Planning register

Planning Appeal - 05/00057/REFAPP

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Reference Number
Planning Inspectorate Reference
Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Bicester Oxon
Outline - B1 Office development with associated parking, turning and landscaping areas (as supported by additional information received 14/10/05)
Appeal Determined
Start Date
Comments to PINS Due
Appeal Procedure
Planning Case Officer
Appeals Case Officer
Venue (if applicable)
Appeal Allowed
Decision Date

To view individual documents, click on the highlighted document title. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all the documents, place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files.

Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous 17/10/2005 Ecological Appraisal (20685kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Fig 3 (181kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Fig 3 (128kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assessment Rev C (10891kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 14/10/2005 Archaeological Evaluation report (8203kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Appendix A-D (109kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Fig 6 (1105kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Fig 5 (810kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 12/12/2005 Flood Risk Assess Fig 4 (72kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/08/2005 PART 2 of Rev B (2708kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/08/2005 PART 2 of Rev B (4476kb) -
Reports – Miscellaneous 15/08/2005 Flood Risk Assessment Rev B (11748kb) -
Reports – Traffic I.A. 15/08/2005 PART 2 (12541kb) -
Reports – Traffic I.A. 15/08/2005 DIAGRAM 2 (23970kb) -
Reports – Traffic I.A. 15/08/2005 DIAGRAM 1 (21985kb) -
Reports – Traffic I.A. 15/08/2005 Rev A (8710kb) -
Site Plans
Site Location Plan 15/08/2005 A3 (644kb) -
Site Location Plan 15/08/2005 A4 (689kb) -
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys 15/08/2005 Flood Zones (1806kb) -
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report 12/12/2005 (665kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision 20/03/2007 Appeals 19/3/07 (862kb) -
Decision 19/03/2007 Appeals 19/03/07 (607kb) -
Decision 12/12/2005 11/11/05 (96kb) -
Decision 07/08/2008 (862kb) -
Appeals Documents
5632681.tif 18/08/2009 Agent 17/8/09 (81kb) -
Supporting Documents
Reports – Miscellaneous (20685kb) - Ecological Appraisal
Reports – Miscellaneous (181kb) - Flood Risk Assess Fig 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (128kb) - Flood Risk Assess Fig 3
Reports – Miscellaneous (10891kb) - Flood Risk Assessment Rev C
Reports – Miscellaneous (8203kb) - Archaeological Evaluation report
Reports – Miscellaneous (109kb) - Flood Risk Assess Appendix A-D
Reports – Miscellaneous (1105kb) - Flood Risk Assess Fig 6
Reports – Miscellaneous (810kb) - Flood Risk Assess Fig 5
Reports – Miscellaneous (72kb) - Flood Risk Assess Fig 4
Reports – Miscellaneous (2708kb) - PART 2 of Rev B
Reports – Miscellaneous (4476kb) - PART 2 of Rev B
Reports – Miscellaneous (11748kb) - Flood Risk Assessment Rev B
Reports – Traffic I.A. (12541kb) - PART 2
Reports – Traffic I.A. (23970kb) - DIAGRAM 2
Reports – Traffic I.A. (21985kb) - DIAGRAM 1
Reports – Traffic I.A. (8710kb) - Rev A
Site Plans
Site Location Plan (644kb) - A3
Site Location Plan (689kb) - A4
Existing Plans
Plans – Sections/Surveys (1806kb) - Flood Zones
Officer/Committee Consideration
Officer Report (665kb) -
Decision and Legal Agreements
Decision (862kb) - Appeals 19/3/07
Decision (607kb) - Appeals 19/03/07
Decision (96kb) - 11/11/05
Decision (862kb) -
Planning Application Documents
5632681.tif (81kb) - Agent 17/8/09

Planning Applications

Application number Valid Date Application Type Location Proposal Decision Decision Issued Date
05/01563/OUT 08/08/2005 Outline Application Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Bicester Oxon Outline - B1 Office development with associated parking, turning and landscaping areas (as supported by additional information received 14/10/05) Refused 11/11/2005
09/01659/REM 18/11/2009 Matters Arising From Outline Approval Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Bicester Oxon Reserved Matters (Ref: Outline 05/01563/OUT) B1 Office development with associated parking, turning and landscaping areas - (As amended by plans received 9 December 2010) Permitted 20/05/2011
10/00324/OUT 16/03/2010 Outline Application Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Oxfordshire Erection of 5857 sqm of B1 Office development with associated parking, turning and landscaping areas (renewal of 05/01563/OUT) Application Withdrawn 25/08/2011
13/00372/OUT 18/03/2013 Outline Application Land North East Of Junction Of Launton Road Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire Construction of 61 bed care home (Use Class C2) together with ancillary accommodation including café, hair salon and shop and associated development including car parking and servicing arrangements Permitted 17/06/2013
15/00001/SCOP 01/07/2015 Scoping Opinion East West Rail Network Phase 2 The Scheme Railway From London Road Bicester To Station Road Launton Scoping Opinion - Proposed Network Rail East West Railway Phase 2 Order. Scoping Opinion Issued 03/08/2015
15/00009/SO 02/02/2015 Screening Opinion Land North East Of Skimmingdish Lane Launton Oxfordshire Sreening Opinion - Flexible mix of Class B employment uses Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 05/06/2015
21/02286/F 30/06/2021 Full Development Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Construction of a coffee unit with drive-thru facility and indoor seating with associated access, car parking, landscaping and servicing parking Permitted 01/05/2024
21/02345/SO 30/06/2021 Screening Opinion Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Screening opinion to 21/02286/F - Construction of a coffee unit with drive-thru facility and indoor seating with associated access, car parking, landscaping and servicing parking Screening Opinion not requesting EIA 08/07/2021

Appeal Applications

Appeal number Appeal Start Date Appeal Type Location Proposal Decision
05/00057/REFAPP 20/03/2006 Appeal against Refusal Land North West Of Launton Road Roundabout Adjoining Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Bicester Oxon Outline - B1 Office development with associated parking, turning and landscaping areas (as supported by additional information received 14/10/05) Appeal Allowed

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