Planning register

Planning Appeal - 17/00076/REFAPP

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford
Addition of approximately 310m of metal 'field' style railings painted black (Retrospective)
Appeal Determined
Upper Heyford
The Astons And Heyfords
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Appeals Case Officer
Venue (if applicable)
Appeal Dismissed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 01/08/2017 Checklist (0kb) -
Application Document 01/08/2017 Info Map (0kb) -
Application Document 01/08/2017 App form (0kb) -
Application Document 01/08/2017 Neighbour List (0kb) -
Application Document 01/08/2017 Neighbour Map (0kb) -
Application Document 29/08/2017 Publicity (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents 15/09/2017 Railing Report (0kb) -
Site Plans
Site Location Plan 01/08/2017 Location plan (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 01/08/2017 Fence key Plan (0kb) -
Plans – Details 01/08/2017 Railing postions (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 30/08/2017 OCC Local Highways Authority - 25.08.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 04/09/2017 Upper Heyford Parish Council - 01.09.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 30/08/2017 Landscape Services 25-08-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 23/08/2017 Emptage, C - 22.08.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 30/08/2017 McCormack, P - 30.08.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/09/2017 Keen, S - 04.09.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/09/2017 Coggins, T - 04.09.17 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 02/10/2017 28.09.2017 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 13/04/2018 PINS notice of appeal decision 12/04/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Consult list - responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Neighbour list - responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Appeal letter (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 PINS Notice of appeal start date 25/01/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Saved policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 27/03/2018 PINS notice of appellant final comments 26/03/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Constraints map (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Planning site notice (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - Saved policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 3rd party comments (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 09/03/2018 PINS Notice of 3rd party comments 08/03/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/01/2018 F - RAF Upper Heyford conservation area appraisal April 2006 (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix J - Railing design LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix I - Railing details LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix H - Schedule 2 Part 2 Class A GPDO (Extract) (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix G - Officer Report LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix F - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix E - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 10-01642-OUT (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix D - Design Code Version 5.2 LPA Ref No. 13-00153-DISC (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 27/03/2018 Appellant final comments (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix C - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 14-01740-REM (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix B - Railing Location Map LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appendix A - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/01/2018 Appellant appeal statement (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 Appellant appeal form (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 LPA Questionnare (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 08/03/2018 LPA Statement of case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 08/03/2018 LPA Statement of case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 F - Local Plan 1996 - C28 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 F - Local Plan 1996 - C28 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD 15 Villages 5 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 31/01/2018 F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD 15 Villages 5 (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 13/04/2018 Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed 12/04/18 (0kb) -
Decision 02/10/2017 02.10.2017 (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - Checklist
Application Document (0kb) - Info Map
Application Document (0kb) - App form
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour List
Application Document (0kb) - Neighbour Map
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Railing Report
Site Plans
Site Location Plan (0kb) - Location plan
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (0kb) - Fence key Plan
Plans – Details (0kb) - Railing postions
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Local Highways Authority - 25.08.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Upper Heyford Parish Council - 01.09.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Services 25-08-17
Public Comments
Public Comments (0kb) - Emptage, C - 22.08.17
Public Comments (0kb) - McCormack, P - 30.08.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Keen, S - 04.09.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Coggins, T - 04.09.17
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) - 28.09.2017
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of appeal decision 12/04/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Consult list - responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Neighbour list - responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Appeal letter
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS Notice of appeal start date 25/01/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Saved policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of appellant final comments 26/03/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Constraints map
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Planning site notice
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Saved policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - 3rd party comments
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS Notice of 3rd party comments 08/03/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - RAF Upper Heyford conservation area appraisal April 2006
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix J - Railing design LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix I - Railing details LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix H - Schedule 2 Part 2 Class A GPDO (Extract)
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix G - Officer Report LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix F - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 16-00083-NMA
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix E - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 10-01642-OUT
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix D - Design Code Version 5.2 LPA Ref No. 13-00153-DISC
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant final comments
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix C - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 14-01740-REM
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix B - Railing Location Map LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appendix A - Decision Notice LPA Ref. No. 17-01466-F
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant appeal statement
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appellant appeal form
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Questionnare
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Statement of case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Statement of case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 1996 - C28
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 1996 - C28
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD 15 Villages 5
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - ESD 15 Villages 5
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed 12/04/18
Decision (0kb) - 02.10.2017

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
98/00429/F 09/03/1998 Full Development Former USAF Housing And Facilities On South Side Of Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use to private housing and associated community facilities 22/05/1998
98/01274/F 16/07/1998 Full Development Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Traffic management proposals Permitted 11/12/1998
99/01018/TEL 01/06/1999 Telecommunications Service Strip Adjacent And North Of Car Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Erection of a free-standing telecommunications pole 11.5 metres in height, at the top of which three 1 metre antenna covered in a radio permeable shroud, together with associated equipment cabins Prior Approval Not Required 25/06/1999
00/00543/F 27/04/2000 Full Development Building 528 576 583 584 886 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Recreational sports training and competition facilities for use by certain Olympic National Governing Body sports, other sports and members of the public Permitted 21/08/2000
00/02291/OUT 08/11/2000 Outline Application Former RAF Upper Heyford Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Development of a settlement of about 1,000 dwellings, including the demolition of all buildings and structures and removal of all hardstandings shown on the Demolition Plans (Plans 10a + 11a); the construction of dwellings (Use Class C3); Refused 23/06/2003
03/01044/F 07/07/2003 Full Development Building 583, 576 And 886 Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings 583, 576 and 886 for recreational sports training facilities for use by certain Olympic governing body sports and other sports Permitted 09/09/2003
04/01959/F 06/09/2004 Full Development Building 583. 576 And 886 Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain olympic governing body sports and other sports. Permitted 29/10/2004
05/02087/F 24/10/2005 Full Development Buildings 583, 576, 886 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain olympic governing body sports and other sports. (Renewal of temporary permission 04/01959/F) (as amended by site location plan received 15 December 2005 with agent's letter dated 9 December 2005) Permitted 19/12/2005
05/02348/TEL 30/11/2005 Telecommunications Service Strip Adjacent And North Of Car Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Removal of existing 10 metre high telecommunications mast and small cabinet and erection of 15 metre high telecommunications mast with 3 No. antenna and small cabinet Prior Approval Not Required 25/01/2006
06/00002/SCOP 31/07/2006 Scoping Opinion Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Scoping Opinion - Provision of approximately 1000 dwellings, a range of employment premises to accommodate 1300 jobs, provision of primary school and local facilities, provision of recreation and community facilities, retention and re-use of buildings of historic interest, provision of necessary infrastructure to serve the proposed development Scoping Opinion Issued 20/09/2006
06/02414/F 07/12/2006 Full Development Buildings 583, 576, 886 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain olympic governing body sports and other sports. (Renewal of temporary permission 05/02087/F) Permitted 30/01/2007
08/02501/TCA 08/12/2008 Works To Trees In Conservation Area North Oxfordshire Consortium Ltd Heyford Park House Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Various tree works (as described in accompanying document from agent) Permitted 28/01/2009
08/00716/OUT 04/03/2008 Outline Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD OUTLINE application for new settlement of 1075 dwellings, together with associated works and facilities including employment uses, community uses, school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure (as amended by plans and information received 26.06.08). Non-Determination 11/01/2010
07/02338/CAC 06/11/2007 Conservation Area Buildings 400 - 410, UH12, UH13 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Demolition of existing structures as part of lasting arrangement of Heyford Park Permitted 31/12/2007
08/00619/F 04/03/2008 Full Development Buildings 583, 576, 886 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain Olympic governing body sports and other sports Permitted 25/04/2008
07/02291/OUT 06/11/2007 Outline Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD OUTLINE application for new settlement of 1075 dwellings, together with associated works and facilities including employment uses, community uses, school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure. Application Withdrawn 23/07/2008
07/02363/CAC 06/11/2007 Conservation Area Buildings 515, 527, 528, 570, 566, 567, 577, 583, 584, 590, 592, 595, 597, 599, UH15, UH3, UH5 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Demolition of existing structure as part of lasting arrangement of Heyford Park Permitted 31/12/2007
09/00339/F 12/03/2009 Full Development Buildings 583, 576, 886 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Change of use of buildings 583, 576, 886 and adjacent recreational land at Heyford Park to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain Olympic governing body sports and other sports. Renewal of permission. Permitted 22/05/2009
08/00783/CAC 04/03/2008 Conservation Area Building 579 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Oxfordshire Demolition of existing structure as part of lasting arrangement of Heyford Park Permitted 29/04/2008
10/00550/F 09/04/2010 Full Development Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Variation of conditions no. 33 & 46 of 08/00716/OUT (Contamination and Ground Water Protection). Application Withdrawn 12/11/2013
10/00389/F 23/04/2010 Full Development Buildings 583 And Adjacent Recreational Land Heyford Park Upper Heyford Bicester Oxon Continuation of change of use of buildings 583 and adjacent recreational land at Heyford Park to recreational sports training facilities for use by certain Olympic governing body sports and other sports. Renewal of 09/00339/F Permitted 17/06/2010
09/01838/TEL 18/12/2009 Telecommunications Service Strip Adjacent And North Of Car Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Oxfordshire Replacement of Orange column 11.5m high with 15m Orange column; one Dorset equipment cabinet to replace Gloucester equipment cabinet and new electrical meter pillar including ancillary electrical cabling (as amended by plans received 11/1/10). Prior Approval Not Required 05/02/2010
10/00003/SCOP 20/05/2010 Scoping Opinion Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Scoping Opinion - Proposed Redevelopment of Heyford Park Scoping Opinion Issued 15/07/2010
10/01619/CAC 27/10/2010 Conservation Area Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Demolition of existing structures (as per Conservation Area Consent Schedule and Drawing No. D.0291 38-1) Permitted 14/02/2011
10/01642/OUT 27/10/2010 Outline Application Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Outline - Proposed new settlement of 1075 dwellings including the retention and change of use of 267 existing military dwellings to residential use Class C3 and the change of use of other specified buildings, together with associated works and facilities, including employment uses, a school, playing fields and other physical and social infrastructure Permitted 22/12/2011
12/00633/CLUE 03/05/2012 Certificate of Lawful Use Existing Flying Field Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Certificate of Lawful Use Existing - To establish the provision of driving experiences as a lawful use Application Withdrawn 21/06/2012
13/01298/F 02/12/2013 Full Development Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Variation of Condition 13 of 10/01642/OUT - Prior to the occupation of the 200th new build dwelling the off-site planting shall be completed and the existing boundary fence to the south of the settlement area shall be removed in accordance with the phasing scheme approved under Condition 7 (viii) Application Withdrawn 14/11/2019
13/00329/DISC 13/11/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial Discharge of Condition 7 (7(ii),7(iii), 7(iv). 7(v), 7(vii) and 7(viii)) of 10/01642/OUT (Phasing Plan) Permitted 18/04/2019
13/00330/DISC 13/11/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Clearance of condition 17 of 10/01642/OUT (Tree Protection) Permitted 14/07/2014
13/01584/REM 17/10/2013 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Erection of 69 dwellings with associated car parking, infrastructure and landscaping, provision of public open space, play areas and flood attenuation Permitted 19/02/2014
13/00354/DISC 04/12/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Clearance of condition 30 of 10/01642/OUT (Drainage Strategy) Permitted 31/12/2014
13/00355/DISC 05/12/2013 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Clearance of condition 29 of 10/01642/OUT (Improvements to Sewerage System) Permitted 15/01/2015
14/00002/SCOP 14/03/2014 Scoping Opinion Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HA SCOPING OPINION - Proposed development comprising up to 4,000 residential dwellings, district centre and business centre, primary and secondary schools, renewable energy park, heritage and visitor facilities, linear park, community open space, sports and recreation, landscaping and associated utilities and infrastructure Scoping Opinion Issued 09/06/2014
14/00080/DISC 01/04/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Discharge of Condition 3 of 13/01584/REM (Sample Render Panel) Permitted 01/05/2014
14/00103/DISC 10/04/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Clearance of condition 12 of 10/01642/OUT (Perimeter Landscaping) Permitted 14/07/2014
14/00232/DISC 26/08/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Parcel B2A Broad Way Upper Heyford Discharge of Condition 6 of 13/01584/REM Parking, garaging and manoeuvring area specification) Permitted 07/10/2014
14/00142/DISC 29/05/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Building 488 Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial Discharge of Condition 2 of 07/02350/CAC - (APP/C3105/A/08/2080594) (Phased demolition programme) Permitted 28/10/2014
15/00105/NMA 17/08/2015 Non Material Amendments Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Non-Material Amendment to 13/01584/REM - Amendments to the P404 Housetype Permitted 08/09/2015
14/00424/DISC 10/12/2014 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Clearance of condition 2 of 13/01584/REM Permitted 15/01/2015
18/01249/CLUP 25/07/2018 Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development for installation of Field Railings below 1 metre in height. Permitted 19/09/2018
17/01466/F 26/07/2017 Full Development Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Addition of approximately 310m of metal 'field' style railings painted black (Retrospective) Refused 02/10/2017
18/00422/DISC 24/10/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Village Centre North Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of condition 33 (noise assessment) of 10/01642/OUT-Village Centre North Permitted 15/11/2018
18/00073/NMA 19/06/2018 Non Material Amendments Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 5HD Amended front door design (Plot 181); Fenestration amendments to front elevation to provide consistent window opening size (Plot 181); Deletion of velux window from front elevation (Plot 181); Provision of glazed balcony on top of single storey element with associated first floor fenestration amendments (Plot 181); Insertion of first floor window (Plot 173) (proposed as non-material amendment to 10/01642/OUT) Permitted 09/06/2023
18/00479/DISC 05/12/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Discharge of Condition 25 (verification report) of 10/01642/OUT (Village Centre (North) only) Permitted 30/05/2023
13/00070/SO 17/10/2013 Screening Opinion Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Screening Opinion for 13/01584/F - Erection of 69 dwellings with associated car parking, infrastructure and landscaping, provision of public open space, play areas and flood attenuation Application Disposed Of 06/11/2018
18/00466/DISC 23/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 8 (Trident) Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of condition 42 (fire hydrants) of 10/01642/OUT-Phase 8-Trident Permitted 18/01/2019
18/00467/DISC 23/11/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Phase 8b-Trident Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial discharge of conditions 45 (levels) of 10/01642/OUT-Phase 8b-Trident Permitted 17/01/2019
19/00024/DISC 18/01/2019 Discharge Of Conditions Village Centre North Heyford Park Camp Road Upper Heyford Bicester OX25 5HD Partial Discharge of Condition 12 of 10/01642/OUT (scheme of landscaping-Village Centre North) Permitted 18/03/2019

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
17/00076/REFAPP 25/01/2018 Appeal against Refusal Heyford Park Parcel B2A Camp Road Upper Heyford Addition of approximately 310m of metal 'field' style railings painted black (Retrospective) Appeal Dismissed

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