Planning register

Planning Appeal - 19/00036/REF

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris
Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 25 dwellings with associated open space, parking and sustainable drainage
Appeal Determined
Sibford Ferris
Cropredy, Sibfords And Wroxton
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Bob Neville
01295 221875
Appeals Case Officer
Nathanael Stock
Venue (if applicable)
Council Chamber, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Appeal Allowed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case List of Appendices (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix A Decision Notice (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix B Sibford Ferris Community Plan (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Chesterton 3130576 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Finmere 3169168 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Kirtlington 3001612 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Launton 3188671 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix D Extract from Annual Monitoring Report 2018 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix E from HELAA 2018 (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 List of all plans, drawings and documents submitted with the applciation to the LPA (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 List of all plans, drawings and documents which did not form part of the original application to the LPA (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 List of all plans and drawings submitted but not previously seen by the LPA (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Parameter Plan 6426/ASP3/PP REV D (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Draft heads of Terms (0kb) -
Appellants Evidence 26/07/2019 Appellant statement of case Appendix F Agricultural Land Quality map sourced from Sketchmap (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 31/07/2019 Local Plan 2011-2031 - PSD1 SLE4 BSC1-4 7-12 ESD1-3 6_7_10_12_13_15_17 VIL1_2_INF1 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 31/07/2019 Local Plan 1996 - H18 TR1_7 C8_14_28_30 ENV1_12 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case including appendix 2 and 3 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 1 - Land Supply Update (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 4 - 3158925 decision (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 5 - 3169168 decision (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 6 - 3187461 decision (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 7 - 3188671 decision (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 8 - 3204920 decision (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 9 - Cherwell DC Residential Completions and Permissions (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 10 - 18-19 Policy Villages 2 - all Cat A villages (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 11 - appeal decision Kirtlington 95 (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 12 - Design Guide (0kb) -
Council’s Evidence 28/08/2019 LPA statement of case Appendix 13 - Adopted Developer Contributions February 2018 (0kb) -
Forms and Certs 26/07/2019 Appellant appeal form (0kb) -
Forms and Certs 31/07/2019 LPA Questionnaire (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Adopted Developer Contributions February 2018 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Annual Monitoring Report 2018 and appendices (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Cherwell Residential Design SPD Adopted July 2018 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Cotswolds AONB Management Plan 2018-23 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Planning Committee Minutes 18.04.19 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 PR79 Final 2018 HELAA - HELAA204 map (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 PR79 Final 2018 HELAA with appendices exc app 5 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 31/07/2019 Sibfords Community Plan 2012 (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 05/09/2019 Hearing notification letter (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 05/09/2019 Hearing notification list (0kb) -
Miscellaneous 23/12/2019 PINS notification of amended decision notice (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Saved Policies (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Saved Policies (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Site notice (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 18/0088/SO is EIA necessary sheet (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Appeal letter (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Appeal notification letter with deadline for comments (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Neighbour list and comments part 1 (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Neighbour list and comments part 2 (0kb) -
Questionnaire Documents 31/07/2019 Consultee list and repsonses (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 28/08/2019 Third party correspondence - combined 2 (0kb) -
Third Party Representations 28/08/2019 Third party correspondence - combined 1 (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 23/12/2019 Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case List of Appendices
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix A Decision Notice
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix B Sibford Ferris Community Plan
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Chesterton 3130576
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Finmere 3169168
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Kirtlington 3001612
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix C Appeal Decision Launton 3188671
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix D Extract from Annual Monitoring Report 2018
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix E from HELAA 2018
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - List of all plans, drawings and documents submitted with the applciation to the LPA
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - List of all plans, drawings and documents which did not form part of the original application to the LPA
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - List of all plans and drawings submitted but not previously seen by the LPA
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Parameter Plan 6426/ASP3/PP REV D
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Draft heads of Terms
Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant statement of case Appendix F Agricultural Land Quality map sourced from Sketchmap
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 2011-2031 - PSD1 SLE4 BSC1-4 7-12 ESD1-3 6_7_10_12_13_15_17 VIL1_2_INF1
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Local Plan 1996 - H18 TR1_7 C8_14_28_30 ENV1_12
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case including appendix 2 and 3
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 1 - Land Supply Update
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 4 - 3158925 decision
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 5 - 3169168 decision
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 6 - 3187461 decision
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 7 - 3188671 decision
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 8 - 3204920 decision
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 9 - Cherwell DC Residential Completions and Permissions
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 10 - 18-19 Policy Villages 2 - all Cat A villages
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 11 - appeal decision Kirtlington 95
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 12 - Design Guide
Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA statement of case Appendix 13 - Adopted Developer Contributions February 2018
Forms and Certs (0kb) - Appellant appeal form
Forms and Certs (0kb) - LPA Questionnaire
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Adopted Developer Contributions February 2018
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Annual Monitoring Report 2018 and appendices
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cherwell Residential Design SPD Adopted July 2018
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Cotswolds AONB Management Plan 2018-23
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Planning Committee Minutes 18.04.19
Miscellaneous (0kb) - PR79 Final 2018 HELAA - HELAA204 map
Miscellaneous (0kb) - PR79 Final 2018 HELAA with appendices exc app 5
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Sibfords Community Plan 2012
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Hearing notification letter
Miscellaneous (0kb) - Hearing notification list
Miscellaneous (0kb) - PINS notification of amended decision notice
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Saved Policies
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Saved Policies
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Site notice
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - 18/0088/SO is EIA necessary sheet
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Appeal letter
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Appeal notification letter with deadline for comments
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Neighbour list and comments part 1
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Neighbour list and comments part 2
Questionnaire Documents (0kb) - Consultee list and repsonses
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Third party correspondence - combined 2
Third Party Representations (0kb) - Third party correspondence - combined 1
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Allowed

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
98/00646/AGD 01/07/1998 Agricultural Determination OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Banbury Oxon Construction of a general purpose agricultural building and an 80 ton grain silo Refused 03/09/1998
12/00095/EL 20/01/2012 Electricity Notification OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Oxfordshire Installation of new pole within an existing 11kv overhead electric line in, installation of ABSD on to new pole No Objections 05/03/2012
14/00962/OUT 01/08/2014 Outline Application OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OUTLINE - Erection of six Affordable Local Needs Dwellings and two Market Sale Dwellings with associated car parking and access road including the provision of open space and allotments Application Withdrawn 16/09/2016
14/00040/SO 01/08/2014 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OUTLINE - Erection of six Affordable Local Needs Houses and two Market Sale Dwellings with associated car parking and access road including the provision of open space and allotments Scoping Opinion Issued 28/10/2014
18/00088/SO 07/11/2018 Screening Opinion OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Screening opinion to 18/01894/OUT - Outline with all matters reserved for up to 25 dwellings with associated open space, parking and sustainable drainage Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 19/11/2018
18/01894/OUT 07/11/2018 Outline Application OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 25 dwellings with associated open space, parking and sustainable drainage Appeal Allowed (Against Refusal) 30/04/2019
21/01323/DISC 14/04/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of condition 13 (Archaeological Investigation) of 18/01894/OUT (APP/C3105/W/19/3229631) Application Withdrawn 16/06/2021
21/02870/DISC 19/08/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of condition 12 (Energy Statement) - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 25 dwellings with associated open space, parking and sustainable drainage of 18/01894/OUT Permitted 15/11/2021
21/02893/REM 24/09/2021 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Approval of reserved matters pursuant to condition 1 of planning permission 18/01894/OUT for details of layout, appearance, scale, landscaping, access and parking for 25 dwellings Permitted 21/06/2022
21/02905/DISC 24/08/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of condition 13 (Archaeology) of 18/01894/OUT Permitted 15/10/2021
21/03937/DISC 23/11/2021 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of Condition 5 (access) of 18/01894/OUT Permitted 17/01/2022
22/00787/DISC 16/03/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of Conditions 6 (Travel Pack) & 10 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of 18/01894/OUT Permitted 08/09/2022
22/01153/DISC 19/04/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of condition 7 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of 18/01894/OUT Permitted 08/09/2022
22/01220/DISC 25/04/2022 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of Condition 9 (Landscape Ecological Management Plan) of 18/01894/OUT (APP/C3105/W/19/3229631) Permitted 18/10/2022
22/01590/DISC 27/05/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of Condition 8 (surface water drainage scheme) of 18/01894/OUT (APP/C3105/W/19/3229631) Permitted 11/10/2022
22/02648/DISC 30/08/2022 Discharge Of Conditions Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris OX15 5QW Discharge of Conditions 20 (Cycle Storage), 21 (EV Charging) & 22 (Biodiversity) of 21/02893/REM Permitted 19/01/2023
22/03106/DISC 12/10/2022 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of Condition 23 (Water Efficiency) of 21/02893/REM Permitted 19/05/2023
23/00866/OBL 30/03/2023 Obligation OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of the relevant obligation under the Section 106 Agreement concerning the submission and approval of an Affordable Housing Scheme in relation to 21/02893/REM Permitted 14/03/2024
23/01754/DISC 26/06/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of Conditions 2 (stone sample panel), 3 (schedule of materials) and 4 (externally facing materials) of 21/02893/REM Permitted 17/11/2023
23/03512/DISC 14/12/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of Conditions 6 (Landscaping Scheme) and 8 (Landscape Management Plan) of 21/02893/REM Permitted 01/07/2024
24/00130/OBL 16/01/2024 Obligation OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of Open Space Scheme, in terms of Third Schedule (paragraph 2.1) and details of the LAP in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Third Schedule, in connection with planning permission 21/02893/REM Permitted 02/07/2024
24/00407/DISC 14/12/2023 Discharge Of Conditions OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Discharge of Conditions 16 (details - purpose-built tree pits/above ground features) and 17 (details - tree pits located within soft landscaped areas) of 21/02893/REM Permitted 13/02/2024
24/03250/OUT 04/12/2024 Full Development Os Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Variation of Condition 4 (plans) of 18/01894/OUT (Appeal Ref: APP/C3105/W/19/3229631) - Amendment to approved drawings, removing allotments

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
19/00036/REF 23/07/2019 Appeal against Refusal OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 25 dwellings with associated open space, parking and sustainable drainage Appeal Allowed

Building Control Applications

Application number Received Date Validated Date Application Type Location Proposal
21/01421/IN 14/12/2021 Initial Notice OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris 25 residential units
23/00228/IN 02/03/2023 Initial Notice OS Parcel 4300 North Of Shortlands And South Of High Rock Hook Norton Road Sibford Ferris 25 Residential Dwellings.

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