Planning register

Planning Appeal - 17/00074/REFAPP

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Part Land On The North East Side Of Gavray Drive Bicester
OUTLINE - Residential development of up to 180 dwellings to include affordable housing, public open space, localised land remodelling, compensatory flood storage and structural planting
Appeal Determined
Bicester South And Ambrosden
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Appeals Case Officer
Venue (if applicable)
Council Chamber, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Appeal Dismissed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Application Forms
Application Document 12/01/2017 Publicity (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 neighbour maps (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 neighbour consult (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 property history (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 checklist/cons/publcity (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 app form (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 info map (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 footpath map (0kb) -
Application Document 15/05/2015 Site notice (0kb) -
Application Document 10/07/2017 site visit (0kb) -
Supporting Documents
Flood Risk Assessment 15/05/2015 Flood risk assessment (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 28/03/2017 Biodiversity Metric GDE (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 28/03/2017 Biodiversity Metric GDW (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 06/04/2017 3/4/17 - Biodiversity Impact Assessment metric Guidance (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 17 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 16 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 15 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 14 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 13 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 12 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES Figs & appendices pt 11 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 10 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 9 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 8 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 7 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 6 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 5 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 4 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & apendices pt 3 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & apendices pt 2 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES figs & appendices pt 1 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Environmental Statement (redacted) (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport statement pt 13 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport statement pt 12 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport statement pt 11 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport assessment pt 10 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport Assessment pt 9 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport assessment pt 5 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport assessment pt 4 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport assessment pt 3 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport assessment pt 2 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 18/05/2018 ES Addemdum (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Framework travel plan (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport assessment pt 1 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 ES non technical summary (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 18/05/2018 Transport Assessment Addendum pt 2 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 18/05/2018 Transport Assessment Addendum pt 1 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 18/05/2018 Transport assessment addendum pt 4 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 18/05/2018 ES Tranport Assessment Addendum pt 3 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/09/2015 Energy Statement 11/9/15 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Transport assessment pt 8 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport assessment pt 7 (0kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 Tranport Assessment pt 6 (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/05/2015 Planning statement (0kb) -
Supporting Documents 15/05/2015 Design and Access statement (0kb) -
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 15/05/2015 14A site plan (0kb) -
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout 05/04/2017 Parameters Plan (0kb) -
Site Location Plan 15/05/2015 15A site location (0kb) -
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details 29/05/2015 10 Proposed acccess visibility splay analysis (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/05/2015 09B site access (0kb) -
Plans – Details 15/05/2015 parameter plan (0kb) -
Plans – Miscellaneous 12/04/2017 East Illurstrative masterplan (0kb) -
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response 28/03/2017 Ecology comments 28-03-17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 11/11/2015 Ecology 20/7/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 11/11/2015 Ecology 23/10/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 11/06/2015 Landscape Architect 9/6/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 02/05/2017 BBO Wildlife Trust - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 04/06/2015 Natural England 03/06/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 05/06/2015 Bicester town council - 03-06-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 05/06/2015 OCC - Various - 04.06.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/06/2015 Thames Valley Police attachment 21/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/06/2015 Thames Valley Police attachment 21/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 03/06/2015 Thames Valley Police 21/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 16/05/2017 OCCMAJ - 12.05.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 16/05/2017 OCCMAJ - 12.05.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 26/04/2017 Natural England - 25.04.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 24/06/2015 Recreational & Communities - 23-06-15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 20/05/2015 Community Development 19/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 20/05/2015 Community Development 19/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 20/05/2015 Public Art 18/5/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 27/11/2015 Planning Policy 26/11/15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 23/07/2015 Network Rail - 22.07.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 23/03/2017 OCC Revised response - 23.03.17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 27/05/2015 Waste & Recycling - 18.05.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 28/05/2015 Natural England - 22.05.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 21/05/2015 Community Services - 19.05.20215 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 28/04/2017 Bicester Town Council 25/4/17 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 19/06/2015 Environment Agency - 15.06.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 19/06/2015 Environment Agency - 15.06.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 19/06/2015 BBOWT - 12.06.2015 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 16/06/2015 Landscape Architect - 05.06.15 (0kb) -
Consultation Response 29/05/2015 Thames Water 29/05/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments
Public Comments 12/04/2017 Letter from EDP 28-03-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 12/06/2015 Omar T, 12/06/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/06/2015 Patricia Clissold - 29.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 28/05/2015 Returned envelope 27/5/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Graham, M - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Spellar, A - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Dunne, B - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Dunne, B - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Arnold, A - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Moles, P - 01.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Bicester Local History Society Committee - 30.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 12/04/2017 Woodfield, Dominic - 07.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/04/2017 Shepherd, E - 27.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Laurie, Mr Richard - 22.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Mitchell, C - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 19/06/2018 returned letter (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Matthews, T - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Mallows, R - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Ford, Alexander - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Cromarty, Anne Marie - 03.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 28/04/2017 Lee-Heung, Mr Richard - 27.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 28/04/2017 Stachowiak, Mrs Annette - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 18/04/2017 Clissold, P - 14.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 18/04/2017 Watts, L - 13.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 18/04/2017 Reid, M - 13.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 13/04/2017 Clissold, Patricia - 12.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 13/04/2017 Knies-Bamforth, Ulrike - 12.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 13/04/2017 Clissold, Patricia - 12.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 31/03/2017 Attachment with J Roberts Email 30-03-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 31/03/2017 John Roberts 30-03-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 12/05/2017 Wild Oxfordshire 08/05/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 08/05/2017 Foster, Mrs Beatrice - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Howse, C - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Roesen, K - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Ponsford, R - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 31/03/2017 Woodfield, Dominic - 29.03.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Penhearow, Elisabeth - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 11/04/2017 Clissold, Patricia - 10.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 23/11/2016 Woodfield D - 23-11-16 (0kb) -
Public Comments 24/06/2015 Dominic Woodfield - Bioscan - 16.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/05/2015 Patricia Clissold - 25.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/05/2015 Patricia Clissold - 20.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/05/2015 Pat Clissold - 26.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 28/03/2017 Save Gavray Meadows Campaign - 28.03.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 16/06/2015 Woodfield D - 16.06.15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 04/06/2015 Butterfly Conservation 01/06/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 19/05/2015 Rogers R&B, 19/05/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/06/2015 Matt Reid - 05.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 04/06/2015 Kingdon J 02/06/15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Buckley, A - 04.05.7 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Belton, I - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 05/05/2017 Court, C - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 04/05/2017 Drinkwater, E - 03.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 04/05/2017 Wills, J - 04.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Woodfield/Officer 1 27/4/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 15/05/2017 Returned envelope 15/5/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/04/2017 Holt, J 26/04/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Bowles, Mr Nick - 25.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Woodward 27/4/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Jmaes, M - 30.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 James, S - 30.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Hall, S - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 22/09/2015 Woodfield 21.09.15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/05/2015 Dominic Woodfield - Bioscan - 21.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/05/2015 Lee Godber - 21.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/05/2015 Lee Godber - 21.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/05/2015 Patricia Clissold - 20.05.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 27/04/2017 Holt, J 26/04/17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Howse, Mrs C - 25.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Laurie, Richard - 22.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Mason, Mr Chris - 24.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Lloyd, Mr Stephen - 23.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 Read, Mrs Samantha - 21.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 26/04/2017 British Bakels - 25.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 08/05/2017 Morgan, Miss J - 06.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 22/09/2015 Woodfield 21.09.15 (0kb) -
Public Comments 28/11/2016 Woodfield 23/11/16 (0kb) -
Public Comments 12/07/2018 returned letter (0kb) -
Public Comments 11/06/2015 Rena Bradley - 05.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 09/06/2015 Pamela Roberts - 05.06.2015 (0kb) -
Public Comments 17/05/2017 H Phillips 11-05-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Wilde, S - 03.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Woodfield, D - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Woodfield, Dominic - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Woodford attachment 2/5/17 - Biodiversity Impact Assessment calculator (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Dominic Woodfield 02-05-17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Clissold, P - 03.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Arnold, J - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Dawson, S - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Brown, I - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Edwards, J - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 03/05/2017 Arnold, J - 02.05.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 21/04/2017 Groves, P - 20.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 10/04/2017 Clissold, Patricia - 10.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 02/05/2017 Whadcoat, V - 28.04.17 (0kb) -
Public Comments 12/04/2017 Wesselbaum, Anthony - 11.04.17 (0kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 22/06/2017 15.06.2017 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 BBOWT - Proof of Evidence Appendices 3-5 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 BBOWT - Proof of Evidence Appendices 1-2 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 BBOWT - Summary (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 PINS notice of appeal start date 28/12/2017 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 19/04/2018 Officer to PINS 19-04-18 - Statement regarding environmental statement (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 27/02/2018 Rule 6 - BBOWT (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 17/07/2018 PINS Notice of appeal Decision 16.07.18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 BBOWT - Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 Butterfly Conservation letter of representation (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/02/2018 PINS notice of Rule 6 - Save Gavray Meadows Campaign 23/01/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/02/2018 PINS notice of Rule 6 - CPRE Cherwell South District 08/02/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 07/02/2018 PINS noitce of Rule 6 - BBOWT 31/01/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 07/02/2018 Rule 6 - Bioscan (UK) Ltd - Statement of Case of Dominic Woodfield (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 10/01/2018 PINS notice of Rule 6 - Bioscan (UK) Ltd - Dominic Woodfield - 10/01/2018 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/06/2018 Statement of Comm Ground 24.04.18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 13/06/2018 Dominic Woodfield - Supplementary proof of evidence (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/02/2018 PINS notice of 3rd party comments 13/02/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/03/2018 Rule 6 - Butterfly Conservation (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/03/2018 Rule 6 - Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 22/03/2018 Bioscan response to PINS re Appellant letter 21/03/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 22/03/2018 Appellant to PINS 21-03-18 - Response to Save Gavray Drive Meadows Statement of Case (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 23/01/2018 Returned envelope 18/1/17 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 Dominic Woodfield - Proof of Evidence Appendices (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 31/05/2018 Dominic Woodfield - Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - EIA Site notice (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Site notice (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Consult list - responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Neighbour list - responses (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - 1st Notification letter (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/02/2018 Inquiry bespoke programme 08/02/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 08/02/2018 PINS notice of Rule 6 - Butterfly Conservation 08/02/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Saved Policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Saved Policies (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 02/01/2018 F - Constraints map (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 15/06/2018 LWS and Land ownership plan (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 07/03/2018 Rule 6 - Save Gavray Meadows (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 23/01/2018 Returned envelope 2/1/18 (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/06/2018 OCC R123 statement (0kb) -
Appeal Documents 18/06/2018 OCC updated R122 statement (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/05/2018 Appellant Proof of Evidence Volume I Final Main text (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/05/2018 Appellant Summary Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/05/2018 Appellant Proof of Evidence Voulme II Final Appendices (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 31/05/2018 Appellants Proof of Evidence Volume III Final Summary (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 13/06/2018 Apellant Rebuttal proof of evidence (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 13/06/2018 Appellant proof of evidence Appendix 4 - Final rebuttal (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 18/06/2018 Appellant Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeals – Appellants Evidence 02/01/2018 Rule 6 - Appellant statement of case (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 02/01/2018 Appellant appeal form (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence Appendix 3 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence Appendix 3 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 2 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 2 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 1 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 1 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 29/05/2018 Planning Witness Proof of Evidence (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 19/02/2018 Rule 6 - Local Planning Authority (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 19/02/2018 Rule 6 - Local Planning Authority (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 09/01/2018 F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - SLE4 BSC1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 ESD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 Bicester 13 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 09/01/2018 F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - SLE4 BSC1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 ESD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 Bicester 13 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 02/01/2018 F - Local Plan 1996 - C 8 28 30 31 ENV 1 12 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 02/01/2018 F - Local Plan 1996 - C 8 28 30 31 ENV 1 12 (0kb) -
Appeals – Council’s Evidence 02/01/2018 LPA Questionniare (0kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 22/06/2017 22.06.2017 (0kb) -
Decision 17/07/2018 Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed 16.07.18 (0kb) -
Decision 28/06/2017 EIA decison statement (0kb) -
Appeals Documents
Superseded 02/01/2018 SUPERSEDED Inquiry Bespoke Programme (0kb) -
Application Forms
Application Document (0kb) - Publicity
Application Document (0kb) - neighbour maps
Application Document (0kb) - neighbour consult
Application Document (0kb) - property history
Application Document (0kb) - checklist/cons/publcity
Application Document (0kb) - app form
Application Document (0kb) - info map
Application Document (0kb) - footpath map
Application Document (0kb) - Site notice
Application Document (0kb) - site visit
Supporting Documents
Flood Risk Assessment (0kb) - Flood risk assessment
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Biodiversity Metric GDE
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Biodiversity Metric GDW
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - 3/4/17 - Biodiversity Impact Assessment metric Guidance
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 17
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 16
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 15
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 14
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 13
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 12
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES Figs & appendices pt 11
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 10
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 9
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 8
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 7
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 6
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 5
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 4
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & apendices pt 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & apendices pt 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES figs & appendices pt 1
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Environmental Statement (redacted)
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport statement pt 13
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport statement pt 12
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport statement pt 11
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport assessment pt 10
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport Assessment pt 9
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport assessment pt 5
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport assessment pt 4
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport assessment pt 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport assessment pt 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES Addemdum
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Framework travel plan
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport assessment pt 1
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES non technical summary
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport Assessment Addendum pt 2
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport Assessment Addendum pt 1
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport assessment addendum pt 4
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - ES Tranport Assessment Addendum pt 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Energy Statement 11/9/15
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Transport assessment pt 8
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport assessment pt 7
Reports – Miscellaneous (0kb) - Tranport Assessment pt 6
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Planning statement
Supporting Documents (0kb) - Design and Access statement
Site Plans
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - 14A site plan
Plans – Block Plan/Site Layout (0kb) - Parameters Plan
Site Location Plan (0kb) - 15A site location
Proposed Plans
Plans – Details (0kb) - 10 Proposed acccess visibility splay analysis
Plans – Details (0kb) - 09B site access
Plans – Details (0kb) - parameter plan
Plans – Miscellaneous (0kb) - East Illurstrative masterplan
Consultee Responses
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ecology comments 28-03-17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ecology 20/7/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Ecology 23/10/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Architect 9/6/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - BBO Wildlife Trust - 28.04.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Natural England 03/06/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester town council - 03-06-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC - Various - 04.06.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Valley Police attachment 21/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Valley Police attachment 21/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Valley Police 21/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCCMAJ - 12.05.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCCMAJ - 12.05.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Natural England - 25.04.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Recreational & Communities - 23-06-15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Community Development 19/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Community Development 19/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Public Art 18/5/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Planning Policy 26/11/15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Network Rail - 22.07.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - OCC Revised response - 23.03.17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Waste & Recycling - 18.05.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Natural England - 22.05.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Community Services - 19.05.20215
Consultation Response (0kb) - Bicester Town Council 25/4/17
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency - 15.06.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Environment Agency - 15.06.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - BBOWT - 12.06.2015
Consultation Response (0kb) - Landscape Architect - 05.06.15
Consultation Response (0kb) - Thames Water 29/05/15
Public Comments
Public Comments (0kb) - Letter from EDP 28-03-17
Public Comments (0kb) - Omar T, 12/06/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Patricia Clissold - 29.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Returned envelope 27/5/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Graham, M - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Spellar, A - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Dunne, B - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Dunne, B - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Arnold, A - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Moles, P - 01.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Bicester Local History Society Committee - 30.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield, Dominic - 07.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Shepherd, E - 27.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Laurie, Mr Richard - 22.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Mitchell, C - 28.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - returned letter
Public Comments (0kb) - Matthews, T - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Mallows, R - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Ford, Alexander - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Cromarty, Anne Marie - 03.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Lee-Heung, Mr Richard - 27.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Stachowiak, Mrs Annette - 28.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, P - 14.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Watts, L - 13.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Reid, M - 13.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, Patricia - 12.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Knies-Bamforth, Ulrike - 12.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, Patricia - 12.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Attachment with J Roberts Email 30-03-17
Public Comments (0kb) - John Roberts 30-03-17
Public Comments (0kb) - Wild Oxfordshire 08/05/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Foster, Mrs Beatrice - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Howse, C - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Roesen, K - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Ponsford, R - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield, Dominic - 29.03.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Penhearow, Elisabeth - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, Patricia - 10.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield D - 23-11-16
Public Comments (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield - Bioscan - 16.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Patricia Clissold - 25.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Patricia Clissold - 20.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Pat Clissold - 26.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Save Gavray Meadows Campaign - 28.03.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield D - 16.06.15
Public Comments (0kb) - Butterfly Conservation 01/06/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Rogers R&B, 19/05/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Matt Reid - 05.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Kingdon J 02/06/15
Public Comments (0kb) - Buckley, A - 04.05.7
Public Comments (0kb) - Belton, I - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Court, C - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Drinkwater, E - 03.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Wills, J - 04.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield/Officer 1 27/4/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Returned envelope 15/5/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Holt, J 26/04/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Bowles, Mr Nick - 25.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodward 27/4/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Jmaes, M - 30.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - James, S - 30.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Hall, S - 28.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield 21.09.15
Public Comments (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield - Bioscan - 21.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Lee Godber - 21.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Lee Godber - 21.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Patricia Clissold - 20.05.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Holt, J 26/04/17
Public Comments (0kb) - Howse, Mrs C - 25.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Laurie, Richard - 22.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Mason, Mr Chris - 24.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Lloyd, Mr Stephen - 23.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Read, Mrs Samantha - 21.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - British Bakels - 25.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Morgan, Miss J - 06.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield 21.09.15
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield 23/11/16
Public Comments (0kb) - returned letter
Public Comments (0kb) - Rena Bradley - 05.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - Pamela Roberts - 05.06.2015
Public Comments (0kb) - H Phillips 11-05-17
Public Comments (0kb) - Wilde, S - 03.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield, D - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodfield, Dominic - 28.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Woodford attachment 2/5/17 - Biodiversity Impact Assessment calculator
Public Comments (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield 02-05-17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, P - 03.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Arnold, J - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Dawson, S - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Brown, I - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Edwards, J - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Arnold, J - 02.05.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Groves, P - 20.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Clissold, Patricia - 10.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Whadcoat, V - 28.04.17
Public Comments (0kb) - Wesselbaum, Anthony - 11.04.17
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (0kb) - 15.06.2017
Appeal Documents
Appeal Documents (0kb) - BBOWT - Proof of Evidence Appendices 3-5
Appeal Documents (0kb) - BBOWT - Proof of Evidence Appendices 1-2
Appeal Documents (0kb) - BBOWT - Summary
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of appeal start date 28/12/2017
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Officer to PINS 19-04-18 - Statement regarding environmental statement
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Rule 6 - BBOWT
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS Notice of appeal Decision 16.07.18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - BBOWT - Proof of Evidence
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Butterfly Conservation letter of representation
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of Rule 6 - Save Gavray Meadows Campaign 23/01/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of Rule 6 - CPRE Cherwell South District 08/02/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS noitce of Rule 6 - BBOWT 31/01/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Rule 6 - Bioscan (UK) Ltd - Statement of Case of Dominic Woodfield
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of Rule 6 - Bioscan (UK) Ltd - Dominic Woodfield - 10/01/2018
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Statement of Comm Ground 24.04.18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield - Supplementary proof of evidence
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of 3rd party comments 13/02/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Rule 6 - Butterfly Conservation
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Rule 6 - Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Bioscan response to PINS re Appellant letter 21/03/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Appellant to PINS 21-03-18 - Response to Save Gavray Drive Meadows Statement of Case
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Returned envelope 18/1/17
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield - Proof of Evidence Appendices
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Dominic Woodfield - Proof of Evidence
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - EIA Site notice
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Site notice
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Consult list - responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Neighbour list - responses
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - 1st Notification letter
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Inquiry bespoke programme 08/02/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - PINS notice of Rule 6 - Butterfly Conservation 08/02/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Saved Policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Saved Policies
Appeal Documents (0kb) - F - Constraints map
Appeal Documents (0kb) - LWS and Land ownership plan
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Rule 6 - Save Gavray Meadows
Appeal Documents (0kb) - Returned envelope 2/1/18
Appeal Documents (0kb) - OCC R123 statement
Appeal Documents (0kb) - OCC updated R122 statement
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Proof of Evidence Volume I Final Main text
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Summary Proof of Evidence
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Proof of Evidence Voulme II Final Appendices
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellants Proof of Evidence Volume III Final Summary
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Apellant Rebuttal proof of evidence
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant proof of evidence Appendix 4 - Final rebuttal
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Appellant Proof of Evidence
Appeals – Appellants Evidence (0kb) - Rule 6 - Appellant statement of case
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Appellant appeal form
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning Witness Proof of Evidence Appendix 3
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning Witness Proof of Evidence Appendix 3
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 2
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 2
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 1
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning wintess proof of evidence appendix 1
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning Witness Proof of Evidence
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Planning Witness Proof of Evidence
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Rule 6 - Local Planning Authority
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - Rule 6 - Local Planning Authority
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - SLE4 BSC1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 ESD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 Bicester 13
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 2011-2031 - SLE4 BSC1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 ESD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 Bicester 13
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 1996 - C 8 28 30 31 ENV 1 12
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - F - Local Plan 1996 - C 8 28 30 31 ENV 1 12
Appeals – Council’s Evidence (0kb) - LPA Questionniare
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (0kb) - 22.06.2017
Decision (0kb) - Appeal Decision - Appeal Dismissed 16.07.18
Decision (0kb) - EIA decison statement
Planning Application Documents
Superseded (0kb) - SUPERSEDED Inquiry Bespoke Programme

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
15/00215/DISC 03/06/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Oxford To Bicester Rail Link Islip Station Bletchingdon Road Islip Partial Discharge of Condition 13 - Surface Water Drainage Assessment (SWDA) for Islip Station Works (AP11) of TWA/10/APP/01 Permitted 16/07/2015
15/00837/OUT 11/05/2015 Outline Application Part Land On The North East Side Of Gavray Drive Bicester OUTLINE - Residential development of up to 180 dwellings to include affordable housing, public open space, localised land remodelling, compensatory flood storage and structural planting Appeal Dismissed (Against Refusal) 22/06/2017
15/00533/DISC 23/12/2015 Discharge Of Conditions Oxford To Bicester Rail Link Buckingham Road Bicester Partial discharge of Condition 13 (Drainage) in relation to AP2 and AP3 of TWA/10/APP/01. Permitted 12/02/2016
18/00376/DISC 11/09/2018 Discharge Of Conditions Oxford To Bicester Rail Link Buckingham Road Bicester Discharge of condition 7, Part 2, Item (c) of TWA/10/APP/01 Permitted 24/10/2018
17/00086/DISC 17/02/2017 Discharge Of Conditions Oxford To Bicester Rail Link Buckingham Road Bicester Partial discharge of condition 19 Part 13 (Noise assessment) of 10/00023/TWA for Section D Oddington Crossing Permitted 24/03/2017

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
17/00074/REFAPP 28/12/2017 Appeal against Refusal Part Land On The North East Side Of Gavray Drive Bicester OUTLINE - Residential development of up to 180 dwellings to include affordable housing, public open space, localised land remodelling, compensatory flood storage and structural planting Appeal Dismissed

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