and all associated works and operations including but not limited to demolition, earthworks, and engineering operations, with the details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale reserved for later determination | Appeal Allowed (Against Non Determination) | 25/07/2023 |
23/02219/DISC | 14/08/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Discharge of Condition 11 (phasing plan) of 21/01630/OUT (APP/C3105/W/23/3315849) | Permitted | 13/11/2023 |
23/02221/DISC | 14/08/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Discharge of Condition 11 (phasing plan) of 21/01630/OUT (APP/C3105/W/23/3315849) | Permitted | 13/11/2023 |
23/02240/DISC | 11/08/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Discharge of Condition 18 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of 21/01630/OUT (APP/C3105/W/23/3315849) | Application Withdrawn | 13/10/2023 |
23/02241/DISC | 11/08/2023 | Discharge Of Conditions | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Discharge of Condition 18 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of 21/01630/OUT (APP/C3105/W/23/3315849) | Application Withdrawn | 13/10/2023 |
24/02780/NMA | 17/10/2024 | Non Material Amendments | Land North West of Bicester Charlotte Avenue Bicester OX27 8BP | Amendment to the western construction access which would see this temporary construction road move from the approved position to a route slightly further north-west (proposed as non-material amendment to 21/01630/OUT) | ||
24/02782/F | 23/10/2024 | Full Development | Land North And Adjoining Home Farm Banbury Road B4100 Caversfield | Change of Use of land for the provision of a temporary construction access, for a period of up to 10 years, to facilitate the construction of outline planning permission ref. 21/01630/OUT |
Appeal Applications | ||||||
Appeal number | Appeal Start Date | Appeal Type | Location | Proposal | Decision | |
23/00062/NON | 16/02/2023 | Appeal against Non-determination | Land at North West Bicester Home Farm, Lower Farm and SGR2 Caversfield | Outline planning application for up to 530 residential dwellings (within Use Class C3), open space provision, access, drainage and all associated works and operations including but not limited to demolition, earthworks, and engineering operations, with the details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale reserved for later determination | Appeal Allowed |