Planning register

Planning Appeal - 21/00044/REF

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton
Erection of up to 43 new homes, access from Station Road and associated works including attenuation pond
Appeal Determined
Hook Norton
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Wayne Campbell
Appeals Case Officer
Matthew Swinford
Venue (if applicable)
Appeal Allowed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence 09/12/2021 Appellant statement of case (264kb) -
Appellants Evidence 09/12/2021 Appellant note regarding Planning Obligation (62kb) -
Appellants Evidence 09/12/2021 List Of Documents Submitted To LPA with Original Application 21-00500-OUT (87kb) -
Appellants Evidence 09/12/2021 List Of Documents Submitted To LPA as Amended Submission to 21-00500-OUT (86kb) -
Appellants Evidence 21/05/2022 Appellant costs application (131kb) -
Council’s Evidence 31/05/2022 LPA response to appellants costs application (12kb) -
Council’s Evidence 11/01/2022 LPA Statement of case (4968kb) -
Forms and Certs 09/12/2021 Appellant appeal form (86kb) -
Forms and Certs 15/12/2021 LPA Questionnaire (110kb) -
Miscellaneous 09/12/2021 Appeal start date letter (44kb) -
Miscellaneous 10/06/2022 CIL compliance statement (241kb) -
Miscellaneous 10/06/2022 CIL compliance statement Appendix 1 - Oxfordshire County Council Regulation 122 Compliance Statement (112kb) -
Miscellaneous 08/06/2022 Statement of Common Ground (424kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/06/2022 The Appeal Hearing arranged for 14th June has been postponed. Once a new date has been agreed, arrangements will be made public on the Council's online reigster and letters sent to interested parties (52kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/06/2022 Re-arranged Hearing detail letter (118kb) -
Miscellaneous 13/06/2022 Re-arranged Hearing detail site notice (53kb) -
Miscellaneous 23/06/2022 Appeal Hearing Agenda (54kb) -
Miscellaneous 24/06/2022 Hook Norton PC Statement made at the Hearing (33kb) -
Miscellaneous 06/07/2022 Section 106 Agreement (3238kb) -
Miscellaneous 18/08/2022 Appeal Decision cover letter (35kb) -
Miscellaneous 19/05/2022 Inspectors Pre-Hearing note (157kb) -
Miscellaneous 20/05/2022 Hearing details notification (168kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Appeal notification letter (189kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Appeal notification list and deadline for comments (159kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Neighbour and comments (1056kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Consultee list and responses (857kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Local Plan 2011-2031 - Multiple Policies (1269kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Local Plan 1996 - multiple policies (58kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan - Multiple Policies (150kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Officers Report (662kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Committee Written Updates 17 06 2021 (440kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Printed minutes 17 06 2021 Planning Committee (329kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Screening Opinion letter (418kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 15/12/2021 Note regarding question 1A (81kb) -
Third Party Representations 14/01/2022 Third party representations - Combined (1017kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 18/08/2022 Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed (171kb) -
Decision 18/08/2022 Appellant costs application decision - application refused (89kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence (264kb) - Appellant statement of case
Appellants Evidence (62kb) - Appellant note regarding Planning Obligation
Appellants Evidence (87kb) - List Of Documents Submitted To LPA with Original Application 21-00500-OUT
Appellants Evidence (86kb) - List Of Documents Submitted To LPA as Amended Submission to 21-00500-OUT
Appellants Evidence (131kb) - Appellant costs application
Council’s Evidence (12kb) - LPA response to appellants costs application
Council’s Evidence (4968kb) - LPA Statement of case
Forms and Certs (86kb) - Appellant appeal form
Forms and Certs (110kb) - LPA Questionnaire
Miscellaneous (44kb) - Appeal start date letter
Miscellaneous (241kb) - CIL compliance statement
Miscellaneous (112kb) - CIL compliance statement Appendix 1 - Oxfordshire County Council Regulation 122 Compliance Statement
Miscellaneous (424kb) - Statement of Common Ground
Miscellaneous (52kb) - The Appeal Hearing arranged for 14th June has been postponed. Once a new date has been agreed, arrangements will be made public on the Council's online reigster and letters sent to interested parties
Miscellaneous (118kb) - Re-arranged Hearing detail letter
Miscellaneous (53kb) - Re-arranged Hearing detail site notice
Miscellaneous (54kb) - Appeal Hearing Agenda
Miscellaneous (33kb) - Hook Norton PC Statement made at the Hearing
Miscellaneous (3238kb) - Section 106 Agreement
Miscellaneous (35kb) - Appeal Decision cover letter
Miscellaneous (157kb) - Inspectors Pre-Hearing note
Miscellaneous (168kb) - Hearing details notification
Questionnaire Documents (189kb) - Appeal notification letter
Questionnaire Documents (159kb) - Appeal notification list and deadline for comments
Questionnaire Documents (1056kb) - Neighbour and comments
Questionnaire Documents (857kb) - Consultee list and responses
Questionnaire Documents (1269kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - Multiple Policies
Questionnaire Documents (58kb) - Local Plan 1996 - multiple policies
Questionnaire Documents (150kb) - Hook Norton Neighbourhood Plan - Multiple Policies
Questionnaire Documents (662kb) - Officers Report
Questionnaire Documents (440kb) - Committee Written Updates 17 06 2021
Questionnaire Documents (329kb) - Printed minutes 17 06 2021 Planning Committee
Questionnaire Documents (418kb) - Screening Opinion letter
Questionnaire Documents (81kb) - Note regarding question 1A
Third Party Representations (1017kb) - Third party representations - Combined
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (171kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed
Decision (89kb) - Appellant costs application decision - application refused

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
14/00069/SO 14/10/2014 Screening Opinion Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Screening Opinion to 14/01738/OUT - Development of 48 houses, access, open space and landscaping. Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 20/10/2014
14/01738/OUT 14/10/2014 Outline Application Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Outline - Development of 48 houses, access, open space and landscaping. Refused 13/01/2015
21/00500/OUT 16/02/2021 Outline Application Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Erection of up to 43 new homes, access from Station Road and associated works including attenuation pond Appeal Allowed (Against Refusal) 21/06/2021
21/00663/SO 16/02/2021 Screening Opinion Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Screening opinion to 21/00500/OUT - Erection of up to 43 new homes, access from Station Road and associated works including attenuation pond Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 08/03/2021
24/01045/REM 17/04/2024 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Reserved Matters application to 21/00500/OUT (APP/C3105/W/21/3278536) - Approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
21/00044/REF 09/12/2021 Appeal against Refusal Land North Of Railway House Station Road Hook Norton Erection of up to 43 new homes, access from Station Road and associated works including attenuation pond Appeal Allowed

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