Planning register

Planning Appeal - 22/00040/REF

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris
Erection of 6 one storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure
Appeal Determined
Sibford Ferris
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Appeals Case Officer
Matthew Swinford
Venue (if applicable)
Appeal Dismissed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence 02/09/2022 Appellant statement of case (488kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/09/2022 Appellant statement of case appendices (5210kb) -
Appellants Evidence 02/09/2022 Appellant application for costs (152kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/10/2022 Appellant rebuttle statement to Kirsty Buttle - Sibford Parish Council.pdf (140kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/10/2022 Appellant rebuttle to Brenda Vandamme comments (29kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/10/2022 Appellant rebuttle to LPA Statement of Case (983kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/10/2022 Appellant rebuttle to Action Group comments (160kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/10/2022 Appellant rebuttle to Stewart Roussel comments (29kb) -
Council’s Evidence 07/10/2022 LPA statement of case (232kb) -
Council’s Evidence 07/10/2022 LPA rebuttal statement against appellant application for costs (179kb) -
Forms and Certs 02/09/2022 Appeal start letter (41kb) -
Forms and Certs 02/09/2022 Appellant appeal form (88kb) -
Forms and Certs 09/09/2022 LPA Questionnaire (113kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/10/2022 LPA email to PINS regarding Severn Trent stance on application (16kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Appeal notification (188kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Appeal notification list (163kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Consultee list and comments (1187kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Local Plan 2011-2031 - Various Policies (1153kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Local Plan 1996 - various policies (44kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Saved Policies 1996 (43kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Saved Policies Local Plan 2011-2031 (571kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Officers Report (364kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Printed minutes 07 04 2022 Planning Committee (281kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Supplement Written Update 07 04 2022 Planning Commitee (687kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 09/09/2022 Sibfords Community Plan 2012 (9002kb) -
Third Party Representations 12/10/2022 Third party comments - Combined (6685kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence (488kb) - Appellant statement of case
Appellants Evidence (5210kb) - Appellant statement of case appendices
Appellants Evidence (152kb) - Appellant application for costs
Appellants Evidence (140kb) - Appellant rebuttle statement to Kirsty Buttle - Sibford Parish Council.pdf
Appellants Evidence (29kb) - Appellant rebuttle to Brenda Vandamme comments
Appellants Evidence (983kb) - Appellant rebuttle to LPA Statement of Case
Appellants Evidence (160kb) - Appellant rebuttle to Action Group comments
Appellants Evidence (29kb) - Appellant rebuttle to Stewart Roussel comments
Council’s Evidence (232kb) - LPA statement of case
Council’s Evidence (179kb) - LPA rebuttal statement against appellant application for costs
Forms and Certs (41kb) - Appeal start letter
Forms and Certs (88kb) - Appellant appeal form
Forms and Certs (113kb) - LPA Questionnaire
Miscellaneous (16kb) - LPA email to PINS regarding Severn Trent stance on application
Questionnaire Documents (188kb) - Appeal notification
Questionnaire Documents (163kb) - Appeal notification list
Questionnaire Documents (1187kb) - Consultee list and comments
Questionnaire Documents (1153kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - Various Policies
Questionnaire Documents (44kb) - Local Plan 1996 - various policies
Questionnaire Documents (43kb) - Saved Policies 1996
Questionnaire Documents (571kb) - Saved Policies Local Plan 2011-2031
Questionnaire Documents (364kb) - Officers Report
Questionnaire Documents (281kb) - Printed minutes 07 04 2022 Planning Committee
Questionnaire Documents (687kb) - Supplement Written Update 07 04 2022 Planning Commitee
Questionnaire Documents (9002kb) - Sibfords Community Plan 2012
Third Party Representations (6685kb) - Third party comments - Combined

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
21/04271/F 23/12/2021 Full Development Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Erection of 6 one storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 08/04/2022
22/01773/F 23/06/2022 Full Development Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Erection of 6no one storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure - re-submission of 21/04271/F Application Withdrawn 06/12/2022
23/00371/MISC 10/02/2023 Miscellaneous Enquiries Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Proposal to install a new electricity pole in the highway owned verge Response Sent 22/02/2023
23/01316/F 16/05/2023 Full Development Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Erection of 5no two storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure Appeal Allowed (Against Refusal) 24/08/2023

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
22/00040/REF 02/09/2022 Appeal against Refusal Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Erection of 6 one storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure Appeal Dismissed
23/00110/REF 04/12/2023 Appeal against Refusal Land South of Faraday House Woodway Road Sibford Ferris Erection of 5no two storey age restricted dwellings (55 years) for older people with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure Appeal Allowed

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